200+ (Week 23) Shrinking into Summer begins!

It's time for final weigh-in for our "Fling Into Spring!" challenge. Post your weights here, and any additional stats you want to add (weight lost this week, lost this challenge, inches lost, etc.)

It's also time to start our "Shrinking into Summer" challenge. Any newbies wanting to join, this is a great time. We've been doing 6-week challenges, so this one will end on Friday, May 7th. We weigh in every Friday (have your weights in by the end of the weekend) (a new thread will be up Thursday night/Friday morning), and check in and vent as often as we can (check our previous threads to catch up if you like) So for this challenge, post your starting weight, and your goal weight for the challenge and any other statistics you want to include (measurements, weight lost so far, ultimate goal weight, etc).

Good luck everyone with their final weigh-in! :drinker:


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone's weigh-in goes well tomorrow (this weekend).

    Today went well in terms of eating. No exercise, but that was what was to be expected. Work was fabulous- until my group. Was a bit nervous, as it's a new intervention that i haven't done, new group, first session. Was not the best- felt pretty ineffective as a group leader and have now been ruminating on it all evening. Feeling pretty craptastic. Hope to work a short day tomorrow as I have some hours saved up and do some form of cardio: be it going to the rec center or going for a run.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm kinda new to this but not to the site. I dont get on much but i try when i can. I've lost more weight then i thought for a month. Still working hard though but sometimes i get angry bc i cant eat what i want and just dont eat at all which yes i know isnt good for me so i force myself to eat. I need a some extra motivation. is anyone on here doing the wii fitness or any wii workouts?
    SW 270
    CW 257.5
    GOAL: 200 (for now)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for starting the new thread!!! At least 2 back to back clients were not one that one wants to die from depression (yes reported to nurse and social worker) and one that is 90+ and upset that home health is ending and that they have to drive the client to outpatient for further therapy since no longer home bound because I refuse to see them for outpatient in the home. Well I'm off to bed...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    bump bump bump
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    since i missed the last weigh in because i forgot to post.. ill post a little early :bigsmile:
    i am at 210lb woot.. im so happy that is a more realistic goal then say 22lbs a month ... anyway i hope everyone had a wonderful day i did lots of cardio today and im about ready for bed night:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    :bigsmile: Bump....I'll be back!!! :bigsmile:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina...I find it hard to believe that you are an "ineffective leader"...your not being tough on yourself are ya?!?

    Pinbot....oh, working with the public...I'm sure you get backlash from things that are out of your control///Hugs///

    Jade... I'm to spoiled to not let myself have something that I want....I just eat what I like, but if it's from the not so healthy group...I really limit the serving...you should try it...:wink:

    Congrats Mrs Marvelous.....11 pounds in 6 weeks is fantastic!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'll write a longer post when I have some time later this morning, but just wanted to check in. After a good week of cardio and no longer being on my TOM, I bounced back to what I was pre-TOM, AND lost some, so I'm very pleased. The weight loss looks like a lot, but lets all remember I gained 1.6 pounds last week:

    Starting Weight at MPF: 230
    Starting Weight for "Fling Into Spring": 206
    Current Weight: 198.0 :drinker: :drinker: (-4.0 for the week, -8.0 for the "Fling into Spring" challenge!)
    Goal Weight for "Shrinking into Summer": 188

    I always put down 10 as my goal, but I've only hit that once in the, what, 4 challenges we've had. I'm usually pretty consistent around 8ish, but I'll keep that as my goal anyways :heart:

    Good luck everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    ********Flips*********Twirls*********(would jump but calves are sore from jump roping yesterday)*******WTG Kristina!!!!smiley-dance014.gif smiley-cool05.gif Now no more scale flirting. You are to stay under 200!!!!

    Great job on your loss too Mrs Marvalous!!!smiley-dance019.gif What do you want your goal to be for the summer challenge 199?

    I am feeling much better today. No work today and the scale still loves me so I am checking in at 192!!!! That's a 9 pound loss this challenge. I plan to continue celebrating all weekend and work more on maintenance than loss this week (at least for the weekend)...

    I wish everyone great luck on the weigh ins and have a wonderful weekend. I've gotta run to pack and exercise before we leave at 10. Hasta...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I am checking in at 231.2 this week. Down .2 from last week. I am definitely no where near my goal for this challenge, but its been a rough 6 weeks. I have also changed my goals to lose 1lb/week instead of 2.

    I went to the gym with the new guy last night but had to quit after 40 minutes cause he was done. :ohwell: I'm not sure how I feel about him. I think he's getting too attached too quickly....he likes me more than I like him at this point and that kinda makes me like him less for some reason...I just need space I guess. But really, who can blame him? I'm totally, amazingly awesome. (Seriously, the only thing I'm missing are beer flavored boobs.....haha, ok, sorry about that) I'm just not ready to hear the word "girlfriend" and he said that word last night. :huh: I didn't say anything at the time. I'm one to retreat into my own head and figure things out before I talk about it but I think I will say something about it tonight.

