

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Was off from work yesterday for DH 1st routine colonoscopy. No problems just a tiny polyp and a pocket of diverticulosis. I "prodded" him to get this done as the recommendation is to get a baseline at age 50 and he is a few years overdue....

    I made the mistake of checking work e-mail and had a little stress over an incident at school. I was a bit nervous today but after some detective work it all turned out okay. Bottom line is children do lie.... even the cute and innocent looking ones.:devil:

    Today I will do another kettlebell routine at home. It is 30 minutes and you are done. I still make modifications because of my limitations. Right now I will get my structured exercise at home....

    Welcome to the newbies! Glad you are here! The support here is fantastic!

    M- Glad your DGD is such a joy to you! Sorry about the car issue and DH not speaking to you. DSS needs to own up! Having said that...neurologists feel the frontal lobe does not fully develop until age 26....:laugh:
    Laura- Thanks for sharing your Mom's story with us... :heart: I sure admire your ability to make all those goodies and avoid them!:drinker:
    Katia-Congrats on your loss! Glad you and DH are feeling better. Have fun at DS wedding!
    Lin-Hope the stress lessens for you soon
    Meg-Bet you are glad you are almost done with this round of students!! Now you will have time to shop!
    Jolene-You will find the right job opportunity...Good luck with your test results. I will be thinking of you.:flowerforyou:
    Janie-How wonderful you make the blankets for the seniors:heart:
    DeeDee-WTG on your loss!!! You are doing it girl!!! Glad you got the flu shot too
    DebA-Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:
    Michele-Sorry to hear about DH and his gout. I heard that is really painful:sad: I sure did laugh about the chocolate covered carrots....:laugh:
    4Dogmom-Good for you going to the gym....Perserverance!!! Identifying the hunger is a good key to overcoming overeating. I know if I am hungry and have not planned the snacking can be deadly:explode:
    Lin-Soooo happy you are soon going to Amsterdam to see your DH!!! Have a fantastic time!!!:heart:
    Linda-Kudos to you for delivering all 48 cupcakes!!! :drinker:
    Liz-Glad you are starting out with an uneventful work week! Hope it continues!
    Nancy- Good for you making the time to read. Quiet time and meditation are important in our overall well being....:smile:
    Barbie- Our own dancing with the stars! Way to improv until that bike gets there!!!:love:
    Lila-Good luck with your budget proposal.:drinker:

    I know I missed lots of wonderful ladies but am doing this at work so need to run.... Sending lots of good energy to everyone and my tidbit of the day comes via Nancy and her making the time to read...Find some quiet time to yourself....even if it is only for a minute or two....:heart:

    Take care,
  • KayandBelle
    KayandBelle Posts: 22 Member
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good afternoon all, boy miss one day and you're reading forever.

    Meg- sorry about DD#2, we have one just like her only is DS#1. I feel your pain.

    I have been so off track that I am finding it very hard to get back on. I am going to the store and get some low carb/cal snacks. I really need a kick in the b----. Tigress
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Loving that it's Thursday,

    Thank you all for your kind thoughts on my post about my Mom and what would have been her 86th Birthday:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- Christmas Mice are, cherries dipped in Chocolate with a Hershey's Kiss for the nose and Almond Slices for the ears then I add little dots of frosting for the eyes...quite a bit of work but so cute on the candy dish:wink: Hoping that all your tests come back with good info. I too hate it when my hands are cold and just sitting here at my desk they are so cold that I have to hold my coffee cup just to warm them up:wink:

    DebA- in my Mom's last yr and half I used to call her everyday when I was on my way home from work and even today two years later I still feel like I should be calling her and telling her about my day:ohwell: Not doing the baking...yep my hubby would like it if I didn't but my kids would think there is something wrong with me if I did that...so plenty of candy in our house and it's not a temptation because there is just so much of it it's a bit too much to see & smell...now give me a good piece of Salmon and it's gone:noway:

    Sueb- #75 of pecans:noway: now that's ambition...I'd give in and just buy them already shelled.

