Foods You Refuse to Guve Up!



  • deepuckett1
    deepuckett1 Posts: 48 Member
    This is a great post - thank you. I've reached the age and have 'dieted' so many times that this journey is a lifestyle change for me. I refuse to give up anything I really want. I may not be dropping pounds at a fast rate, but I am happy with my loss. It helps that my husband is on the same page as I am. My mantra is: Don't give up what you want Most for what you want Now! If I really think I need it, I eat it. Then get over it and move on.
  • 2BeFit4Jesus
    Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
  • Neraks
    Neraks Posts: 30 Member
    The Hazelnut Creamer in my coffee, will not even think about giving it up!!! And I don' t mean the sugar/fat-free version. I only like the fully loaded :-)

    It makes me Happy :-)
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    Ice cream
    Whole eggs, why would you want to eat an egg white?
    Red meat
  • Kassadeedle
    Kassadeedle Posts: 136 Member
    Chips and super hot salsa...I'm like addicted. But proud of myself that I can eat one serving rather than 6 at a time (:

    Oh and pizza. I eat pizza like 3x a week.
  • Ferfey02
    I too eat white rice. My wife is Cuban, getting rid of white rice would be hazardous to my health.

    I refuste to give up beer.

    lol.... However, I do feel the same way about White Rice. "getting rid of white rice would be hazardous to my health."
  • maggiemay22467
    maggiemay22467 Posts: 214 Member
    stake n shake hamburgers mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Idk if any of you have heard of Takis...but yeah. I swear I'm addicted. It's not like I refuse to give it's that I think I'd die if I did.... :P
  • AnahitaCanDoIt

    I have a new fancy shmansy coffee maker and it's my last indulgence. I can't let go. I heart you coffee forever and ever. Just you and me. :)
  • Kdj535
    Agreed! I haven't given up anything completely. Something like Dr Pepper (regular) I just have once a week. Somethings I can just substitute for a lower cal/fat version. Other foods that aren't good for me at all I just only eat them when I really really want it. Like everyone else has mentioned already portion control and paying attention to what you're putting in your mouth makes all the difference!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Pizza & cheese. Preferably together ;)
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    All of them...
  • Ilysandrew11
    Ilysandrew11 Posts: 133 Member
    I love pizza...when I crave it though I get the Lean Cuisine one so I know it will be portioned. I also ate it with a banana...I started to eat regular oatmeal and then I add my own brown sugar in but it doesnt taste as good. Once Im done with this huge can I got, I am buying the good oatmeal (which is still only 100 cal per serving) Chocolate is my weakness and while dark is better, I only like milk choclate...and I wont give that up I just make sure its portioned as well!!! :)
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Rum and Coke (real sugar kind)
    Regular latte
  • naijaman
    naijaman Posts: 4 Member
    Refused to give up my Five Guys Burgers and Fries - I hit Five Guys once every two weeks and enjoy my meal with zero body doesn't notice it...still remain ripped - 3 years and counting, no complaints.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I've been on a diet for a year and a half, and i had to make so many different changes and swapping my favorite foods for healthier versions that i eventually ended up giving up foods i've never thought i would ever give up.

    for everyday food i was told not to eat cheese and dairy but i'm not giving those up. I'm not supposed to have any soy product either because i'm on a thyroid medication,but I still use my soy sauce every once in a while.

    But, it's the snacks I'm not ever giving up. The eventual: peanut butter teaspoon, dulce de leche (milk caramel spread), chocolate, ice cream, and any kind of sweets and candy. I try to keep them for my cheat day, but nothing happens if i eat a tiny bit of them on an everyday basis.

    You don't need to deprive yourself to lose weight! Just schedule when you're going to eat those foods and keep an eye on the portion size. If i see that I'm going to have a very social week then i leave those fave things for those days instead of having a cheat day.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Peanut butter.
    Sugar-laden coffee.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Coffee and coke zero.

    Pretty sure I'd die without caffeine. Probably because people would kill me for being a miserable *****.
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    a hamburger with fries.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member