Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I have had 2 Mirenas for 8 years after my third child.
    I completely lost my sexdrive with it and had frequent migraines, no fun at all. I didn´t make the connection with the Mirena at that time, just thought I was burnt out with my kids (3 kids under 4).

    Later I started research and found out about the multiple sideeffects of the Mirena. I took it out when I wanted the 4th child, got pregnant after just 2 months. So it definitely did not affect fertility for me.:smile:

    Weight loss was none of my problems at that time, I did not gain weight with it but that could definitely be one sideeffect. It is very hard t say if it is the Mirena or something in your lifestyle. I really liked the fact that it was as safe as could be and I had no M. during that time, very convenient. I still couldn´t decide for another one after my 4th child, It is still hormones that you give to your body. I go with a copper IUD now and feel way better with it.
    I lost significant weight with a strict diet and workout program, nothing to do with the Mirena I guess.
    Do some research on google and you will find a lot of information about the Mirena and its sideeffects. It is up to you then to make something of it.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I love the Mirena, have had it for about 3 years now. I have certainly gained weight since then, but that is because I eat too much, don't exercise, and drink too much booze! I love not having periods, not getting bloated, and not having mood swings.

    Thank you for this thread though, I didn't know that so many people had had such bad experiences with it. I have been wholeheartedly recommending it, and will certainly temper my enthusiasm in future!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Back on OC for a month and am FINALLY down 1.7lbs. Am over my initial "ticker" setting, so the ticker is not going to move until I lose another 3 lbs or so. I'm ok with dropping 3+ lbs so that the ticker finally moves. :)

    Still... I'm glad the Mirena's out and I'm glad that this weight is finally coming off.

    My 30 second history:

    Mirena installed May 2011 (138 lbs, size 8-10 pants)
    Mirena uninstalled July 2012 (157 lbs, size 12-14 pants) - lost inches around my bloated belly within days.

    in a year, I gained ~25 lbs, went up 2 pants sizes, despite going to the gym and being gluten-free (15+ years)
    Tried 1200 cals.
    Tried EM2WL.
    Tried TDEE - 20%
    Tried C25K
    Tried 30DS
    Maxed out at 163.8 lbs before going back on OC.
    October 2012 - went back on OC, am finally starting to lose again. FINALLY.

    So, for those of you who think you might be having problems with Mirena, you're not crazy. It's not all in your head. There might be more going on, and most importantly, you're not alone. :)
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I've gotta say, I LOVE my mirena. I didn't gain weight because of it. I gained weight because I was a Fatty McFatFat and ate everything in sight. I also haven't had any problems losing weight. I love the fact that I don't have periods with it, too. I never worry about TOM weight/bloating. [:

    I also love my Mirena and my weight wasn't due to that either... it was due to having a 10 lbs baby boy a few months prior to getting it! I have lost almost 30 lbs with it in on top of the 30 lbs of baby weight, but maybe I'd have lost more without it! Who knows?? But the convenience of it outweighs everything for me!

    Everyone is so different, so don't think you are crazy if you personally have issues and someone else doesn't!
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I am scheduled to get an IUD on Friday Feb 24th and after reading all this I am not sure what to do!!! I cannot take any pills because I am breast feeding. I could take a small dose of progesterone but it made me sick when I was breastfeeding my son. Ugh...decisions decisions!

  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Ok I am so up in the air on what to do now!! I was planning on getting Mirena, I don't need it for the birth control purp since my husband is fixed. I just need it cause my periods are sooo bad, the cramps leave me on the couch for 3 days!!!. I haven't beeon on any birth control for 3 months now and I really don't mind it but the cramps and the bloatness is horriable. I have always taken the pill but after having kids, it just don't seem to work as well anymore, I would bleed all month on the pill, so I thought of maybe getting the mirena, but after reading all of your guys posts I am kind of scared now. I really don't wan tto gain anymore weight beigns I am trying to lose the last of my weight!!! , So now I am not realy sure what to do !!!

  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi Allup!

    Maybe you don't need to be frightened until or unless you need to be frightened. Just as pregnancy and the birth of a child comes with risks (Toxoplasmosis, tearing, previa), reversible BC also comes with risks (weight gain, blood clots). It's just a matter of what you're willing to risk.