    LinC- I give away a lot of the candy as gifts to hostesses at parties we go to and have some for my family. We also give it out to all our neighbors. It used to be when our sons were small I would make the candy for New Years as it always got so busy before Christmas and so it became our New Year's tradition but in 2002 when all the boys joined the military and were gone I suddenly had time and for that Christmas our #2 Son was getting married and both of our parents would be with us...so since that time I've been making it for Christmas to give away:flowerforyou:

    Polly- I love visiting historic sites too so whenever hubby and I go on a vacation we always find at least one museum to visit. I totally understand teenagers and grades...when our #1 Son was in high school he was our "social butterfly" and grades were NOT important to him unless it involved music & his trumpet. Now at 35 yr old he's finally in college (his two brothers are doing their Masters) and when he calls me he's forever telling me about his grades and how he's doing...and of course A's are so very important now....so hang in there someday your DS will have the lights go on and he will realize that grades are important:flowerforyou:

    Pat- only two cookies that's great...I'm sure all those veggies fought off any cookie badness:wink:

    Barbie- I'm sure that once your bike arrives you will be making up for lost time and going miles:drinker:

    Michele- gout:noway: I'm sorry that Vince has that, not sure I'd know how to treat someone with it...guess I'd have to head to the internet and find out. Sounds like you are very busy so sorry to hear about your bowling team mate passing:flowerforyou:

    4dogmom-eating low calorie filling foods will really help in the hunger department as well as the eating every 2 hrs. Sounds like you are making a plan to get your eating in line...good for you:drinker:

    Lila-already have your ticket to see you daughter....something to really look forward to. When we visited our #2 Son & DIL when they were stationed with NATO our last sight seeing trip was to Amsterdam being spring it was beautiful with flowers everywhere:flowerforyou: We had the BEST fresh fish we'd ever eaten while we were there too...we still talk about it and how good it was:drinker:

    Katla- glad you have made it to the hotel and to find out that you are down a few pounds congrats:drinker: Hoping your hubby is feeling better by the time of the wedding.

    Linda- I love your idea of kids skipping from 13 to 20...it sure would solve a lot of family problems:huh: Icing 48 cupcakes...that's something I would have a hard time keeping my hands off...good thing they are going out the door:laugh:

    Nancy- parent-teacher conferences...I remember them well...when Mom & Dad had them and they worked late and then when hubby and I had to fit them into our lives to see about our sons schooling....can't say I miss them...one of those necessary evils:huh:

    Wanda-Happy Belated Birthday:flowerforyou:

    BJ-take it slow and easy as you reenter the exercise routine we would hate to hear that you have injured yourself. I know that when I was doing the 30 DS when I got to level 3 and there was a lot of jumping my knees just couldn't do it so I went back to level 2 and continued on...so slow and steady is the way to go:flowerforyou:

    Carolyn- so glad you "prodded" your hubby to get his base line done....it's really important. I will confess I was really glad when I had mine that the doctor said I didn't have to come back for another 10 years:wink: unfortunately that means that in another two it will be time again...YUCK:grumble:

    Tigress- don't be discouraged just attack the new day with new resolve to make today be the best it can be:drinker:

    Last night after my workout I went to the frig to fix dinner with what I thought I had as leftovers and found that hubby had eaten them for his dinner Tuesday night before he went to his class....so he suggested we go out and we decided on Red Robin because we can get a burger & side salad with the burger lettuce wrapped. I sure was glad I had done some cardio because it gave me the calories I needed to be able to have the burger I wanted. It was a good lesson for me for the new year as I will be working even harder on my maintenance. Lesson: if I want to eat the occasional special meal I will have to have more cardio calories available:love:

    Hubby told me this morning that he has hit his #25 mark, a new milestone. He was hoping for #30 by Christmas but doesn't think he will make that. Personally I think #25 is a great loss for someone that's only been doing this for about 2.5 months:happy:

    The boss is out on a job site and I'm really making headway on the papers that have grown on my desk so I best get back to them.

    I've changed my pic to that of Peanut with his Santa hat...wishing all of you a wonderful Holiday Season. Remember this is a great time to log your food, drink plenty of water and get in that exercise so we can greet the new year better than we were last year:drinker:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Just stopping by to say hi to everyone!:smile: First time sitting all day! Finally caught up on the the great posts again. Pretty excited that although my official weigh in day is not until tomorrow, the dreaded scale shows a 2.5 lb loss! Feeling a little limited with exercise at the moment only because I don't want to undo what physical therapy is trying to fix but am still walking daily. Getting excited to see my DS and DIL in 2 weeks! Haven't seen them since June and hopefully they will be staying with us for about a week for Christmas!:bigsmile: Hugs to all!:flowerforyou:

