1200 calories = more likely to have problems?



  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I eat Loads more calories than that and i am still always bloody hungry

    I am going to try and make breakfasts bigger and more of an event with the hope to combat it!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    1200 is not the magic # just because MFP sets it up for you...you will not turn into a pumpkin if you go over..I promise.

    However, I stick to around 1200..I feel satisfied throughout the day. I try to eat some high fiber foods and plan when and what I eat around my day.

    there are many different diets(eating lifestyles) i.e paleo, low carb, carb cycling, high protein, TDEE, vegan etc.

    Educate yourself, research, be patient, honest with yourself and consistant. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Maybe not.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    By the time people are hitting 1200 calories (most people couple this with a ton of low intensity cardio) they've damaged their metabolism to the point where it's almost impossible to lose weight but ridiculously easy to gain. Instead of doing MORE low intensity cardio and LESS eating they should switch it around, focus on higher intensity interval training and slowly eat more (a few extra carbs/fats/protein here and there on a regular basis) until their maintenance calories are high enough to successfully diet again.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.
    I'm not dieting.

    Also, it's not my diet advice, its Layne Norton's (Bodybuilding/figure/physique coach, IFPA & NGA natural pro bodybuilder, Professional Powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with honors) diet advice.

    The video where he discusses the topic:
  • sammichPG
    Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I have a problem..." threads are started by those with a 1200 calorie daily limit? Especially the "I can't stop snacking" and "I'm so hungry!" threads.

    Coincidence? Something to consider if you're currently struggling at 1200 calories?

    Or am I just imagining this?

    been on 1500 calories for 6 months, then switched to 1700

    people with hunger issues don't eat enough proteins imo
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.
    I'm not dieting.

    Also, it's not my diet advice, its Layne Norton's (Bodybuilding/figure/physique coach, IFPA & NGA natural pro bodybuilder, Professional Powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with honors) diet advice.

    The video where he discusses the topic:
    Was posting to the OP.. I just hate how people judge each other around here. Thought I'd match judgement for judgement.
  • LilacSnow
    LilacSnow Posts: 238 Member
    Yes. A disproportionately high number of posts about having plateaus and other pitfalls are written by people who adhere to 1200 calorie diets. It's no coincidence.

    When I see a thread pop up in someone's feed titled "Why can't I lose weight" I know the answer is 9/10 times "Because you're not eating enough" without even looking at the thread.

  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.
    I'm not dieting.

    Also, it's not my diet advice, its Layne Norton's (Bodybuilding/figure/physique coach, IFPA & NGA natural pro bodybuilder, Professional Powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences with honors) diet advice.

    The video where he discusses the topic:
    Was posting to the OP.. I just hate how people judge each other around here. Thought I'd match judgement for judgement.
    Oh then I apologize for the misunderstanding!
  • calisunrise
    i used to eat 1100 a day, now i eat 1400+ and do the same amount of exercises and i lose just as much as i did at 1100 (1lb a week)
  • aad999
    aad999 Posts: 3 Member
    Drink plenty of water to keep your hunger away and remain in your calorie limit.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.

    Actually, by his ticker, he wants to gain three pound. Not everyone's ticker is a fully history of their weight changes. Some people change them as they reach and set new goals.
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.

    Actually, by his ticker, he wants to gain three pound. Not everyone's ticker is a fully history of their weight changes. Some people change them as they reach and set new goals.
    Exactly my point. If you are not trying to lose why even have an opinion on those who are.

    Folks who melt down around here (the original topic) will melt 1200 call 2200 cal. Melters are melters. People who broadcast their business are going to do that no matter what goes in their mouths.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.

    Actually, by his ticker, he wants to gain three pound. Not everyone's ticker is a fully history of their weight changes. Some people change them as they reach and set new goals.
    Exactly my point. If you are not trying to lose why even have an opinion on those who are.

    Don't assume because someone isn't currently losing that they don't know anything about losing or haven't lost.

    I'm not trying to lose anymore. I haven't been trying to lose for a year and a half. I'm here to maintain my loss and improve my fitness, which, incidentally, is no easier than losing weight... it just allows for a little more calories. Sometimes, I felt I looked a little too thin and purposefully gained a few pounds. Does that mean everything I learned about losing is invalid?

    Judging by the ridiculous amount of messages and requests I get, I think there's a lot of people who appreciate that I share my opinion and don't keep my advice to myself.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.

    Actually, by his ticker, he wants to gain three pound. Not everyone's ticker is a fully history of their weight changes. Some people change them as they reach and set new goals.
    Exactly my point. If you are not trying to lose why even have an opinion on those who are.

    Folks who melt down around here (the original topic) will melt 1200 call 2200 cal. Melters are melters. People who broadcast their business are going to do that no matter what goes in their mouths.

    Huh? Melters? So now we have special snowflakes and labels for other kinds of special snowflakes?


    So anyhow, I stand by my original observation (and subsequent clarifications).

    As for whether or not I have any business discussing effective weight loss because I have no need to lose any weight right now...well, I'll just let you ponder that one. No, seriously, think it all the way through.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Does your tracker say 0 lbs lost. I think maybe you want to keep your diet advice to yourself.

    Actually, by his ticker, he wants to gain three pound. Not everyone's ticker is a fully history of their weight changes. Some people change them as they reach and set new goals.
    Exactly my point. If you are not trying to lose why even have an opinion on those who are.

    Folks who melt down around here (the original topic) will melt 1200 call 2200 cal. Melters are melters. People who broadcast their business are going to do that no matter what goes in their mouths.

    Huh? Melters? So now we have special snowflakes and labels for other kinds of special snowflakes?


    So anyhow, I stand by my original observation (and subsequent clarifications).

    As for whether or not I have any business discussing effective weight loss because I have no need to lose any weight right now...well, I'll just let you ponder that one. No, seriously, think it all the way through.

    your not Dr Oz..so you your opinion/advice is not valid :p unless of course youre quoting him and/or agree.
  • Dementedllama
    Dementedllama Posts: 177 Member
    If you excercise you can eat more than 1,200 calories and not be hungry.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If you excercise you can eat more than 1,200 calories and not be hungry.

    And for many people, even if they don't exercise, they can also eat more than 1200 calories and not be hungry.