    As you can see by this thread, different people have different reactions to it... Some people have had more success with it than others. Maybe your body and its chemistry will handle it better than some of ours have. There are plenty of women who've had success with it.

    I think the purpose of this thread was more to help give support to those who haven't had luck with it and haven't had any support, since many of our doctors have had so many patients who HAVE had success with it that they didn't believe those of us who haven't been as fortunate. My doctor:

    - told me that my weight gain had nothing to do with the Mirena (despite the fact that my eating habits didn't change for the worse)
    - told me he'd NEVER heard of ANYONE having problems with it. Ever.
    - didn't think twice about installing it in a woman who'd never had children and was never pregnant.
    - didn't believe me when I told him I'd been cramping for as long as I had been.
    - didn't think it was his problem that I thought I looked pregnant
    - didn't offer any other helpful options or suggestions.
    - had a nurse who pointed out how "fat" I'd gotten since my last visit. (She's a "See You Next Tuesday" anyway)
    - is so much of a tool, that Home Depot called looking for him.

    Hopefully, you have a better doctor. I've since switched practices and am in the process of figuring out a new BC option.

    Maybe do a little more research. If you DO have it installed and it doesn't work for you, they should be able to remove it quite easily. (I don't recommend removing it yourself, since you probably can't see well in there and don't want to risk potential permanent damage by removing it yourself.)
  • blwalton70
    blwalton70 Posts: 71 Member
    I had it at 23 before ever having kids. Still got it 3 years later. I had pains but no weight gain. No side effects.

    There maybe a connection between having it post shild birth and the hormones?

    I see similarities in stories about uncontrollable weight, moods, sleep extra hair growth but all post childbirth insertion.

    I can't blame my weight on my mirena

    Thank you so so much for posting this. I just had my Mirena IUD put in 4 weeks ago and lost 2.4 pounds that week! I really do think that if you have the IUD placed right after having a baby, you will have all those post-baby symtoms that are totally NORMAL!
  • mishomart
    mishomart Posts: 25 Member
    I am getting my mirena taken out tomorrow! I have to remember to take my belly measurements before I go so that I can compare and see if anything changes. If anything- I really hope it helps my face clear up. I've never ever had issues with my face before having it put in.
  • jessiroonita
    jessiroonita Posts: 12 Member
    My story is a bit long, so I'll try to make a long story short! I got the Mirena IUD after the birth of my 3rd child (he's 10 now) and actually had it in for 7 years. All those first 7 years I loved it! What's not to love, no periods, no effect from hormones etc. I did not experience weight gain and my libido was still really good. I was single for 5 years of that time and it was working great for me. Then I went to my OB and had that one removed and a new one put in. That's when I started having problems that I think now were due to the Mirena. I still had no period yay! but my libido did decrease, I was having more problems with panic attacks and inside my brain I felt sooooo irritated and angry. this is not my usual self and so I tried super hard to not let it show. I had to take fluoxatine (prozac, it works well for me) to keep the panic in check. I was having headache and gradually started gaining weight. At first I thought it was "comfort" weight from being in a relationship but I kept up my excercise and have alway had a good diet, and kept that up too. While preparing for my wedding I went to try on my dress that was too big when I bought it and thought it would need alterations and it was too tight! Oh no! I knew I'd gained some weight but for the dress to now be too tight, yikes! So I got on here mfp and started tracking and kept my calories at 1000 per day and was excersising like a mad person! This went on for 3 months and I lost a total of 4 pounds. That's it! It was enough however to fit nicely into the dress and life was good. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and by the time I got back, all the weight I'd lost was back!
  • jessiroonita
    jessiroonita Posts: 12 Member

    I continued to diet and excercise with really strict times to not so strict times, but I was working out much harder and more often and dieting more than I ever had and with little or no results, and several times even gaining a couple pounds! How frustrating! I went to my doctor with all my documentation and calorie counting and excersise logs etc. I was tested for everything under the sun including diabetes. It all checked out good even my thyroid which is what I thought it was. I was told " welcome to 40!" Well that just wasn't good enough! I switched doctors, enough is enough. By this time the fatigue, moodiness and lack of labido were just spiraling worse and worse. She retested everything and came up with only one thing a little off and that was my testosterone is fairly low. She contacted a specialist friend of hers who deals with women's sexuality and she said "Remove her IUD!" It is most likely the cause of the suppressed hormones and fatigue! Finally something I could do about all of this!

