Embarrassed to get fit?



  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    First off! great job on your decision to get fit anyways!!!

    Second... I figure, what better place for an overweight person to be at then the gym... or outside working out.

    Honestly I don't generally 'run' anyways unless it's on an elliptical... but if you have gym access, you are more likely to encounter supportive people at the gym than if you just work out outside... I've never had anyone be anything but encouraging at the gym while I'm obviously out of shape, but trying to get in shape... particularly if you go early morning or late night... Right after work you run int the jerks more... or running outside... some people will always be douche nozzles even to people who are thin and in shape.

    Best of luck!
  • georgie304
    When I see someone out running, walking, whatever... I think... WAY TO GO! Doesn't matter their size or gender. I'm just happy for them.

    Bottom line, don't feel shy about it. You are doing something awesome for yourself and maybe even inspiring others.

    I have a different "online community" I am in and I started a completely off topic thread entitled: Recommit to be Fit... Ya know what... There ended up being hundreds of people joining me and I started getting flooded with thank you's and their success stories. I was shocked! I had no idea that my own weight loss journey would impact so many people. I have like 5 people now that have started running 5Ks and marathons... I have people countless people that have lost over 50 lbs and several that are over 100. You never nkow what might touch someone else. Do it and be proud! :smile:
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    Lol Well I'm glad I'm not alone in this! I'm really not anymore, but when I was first starting out I certainly was.

    The thing is that everyone, even perfect strangers, has been wonderful and supportive. It gets weird sometimes because people come up and ask me if I've had surgery or have cancer or stuff liked that and it gets pretty awkward. You just gotta laugh it off and not let it stop you.

    Now, I'm not a member of a gym but I listen to a podcast where one of the dudes is a weightlifter and he addressed this subject by saying that the gym is the last place you should worry about people judging your body because everyone there is too busy judging and obsessing over their own bodies :P
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    To me the embarassment of myself misstepping in a dance class is more than the embarassment of being the "fat girl" in town. :wink:
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    I didnt read all the posts here, but.. Im embarrassed to jog on the treadmill at the gym. I can do the track no problem. But I dont want to get on that treadmill and hear it maybe squeak as I jog. Im a heavier set girl and I dont want people to think "O look at the fat chick running/jiggling on the treadmill" .. I know its all in my head, but I know how you feel
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    It's not just you. I'm embarrassed to be the fat girl at the gym, the chubby girl jogging on the side of the road, etc. BUT, I'm more embarrassed to be the woman displeased with her own reflection. I hope that people who know me will encourage and be supportive of the changes I am in the process of making. If they love you, they will.
  • bbhe
    bbhe Posts: 29 Member
    Always try to imagine people saying, "wow, that guy/girl is so impressive. I'm just in awe of her/him. There they go again! I wish I were more like him/her."

    Because someone is bound to be saying it about you if they're saying anything.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    I have zero fear of being seen. Gym or outdoors.

    I have the most epic, vomit on myself fear of getting on the scale at the gym. So I don't do that. If I look at the scale and think, "I can do it" I feel panic;

    Generally speaking, the people who would think to make a comment on your workout are those who need to workout. Anyone who has worked out and lost weight will find pride in your wanting to get fit and healthy.

    If the criticizer was constructive, maybe someone who works as a trainer was giving you tips on how to change your workout/run/walk to help you, then that is good.

    If someone is being malicious about it, well there you go. They have just given you motivation. :)

    You do this for YOU. Do it for YOU. No others.
  • natreeber
    You are not alone. I think its hard to have people see you trying to change. Stick with it and use it as motivation. If half the town notices you trying make sure the whole town notices you succeeding.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Please excuse my french, but ****'em. You can't NOT work out just because other people might see you. One of the things I LOVE about the gym is watching other people work out and really get into it. It totally motivates me.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I have a 4-mile route that I've mapped out in my neighborhood. It included one lap of the neighborhood park track. One day while on the park track I noticed someone had written in big white chalk letters on the pavement "Exercising again? You rock". I thought that was so cool. I'm sure it wasn't meant for me personally, but I still found it motivating.

    Edited to add pic:

  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    Every morning I see a REALLY overwieght man walking slowly when I am on my way to work. I don't think, "wow that guy is really fat" I think "Good for him, he is concerned about his health and he is doing something about it" Don't worry if someone would think you look heavy, those people aren't worthy of your concern. Do this for you and when you are fit, those that would have giggled or thought you were heavy, will wish they had been excercising with you.

