Fighting a never ending battle. Im ready to raise the flag

Hey everyone,

I dont know where to really begin so ill just say what is on my mind. This will be my 4th attempt to lose weight (second time coming back to MFP) and I just feel like i cant do it. I am stuck in this vicsious never ending cycle and rut. I am just so tired of it and how it is such a hard struggle for me. I am so tired of it.

Doing the actual work out has never been a problem. I love doing both cardio and strength training. My biggest vices are time and food....

Its hard for me to plan to go workout. Between a full time job and a child, the only time i can go work out is at crack of dawn. I know I have to kick my self to get up but im just not a morning person, I have always liked working out after work. But I prefer to spend the little time left in the late evening with my son and wife.

Food.....i just love eating all types of food. After i get on a roll and am doing well, i always seem to break down and just go on a mad binge and absolutley sabatoge myself. My metabolism is so crappy, i promise you all i have to do is smell a brownie and just the molecules from it will make me gain 5 pounds. The first two times i began my journey to lose weight and better myself, i was really succesfull. I ended up losing well over 50+ pounds but I had to eat like a rabbitt and was on a strict 1500 cal limit.

Ive read a lot of books, articles tips from working out to nutrition and such. I know what is expected and has to be done but the same two road blocks continue to hit me over and over. Time and food. I know they say the number one reason people give up is when they make excuses for stuff. I dont want to make any......I am a male at age 28 6'0" and weigh over 280lbs. I am not getting any younger but I know the clock is ticking faster towards health problems if I dont do something very soon. I really need help :(


  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    You will never lose weight if you give up. Just keep at it...if you fail one day, start over the next. Just think of all the benefits of losing weight...especially having the energy to play with your son. You are right that you are not getting any five years, you will still be five years older, regardless of whether you lose weight. Wouldn't it be better to be five years older and more fit? Take it from me...I am 52 and been overweight for 26 years...half my doesn't get any easier when you get older!
  • BloodGeist
    Trust me ctgirlscout, I dont want to give up....I just dont know why its so damn hard.....
  • some1toluv
    some1toluv Posts: 6 Member
    what helped me was joining a weight loss competition. i dont know if they have any in your area but being more accountable (with weekly weigh ins) to someone other then myself..helped me stay focused. I was at a standstill with my weight loss since June but just recently lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks - what did it? the weight loss competion!

    also be aware of when you want to over eat. is it boredom? anxiety? depression? tackle the problem and dont turn to food for comfort. i know its hard but u will get through...
  • chinny88
    chinny88 Posts: 93 Member
    I know how this feels... I'm looking for friends on mfp to help motivate me :) and I in turn wish to help motivate them :) feel free to add me :)
  • emalem12
    emalem12 Posts: 10 Member
    I think you need a work out buddy. Support via the internet is great, but I know having like minded people keeping fit with me, it goes more smoothly. How about your family? Does your wife keep in shape? Also, in a way, your fitness level can benefit your relationship with your son. Regardless of how young he is, he can pick up on your mood, and if you are unhappy, that's not good for your family. Try making more sustainable changes, work out for shorter periods of time and don't eat quite so rabbit-like. Gotta form good habits!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Exercise is great, but diet is first and foremost. For me, until I chose a different food lifestyle not only could I NOT stick with restricting calories, I was also extremely sick. Don't give up, but keep an open mind and find a way that WORKS for you. Fighting hunger didn't work for me. There are ways to eat where the need to over-eat disappears and so do a whole bunch of other health problems, physical and psychological.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Your diary states that your daily goal is 1500 calories, and that you are a 28 year old male. Depending on your height, it sounds like you are trying to restrict your calories too low, and it's causing frustration that results in overeating. Try calculating your TDEE and subtracting 15% to get your daily goal -- I bet it's way more than 1,500/day and you can still lose weight.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    How old is your son? Is he in a stroller or is he big enough to ride a bike? How does your wife feel about going jogging with you after work? If your son is too young, stick him in the stroller and push and jog? (Your wife may opt to stay home and have a child free half hour - win win for you both). If he is too big for a stroller then how about he rides a bike while you jog next to him.

    If jogging is a bit too much yet, then take the above and make it a family walk instead.

    As for food, get a box and ask your wife to help you go through your food in the pantry. Put anything that the two of you agree is not for you in the box and take it to a donation centre. Feel good that you are doing something for your family and someone else's family at the same time.

    Another thing to try is look at any of the kids DVD's that your son has. Does he have anything like the Wiggles etc that do songs in concert/perform etc? If so, 'watch' it with your son and do all the movements the performers do. Your son will love it and join in and you will get one heck of a cardio workout. Your wife gets to watch and have a good giggle :)

    Good luck in your plans.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Hi. Breathe. Breathe again. You got this. Just relax and do what you need to do :flowerforyou:
  • yallcallmedeb
    I found it very helpful at the beginning of my journey was to follow the biggest loser diet plans from their cookbooks. They use a large variety of foods with brightly colored and visually appealing meals. I found it difficult to eat all of the food. Down side was the time to prepare meals
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Stop making excuses.
    Stop sets the foundation for failure.

