is being skinny worth it?



  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    100% honestly - YES I am loosing weight to be "skinny".

    Shallow and silly of me, but I have NEVER EVER been small in my life. EVER! I remember in kindergarten being the largest kid in class, I remember all the torment and bulling I had to grow up with, how everyone picked on and abused me because I was fat.

    All the name calling, beating me up, looking down and belittling.... there are days I wonder how I survived it.

    So yes...

    I want to be small and make others envious of me for once, instead of the other way around.

    As I said... shallow and petty, yes. I'll 100% admit it.

    Hate me if you wish, I want to BE HAPPY for once in my life. Just freaking ONCE.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?"

    The whole use of the word "skinny" aside (because everyone gets ridiculously worked up over that word), YES, I absolutely think its worth all the work to look and feel great!

    Is it worth feeling crappy, bloated and down on yourself all the time just so you can continue to scarf down a bunch of crap that makes you happy for what....20 seconds? If you believe that eating healthy and working out equates to "not being truly happy", that is very unfortunate.

    I, for one, am VERY happy at my goal weight....and I hope you find what you are looking for in this 'journey' :flowerforyou:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I am willing to try new things but I do not eat things that I do not like... My favorite meal lately is fajitas that I make myself with sirloin, onion, bell pepper, cilantro, lime juice and pepper in La Tortilla Factory low carb tortilla... with homemade guacamole, pico de gallo and non-fat greek yogurt. Under 250 calories per fajita...
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?"

    Well, I enjoy the foods that I eat and I love the feeling I get after my workouts. I'm not sure where you are getting the information that "every thin" woman hates everything they eat and hates working out.

    what do men/women really think about skinny women, and what do you women think about society and feeling like you must achieve a certain body image to be considered attractive?

    No. I am happy with who I am. People need to stop focusing on everyone else and how they look, and focus on their own body. Honestly, I'm a bit too busy focusing on my health and goals to be caring about what the media says I need to look like.

    do you wish you could just eat and not exercise and let your body do what it wants and be happy like that, or do you feel content with eating diet foods or restricting calories, daily exercise, and feeling the pressure to be skinny?

    I enjoy exercising. I would feel terribly lazy if I just sat around all day. Also, I don't eat "diet" foods or feel restricted at all. I eat 1500-2000 calories a day. I think that this is something you need to figure out. This must be bothering you and your perception of thin women is a bit wonky.

    this is not meant to offend anyone of any body type, i'm just curious as to what you all think! society frustrates me sometimes. :p
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    Hate me if you wish, I want to BE HAPPY for once in my life. Just freaking ONCE.

    It kind of sounds more like you hate yourself. :( Simply being smaller will not make you happy.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I wish that I could just accept the overweight me and get on with my life. Many years ago I managed to get really slim but it involved aerobic classes every day of the week which was just not sustainable. It's really interesting to see everyone's comments. I guess that I just keep trying as I really would like to be slim again so that I can buy nice clothes and give myself the best chance of a long and healthy life.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Is changing your life to be fit and feel beautiful, worth it?

    this is from nerdfitness and its the best go to there ever was.

    Read the whole thing or prove you already dont care enough to follow through.

    It will require commitment and dedication.

    It will require you to say “no” sometimes.

    It will require sacrifice.

    It won’t be quick.

    It won’t be easy.

    It won’t be fun all of the time

    Your friends will laugh at you for doing things differently.

    Your coworkers will gawk and poke fun at your new eating habits.

    Your loved ones will call you crazy and ask you to “be normal.”

    You will have to change some habits.

    You will want to give up.

    You will want to go back to bed.

    You will want to say “eh, good enough.”

    And you will ask yourself: “is it really worth it?”

    You’re damn right is is.

    You will feel great when you set a new record for push ups.

    You will let out a rebel yell when doing your first pull up.

    You will feel awesome running faster this week than last week.

    You will be amazed at how far you’ve come when looking at old pictures.

    You will feel good when people ask “have you been working out?”

    You will smile when your kids say “I want to be strong like you!”

    You will be surprised when people come to you for fitness advice.

    You will feel pride when you look at yourself in the mirror.

    You will go to sleep knowing that you’re a better person today than you were yesterday.

    It is worth it.
  • Meowbear
    Food is now fuel, it is not the enemy. I no longer feel jealous of people who say they have dieted to be smaller then me as I feel there is more importance to strength and fitness rather than size.

  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    It's all about self confidence for me. I have NEVER liked my body, my life, or myself in general. I hated looking in the mirror, getting my picture taken, being introduced to new people, etc. Learning to eat right (not just the right foods but the right amount) and learning to enjoy exercise is one of the best things I have ever done for myself and my family!