    I totally do this. And when I'm in the car with my friends, we always go a cheer for the exerciser - not like, out the window or anything like that, but we all spontaneously yell out encouragement with the windows up in hopes that we're sending that person positive energy.

    Part of my daily walk happens on a busy highway's bike path (probably illegal, but whatever, there aren't any sidewalks in my neighborhood, the county can bite me). When drivers move gently to the side out of safety for me, I like to think they're cheering for me in a silent way, too.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Stick with it, walk, jog, lose weight, get fit and just maybe you'll inspire some of those other 1,999 people in your town to do the same.


    Daniel, you can become a 1-Man Fitness Crusader and save your village from the O-Beast-ity!!
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    I have a 4-mile route that I've mapped out in my neighborhood. It included one lap of the neighborhood park track. One day while on the park track I noticed someone had written in big white chalk letters on the pavement "Exercising again? You rock". I thought that was so cool. I'm sure it wasn't meant for me personally, but I still found it motivating.

    Edited to add pic:


    How I LOVE this!!

    Next walk in the neighborhood, I am taking my chalk with me to encourage fellow fitness fanatics!!! YAY!!!
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    i feel teh same way and i'm in phoenix. sometimes i feel like people want you to fail, so i don't tell anyone. just my husband.
  • onyxwood
    onyxwood Posts: 45 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! i am going to join my local gym tonite and i keep praying that i won't see anyone there that i know (and i surely will). not sure what it is, must be a self esteem/confidence issue.......but i think the more we get out there "getting fit" the more we will feel better about ourselves and let go of our insecurities. Good luck to you!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Not sure if I'm the only one with this problem so I thought I'd ask.. Long story short, I am sort of embarrassed for people to see me attempting to get fit. I live in a small town of 2,000 people, so everybody knows everybody. And everybody knows everybody's business. And for some reason, when I am out in public for a walk or a jog, I pray and hope that nobody I know will see me. Why? I'm not exactly sure. Anybody with similar feelings?

    I can relate, but maybe little bit different way. For me, my lifestyle change (quit smoking, healthy diet, re-introducing myself to exercise) was an admission that I f***** myself up somewhere along the way. I went from being a lean and mean Marine @ 165 Lbs to being a fat and flabby couch potato of 208 Lbs who got winded walking out to the car in the driveway. For me, it was initially embarrassing for people to see me walk out of the break room at work with my spinach and tuna salad (when a co-worker had brought in a huge pot of chicharonnes)...or to have a collegue catch me in my workout clothes as I headed for the parking lot. I was embarrased because I was not only admitting to myself that I f***** up somewhere along the way, but I was admitting that to my collegues/friends/family as well...and I'm not good about admiting when I've f***** up.

    All that said, I've found a wealth of support...I have collegues/friends/family cheering me on. I bump into them occasionally at the park by my office that I run around and I get a, "great to see you out here Wolfman...keep it up!"

    Now, what's really embarassing for me currently...one of my coworkers runs religiously at the park....he's 62 years old...and he wipes the floor with my *kitten*! I'm just getting started, but it's still embarassing to have a 62 year old lapping you a couple of times during a workout.
  • AmyAliEsq
    AmyAliEsq Posts: 7 Member
    I have always felt that way!! You are definitely not alone. Recently, though, I don't even notice other people or care about what they may be thinking - which is GREAT because I can do my thing without worrying about what the skinny girl on the elliptical next to me is thinking about my choice of gym attire (I know, I know leggings weren't made for everyone!) but is BAD when I realize that being so unaware is what has led to the extra weight!

    I guess my point is this: it's OK to be a little self-conscious about other people watching, it can keep you on your toes! Instead of it becoming a deterrent, though, turn it into your motivation! If they're watching you today, wait until they see you a month from now, a year from now! You're out there making yourself WAY better, where's the shame in that? And by the way, if people are staring, they should probably stop standing around and get out there with you!
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    I have a 4-mile route that I've mapped out in my neighborhood. It included one lap of the neighborhood park track. One day while on the park track I noticed someone had written in big white chalk letters on the pavement "Exercising again? You rock". I thought that was so cool. I'm sure it wasn't meant for me personally, but I still found it motivating.

    Edited to add pic:


    Ha! That's plain awesome.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    I can totally relate! And then I read this....someone posted it on MFP a while back...and I cried...lol. But seriously I have learned how people truly think. And I am no longer the fat girl! :)


    TOO AWESOME!! I love it :)