  • jjdig
    jjdig Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all!
    How do you guys keep up with all of this! :tongue: So fun to get to know everybody. But I'm not sure I can keep up with
    names too well!
    Kudos to everybody for making this such a fun group! Best wishes for the thyroid sufferers. I know my mom's been on something for most of her life, so once it's figured out, maybe it's a "done deal". Bodies are such amazingly complicated things!
    I had to laugh at DeeDee's walking in 27 degree weather - yowza, I would be running except then there'd be wind chill!
    How exciting it must be to have grandkids - you who do are lucky, lucky, lucky - and an inspiration to us who are just trying to survive parenthood of teenagers... My sons are a lot of fun, but the older one (16) can be the Ultimate Pill so well. They don't learn that stuff, do they?
    Well, I keep reading about this "whole 30" eating plan that I came across. It's kind of tempting, but I don't think I could seriously diet for 30 whole days.
    My 16 year old last night said "if you get P90X, mom, I'll do it with you" (I had asked him earlier. thinking there'd be no way!). Guess I really should be careful what I ask. Not sure about THAT, either.
    Ha ha ha.
    Had my running class this morning so am feeling extra tired now. I'm the slowest one. But at least I'm there..............
    Have a great day you guys!!!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all! This is a crazy day and I have to finish a book project and email it tonight, so no time to respond to everyone. I did read your posts and am so glad I am part of this group. Take care, enjoy your Friday, and I'll be back tomorrow evening! Meg
  • pjweaver1975
    pjweaver1975 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice Gardengail. The cardio rehab nurse told me to take my resting pulse (mine is 82) and add 20 - 30 to get a good rate for me to use. I'm doing everything they have suggested. So far I'm feeling fine. Only one issue and that is trying to eat at least 1000 calories least of all the 1500 calories they asked me to maintain.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Hi all
    No time to catch up tonight. I have a confession though, its been a terrible 'diet' day. I made bad choices - because I fancied pie and chips, and then had biscuits for a snack. I have not even noted how far over I am today. I have done no exercise either because I have been so busy. Hubby is out tomorrow and I have a list of things to do, and have done all the preparation so I can get them all done tomorrow!

    I don't care about being over (just needed to fess up). It happens, and I am drawing a line ______________________ Tomorrow I will be back on track and will try and add a few extra minutes to my workout routines for the next few days to make up for what I have missed.

    Thanks for listening.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I've not had time to read or write much. Work is killing me. It doesn't help that I messed up some data and spent all day putting it back together again.

    I have been awful most of this week but am back on track today. I ate a new thing called a Pomelo. It tastes somewhat like a grapefruit only sweeter. I really liked it. I think I will add it as a regular thing to my diet. I can't tolerate grapefruits but I really enjoyed the Pomelo.

    Well today my little girl turns 13 and I must get to her. Hope all is well with everyone.

    Laura - your Mom story made me cry the other day. I lost my Mom at 25 and envy those who get to see their Mom's live a long life.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Am feeling a little better. I seem to be sleeping better lately, which really helps!

    Meg- I don't know how you keep up with your schedule! I hope the writing goes smoothly tonight and that you will find some time to just relax.

    Laura- I don't care at all about having sweets in the house. I am finding that I don't have a problem being around them and not overindulging. They don't taste good to me at all anymore!:happy: I will bake if my kids or Mom want something specific. I may end up making mini carrot cake cupcakes. They are everyone's favorite.

    I really need to ramp up the exercise. I know I am not getting enough, but time is an issue. Work has been crazy. I am going to try and sneak in lunges, squats, wall push-ups, etc. in the three minutes between classes. I carpool and try to get to our meeting place at least 20 minutes early to get in a walk before work. That hasn't worked out this week because Liz has been out sick and it it shorter for me to drive the back roads to work. I've gotten in a little more time at work, but less walking. Suggestions anyone?
    Deb A
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    LinC:smile: How sweet of you to make cupcakes for DGDs birthday!!! -10 degrees:noway: :noway: :noway: , I couldn`t handle it!

    Nancy:smile: Your book sounds really interesting, I just need to make time to get some reading in!

    Tobeslim618:smile: Your goals look good!!! Just keep coming back everyday, jump right on in an start chatting away!!!

    Sharonleemead:smile: Welcome!!! You don`t have to give up the foods you love, just learn how to eat them in moderation.

    Wanda:smile: So nice to see you back!!! Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: !!!

    Bj:smile: Glad you`re back to walking and it`s not as painful as feared! I had to laugh about your baking, I`m not a baker either, I once made peanut butter cookies, after I had stirred everything up, I realized I forgot to put the peanut butter in:embarassed: . No one asks me to bake anymore:laugh: !

