1200 calories = more likely to have problems?



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    yeah u had an idiot lol mine sits down with me and we go over EVERYTHING

    :) I'm glad to hear that. I'm just a bit jaded I suppose. I've had way too many experiences with idiot medical professionals.
  • Madholm
    Madholm Posts: 167
    I use it as a baseline knowing I can go over and still maintain loss.

    However, I've been under many days where I didn't feel hungry at all. I think hitting the right balance of carbs, protien and fat is just much more pronounced at 1200 calories. I also did better with meals at 300 calories so I could have another 300 left over for snacks during the day.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I use it as a baseline knowing I can go over and still maintain loss.

    However, I've been under many days where I didn't feel hungry at all. I think hitting the right balance of carbs, protien and fat is just much more pronounced at 1200 calories. I also did better with meals at 300 calories so I could have another 300 left over for snacks during the day.

    Perhaps your "*kitten* friends" have "naturally high metabolisms" because they haven't restricted their calories too low for too long?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    With all the recent "struggling at 1200" threads, thought I'd break my rule and bump my own thread.

    (Ha! Just kidding...I don't really have a rule against it. In fact, I have a preference for it...but still, perhaps this thread has some more life left in it just the same.)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Sshhh, stop speaking the truth. No one wants to hear it.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I am/was so obsessed with how I needed to lose weight. Every time I saw something I wanted I said "no, I shouldn't, I'm too fat" and deprived myself. I was barely eating anything and then would binge after. It was bad. I'd lose weight, gain it, lose it gain it, annoying!

    Jumped onto MFP and said, ok! I am going to track everything and do this! MFP put me at 1200 calories straight away (like it does almost everyone) that I was desperately logging all exercise so I could eat. I had Run Keeper running on my cellphone for every errand I did!

    Then I discovered

    Upped my calories to 1880 (no eating back exercise calories though! so I don't log my exercise) via suggestion on numbers, (math is not my friend) by Helloitsdan. I feel a ton better! Ive actually started losing weight whereas it didn't budge forever! (or only went up)

    Eating less than about1200 calories was making me constantly headachy (I get headaches if I dont eat) and grumpy. I had been doing it unintentionally for years! YEARS and the scale never moved! When i started exercising it only went UP (go figure I started gaining muscle that I didn't have any more from barely eating)

    I also find eating more much more reasonable and sustainable. Because I eat my mind is less occupied by thoughts of food (if that makes sense?) I'm actually NOT hungry and don't feel like I have to have something all time time and argue with myself. I generally eat anywhere between 1300 - 1600 on average calories a day by myself. By eating WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT... I just don't have that same crazy binge feeling all the time (that made me eat lots of bad sugary things all the time) and I'm WAY less tired than I used to be.

    As for exercise? Right now I am honestly doing a lot of sitting on my *kitten* all day playing Skyrim (that's a video game for those who don't know) and I'm losing weight eating more. Crazy stuff.

    I wouldn't recommend anyone stick only to the 1200 calories unless they are very short or have other special dietary needs. But that is just my thoughts from my experience... some people do it and claim it worked miracles for them *shrug* I think you have to find what works for you a bit as well.

    Props for the seed!
    FR incoming!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    U need to go to the store and find low cal snacks and meals that way you have several options......
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    U need to go to the store and find low cal snacks and meals that way you have several options......

  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I have a problem..." threads are started by those with a 1200 calorie daily limit? Especially the "I can't stop snacking" and "I'm so hungry!" threads.

    Coincidence? Something to consider if you're currently struggling at 1200 calories?

    Or am I just imagining this?

    I'm doing just fine on 1200 calories. I'm not them. Thanks for your concern though. As I pointed out in another thread, the obsession of the eat more police on people who eat 1200 calorie diets is really getting old.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    In order for me to lose 0.6 lbs/week, I have to eat 1200.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    In order for me to lose 0.6 lbs/week, I have to eat 1200.

    That doesn't sound correct.

    Care to share:

    Body fat%

    Unless you are very short or very sedentary your numbers don't add up.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I have a problem..." threads are started by those with a 1200 calorie daily limit? Especially the "I can't stop snacking" and "I'm so hungry!" threads.

    Coincidence? Something to consider if you're currently struggling at 1200 calories?

    Or am I just imagining this?

    I'm doing just fine on 1200 calories. I'm not them. Thanks for your faked concern though. As I pointed out in another thread, the obsession of the eat more police on people who eat 1200 calorie diets is really getting old.

    If I'm correct, you are voluntarily posting in this thread, indicating a willingness to argue about it, or did someone eating a healthy amount of food come to your house and force you to post here? Must be it, since we stalk and bully you apparently.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    In order for me to lose 0.6 lbs/week, I have to eat 1200.

    That doesn't sound correct.

    Care to share:

    Body fat%

    Unless you are very short or very sedentary your numbers don't add up.

    don't know
    desk job
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    In order for me to lose 0.6 lbs/week, I have to eat 1200.

    As someone who is just under 5 foot I so understand this.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I have a problem..." threads are started by those with a 1200 calorie daily limit? Especially the "I can't stop snacking" and "I'm so hungry!" threads.

    Coincidence? Something to consider if you're currently struggling at 1200 calories?

    Or am I just imagining this?

    I'm doing just fine on 1200 calories. I'm not them. Thanks for your faked concern though. As I pointed out in another thread, the obsession of the eat more police on people who eat 1200 calorie diets is really getting old.

    If I'm correct, you are voluntarily posting in this thread, indicating a willingness to argue about it, or did someone eating a healthy amount of food come to your house and force you to post here? Must be it, since we stalk and bully you apparently.

    I read this thread snarkily calling out people eating 1200 calorie diets, so I posted in it. Is that okay with you?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Has anyone else noticed that most of the "I have a problem..." threads are started by those with a 1200 calorie daily limit? Especially the "I can't stop snacking" and "I'm so hungry!" threads.

    Coincidence? Something to consider if you're currently struggling at 1200 calories?

    Or am I just imagining this?

    I'm doing just fine on 1200 calories. I'm not them. Thanks for your faked concern though. As I pointed out in another thread, the obsession of the eat more police on people who eat 1200 calorie diets is really getting old.

    If I'm correct, you are voluntarily posting in this thread, indicating a willingness to argue about it, or did someone eating a healthy amount of food come to your house and force you to post here? Must be it, since we stalk and bully you apparently.

    I read this thread snarkily calling out people eating 1200 calorie diets, so I posted in it. Is that okay with you?

    Unlike some people, I'm not under the delusion that the internet is mine to control. You like every other person here can post wherever you want. I'm just saying I recognize that you OPTED to come in to this thread when you inevitably start cussing and crying that everyone picks on you and your diet. It's like you walk in to a PETA convention in a fur and then cry about how mean they are when they dump paint on you.
  • thomas127
    Ouch.. my breakfast is 1200 calories.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    In order for me to lose 0.6 lbs/week, I have to eat 1200.

    That doesn't sound correct.

    Care to share:

    Body fat%

    Unless you are very short or very sedentary your numbers don't add up.

    don't know
    desk job

    You don't work out?
    You just get up, go to work, come home and sit?
    You know that's worse than smoking?

    Btw by not knowing your body fat you are dieting wrong.

    BMR: 1300
    Without body fat we use base numbers but its probably higher.

    TDEE: don't work out 1550

    1-2x a week 1800
    3-5x a week 2014
    5+ x a week 2200-2600

    Again these numbers are estimates and could change with more info.
    Knowing BMR, TDEE And body fat% will help you understand fat/weight loss and dieting.