Anyone else feel guilty for eating back burnt calories?



  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    no because I set my calorie intake to a 875 deficit of the amount it says I burn per day. Crazy low like 810 calories, I know. But I have incentive to workout and no worries if I go over I have a 875 buffer already built in. as long as my red number doesn't go over 875, I'm good to go. My bodymedia fit fills in the rest for me as well. ( gotta love the new sync MFP and BMF have with each other)
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    No because I took the time to learn how this site works...

    THIS! Your daily calorie goal already has a deficit built in. I personally try to eat back about half my exercise calories (at least) only b/c I use MFP to estimate the burn and I think it's a bit high. If I had a HRM and more accurate count, I would eat them all back. It seems to be working for me.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Sometimes I eat them back, but usually I'm not hungry so I don't. I do on weekends usually when I go out and stuff. I'm taking a very "slow and steady" approach to my weight loss though, so if I wanted to lose weight faster I would never eat them back.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I use a fitbit and log all other exercise on the realistic to low side so that I have no qualms at all about eating everything back.

    Too few calories can be counterproductive to what you are trying to do. If your body starts living off of your lean muscle you are going to burn less calories day to day.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    Hahaha.. I love watching people over react. The 310 is bowflex weight, regardless, the point is that I am not losing muscle, I am gaining, and have now maxed out my bowflex and will be upgrading soon to 410. I want to say thank you to all of you who are generally supportive in the actual topic. I do feel I may have a problem in terms of fearing gaining weight by eating them back. I am still trying to lose to get to 6% or less. I have been heavy my whole life and struggle maintaining the weight standards while in the military. So, I guess now that I can, I want to transform as much as possible. It still amazes me how many people would rather bash others on this site instead of be helpful. Anyway, I appreciate the real responses!
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    And for all those curious about my muscle mass, I added a new picture to my profile.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    I never feel guilty unless I go over. I have grown to love having them there to eat if I need to.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    it is from about 3 weeks ago, i was at 153 lbs.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    I feel guilty if I accidentally step on my dog's tail.

    I'm sure as hell not going to feel guilty for giving my body what it needs to be healthy and strong.

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hahaha.. I love watching people over react. The 310 is bowflex weight, regardless, the point is that I am not losing muscle, I am gaining, and have now maxed out my bowflex and will be upgrading soon to 410. I want to say thank you to all of you who are generally supportive in the actual topic. I do feel I may have a problem in terms of fearing gaining weight by eating them back. I am still trying to lose to get to 6% or less. I have been heavy my whole life and struggle maintaining the weight standards while in the military. So, I guess now that I can, I want to transform as much as possible. It still amazes me how many people would rather bash others on this site instead of be helpful. Anyway, I appreciate the real responses!

    A quick search seems to indicate that the bowflex resistance weight to free weights equates to between 3-600% increase for bowflex, so 310 bowflex = 105lbs or so. It'd prob be cheaper to just get a bench and weights off craigslist
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Personally I find this approach almost a borderline eating disorder. I just calculate my daily goal based on my general activity level and go from there. I don't record everything I do and then go eat the calories I burnt. That's like binging and purging, except you do the purging before the binging.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Eat the burnt calories. If your net calorie count gets to low, your body believes it's starving. If your body thinks it's starving, especially after long runs, its going to get rid of that which uses the most calories which is your muscle mass. Going too low on net calories will ruin your metabolism as well. If you're going to work it, you have to feed it!

    I have just got this concept through my thick skull. I was feeling guitly if I ate more calories than the "goal" MFP set, but after a lot of reading and advice, I am on the road to eating the calories my body craves so I can lose the weight it doesn't need.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    3 to 600 % huh... well i must be doing it all wrong
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I do what I need to do to fuel my body. I may or may not eat all of my burn points back...I usually eat about 75% of them back. If I'm feeling particularly sluggish, I will eat them all back and may even go a bit over my net goal. I have my net goal set to lose 1 Lb a week and am currently happy with losing anywhere between 1 and .5 Lbs per week, so I do allow myself to go over a little if I need to/want to.

