Jump rope burns more calories than any other exercise

Spensy Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there,
I am new to myfitnesspal.com and I want to share a simple but effective exercise with youu guys....

Jump rope has been consider a child's play from the beginning. But not any more, Jump rope has become a competitive sport and has huge importance all around the world as fat loss/fitness workout and a sport.
Here are some benifits of jump rope:
1, Increase your stamina and makes your reflexes fast.
2, Burns fat faster than any other workout on this planet(thats why boxers and athletes use this workout to train themselves for competetion).
3, 10 mins of jump rope at moderate speed is equivalent to 10 mins jogging/runing
60 mins of jump rope burns around 1200 calories. Making the most effective workout possible.

For beginners it would be really hard to jump rope and the will always trip over. Never ever give up, I am also a beginner and i started it just a few days a go but I feel fast and I dont get tired too early. Just dont be frustrated and keep on trying.
For jump rope training please search for Buddy lee's jump rope instructional video.



  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I've recently been adding jump rope to my circuit workouts. I'm still not very good at it, but it really does get my heart pumping!
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    i recently added jumping rope to my workout as well... so far i've done it 3-4 times, and i get better every time. i'm going on vacation next week and it's going to be so easy to throw my jumprope in a suitcase and take it with me for a quick workout.
  • If you have ever tried jumping rope as an adult you know why it is such a calorie burning workout, it's tough! I was in pretty good shape the last time I tried and almost killed myself going for two minutes lol. If you haven't tried jumping rope since you were a kid be prepared to be surprised! It's no longer the care free past time you did as a kid:tongue:
  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
    yes dont give up im also not good at it. If you are feeling bored while jump roping listing to songs that will keep u motivated......
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    lol......jump roping is hard!! havnt done it in a few yrs but when i was doing it man.....it tired me out quick!!! same with jumping jacks!! thought i was gonna die when i tried those!! lol!!!
  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
    Actually jump rope is far much better and fun than other cardiovascular exercises.:smile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    3, 10 mins of jump rope at moderate speed is equivalent to 10 mins jogging/runing
    60 mins of jump rope burns around 1200 calories. Making the most effective workout possible.

    If it's "equivalent" to jogging/running, how can it also be "best"?
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I don't know if it's BETTER than any other exercise... but it's certainly one of the top cardio exercises in my book.

    In the summer, I'll alternate hula hooping with jumping rope - particularly when I'm enjoying nice weather and cooking on my grill out on the back deck. If I cook for half an hour or 45 minutes I easily burn 2-300 calories.

    The neighbors probably think I'm nuts!
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member

    3, 10 mins of jump rope at moderate speed is equivalent to 10 mins jogging/runing
    60 mins of jump rope burns around 1200 calories. Making the most effective workout possible.

    If it's "equivalent" to jogging/running, how can it also be "best"?

  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
    Sorry my mistake 10 mins of jump rope is equivalent to 30 mins of jogging.....
    thanks for noticing
  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Someone find me a bra that will bind my chest so I don't blacken my eyes and I'm there :wink: :laugh:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Someone find me a bra that will bind my chest so I don't blacken my eyes and I'm there :wink: :laugh:

    I just pile on two sports bras. (As if ONE wasn't unflattering enough.) It does seem to keep things in place.
  • ncphat
    ncphat Posts: 2 Member
    Someone find me a bra that will bind my chest so I don't blacken my eyes and I'm there :wink: :laugh:

    I just pile on two sports bras. (As if ONE wasn't unflattering enough.) It does seem to keep things in place.

    I'm top heavy as well - I found a sport bra that works wonders. It really holds you and is very comfortable. Check out - https://www.myessentialbodywear.com/forms/frm_items.aspx
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I love jumping rope but last time I did it regularly, my calves got pretty big... not something I want, so I haven't been doing it. It did help with endurance, though. It helped me run harder & longer. :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi there,
    I am new to myfitnesspal.com and I want to share a simple but effective exercise with youu guys....

    3, 10 mins of jump rope at moderate speed is equivalent to 10 mins jogging/runing
    60 mins of jump rope burns around 1200 calories. Making the most effective workout possible.

    That's weird because I certainly wouldn't burn 1200 calories in an hour of jogging...
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Ok, so I was thinking about this jump roping thing this am while running and I came home and did a little calorie burning research. First off, both get heart rate going so that is great. Jumping rope does not train the body as overall as running or even walking does unless you are training like a boxer or professional athelete and using many movements to do the jumping (ie, one leg to the other double jumping etc).

    Please visit healthstatus.com and look at the calories burned estimator. You can put in your weight and the exercise done and it will give you a great estimate for calories burned. I did this today and here are the results

    One hour each activity:
    Jumping rope 1108 calories
    Running 5mph 933
    running 6mph 1108
    running 7mph 1268
    running 8mph 1487
    running 10mph 1982
    running 12 mph 2464

    Obviously, it depends on how fast you are running but if you have trained and you are running at more than 6 mph then keep running, and if you can't run for 6 mph then you are probably not jumping rope at a speed that would burn 1200 calories in an hour because you most likely don't have the stamina to do it at the level a professional athelete would. But if you want JUMP until your heart is content if that keeps you moving.
  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
    Sorry my mistake mam 10 mins of jump rope is equivalent to 30 mins of jogging.....

    and besides there is so many varitey in jump rope that u wont event get bored unlike running .... U can try out different variations each time start a your workout and mix them up just to keep u going + listen to some songs and its the best workout...
  • Spensy
    Spensy Posts: 13
    and also depends on how fast u jump rope.........
    this workout had changed my life in just a week..
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