    Choose, Take Action and Succeed.
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling defeated. Here is an idea for you...

    You don't have to do everything all at once. Since time is a factor for you, how about not going to a gym to work out for now? Give yourself permission to work on your diet and get that better settled first. You say you want to spend time with your family... how about going for walks with them in the evening? Not only will you be getting exercise, but you will be kept away from the temptation of food too, not to mention the quality time you'll have with them.

    I can't promise it's easy, but I can promise it's worth it. I am almost twice your age and I agree with ctgirlscout, it sure doesn't get any easier as you age. Now is the time. Take it day by day, step by step... we know you can do it!
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Losing weight is hard. Maintaining weight is heard. Staying overweight is hard. You have to choose your hard. It is most certainly hard (and it sounds really hard for you due to your life circumstances). BUT Nothing worth doing was ever easy and YOU CAN DO IT. To be living the life you are living and staying above water you are a strong person. You can take a lot. You are strong enough to overcome this. Never give up. I maintained the same weight for a year and couldn't lose under it, and now suddenly I am losing again. I am so glad I never gave up. You will look back and be glad you didn't either. There is nothing that can stop you from getting where you want to get except your actions and your words. You control that. Don't let them stop you. You are going to look back a year from now and be so glad you started today and kept going.

    Just take one pound at a time.

    We can't wait for perfect conditions or else we won't do anything. Don't give up. You can do this.

    Some tips I use...

    1) Brush your teeth when you are feeling temptation

    2) Say to yourself "I DO NOT eat that." When you see something that is tempting you. Promptly turn away from it. Convince yourself by saying those words aloud that you do not eat that anymore. Give it up. Make a resolution. It is so powerful.

    3) Read material that is inspirational and committed/determined. You have to keep yourself in a positive, inspired frame of mind. Get a pinterest. Post inspriing things on it. Print out some stuff (pictures that inspire you or make you want to do something about yourself, quotes, etc. and stick it on your alarm, fridge, door, etc.) Read books on how to quit bad habits, how to better yourself, etc.)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Your diary states that your daily goal is 1500 calories, and that you are a 28 year old male. Depending on your height, it sounds like you are trying to restrict your calories too low, and it's causing frustration that results in overeating. Try calculating your TDEE and subtracting 15% to get your daily goal -- I bet it's way more than 1,500/day and you can still lose weight.

    ^ This is exactly what I was going to say. I eat more than that and I'm an older very short woman that only walks for exercise!!! Eat more and you'll be able to stick to it long term and still lose.
  • mztrackfield010407
    You can do it!!! Keep trying!! Make sure you have lots of support, REAL support!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Get a handle on your diet first, then worry about the exercise after. It looks to me like your BMR is 2500 calories. I think 1500 calories might be too aggressive for you right now, and causing you to sabotage your efforts.

    Go here and see for yourself..
  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    I know how it can feel! I have spent half of my life overweight and trying every gimmick in the book and some that weren't.... In the end it was simple for me, but the hard part has been keeping it off. I've done well for a year, but have put a few pounds on recently, so I'm back at it again before it gets out of control.
    Breaking things into smaller goals has helped me. Not focusing on losing 60 or more lbs but looking at the 6 I wanted to lose this month.
    The time to workout is hard. I have chosen exercise over sleep more often than I care to count but in the end, I believe it serves me better. As you get healthier, hopefully your metabolism will change with you.
    Don't give up! You are stronger than you believe. The fact that you've tried on several occasions means you are persistent and you WILL conquer fat cells! If you have a bad day, just start over the next. Don't make it a bad week because that turns into a bad month. I have worked "cheat days" into "diet" now, so that I can have pizza with my son or go out to eat and enjoy real food. So give yourself a day a week to do 2500 calories instead of 1500 or something like that.
    You got this!
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”

    ― Audrey Hepburn
  • ixtapavangogh
    ixtapavangogh Posts: 1 Member
    I have to concur. 1500 calories for a 28 year old male is WAY too few. Of COURSE you're going to sabotage; you feel deprived. You need to calculate what to do for just a little weight loss over time and NEVER let yourself feel deprived. If you want to eat the Twinkies, EAT THE DAMN TWINKIES and let that be your meal.
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    We all have felt that way. But if you don't try you never know the outcome. I have wanted to be thin my whole life. Everytime I started really great. I would give up cause. I didn't love myself enough to continue on with the journey. But now I love myself more then anything. I deserve this gift of healthy life. Hey 55 pounds are gone forever. Now the rest of the journey to go still. Look inside your heart and mind and decide for yourself. As for me. I pick being healthy and happy anytime. You can do this if your ready. Bless you