    I'm also assuming I'm burning a little more than what I put in my diary since I only put cardio that I have calculated as accurately as I possibly can...I don't log my strength training, burpees, etc because I have no idea how much of a burn I'm getting and just let my body tell me when it needs a little fuel.

    So far it's been working for me and I'm averaging just a smidge over a pound a week lost. I'm 5' 10" and started out around 208-210 and I'm down to 199 over the last couple of months. Once I lose some of this fat I intend to intensify my strength training...I promised my wife the 6 pack abs and pecs that I used to have but she's never seen (other than pictures of me from my Marine Corps days). Also training for my first 5K in over 15 years...and it hurts like a mofo even though I'm taking it slow.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    marine corps!! i miss those days.. got out 8/21/2010. What was your MOS?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    marine corps!! i miss those days.. got out 8/21/2010. What was your MOS?

    Got out in '96...had a bad accident and really bad back injury. They gave me a convenience to the gov't discharge because it would heal, but buy the time they could put me on full duty again, I'd be out anyway because I wasn't intending to re-enlist. I was pretty much out of commision for a good year + doing physical therapy and whatnot, but no real exercise...that's when I started packing on some pounds. Once everything was healed up, I had a hard time getting myself motivated to get back into it and figured...meh...I'm still healthy and fit, no biggie...15 years later, well let's just say my former DI would not have anything good to say about me.

    I started off in Air-traffic control and had a complete melt-down at 18 years old...I think they actually upped the requirement for that MOS to be a certain age or in your 2nd tour or something, but my memory is foggy. Spent the rest of my time 1833 3rd Tracks (I think they've since changed the MOS number) and had a secondary as a Hazmat tech which is actually where I spent most of my time.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    ok, i was 6492 which is avionics technician... spent my time in the spent alot of time as a range coach. The best part is I spent my entire time in struggleing with weight around my limit which was 172 or 18% bf and now I love running and lifting and im 8 % at 148.. wish I had this motivation while I was in, would have made for a better time..
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I still lift daily, Bench 3 sets 10 reps 310 lbs. I have a six pack now, just want to cut the rest of the fat. im currently 8 %. Running will burn the calories to shed the fat.


    Put out by the World Health Org. They base their data on what's healthiest. So something to think about.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hahaha.. I love watching people over react. The 310 is bowflex weight, regardless, the point is that I am not losing muscle, I am gaining, and have now maxed out my bowflex and will be upgrading soon to 410. I want to say thank you to all of you who are generally supportive in the actual topic. I do feel I may have a problem in terms of fearing gaining weight by eating them back. I am still trying to lose to get to 6% or less. I have been heavy my whole life and struggle maintaining the weight standards while in the military. So, I guess now that I can, I want to transform as much as possible. It still amazes me how many people would rather bash others on this site instead of be helpful. Anyway, I appreciate the real responses!

    The bowflex to the best of my knowledge is an exercise machine, not a body composition analyzer. I don't see how your bowflex can help you conclude anything about muscle gained or loss. Remember, mass is not necessarily tied to strength.

    When specifying bench press weight, the standard is with a barbell. Try 310 with a barbell and get back to us. Please use a spotter.

    People do tend to get riled up when people post absurd lifts. The other day my friends and hung a chevy camaro from tow straps and I deadlifted it (don't get excited, it was only for 5 reps). <--- example of an absurd claim
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    not sure what the point of your post was. You may want to research a little. Or maybe im wrong. I guess if I get stronger, meaning I can lift more now than before, that I am gaining muscle. This would then mean that the bowflex can build mass... Again, maybe not, im no scientist, but i doubt you are either. Again, I could care less about the opinions of self proclaimed body builders.. I was simply looking for advice on eating burnt calories.