    Carolyn:smile: Glad you got DH to get the test and things are good! Those are important tests, don`t like them, but necessary!

    Tigress:smile: Loving kick to your behind:flowerforyou: ! :flowerforyou: Good for you getiing some low carb/calorie snacks!!!

    Laura80111:smile: Peanut is sooo cute in his Santa hat sitting by the tree:love: , I don`t think I could get Noel to pose like that! Those Christmas Mice sound so so cute, and so so good too!!! Congrats to hubby!!!

    Kathy:smile: Woo hoo! Congrats on the 2.5 gone!!!

    Judy:smile: What is the "whole 30" eating plan? I`ve never heard of it before. I just eat whatever I want as long as I have calories for it. At least you`re running and before you know it you won`t be the slowest...good for you!!!! My knees don`t like to run:frown: , I used to run years and years ago and loved it, maybe one day I`ll try it again.

    Meg:smile: Busy busy you are!!! Hope your night goes smoothly!

    Annie:smile: Good for you having a plan to get back on your plan!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Happy birthday to the new teenager!!!

    DebA:smile: It sounds like you`re doing a good job squeezing in a bit of exercise. When I have to go to a store, I usually always park a good distance from the door to get in extra steps, if I`m watching TV I always get up during commercial breaks and walk around the house, and thanks to Barbie for her advice I now walk around while I talk on the phone! I try to only sit for 30 minutes at a time, and get up and have a stretch and short walk before I get back to the computer, every little step counts!!!

    I got my test results back today...thyroid is doing good on the dose I`m on...YAY, I hate it when they want to change it and I feel fine! Vit.D is still low, so I continue to take 50,000 IU twice a week, at least it had come up 2 points from 3 months ago!!! I don`t have to go back for 6 months...they had been making me come in every 3 months, I`m very happy about that!!! I love my Dr. but I love it even more when I don`t have to go in so often!!! I should get myself busy and make my dinner I just realized it`s getting a bit late. Just a big salad tonight with left over steak on top!

    Hope you all have a wonderful night!!!

  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Bump 'till later.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Today has been ok. Except I am coming down with something I think. My throat is burning hard to swallow, freezing aching feverish. I am frustrate by this thought right before weekend. I have so much to do getting ready for everything. I don't mean to be selfish I will be back to reply to all of the posts that I have just read. I am really very tired today.

    Keep logging your food and drink your water
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words about teens. I keep reminding myself to be positive, but it's so hard when my DS is such a knucklehed. :laugh:

    Working hard at getting my food logged this week. Better with water -- up to 5 glasses/day. No trips to the gym this week. Too busy with work, and have had a queasy stomach for past 2 days. I had a flu shot in October so maybe I'm fighting off something. It's definitely going around the school. If you are healthy now, keep washing your hands so you can stay healthy.

    Time to prepare tomorrow's activity -- sorting out 2-step equations! No time to chat tonight, but I've read everyone's posts. I envy you who are able to make time to respond more fully, and appreciate your support for all our efforts.

    Keep logging every bite. Drink another glass of water. Keep smiling if you can. Tomorrow's Friday!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, ladies, and welcome to all the newcomers. Lots of people to bring support and commiseration to this group.

    Just a quick drive-by check in. For those curious, DH got over his snit, he and DSS went and got the car and all is right with the world. We are hosting euchre for the neighborhood group this weekend – I haven’t even begun to prepare, but I did finish getting the Christmas decorations up and just need to put a coat of paint on the front-room door and I’m done with the paint too. I had vowed not to buy sugar anymore, but I forgot I have to make two desserts for euchre in addition to some holiday baking, so it’s off to Costco I go. Fortunately I can take the remainders with me to DD – they’ll be happy to eat what they want and toss the rest.

    We had an interesting discussion tonight about Christmas dinner. DSD was asking when we were going to celebrate as both DH and I will be out of town for Christmas, and we won’t see the kiddos until New Year’s weekend (well, from when we leave until then). In the discussions, it turned out that she kind of thinks going out to eat doesn’t really count as a holiday dinner. We had gone out to DS’s restaurant for Thanksgiving; then I said we should probably plan on taking them out to eat for Christmas since we would both be leaving the next morning for the respective airports for the week. She wasn’t keen on going out again. Huh. We may back up Christmas a week but I still don’t see how it’s going to work. Something to think about. DH wants to fry a turkey, but then he would be leaving for a work trip and I don’t eat it – so it would go to waste too. I’m thinking a nice dinner at a local inn is what is called for.