    So, I had the mirena removed a week ago. Easy as pie to get it out. Started bleeding that day and bled for the next week, just stopped yesturday. Some of the changes I feel so far are my attitude is feeling better. I have more energy and like someone else posted I've been acting like my upbeat silly self more. I don't feel 100% yet and honestly I'm hoping the weight will start to come off, as I'm still exercising and eating healthy and reduced calories, not 1000 though but around 1200 or so per day. I haven't noticed any weight loss on the scale and my belly is still round and pudgy looking, so I hope that changes. I also am a yoga instuctor with several classes a week I teach and still have a belly. It bugs me because I've always been small and thin and it gets in the way of some of my poses. that's just not right!

    My libido must be coming back too, because I've actually had a couple "sexy" dreams this week and I haven't had that for a looong time. It's a welcomed change. lol

    I'll keep you all posted on my progress! Cross your fingers!
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I love the Mirena; I got it to avoid having a period. I may have experienced mild side effects the first year, but I am now at year four and have not noticed any weight issues. My weight loss has been pretty decent whenever I try it, perhaps it has even helped.
  • I just had mine taken out two days ago, i had it in for thirty months, . I have gained 25 pounds, was experincing mood swings, anxiety, depression, and was having major acne breakouts. I was concerned because im not used to gaining weight, i excercise all the time, i even went on a crazy diet, and still couldnt loose the weight, in fact i gained a couple more pounds on the diet...i was also having weird cravings...like i was pregnant, and to make things weirder i was lactating a little bit!!, i took many home pregnancy tests because i was concerned, but they came up negative. I mean i cant say this is all mirenas fault, but after doing some of my own research online, i relized i wasnt the only one going through this, so. I immediatly made an appointment to have it removed, so im relived to say im feeling better already, im not experiencing as many mood swings and as for the weight, ill keep you posted and let you know if it was the mirena in a couple weeks. I guess mirena isnt for everyone. I will say on a good note with it, was i had stopped getting my period completly, but there were just way too many other side effects that came with it!.
  • mishomart
    mishomart Posts: 25 Member
    I lost a lb or two right away after having it taken out, my belly went down an inch, but the biggest thing I've found (tmi) is that I have a libido again! Small.....but it's there!
  • jessiroonita
    jessiroonita Posts: 12 Member
    It's been 14 days since having my Mirena removed. I had the first 7 years then the second only 2 years. I was feeling really good and perky with a nicer libido going on but the past two days have been blah! I don't know if this is what many women have reported as the "mirena crash" but maybe so. Having low energy and libido gone again, hopefully to return soon! haha

    I have yet to lose any weight since my removal. I am working out 3-4 times a week and also 2.5 mile vigorous walking while carrying 2lb dumbells 1-2 times a week, watching diet and still nothing!

    Keeping fingers crossed. Some say it takes a few months to regulate again.
  • deactivatefat
    deactivatefat Posts: 17 Member
    Very interesting, I have always wanted to find more current info about this, after my daughter was born i lost 30lbs for a good 3 months [pending I only gained about 10], then once i got the Mirena i gained 20.... hmmm
  • I have the Mirena in and I am in a fog all of the time. I have had trouble losing weight since the initial 20 lbs I lost after having my son (before I had mirena placed) I have also experienced a higher temp than what use to be normal for me. it's usually around 99.5 now... it use to be around 98.5. I have also gotten a period or spotting every 2 weeks, which was definitely not normal for me before I had this placed. I'm just wondering if it has something to do with the Mirena. I have recently gotten my sex drive back but that took nearly a year as I had it placed last january. Granted with bleeding every two weeks, it somewhat limits the amount of sex you can have. I'm torn as to what to do because I've been on birth controls before and they weren't much better. I do like the fact that we don't have to worry about getting pregnant but is it worth the side effects??
  • oh, and i have been breaking out like crazy, i hadn't had acne for a while before this
  • I just got my Mirena taken out TODAY. I loved not having a period, but that is about it. Over the course of two years I gained 35 lbs. and it has been hell getting it off. My doctor said that often weight gain begins after 6 months with the Mirena and I found that true for myself.
    I will definitely keep you all posted on my weight (LOSS)!