    I think I will start c25k either this week or next. It depends on if I have time to create my own tracks again so I can have at least 2-3 weeks worth of music available and that'll give me time to get more done. I got new running shoes online yesterday! I'm super excited about them. Look!! My friend said that Poppa Smurf called and he wants his boats back. HAHA!


    They only have my size, they are on major sale and free shipping?! Hell to the Yes!!! I took that as a sign that I should get them. I can't decide if I want to use them only for running or if I should use them on the elliptical too. Any thoughts on that?? Save them for running only?? I should buy new workout clothes too. I run out of clothes about once a week and I HATE doing laundry (I have enough panties and socks to last at least 2-3 weeks so I don't HAVE to do laundry that often lol).

    I'm thinking I want to start going to a kettleball class now. Zumba is fun and great, but its only one night a week and I need something different. I'm getting kinda bored with it. I'm glad I've finally changed up my exercise. Been doing the elliptical so long now....Do you guys think I should take lexi to the park with me when I start c25k?? I mean, I know its better to do it on the treadmill, but I just can't stand the thought of being inside when the weather is gorgeous. (treadmill is better on the knees, easier to track time/distance/speed but I really like that feeling of forward motion) I just don't know if c25k is good for my dog, ya know? We've been doing 2 miles at the park in about 35 minutes...I just don't want to put too much stress on her body.

    Oh yeah, and I think I'm going to add a ticker for mileage once I start walking/jogging. I think that'll be cool to see how far I've gone.

    **************Ok so my starting weight for the Shrinking into Summer Challenge is 231.2***********
    **************I will make my goal 225.2 (6 pounds, 1lb per week)****************************

    wow, that was a lot of rambling....haha, my bad!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    :heart: mORNING Superheroes;
    Oh man, this is the last weigh in for this challenge & I am real proud of myself..
    I started MFP @ 242, I stayed aroun d 230-240 for the longest, I was 220 at the beginning of the challenge.. but now I am 207.2 as of this am! thats 13(?) lbs for me! But I know 5 of those lbs were from not eating due to stress.. But, hey, I've kept it off, and lost some.. Good luck everyone!!:love:
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Just a quick post...I'm working for my dad this weekend (starting yesterday actually) and have NO internet access which sucks. I haven't been able to log my food eaten, BUT I know I'm pretty much staying on track cause I'm eating pretty much the same things I do at work. Have to be at work in 30 minutes, and still have to go to the travel agent. I haven't had a chance to weigh in yet today, and won't be weighing in for work til monday...gotta be good all weekend!! I will try to make it to my mom's to use her scale tomorrow am and update tomorrow night. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Happy end to the challenge!! And here's to our next challenge!!:drinker:

    Weighing in today....
    Starting weight: 230
    Spring Fling Starting Weight: 207
    Today's Weight: 202.5

    Not much of a loss, but I'll take it. I am also going to take a cue from Kendall and slow down my goal for the next period. So,
    my Shrinking into Summer Goal is going to be : 196 (about a pound a week).

    I wish i could have lost more this challenge, but i am trying to remind myself that any loss is good.

    Tomorrow is a busy family day, big "going away" dinner at a cousins house, so I probably will not log on at all tomorrow....maybe.
    Hope we all did well.
    Can't believe that at the end of the next challenge I won't be in California anymore.....:frown:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    NOOO. I just lost a gynormous post. Kendal, i had an uber long response to your post. Let's see if I can recreate.

    Congrats to everyone on their losses! I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone else does this week.

    Victoria- congrats on another loss! 9 pounds for the challenge is fabulous. I actually thought you had lost more than that. I think it's because you've been so consistent every week, it seems like you've lost a ton- not that 9 pounds is nothing to sniff at. It's super amazing! Sorry your calves hurt, but at least it shows that the jump roping was working. Good luck with your exercise today. Any plans for the weekend?