    For me, at first this journey was about getting skinny and fitting into smaller clothes. Along the journey it became about making fitness goals for myself and feeling the awesome feeling of accomplishment when I met those goals. I have learned to like (still working on love) my body no matter it's shape and size. I walk with more bounce in my step and more confidence in my attitude. My overall emotional state is better...still have my bad days but I am actually not lying when I say I am happy most of the time.

    Taking control of your life and your health is totally worth it. At first it feels like work...after awhile it becomes a part of you. One thing that has been said over and over again...stop looking at it as a diet and start looking at it as a lifestyle change. Because that's what it really is. Eat foods you moderation. Relearn what good food tastes like. Some of us are so used to processed foods that we forgot how good a cucumber or orange can taste.

    You have to find what works for you. If there is something that you just can't live without (mine was coffee with french vanilla creamer) then don't live without it. Eventually, when I was ready, I was able to cut down on my consumption of coffee with creamer. Stil have it on weekends but not during the week.

    You got this! And yes YOU are worth it :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    really, is it worth all the time and effort that women put into eating foods they don't really love, exercising when they'd rather not, and just not being truly happy to be "skinny?"

    No, it's not worth it if it makes you miserable.

    The good news is you don't have to eat foods you don't really love or do exercise when you would rather not to be successful.

    I refuse to believe there is anyone out there who can't find an exercise they don't love with enough time. That's like saying you don't like to move. You may as well be paraplegic...
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    for me, it's not being skinny, it's being healthy, and it is so worth it =)
  • chapplish
    Skinny to look skinny (especially since most of the time people who look really really skinny look emaciated or unhealthy) no not worth the effort. Putting in the effort to get healthy, so that I can live a productive and healthy life. Worth every ounce of effort.
  • Drewillbeback111
    Enough said here... health, not skinny
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I don't think society loves "skinny" anymore. The Kate Moss models are long gone.

    Today's society is about being fit and healthy. Less people take up smoking, drink more responsibly, eat more natural and whole foods, and exercise a lot more than our predescesors.

    Is it worth it to know you're adding years to your life, and will be alive to see grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.? HECK YEA.

    Is it worth it to feel good all of the time, both physically and mentally? HECK YEA.

    Is it worth it to feel confident when you're shopping for a new outfit, and feel like you look great in it? HECK YEA.

    So overall I'd say, yes, it is worth it to be fit, healthy, and happy.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    No eating awful food and doing tasks you hate is jail, not life.

    But I only eat food I love and I walk and garden for exercise. I've lost 26 pounds. It's been painless except for the discipline of logging.

    Worth it? Absolutely.
  • Tinytaru
    Tinytaru Posts: 185 Member
    I want to be skinny but not ana-skinny and still be able to eat a pizza here and there
    unfortunately, the skinnies are treated better than overweight, like when you apply for a job, companies (almost always) pick the skinny over the "average"

    Do you have a source for this?

    well, a friend of my dad works in the staff department and before they even read the applications, they look at the photo and decide then if they even wanna see the rest of the application, and he said they reject the "ugly" and "fat" ones

    I also see it myself, I want a new job, keep applying (with great refenrences, skills etc) but I hardly get invited to interviews, ok here I don't know for sure its cos of my overweight, but its the only reason I could imagine so *shrug*

    (maybe its just the grumpy-me that sses everything pessimistic tho xD )

    When did you start having to have photos attached to your resumes?

    always have to in Germany ;x

    I even tried applying w/o photo and I didn't even get an answer at all :(

    So glad we don't have to do this! I look HORRIBLE in photos. Nothing like I look IRL.

    What is the logic behind that?
    Anything involving customers; the logic is the more attractive your staff, the more likely people are to spend time in your store/office buying your products.

    Wow. I have never, ever considered the aesthetic appeal of staff when choosing a store. I look at price and quality of product. I don't even know what staff will look like until I walk in and then I'm not looking at the people but the products themselves.

    What a shame. Is this the case, though, for a job that doesn't involve face time with customers?

    for me, I don't care what the staff looks like as long as they can help me if I have any questions

    but I am not even applying for jobs with customer contact (or only on the phone), but even there people make a decision on the look, and yes I look horrible on photos too lol
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    To mimic what other people have said: I'm not doing this to be "skinny." I'm doing this to be fit, healthy, and most importantly, to be confident in my own body. If that means being "skinny," then so be it.
  • cheddle
    cheddle Posts: 102 Member
    I eat whatever I want, and I enjoy my time at the gym... win win?
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    for me, obviously it is about looking attractive, but for myself. I want to like what I see in the mirrow w/ clothes and w/ no clothes ( TMI I know just being honest). It is also about having energy, not being so lathargic cus I just pigged out and ate all my kids school snack LOL