Looking for a good bread replacement



  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Joseph's brand makes some good replacements. I use the lavash bread or the low carb pitas- they have a full line of stuff to choose from. I get them online at Netrition.com, but I've heard of some WalMarts and other stores having the brand. Depends where you live, I suppose.

    I use Joseph's lavash bread for all sorts of things, including homemade low fat veggie pizza. Lavash chips are wonderful too with a homemade salsa. Easy too. I will send recipes for anyone who wants them.
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    Try -- Ezekiel Bread - sprouted bread
  • jonnie7053
    jonnie7053 Posts: 48 Member
    I make my own Chipattis using gram flour. Make up a batch and just put them in a container, there are lots of recipes on the web : )
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    ezekhial bread, high in protein, low in carbs. Can be found in most grocery stores in the frozen food aisle
  • Swethington00
    Sarah Lee 45 and Delightful whole wheat with honey
  • CupcakeRunner6780
    There is also a recipe called "cloud bread", they are made of egg whites and are extremely low in calories. Less than 15 a piece. They are more like hamburger buns when you make them though.:smile:
  • imkegoal
    imkegoal Posts: 156 Member
    I replaced my diet of wholemeal bread and cheese for lunch with a 'meal soup' - ie lentil or bean soup. It really has worked for me. It is often between 100 and 150 calories and as it has beans or lentils in it fills me up enough not to crave bread. Initially I would have it with 2 crackers, but after a while I found I didn't need those.

    My morning sandwich is replaced with Porridge. Perfect in these wintermonths and very filling.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    mission carb balance tortillas
  • YellowSaturn
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for posting all this, I actually didn't know that I could replace bread for something else, I am soo adicted to the stuff that I don't think I could live a day without it. I think I will try some of these amazing options.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I just happen to find this site yesterday:
    www.julianbakery.com with discount code 1776.
    They make carb free, gluten free, and have some stores that carry their brand, I am planning to try some soon.
  • tonytedesco
    tonytedesco Posts: 68 Member
    Replace each slice of bread with a chicken breast :laugh:

    What do you usually eat on a sandwich? Could you just increase the veggie content, and turn it into a salad?

    I thought the exact same thing...
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    I know it doesnt sound all that great but you could use iceberg lettuce leave to wrap things like chicken or tuna :)

    not as filling but tastes good and is served quite often at Chinese restaurants!
  • murrayhambrick
    I make my own Flour from Mesquite Beans / pods. Its great for my Low Carb (Prediabetic) diet and tastes great. I mix it with Almond Flour and bake it into Bread just like regular White Flour but its much much better for you.
  • missdamman
    My parents use a product called "Flat Out" and make wraps, etc. My dad is diabetic so he has to watch his carbs.

    These are awesome, they have different ones as well. My local Hy-Vee carries them, If your store doesnt you can ask them to get them in for you.
  • ChelleBalady

    ⬆This! It's yum.