Help! Need some good tips for kicking the soda habit



  • BlackShip47
    When I crave a soda, I will replace it with flavored, carbonated water. I get the same satisfaction as I would drinking a soda, but with no calories. There are one liter bottles at Dollar General for 70 cents. You might give that a try.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,637 Member
    Some things that I did to quit were:
    -stop buying it at the store, don't have it in the house
    -buy a cute water bottle with a design on it and carry it everywhere you go
    -try to see if those around you will drink water (my boyfriend always drinks water, even when going to a restaurant he always gets water)
    -just keep drinking it and you will get used to it

    I used to drink soda all day every day. Now I rarely have it (maybe once every 2 months) and I crave water. Its so good to me now! I used to hate water. You will get used to it, just keep drinking it.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    Just quit. It's called willpower, either you want to or you don't, there's no trick.

    ^This. I wanted to stop drinking so much soda, so one day I just quit and I haven't missed it at all! I've gone 2 years without drinking it (except for a handful of times where it was all I could get) and now it kills my stomach to drink it! Whenever I drink it, I feel ill and my stomach is very bubbly and upset. It may be hard to cut cold turkey but it worked for me.
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    I was addicted to Coke. The best thing to do is go cold-turkey.

    I found that when I would get thirsty I craved Coke, not a drink, just Coke. So what I did was when that Coke craving came and I felt I couldn't take it anymore I would down a whole pint of water in ONE GO! After that I saw if it was gone, if not I would drink another half a pint. It worked. However, drinking too much water is bad for you so I wouldn't do that all the time but I felt so much better forcing a whole pint down in one go, and it did have to be in one go!
  • amyplaysflute
    amyplaysflute Posts: 91 Member
    I used to have a serious soda addiction. Like 3-4+ cans a day. Then one day a year or two again, I decided that it was really bad for me and I quit drinking it all together. I didn't put much thought into it, I just stopped. Then only thing I did to ease into it was before I quit for good, I would make myself drink a glass of water before I could have any soda. I still drank the soda though, but not as much in the long run.

    When you quit soda, you will no longer crave it. At least I didn't. If I drink it now, it makes me burpy and makes my teeth feel like they were coated like sugar. My advice is to just stop drinking it.. and don't think too much about it.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Do you like orange, strawberry or grape soda at all? Or just cola?

    There are some drink mixes (like Crystal Light, etc) by Crush. Their mixes taste JUST LIKE the pop--and only 5 calories per 8 oz. They also make Squirt drink mix. I don't really like Squirt pop, but I really like the Squirt pop mix.

    The only place I have found them is the Dollar General. Or I think there is a website...I think it's called....oh, I can't remember. something like "" or something similar. They sell hard-to-find products.

    But I would really try something like this.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    With all this talk about it, pepsi sounds good right now! haha
    The easiest for me was just not buying it. If it's there, we will drink it. I like it every once in a while, but water is good too!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Do you think maybe you just like the fizzies? That's the only reason I'll drink soda. Otherwise it's kind of gross when you think about it.

    Maybe try flavored carbonated water, or carbonated water with lemon, etc. I love it.
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I agree with some that have already said. Just stop drinking it. I was addicted to soda for a loooong time so I know it is hard, but decided it was too much of a pain in the @ss to lose weight while drinking it. Plus, it ain't exactly the healthiest anyway. Diet soda is worse then regular, so I don't recommend that as a way to get away from it. The best way to do it is to just stop buying it and force yourself to drink water. I don't even really crave it anymore and when I do have some of it (Very rarely), it's like, WOAH! That is a LOT of sugar, lol. Hope you can find the will power to quit the soda (:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Just don't buy it. Simple. It's all willpower.
  • altasacra
    altasacra Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't had any soda (except one diet Pepsi, we'll get to that later) since I started my most recent weight-loss journey two months ago. I used to drink regular Coca-Cola almost every day before. Now, I always make sure that I have several bottles of S. Pellegrino sparkling mineral water on hand, and lots of citrus (lemon and limes) and I just don't buy soda under any circumstances. It isn't worth it. When I think of how much exercise I need to do just to burn off a coke, I never choose to drink it. My go-to drink when I get home from work is S. Pellegrino and some freshly sliced/squeezed lemon or lime. The sparkling component covers at least the sensory experience of drinking a carbonated beverage, which is half the battle. I was craving Cola last week and my assistant was running out to grab lunch so I told her to pick me up something diet. After two months of caramel-colored deprivation, the diet Pepsi from Taco Bell that she brought me just tasted gross. Now, I have a negative image of soda in my mind, and it's working for me =)
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Have you tried Dasani sensations? Not sure if they sell it everywhere but it's fizzy water with fruit flavors and I swear it tastes just like soda, and it has only like 5 cals!

    Overall though, just stop buying it. I used to drink 1-2 cans of soda a day just because my parents kept it in the house. Now I live on my own and I have soda maybe once a month at a restaurant or something. I just don't keep it around.
  • Alicia7519
    I drank 3-4 cans of Coke or Pepsi a day. When I ate at fast food restaurants, I would always order a huge Coke or Pepsi and had no problems finishing it. I always had a Coke for breakfast. I thought I would be unable to stop drinking sodas but when I started logging my food intake, I noticed how many calories worth of soft drinks I was swilling. It took me about three weeks to stop drinking Cokes. I started cutting back little by little. Now I will drink a Coke a week if I eat at a restaurant. I have a hard time drinking fountain Cokes because they are too sweet. I don't like the taste of diet drinks at all. What I drink now is LaCroix carbonated drinks. These taste okay.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    nothing wrong with zero calories soda just to let you know, enjoy it :)
  • jjefferies7
    because soda directly causes obesity :noway: .... just fit it into your diet if you want it.....
  • Sylkwyrm
    Sylkwyrm Posts: 75 Member
    Try non-sweetened flavored sparkling water. Yum!
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    I WAS a diet coke addict. it literally took me cold-turkeying out, and buying no more soda's.
    Instead, I bought water, by the cases. When I ate, I HAD to drink SOMETHING, water was all I had.
    Occasionally, when I go out, I get a diet coke, but that is few and far between.

    Good luck!

    PS: My weight loss SPED up after quitting sodas. Even though there's no calories, the sugaring system, does delay things...
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    Ice Cold Tea with Honey has helped me alot. I use to be a Dr. Pepper junkie now i keep tea on hand at work and at home when i dont want just water.
  • eatyourselffitter
    eatyourselffitter Posts: 42 Member
    Years back I switched from regular to diet. For the last couple of years I only buy seltzer water (No artificial fake sweeteners, etc in it) You can find it lots of flavors, Safeway carries a few kinds and there's Talking Rain, etc. We're so used to it we don't miss soda at all. It may take some getting used to taste-wise but you'll love the ZERO calories. You can squeeze fresh lime for added flavor as well!
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    I WAS a diet coke addict. it literally took me cold-turkeying out, and buying no more soda's.
    Instead, I bought water, by the cases. When I ate, I HAD to drink SOMETHING, water was all I had.
    Occasionally, when I go out, I get a diet coke, but that is few and far between.

    Good luck!

    PS: My weight loss SPED up after quitting sodas. Even though there's no calories, the sugaring system, does delay things...

    That is pure crap. 0 calories is 0 calories. You system doesn't speed up or slow down from 0 calories. diet coke is 99+% water as are all 0 calorie beverages.