1200 calories = more likely to have problems?



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    BTW- in order for me to lose 1lb/week, I have to eat 1200. When I work out I get some back.

    to lose .5lb/week I get around 1400. I try to eat between 1200-1400 depending on the day..

    Weight loss isn't easy when you don't have much to lose... =/

    Which is why it's recommended to switch to a half pound a week when you're as close to your goal as you are.

    Definitely. 10lbs to lose and a 250 calorie deficit would be just about right.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Fire Rock, we can't all eat 3000 calories a day and be sexy! LOL. Luckily, I can. :) ok, 2300. Still. I think the big problem is people think they can achieve sustained weightloss goals without exercise. They don't realize that deprivation leads to binging. They don't get it that if they up their activity and maybe even (oh no!) start strength training, they will reach their goals much faster and be able to eat like a regular person.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I do 1200 and I'm not starving. might be the ones that live off of lettuce:)
  • NocturnalGirl
    You don't understand how hard it is to eat 1,200 calories. I do it all the time* and I'm sooooooo full.

    *for lunch

    Really? I'm not that full after 1200 cals for lunch ;)
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    Yay!!! Another MFP thread where somebody is claiming to know everything about nothing.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yay!!! Another MFP thread where somebody is claiming to know everything about nothing.


    This thread is *in response to* those types of threads. But thanks for connecting the dots for those who hadn't yet figured that out.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I think most of you understood what I was trying to say.

    For the others that are insistent that 1200 is the *only* way to accomplish your goals...if you ultimately reach and maintain, then awesome. No, really...congrats. However, if it doesn't work out for you, don't give up entirely. Instead, reconsider your conclusion that 1200 is the *only* path. (In the words of a wise old philosopher, "There is another.")

    I don't have much to add because for me due to size and weight 1700 a day is 2lbs a week and I've been losing it faster, and lots of inches......................

    I just got excited by the Star Wars reference there. That is all.

    Just thought I would chime in and agree with the original post as well. I am 5'4" and 138... three pounds from goal. I have broken every plateau by increasing my calories and am actually still losing at 2100 per day. I work out pretty consistsantly and from the very beginning of this process I have never netted below 1500 with a typical intake of 2000-2500. The best part? I am not cranky at all. I can easily fit in holidays, parties and unexpected meals out. It has been a completely doable lifestyle change and will be soooooo EASY to maintain. I am currently expirimenting with how high I can go until I maintain. Fingers crossed for 2500!!!
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    @ rubyann- wouldn't a 2500 cal maintenance be fantastic! lol
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think most of you understood what I was trying to say.

    For the others that are insistent that 1200 is the *only* way to accomplish your goals...if you ultimately reach and maintain, then awesome. No, really...congrats. However, if it doesn't work out for you, don't give up entirely. Instead, reconsider your conclusion that 1200 is the *only* path. (In the words of a wise old philosopher, "There is another.")

    1200 isn't the only way, but it is a good way for some. I doubt I ate much more than 1200 net while losing. I really don't know because I was not counting calories. But once I joined MFP I wasn't eating about that. And I lost approx. 2 lbs per week. Then the loss slowed but I still lost beyond my original goal without even trying. I've maintained it for 1.5 years.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Yay!!! Another MFP thread where somebody is claiming to know everything about nothing.
    Like ^
    And another MFP thread that seems to focus on just plain being unsupportive. If you are really concerned with people eating at 1200 calories why not just nicely provide the information instead of starting (what seems to me to be ) a snarky thread. There are a lot of new members everyday at MFP who start out eating 1200 calories because that is where MFP puts them at. Netting 1200 is not a horrible place to start if you are a small female. Likely even those eating 1200 are actually eating more since MFP underestimates calories and over estimates workout calories burned. It probably isn't where everyone should stay, but I think it is fine to start just see how it goes and then up calories from there.

