Embarrassed to get fit?



  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Every morning I see a REALLY overwieght man walking slowly when I am on my way to work. I don't think, "wow that guy is really fat" I think "Good for him, he is concerned about his health and he is doing something about it" Don't worry if someone would think you look heavy, those people aren't worthy of your concern. Do this for you and when you are fit, those that would have giggled or thought you were heavy, will wish they had been excercising with you.
  • blossomnu
    blossomnu Posts: 65 Member
    I know exactly where you're coming from.

    I feel more comfortable at the gym where everyone is in the same situation and usually concentrating on their own workout rather than in a public situation where I'm running and other people are out with their friends etc.

    I work out at home more than anything, especially at this time of year when it's dark and the weather is usually bad. I've bought a lot of workout DVDs from charity shops very cheaply (it's worth checking out freecycle etc. too), and I also do some good workouts on my Wii (I prefer EA Active because it's more intense than things like Wii Fit which are more of a game than a workout).
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks, everybody, for your input. After reading some posts, I do feel like I have programmed myself to think that if I "fall off the wagon" or stop making visible progress, people would start to talk. But, I thank everybody for your encouragement and kind words!! Feel free to add me as well. I am looking for fellow fitness pals on here and am willing to support when needed! :)
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Do you exercise nakkid?

    Otherwise, no.

    That would REALLY give the people something to talk about :laugh:
  • Hi, I live in small rural town too in Texas :) And Lordy everyone know everything I do before I even do it! ha ha

    And I was the same way at first. I was afraid if everyone (including my family) knew I was "trying" to get fit and then if I "failed" then they would see me fail. I wanted to keep it my secret! And I didn't want to have to answer all those questions and negative comments why you doing, how you doing,etc.

    I had to get over that way of thinking and remember I am doing this FOR ME AND ME ONLY! At first I even tried to hide it from my husband (who works out of town) so on weekends I wouldn't workout, or even cook healthier meals and I would sneak away to track my meals! I was so afraid that I would give up again and I didn't want people to see me fail. But now that I am on my way, I don't care who knows. Because for me, I making a change for a healthier lifestyle and not just trying to lose weight fast, so I can't hide the fact that I'm a health nut again. :smile:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    People get it, your friends will always support you. Get fit and then give them something to talk about. Think about your health.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Do this for your own benefit! It is awesome, remember that! Getting fit is nothing to be ashamed of! When I was well over 220, I didn't want to go to my local gym, in front of all of those fit people myself, but i did it, and now I fit in! Add me for support if you like! You can do it!
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    That's a shame Dan...and I can definitely empathize with your slight feelings of insecurity. When I first started out in the gym I was a skinny 130lb runt and I was very self conscious. I couldn't chest press the weight women were curling beside me...I felt demoralized. But after awhile, and I know this sounds cliche, you just stop caring what about other people think and focus on improving yourself for yourself. You'll be motivated by your own progress...Just remember you get what you put in. When you've reached that point where you doubt you'll be able to complete that rep...It's those extra couple count the most.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi, I live in small rural town too in Texas :) And Lordy everyone know everything I do before I even do it! ha ha

    And I was the same way at first. I was afraid if everyone (including my family) knew I was "trying" to get fit and then if I "failed" then they would see me fail. I wanted to keep it my secret! And I didn't want to have to answer all those questions and negative comments why you doing, how you doing,etc.

    I had to get over that way of thinking and remember I am doing this FOR ME AND ME ONLY! At first I even tried to hide it from my husband (who works out of town) so on weekends I wouldn't workout, or even cook healthier meals and I would sneak away to track my meals! I was so afraid that I would give up again and I didn't want people to see me fail. But now that I am on my way, I don't care who knows. Because for me, I making a change for a healthier lifestyle and not just trying to lose weight fast, so I can't hide the fact that I'm a health nut again. :smile:

    Have a wonderful day!

    And God said "Let there be light..." haha. This is EXACTLY how things go for me in terms of the small town, everybody knows what I'm doing before I do it mentality.. Thanks for the advice :)
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?

    You are your own worst enemy, you are so consumed in what others are thinking about you that you deprave yourself from enjoying life. Trust me a few years back I walked into the gym and I looked at the beasts working out and thought to myself soon enough I will be within their ranks, 3 years later I am proud to say I walk among them. It's time to make those dreams a reality buddy so go out and do it...
  • richUK
    richUK Posts: 13 Member
    I started with just a diet, then I started doing exercise programs on video games consoles.. a bit of Wii Sports to begin with, then I moved onto the exercise software like EA Sports Active.. I now cycle to and from work every day (9-10 miles each way).

    IMHO it's a question of taking baby steps at first, then moving it up.

    I didn't tell anyone I was dieting to start with, then I told people I was eating healthily, then when they noticed a change I'd kick it up a notch. All good. I lost 6 stone in 11 months and have been on maintenance for three months.. still trying to find the right balance, but enjoying it now :)

    Good Luck to you!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I have always been afraid of failure... and when it came to weight loss, I always failed. But I had the mentality that I was doing this so I could look good, not be healthy. Until I got on this site, then the whole mentality changed. Now I am doing it to be healthy. And all those folks in my life today that are not healthy ask how I did it. My reply is, I am eating healthier and moving more. It ain't a diet, and it ain't something I am doing short term to get to a goal. I am in this for the long run and to stay healthy!