    Kendal- congrats on the loss! Sure, it's not as much as you would like, but you've had a tough several weeks, so the point is that you've stuck with this through it all. Imagine what would have happened if you hadn't stuck with this. So I'm so unbelieveably proud of your perserverance through everything! Superhero to the max! So it sounds like this guy you went out with is a bit of a clinger. You just got out of a big relationship, so it's completely understandable that you're not ready for anything serious yet. Perhaps if you're digging him overall, have a sit down with him about taking things slowly and that you're really just looking for something casual at this point. It's also understandable why he'd want to be your boyfriend. You're completely fabulous- he doesn't want to lose that opportunity! :wink: Also loved the fact that he pooped out of exercise before you were ready. You're getting so strong hun! Btw, I looked at your new shoes. I'm totally jealous- they look fabulous and I want a pair! I only have one pair of shoes that I've been using for both running and gym work, but I'm hoping in the next month or so to get a new pair that I can rotate in and out with my current pair to help them last longer. As for c25k, you should do it however that works best for you. I started on a treadmill cause it was 'effin cold outside, and I had a lot of problems pacing myself, so knowing how fast I was going and being consistent with it really helped me transition eventually to outside. You also might not want to follow the program to a "t". The point is just the general idea of slowly upping your running time and decreasing your walking time. You should do whatever works best for you (and Lexi :wink: ). Having a set schedule and goals/targets to be working towards really motivated me. As for tracking your mileage, I don't know about other sites, but the one I recently started using (dailymile, which is sort of like twitter/facebook for exercise) keeps track of how many miles you're going over time (by week, month, etc), and you can use it just for running or your other exercises as well. If you end up joining and using, definitely friend me (see my link in my signature)

    nikki- way to go with the weight loss this challenge! you definitely dropped a ton of weight. I'm very happy for you! Just make sure you don't make a habit of not eating, cause that can really eff up your metabolism. I hope what you've lost sticks and wish for continued great losses in this upcoming challenge!

    ejm- sorry about the lack of internet :grumble: I am glad that the eating has been going well though. Hope your weekend goes well and will be looking forward to your weigh-in either tomorrow or Monday :heart:

    Carolyn- a loss is still a loss! you're getting closer and closer to the 200 mark! yay! I spy another crossing that line this challenge! Have a great weekend!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    kendall--i may have to steal your ticker idea. do you mind??
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Good Job everyone on the losses!! This is awesome! If it wasn't for all of you, I doubt I'd have been so serious about my weight...
    My Shrinking into Summer GW is 197, thats 10 lbs.. Hopefully I can stay with it!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    kendall--i may have to steal your ticker idea. do you mind??

    sure!! I've seen a lot of people on the boards here with mileage tickers from tickerfactory.com (at least I think thats the site). I hope its not a big hassle to have to update that ticker though. I was thinking I could even get 2 separate tickers and keep one for walking/jogging distance and another for elliptical distance. Of course, there is a character limit on our signatures so I'm not sure exactly how many tickers will fit in there. And again, it may be a pain to update the numbers on the distance tickers.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Great job everyone!!

    Kendal - for all you've been through this challenge, you've done wonderful!!! If it wasn't for being MFP awareness, you probably would have eaten the kitchen sink and gained weight (I would have in your shoes).. Love your new shoes. I'd be honest with the guy. I'm still laughing over the beer b@@bs!!!! You are amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you!!

    Weekend plans - staying in Frankenmuth with lots of family and friends... Saturday is a bird watching trip of Saginaw Bay with the Whitefish Piont Observatory group. Sunday - shopping at Birchrun before heading home.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok, I got TOM late yesterday afternoon and bloated, bloated, bloated just in time for today's weigh in. Yay me.

    Anywho, I went from 199.6 to 202.8. Eh...Since I changed my official weigh in to Saturdays I am going to weigh in again tomorrow. Hopefully my bloating would have gone down. Oh I have noticed something interesting. In the morning I seem to be bloated and most people that is when they are not. I figured this out when I try to put my wedding band on this week. This would make sense since my weight is all over the place. My bloat for a normal day does not subside until mid morning (10ish).

    Not to mention TOM is being really mean this month. My back is killing me even with 600mg of ibuprofen. Sorry for my rant I am just really tired of this 100-200, 100-200 tease I am on. TOM is not helping me either. Emotional roller coaster.

    +3.2lbs this week.

    Oh, Shrink Into Summer Goal will be 195 (let's see if I can do it this challenge)

    Challenge SW: 202.8 GW: 195
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    Starting Weight at MFP: 216.6
    Starting Challenge: 207.4
    Last Weeks weight: 202.8
    Today's weigh in: 202.0 (down 0.8 more, 5.4 total)
    Next mini goal: 201.0
    Goal for challenge: 190.0 by May 7th

    So...this is my weight from yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday, so it was a planned cheat dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am back on track today. I was over by 450 cals yesterday, but considering I am usually under calories every day (most of the time I am under by 100 calories or less, so I am still very close to goal), the little gain today should be gone soon.

    I have another personal goal. I was laid off from work on June 20, 2008, and just a couple of days later saw my alltime adult low of 180.0. THen I stopped paying attention to diet and exercise. So, I would like to be back at 180.0 by June 20, 2010, and pick up where I left off two summers ago.

    Goals (I will plan for about 10 lbs per 6 weeks)
    May 7th: 190
    June 20: 180
    July 30: 170
    Sept 10: 160
    Oct 4th: 165 (my 2nd wedding anniversary)
    Oct 22: 160
    Dec 3rd: 150
    Jan 14th: 140
    We will see from there!

    Good luck to everyone!