    So, in other news I’ve managed to work out every day since my “break” – and doing more than doubles. I did yoga today, back and biceps and abs yesterday, plyo the day before, and a five-mile walk/jog all three days too. Then I started a squat-a-thon with a group, so I’ve been doing those too. Exercise has been going well, and I’m feeling even better about it. I was really jazzed today because I thought I might skip yoga and do it on Sunday today, then around noon I decided to just go get it done – and for whatever reason I was stretchier and stronger than ever before. I just felt amazing. It was cold here today, so I wasn’t planning on going for a walk, then DH asked if we could go out if he got home earlier enough, so poof, I got extra exercise on a day I was planning to take off. And to top it all off, my food choices have been much better – I’ve been having a greek salad every day for lunch and dinner, which has been fabulous, and a curried butternut squash soup for the past couple of days. I just feel great. I must have turned a corner there somewhere.

    I’m getting a biometric screening next week – my insurance/company gives me a pretty significant break on my monthly cost if I complete the bio screening, and I think I can pass all the tests with flying colors. I hope it goes well.

    My best wishes to everyone fighting off the holiday eating bombs. If nothing else, try to make yourself promise to eat a healthy small meal before going out to try to fill up on healthy foods and not leave room for a lot of junk. Good luck!


  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: As are others, I am also coming down with something. Despite having had a flu shot. DH was down with a bad cold for a week and it appears I have it now. Hope to shake it off soon. Very busy at work. Lost another 1/2 lb today but not recording it yet.

    :heart: Rebel

    ps. there are also a lot of xmas snacks and food gifts at work. So far I have not eaten any. Good for me, eh?!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - when we have a potluck, i do usually eat a decent dinner at home. Then I just have nibbles of other things. But I usually have a fairly decent amount of what I bring. Like today I made a seafood & shells pasta salad to take to the Newcomer holiday social this Sunday. Only 164 calories for 3/4 cup. They're going to have turkey and ham, like last year I'll just have the turkey.

    carolmsb - I never add in my exercise calories. I figure that as long as I'm feeling good, then if I go over on the calories (like I do sometimes), that exercise will offset it. I enjoy bowling, too. Wish I was better, tho. Yesterday afternoon for the first time ever (and probably the last time ever) I got a turkey. But then at night two of my three games were in the 80's. That's me...consistently inconsistent.

    Did a hour of Jari Love Ripped and Chiseled DVD, then took my mahjongg set to this one gal's home and just left it on her porch, stopped to get Vince some cereal, then to another store to get candy for the soup kitchen, then to WalMart to get another package of batteries for my earrings. I think one of the cats took the package and was playing with it. Two batteries come in a package and I need three. Then home for a bit then out to lunch with the Newcomers. I did choose the lowest cal item on the menu -- the grilled chicken and had steamed veggies with it (no butter) and just water to drink. Came home and made the seafood pasta salad for Sunday, fried some chicken patties, that reminds me that I want to make jb's soup, have all the ingredients, just need to do it.

    Tomorrow I'll do speed intervals on the treadmill then go to the funeral. Well, I dodged one holiday party -- the mahjongg one, but added the bowling one. When will it end??

    lila - when your mom had the gout, what foods did she need to eliminate and for how long? The MD told Vince to eliminate all meats and alcohol for a few days. Which reminds me that I have some lasagna in the refrigerator defrosted for him for tomorrow night, need to put that back into the freezer. What day are you flying? I love to get good deals on things. Update: I just found out that he has to eliminate them totally for 3 days and tomorrow will be day 3

    Right now I'm feeling so good, haven't had very much cookies and that sort of thing. But I know that the holiday baking has to begin, and I know that I'll taste test things, and I know that I'm going to feel "yuk". How I can't wait for these holidays to be over!

    katla - have a great time at the wedding. Glad you're feeling better. Sad to say, but that may have been the cause of the weight loss. When you're not feeling well, you don't feel like eating.

    DeeDee - red velvet cake is your favorite? How about chocolate. Really, I made a red velvet cake from scratch one time and the only difference between that and a chocolate cake was the fact that the red velvet contained red food coloring. Now I've never heard of a pancake around a sausage link as a "pig in the blanket". Interesting, huh? I don't give Vince a lot of red meat, either; and the last time he had anything to drink was Thanksgiving. From his reading on the Internet, it appears that some people are predisposed to making more uric acid. The kidneys can filter out just so much. Oh, I bet you're better at bowling than I am. Most everyone is better than me!

