Giving up cheese



  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    Doesn't everything cause cancer, now?

    *enjoyed my cold white pizza for breakfast this morning*
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm trying to be vegan, so cheese is one of the things I am giving up. Most vegan recipes use some alternatives for cheese I never knew existed! The recipes I've tried have been delicious! It's difficult to find things without cheese when I go out to eat, though. I've decided a little real cheese once in a while, and only if I'm eating in a restaurant, is ok. Veganism is a choice, not a religion!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I've reduced my cheese intake drastically over the past 2 years and now have no problem being completely satisfied with a very small amount. I hope you're able to conquer your addiction, I know it's tough to do. Good luck!

    Great subject, some real interesting replies, lol.

    I LOVE your picture!
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Cheese, glorious cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese...

    Don't care what it looks like! (Or smells like!)
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    I have reduced my cheese intake to avoid fat. I eat it maybe once or twice a week. Funny thing is the longer I am away from it the worst it seems to taste. I had cut it out completely for about 6 months than decided to have just a little and when I did it really tasted kind of gummy/chewy/oily/greasy. I still like good pizza or ravioli, but I really don't miss it that much anymore.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i heart you :( i have to give up white rice and i loveeee it...its my trigger food and i turn into a zombie around it...have to give it up forever if i want to look good
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'd just like to offer a counter point to all those never give up cheese comments...I thought I could never give up cheese, that I "just loved it too much." Then I went a couple of months without it, now I don't even like it anymore. My case may be different from yours though, since I wanted to give up cheese for ethical reasons--none the less, I can honestly say, I don't miss it, and when I last had a bite about 6 months ago, I found it gross.
  • PaprikaPrincess
    PaprikaPrincess Posts: 89 Member
    Cabot extra sharp cheddar is delicious and I can eat a bit and be satisfied.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm trying to be vegan, so cheese is one of the things I am giving up. Most vegan recipes use some alternatives for cheese I never knew existed! The recipes I've tried have been delicious! It's difficult to find things without cheese when I go out to eat, though. I've decided a little real cheese once in a while, and only if I'm eating in a restaurant, is ok. Veganism is a choice, not a religion!

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but most of the vegan recipes I have/use do not use a substitute for cheese--cheese just isn't in that many foods (unless you're a cheese obsessed American). That said, there are some good vegan cheese substitutes, and the longer you go without cheese, the better they taste. That said, the best of these (e.g. Daiya, cashew cream with nutritional yeast) are pretty high in fat and calories, so you want to use them sparingly.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'd just like to offer a counter point to all those never give up cheese comments...I thought I could never give up cheese, that I "just loved it too much." Then I went a couple of months without it, now I don't even like it anymore. My case may be different from yours though, since I wanted to give up cheese for ethical reasons--none the less, I can honestly say, I don't miss it, and when I last had a bite about 6 months ago, I found it gross.
    This is true of all foods, though. You crave what you eat regularly, and don't particularly want stuff you don't. The tastebuds renew themselves every 21 days or something like that.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
  • murphey05
    I agree with alot of the other posts here, cheese is a neccessity for me. I love cheese, but I buy the individually wrapped light string cheese or the baby bell cheese. The other cheese I really like is the light laughing cow cheese wedges. They are individually wrapped and I believe only 35 calories a wedge. Now that cheese is creamy, so you couldn't eat that just by itself, ok I guess you could, but on toast or crackers it great.
  • healthywtb
    healthywtb Posts: 80 Member
    I cannot eat milk products now - but when I could, I added a lot of calories from cheese. Here in the US, in many restaurants, cheese is added to so many things too.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I eat about an ounce worth of cheese per day on average. It's not a lot but it's very satisfying for me. However, some days I don't have any. I either eat Kraft or Bordon regular, or the Laughing Cow light wedges.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Cutting back is probably necessary if you are going to keep calories in check, but if you are going to include cheese in your diet I find it helps to choose sharp or strong tasting ones (old cheddar, real parmigiana reggiano, Gorgonzola, etc.) especially in cooking where a little will go a long way to flavour the food. Also, as someone said, get a digital scale a weigh it. An ounce, or 30g, depending on your measuring system, is probably more than you think.
    I'd stay away from the processed stuff, too...but that's just me.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Giving up cheese will be one of the best dietary decisions you have ever made. It does NOTHING positive for you, but it's physically addictive, fattening, cancer promoting, and causes constipation. There is no reason to ever eat it.

    WTF?! I lose weight and always have eating cheese...I just don't eat loads of it all the time...cottage cheese is a fave...lotsa protein in there...everything in moderation, I know it is cliche, but it is something I stand by now...
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    as long as it fits in to your callories eat i dont see a problem cheese milk wont make you FAT unless it goes over your callories
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    Ohhhhh, I know how you feel, I love my cheese too. Instead of giving it up completely I chose the to only have my favourite kind, which happens to be feta. I have a little bit each day and it helps satisfy my cheese craving and also gives a little salty tang to my soup or salad.

    And now when I eat out, having even a little bit of goat cheese feels like such a treat!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'd just like to offer a counter point to all those never give up cheese comments...I thought I could never give up cheese, that I "just loved it too much." Then I went a couple of months without it, now I don't even like it anymore. My case may be different from yours though, since I wanted to give up cheese for ethical reasons--none the less, I can honestly say, I don't miss it, and when I last had a bite about 6 months ago, I found it gross.
    I suspect your vegan, so basically yeah, you would have to find it gross otherwise you would be a rebel and not allowed into the sanctum. j/k

    This sounds suspiciously like inner sanctum envy.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Here is why I gave up cheese. I hope you have a few minutes to watch the video.

    It seems like (and I like how they left that part out) those are specialty cheeses you wouldnt find in most US stores.

    Those studies are mostly US based, one was Canadian, our neighbors up north. All backed by studies published by reputable medical journals.

    Eat what you like! You know my reasons, I don't want to eat cheese because the aroma and flavor is due to the mite poop!
    This is right up your alley........knowledge is power, this should load your gun and empty your stomach, just don't starve yourself.

    Nothing wrong with insects, it's insect poop that gives cheese the aroma and flavor. So, go for it.