    Add me if you want, I would like to be part of your support group!
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    You are your own worst enemy, you are so consumed in what others are thinking about you that you deprave yourself from enjoying life. Trust me a few years back I walked into the gym and I looked at the beasts working out and thought to myself soon enough I will be within their ranks, 3 years later I am proud to say I walk among them. It's time to make those dreams a reality buddy so go out and do it...

    Thanks for your encouragement! I can see how I am my own worst enemy in terms of the mentality. I think part of the reason it resonates with me so much is because I had, in my opinion, a rough childhood at school. Always picked on (or picked last in some cases) for being too fat, overweight, etc. So for me, that mental barrier is a bit harder to get over. But I want to make this happen, for me! Thanks again!!
  • "And God said "Let there be light..." haha. This is EXACTLY how things go for me in terms of the small town, everybody knows what I'm doing before I do it mentality.. Thanks for the advice :)"

    lol. I know right??? I can't even leave my house without getting a call or text from my mother, asking where did you go? you car was not at home when I drove by!!! lol Gotta love Moms!!! :laugh:
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    You have had lots of great comments. I was afraid to go to the gym......so I found a rehab place up the road from me that offers a weight loss program and for $15.00 a wk I get a meeting one on one with a dietitian , blood pressure ck and a 1/2 hour class on nutrition and the use of the gym all for $15.00 a wk. That is a steal.....and to see the older people (who I am one of them...60 I am ) with their health issues and see them working to help heal from surgery and to hear them talk....makes me work harder. Good luck and you'll never know how many people you will inspire while you are getting healthy. Good luck..
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Success is the only option
  • janelgreo
    janelgreo Posts: 10 Member
    Bro, don't EVER be embarrassed to make yourself better, healthier, fitter!

    Take all that embarrassment, making fun of, hating, etc.. & use it as a POSITIVE! I can honestly tell you, that is THE BEST MOTIVATION! I strive off people who hate on me, who say "YOU CAN'T DO IT", who tell me "YOU'RE TOO FAT"!!

  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    When I started this lifestyle 6 months ago all I did was walk, but the walk I did was on a footpath on one of the main roads in our town, hundreds of cars passed me and I'm sure in those cars were people i knew. At first I was a little embarrassed to be seen waddling along, but after a while I was so concentrated on beating my previous time for the walk I forgot all about being embarrassed. Now I don't walk this route.....I run it!

    The first time I stepped in the gym i joined i felt the size of a house (i wasn't far off lol), but people are so focused on their own training and workout they don't notice you. I don't care if I look a disgusting sweaty mess after a workout, it's my workout and it shows i pushed hard!

    Concentrate on you and forget about the rest, just remember you're doing better and going faster than the people sitting behind the wheel of their car or those on their couch, so get out there and go for it! :drinker:
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I don't live in a small town but I know where you are coming from. What you've got to realise is that most people are probably thinking good on you but they don't want to say it in case they sound patronizing. Just keep at it and eventually it will become such a habit you won't even think about it and people will get so used to you doing it they won't think about it either.

    Oh and good on you for getting out there and doing it :drinker:
  • I do feel embarrassed to workout in public, and I know why; It stems from when I was in school, aged 15:
    One PE class we were all shoved into the gym, shown how to use the different machines and told to switch every 15 minutes, but do whatever we wanted. I went on a step machine (which is meant to simulate walking up stairs) and some stick thin girls(I had and have no respect for these girls - they always made fun of anyone who wasn't like them) gathered around behind me and went, "Go on girl! Get your knees up!" They weren't being supportive, they were taking the p*ss, and to make it worse, they all went and hovered by a bicycle machine and made loud comments aimed at my size and how I'd be better off in a meadow.

    After that I refused to use the step machine and went on to develop a liking for the rowing machine instead, where I got my chance to beat them in a little race (me and a friend started up a race. The girls thought they'd win). I enjoyed it so much, the teacher told me there was other machines in the gym, but I still refused to use the step machine.
    Their comments (as well as other people's) have stuck with me so much so I refuse to even go swimming or attend water aerobics.

    So to combat said embarrassment I do exercising at home. Anything from Wii Sports/Fit to Zumba & yoga. In the summer I'm hoping to get a bike and go out on Sundays down the 4 mile dirt track which goes through the meadows. Failing that I'm sure it's a lovely walk :)

    With all the technology around including the Wii Fit and the XBox/Kinect (which I don't have -yet) you're a lot more able to hire out games from Lovefilm or getting games from online stores that allow you to workout in private.
    Just by Zumba, Yoga and dog walking (and a healthy diet) I lost 5Kgs this summer (and put it back on since August due to laziness and other stuff going on - but I am now determined to get rid of this weight!), so don't let embarrassment keep you from losing weight, just find ways to work around it :)