    Carla - safe travels! I think this has got to be the absolute worst time of the year for watching weight. I'm going to be happy just maintaining. Stress can lead to weight gain, and the stress of all the holiday prep, etc. sometimes gets to me. But come January, like clockwork, I'll start to feel much better and will probably drop a few pounds.

    Lin - I'm thinking right now that I'll just bring raw carrots and put a sign on them "guess who this is from?" Not too many will get eaten, of that I'm sure. So I might as well have something that I don't mind bringing home.

    Will take some of the Dove dark chocolates to the Y tomorrow. Really want to get them out of the house.

    Wanda - happy belated birthday.

    Anyone know what's going on with mimi? She hasn't been here in a while

    carolyn - which kettlebell DVD's do you do? Can you use free weights in place of the kettlebells?

    Laura - congrats to your hubby!

    Cheryl - happy birthday to your daughter (you're not old enough for that). How do you eat a Pomelo? I've seen them in stores and have been wanting to try one, but I don't know how to eat it.

    Deb - HIIT burns more fat in less time. I sometimes do it on the elliptical, sometimes on the AMT. From now until the holidays are over, I'm going to try to get more and more in.

    DeeDee - Dr. Oz had someone (I don't remember his name) on who touted the "30 in 30" plan. Basically, it means to have 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of your day. Perhaps that's what the "30 plan" is???? I'd never heard of it, either and will be interested to find out more about it.

    M - a dinner out is my vote! (if that means anything --- which I doubt). Congrats on getting in the extra exercise! What will the biometric screening be looking for?

    Rebel - feel better fast! Good for you not having those snacks!

    Well, better get ready for bed. Hope everyone has a great evening

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dee Dee, you’ll have to tell us how the turducken tastes….about keeping your hands warm, I spent a lot of time last winter researching warmer gloves including looking into what the mushers on the Iditarod used and ended up with the same gloves I already had. When I walk the dogs I need a lot of dexterity to hold the leashes and take care of the “business” the dogs do. I found out that the mushers had to take off their extra warm gloves or mittens to do things that required dexterity….I did end up getting “little hotties” hand warmers to put in my pockets, Wearing more warm clothing and warmer footwear helped too....one of my favorite cold weather clothing items is a wool balaclava that covers ears, chin, cheeks, forehead, neck.

    :flowerforyou: BJ, what wonderful images you shared about jumping poodles…when Sasha was young and recovering from spay surgery and a broken leg there was no way we could keep her penned or off the tall bed or the couch

    :flowerforyou: Carolyn, I didn’t have a colonoscopy until a few months before my 65thbirthday so your DH is way ahead of me…….the reason I finally agreed to have one was the encouragement of women on this thread.

    :bigsmile: Laura, I love the picture of Peanut in the Santa hat

    :bigsmile: practice is finished for the line dance performance tomorrow night......it's an event to gather toys for children......there will be several groups dancing (cloggers, belly dancers, line dancers, and I don't know who else)....admission to the event is an unwrapped toy for a child.

    :bigsmile: our next performance will be Monday afternoon at an assisted living place.

    :flowerforyou: I took the day off from logging food…….didn’t eat anything I wouldn’t have eaten on a regular day but didn’t worry about keeping track….I wouldn’t want to live like this all the time but one day every week or two is a nice change.....I didn't start doing this until I'd been logging food daily for years.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hello :smile:
    I started November 25th. My goal is to lose 25 pounds and get myself working out at least 3 or 4 days a week. Taking off weight is very hard for me because I love my beer and pizza and mexican food. I hate giving up things I love :heart:
    It was really great to read all of the posts here and it really does help with motivation... wish me luck

    You really don't have to give up beer and pizza and Mexican food, but you have to use portion control in order to lose the weight. That means a little beer, a little pizza, and a little Mexican food. Add in some exercise. Calories count.

    I started October 15. I have changed so much in the few months I've been here, and successfully lost enough weight to drop a size, so far. I still have 3 cups of coffee with sugar in the morning, and two whiskey and everything-free cokes at night. (I'm using a scant teaspoon of sugar per cup instead of a heaping one.) In between I'm eating very healthy foods and watching my portion sizes.