Embarrassed to get fit?

Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Do you exercise nakkid?

    Otherwise, no.
  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?

    I live in a really big city so being unseen isn't actually a problem for me, however I do fully understand your situation. I've had friends offer to come the gym with me and always make my excuses. I get quite embarressed at my personal level of fitness so wouldn't want anyone to see me turning purple when I'm trying to catch my breath on the treadmill!!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    OK Daniel, I also live in a small town of 1800 people and everyone knows everyones business. But you know what I don't care because the bottom line is, I not only want to get fit bit I need to be fit for my health. And when it is all said and done there are more people who nneed to get fit in your town and mione so you go on and get out there and walk, you never know someone might join you or take a leaf out of your book and try to get fit and healthy too.
  • Maatmatah
    I feel the same too, but I cannot explain why. I push myself by thinking that I am doing something positive and that everyone should be inspired by what I'm doing.
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    I think it's because in a smaller community everyone starts making comments when they see you trying to change your habits. People say the dumbest things!! I got through all that then there are the ones who don't mind telling you that you've gotten too thin. It happens....and there's nothing you can do about it. I think once you've made up your mind to get healthy....NOTHING and NO ONE can undo your determination. All of the people who will see you working out will eventually make their way over to ask how you did it or if you can help them reach their goals. Keep going and be proud....you will be the talk of the town but believe me...it won't be a bad thing!! :)
    Good luck!
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    Stick with it, walk, jog, lose weight, get fit and just maybe you'll inspire some of those other 1,999 people in your town to do the same.
  • WendyLoubser
    I relate ... I am paying a fortune for gym membership and besides having a hard time finding the time to get to gym, I don't like the thought of people seeing me on the treadmill or bicycle. But, I think its important to remember that we're trying to do this for 'us' and not 'them' and at the end of the day - why are we giving 'them' so much headroom :-)

    Lets make a deal - you go for the walk today and I'll to gym and we'll put it down to simply knowing that we are worth it... and as Coffeholic8 we may just inspire someone else to get off the sofa.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Dread seeing someone from church at the gym but it happens so rarely I just do it anyway!! Understand what you mean though!!
  • louised88
    I had to join a gym, I was sick of ****heads making comments while I was out walking/running (mostly from moving cars, there's bravery) because I was both embarrassed and starting to feel unsafe. I've found a new place to jog though, well-lit and I'm dragging various friends along with me, so I can get fresh air with my cardio and keep the gym for strength work!

    Go with a friend if you can, or borrow a dog so you have an 'excuse' if you need it, or throw on a hoodie and put your hood upm you'll get past it if you can push through it!
  • TheLittleLebowski
    I had the exact same problem ! I would never tell people I was trying to lose weight.
    I think in my head, to actually vocalise my goals at the start of my weight loss, would have been admitting there was a problem, that there was something wrong me. It was also because I never really believed that I would accomplish any of my weight loss goals and to admit my intentions would bring scorn upon me.

    I've realised since then, 99% of people will be positive, screw the other 1%, Go for a jog and wear the sweat proudly, suffer the small indignation now, then reap the rewards in the future.
  • inkystone
    inkystone Posts: 4 Member
    I'm frequently self-conscious in public/social settings, and especially so when it involves physical fitness. I once dropped a weight-training course because the football team shared the gym with us one day, and I felt really uncomfortable - mostly because I was watching them check out the 'cute' girls.

    It can take effort to get into the right headspace for overcoming this particular obstacle. Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable with a workout buddy? A fitness pal, if you will. :tongue:

    If that's not an option, I've had some luck setting goals beyond the exercise - for example, walking around the block once on my way to shop for groceries - as a way to help shift my focus away from awkward concerns about how I look to others. Headphones are also an effective way to get in the zone and block out distractions.

    With a little experimentation, I'm sure you can find the inspiration that works best for you. And don't forget you've got a fan club rooting for you on MFP!
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I felt exactly the same as you, Daniel, when I started back in September. I live in a very small village, in a close-knit community, but only told a couple of friends who I knew would be supportive what I was doing. Fortunately, there are footpaths round the fields around the village, so I'd take the dog for a walk/run there, but even then I was very nervous about seeing people. The good thing is that if you stick with it, your fitness will improve quicker than you think. Three months ago, I could barely run for 60 seconds; now I can do 30 mins. Back then I felt almost like a fraud - pretending to be a runner, when I knew inside I really wasn't one. Now I can hold my head up high, knowing that I'm doing this for me, and it's working. And you know what, quite a few people have said that they've seen me out running - and although it was embarrassing for me at first when they said it, not one person has said anything negative or teasing, but everyone has been positive, encouraging, and even (occasionally) admiring!

    So, go for it. Hold your head up high. You can do this. :smile:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I live in a pretty small village - everyone is not only known by everybody else, but half of them are related to each other :laugh:

    When I started trying to get fit, i went out on my bike, rode maybe 10 miles and came back a 390+lb fat, sweaty, red faced mess. I could see people looking and saying to themselves "look at him - what's he playing at... he should know better at his age" But, I felt better for doing it, so carried on. Nearly 8 months later, and 156lbs down, I still go out on the bike, though now for 40-80miles at a time, I'm still overweight, but a lot better, and I'm now pretty much unable to walk to the local shop without someone stopping me and either congratulating me on how well I've done, or asking how I've managed it - and even, in the case of a couple of "old dears" telling me I need to stop dieting because i've lost too much....

    In short, it was worth all the negatives, to see how it's turned around to positives... Go for it!
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    When trying to get fit you deserve nothing but the utmost respect. Anybody who doesn't give that to you doesn't matter. In my experience, people are EXTREMELY supportive. Maybe you'll inspire somebody else who feels just like you?
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I take a bag with me and walk to the shops and back, then I sometimes 'forget' to buy something and have to walk back again... its silly but I'm not yet comfortable with joining a gym and putting myself out there.

    This is my journey and I'll complete it my way and at my own pace, I ain't doing so bad and I know I'll get there which is the most important thing.

    Every day I feel a little more confident and one day soon I'll get to the gym and show them all!!

    Never give up, never surrender!! :happy:
  • NocturnalGirl
    Well if it really bothers you, get up early to exercise when nobody's out or later at night. Is it because you are scared you try but don't succeed? You just need a little more confidence in yourself.
    Just get out there and do it, really. You are setting a good example that way too. Nobody is going to judge, and if they do, stuff them.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I understand that, I really do. It's like that at first, but once you start realizing (truly realizing) that you're going to succeed at weight loss, then you won't care who sees you. You can tell me I'm 100% wrong, but when I first started, I didn't want anyone looking at me either. I felt like, if they say me today, and then next month and I hadn't lost weight, then they had the right to talk bad about my attempts. Meh, I could be totally off base here, but good luck on your weight loss!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    in the case of a couple of "old dears" telling me I need to stop dieting because i've lost too much....

    I get that at work... "Don't lose any more weight or you'll look gaunt!"

    My reply is "Well, there's a first time for everything!" :laugh:
  • 165ordietrying
    165ordietrying Posts: 31 Member
    I used to feel that way in the beginning of my journey there are two things that I would say to that....first, we think that people are paying more attention to us than they really are and two keep at it and you will soon develop an attitude of "who cares what they think-I'm going to do what I need to do." Good luck!
  • firedupfriend
    firedupfriend Posts: 140 Member
    Do you exercise nakkid?

    Otherwise, no.

    My laugh for the day......tks