    I am very grateful for all of the information people provide here, especially Dan's hard work (he should probably get paid by MFP). So the value of the central theme is not lost on me. And I am not trying to bash the OP I just feel that if this is really coming from a place of compassion there is a better (and more patient + understanding) way to go about it. We are all looking to get healthier and this is supposed to be a supportive place.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i found it very hard at first....but i think gradually it does get better. ive actually been at a drive thru with my kids and not ordered anything for myself because i wasnt hungy or i had healthier dinner at home. of course i do have bad days and i want to eat everything in sight but id say on a day to day basis once u get used to it, its not so hard.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    @ rubyann- wouldn't a 2500 cal maintenance be fantastic! lol

    I cannot tell you how awesome that would be!! I will have no problem eating all of them. nomnomnomnomnomnom
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    It's not necessarily the calorie count's problem specifically; it's that the majority of the people who are having problems those same repeat problems haven't done much research -- they just think MFP is a magic formula. They type in the numbers and follow it and see what they want. It is connected to a number of problems: people who are already quite trim trying to lose very fast, people who are still fairly overweight but don't know how to read their fluctuations, people who don't understand how to build their calories in a healthy way but only know how to cut, cut, cut.

    It's a bit of a case of "didn't read the fine print."

    Plenty of people use the 1200 calorie as a base line and do quite well. But the majority of "I have a problem" threads come down to lack of research, IMO.
    Totally agree.. It's the magic pill. Just come here put in some numbers get an answer. Not too many people will actually read more than that. The problem with MFP is that they have a very limited way to 'estimate' how many calories you get. If you chose to lose '2 lbs/week' It gives EVERYONE 1200 calories (almost). There is so much information available, and so few people even bother to look at it.
    Still. I think the big problem is people think they can achieve sustained weightloss goals without exercise.

    You can lose weight fine without exercising. Exercise is for general health and body composition - has nothing to do with weight loss. Not everyone is capable of 'working out' some people take small walks, some don't do anything. I agree that some exercise will help you to lose weight but from what I see there are far too many individuals who thing they have to do everything, cut out everything and exercise like mad..and because they are not eating to fuel all that mad exercise they lose nothing..Get the diet under control first..THEN worry about other stuff.

    How to be successful on MFP...

    1. Calculate your numbers, do your research, find out what you should be eating.
    2. TRACK your food..everything - even if you go over, just get in the habit of tracking. Don't stress about anything else.
    3. Once you have your tracking going then start looking at your food and deciding what you can change to make it a 'little' better. Don't try to completely re-vamp your whole diet. Just change one or 2 things. buy a scale if you don't have one.
    4. Keep tracking and changing little things until you can manage to stay in your allotment without any problems and THEN maybe worry about adding activities. Don't feel you have to work out 7 days a week. Start small, go for a walk, do something you LIKE and if you are on a plan which requires you to eat more when you exercise then do so.
    5. Just keep going, changing LITTLE things here and there :)
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    It is possible to eat 1200 calories and be completely satisfied - it depends what foods you are eating.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I don't understand why anyone would want to eat 1200 cals. It seems like snacking all day and not real meals.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yes. A disproportionately high number of posts about having plateaus and other pitfalls are written by people who adhere to 1200 calorie diets. It's no coincidence.

    When I see a thread pop up in someone's feed titled "Why can't I lose weight" I know the answer is 9/10 times "Because you're not eating enough" without even looking at the thread.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member

    To ya mutha.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I am always hungry at 1200. That's why I end up overeating and hitting 1400 instead. :P

    And stop trying to trick me into eating more! TRICKSTER YOU!
  • NickDHussin
    I haven't had too much of a problem doing this but then again I have always been the guy who eats really slow small meals and does that a couple times a day. I just spread all my food out and make sure to put fruits and veggies in there and it keeps me full and happy. I have cravings for more food every now and then but I just convince myself that it isn't actual hunger and just be wanting to indulge.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Yes. A disproportionately high number of posts about having plateaus and other pitfalls are written by people who adhere to 1200 calorie diets. It's no coincidence.

    When I see a thread pop up in someone's feed titled "Why can't I lose weight" I know the answer is 9/10 times "Because you're not eating enough" without even looking at the thread.

    Yes, this. I do not spend a lot of time in the forums and I have noticed.