anyone weigh 200lbs or more?



  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 111 Member
    I have been using MFP for some time now (over a year) but took a break during my recent pregnancy. Now I am ready to start back at the first of the year and would love to get some new friends that are close in weight and goal range.
    Lowest weight this year (right before pregnancy): 198
    Highest weight (before pregnancy) 220 (during pregnancy) 235
    Current weight: 218
    First goal: 185 by April 2013
    Ultimate goal: 170 (maybe reacess later)
  • ashlie718
    ashlie718 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'7" and weigh 250 lbs. My goal weight is 150-160. Feel free to add me.
  • current weight 209- biggest weight 316- goal 135 and height is 5'7
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    5'5" and 208 currently (: definitely feel free to add me. i'm just looking to feel better and get in shape
  • If you look at the Groups tab and browse Groups you will see already established groups for people who want to get out of the 200's or people who need to lose more than 100 lbs. I have only been logging seriously since the second week of September and I have found many who need to lose a lot of weight as I do. I have hooked up with some very supportive people on MFP. In fact, no matter where people are in their weight loss/fitness journey, I have found them all to be encouraging and supportive. It's a great group! Anyone who wants to add me can do so. I log everyday and respond to posts. :smile:
  • I weigh 251lbs..and my height is 5'9"..I just joined today..looking for goal is to lose 100lbs within a year :smile:
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Friend request sent!
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Hi there everyone, I was looking at topics and stuff and there's a lot of motivational groups out there but I was wondering if anyone weighs over 200lbs and wants to loose weight with me. There's a lot who's under and I'm very proud they have got below or already was but I feel to self conscious joining as I'm much heavier than a lot of people and I don't need to get toning as much as some people are I need to loose the fat first. The lighter you are the more harder you need to work to loose more and tone so I can't really relate so I was wondering if anyone who weighs over 200lbs would like to help me build a motivational group and help us get under that 200lbs mark!

    I'm 5"4 and currently weigh 242.8lbs and my goal weight is 145lbs so I've got just under 100lbs to loose!

    Join my group. There are TONS of people over 200 pounds.
    Hope to see you join!
  • adriensmommy88
    adriensmommy88 Posts: 22 Member
    my sister has been going on about this topic for a while and i was like huh? (shes the author sareyzz23) im currently 176cm tall 358lbs and as u can imagine i need to lose a LOT of it lol! i was well over 400lbs (unsure because i couldnt get on any scales without an error message) almost 3 years ago but the every other day diet started to lose its effect so she told me about this app a few months ago and i had to try anything! ive done weight watchers, slimming world x 2, the weetabix diet x 2. i do have some health issues to battle (polycistic ovary syndrome or PCOS for short) which makes it that little bit harder for me to shed those pounds and have more kids. i need to exercise more this is something i already know i have to work on but with working 50-60 hours a week at work from home, a fiance and a teenage daughter to contend with its finding time to do anything. i do go swimming with my sister a couple of nights a week but could really use the extra motivation. on that note im going to do 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

    I am not over 200 pounds but I do have PCOS too. Its really important to lose the weight because of this and I completely get the frustration.. If you want to friend me, feel free. I need someone to help keep me accountable too and would love to have more people as friends that have PCOS.
  • I"m 5'3" and over 200 lbs. I just started this week. You can add me. I would love to part of the group. I always do well when I first start something, but never get to the finish line. This year is going to be different!
  • crimsongypsy
    crimsongypsy Posts: 26 Member
    I am around 235. Ive lost about 10 lbs. I've relapsed over the holidays and am working on getting back into a healthy routine. Feel free to add me. I'd love to have more friends who share similar weight loss goals. At this point I'd love to get below 200 with an ultimate goal of 165. I'm 5'7"
  • mrsraeroberts
    mrsraeroberts Posts: 7 Member
    Hiya all
    Im Rach/Rae im 32 and 5'2" i weigh 229lb, i started at 238lb and my current target weight is 168lb
    my ideal weight is less than this, but for now this will do.
    I think my kick up the bum came from wanting child number 4 and finding it difficult to conceive
    Ive had blood tests and been told theres no reason i shouldnt be able to and so i thought right then lets just shift some of this weight and see if that works, if it doesnt back to the drs :)
  • KimLovesDon
    KimLovesDon Posts: 152 Member
    5'8", currently 223. You can add me if you want.
  • MzGotItAll25
    MzGotItAll25 Posts: 29 Member
    OVER 200 LBS, 5'5'', WANT TO LOSE 70 LBS.. ADD ME
  • I'm 228 now and my goal is to get to 180 at least to start. If anyone is still active on this thread feel free to add me and we can support each other!
    DIVAJAP Posts: 2
    Hi there! I am just over 200 pounds and would be happy to support you and sort of partner up with you. I was 235 a few years ago, so I have been where you are. That might help.

    Respond if you want. Faith
    DIVAJAP Posts: 2
    That's the same general goal that I have. I find it easier to think of the shorter goals so I can have something to focus on that seems doable. 180 would be a great goal for both of us. I have been stuck around 202 - 206 for a year already so I don't know if I'm just eating more than I should, but I really want to get motivated on a clear cut diet now to get down to 180. I don't know about you, but the idea of feeling like I am a "Normal" size would be so exciting.

    I live in Connecticut. Where do you live?
  • I'm 5'2 204lbs trying to get to 125
  • jewelleestone
    jewelleestone Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I wrote the original topic. I use the mobile app and just logged in on my laptop and and figured out how to check my topics.. I am now down to 192.
  • I am 199.4lbs (have coming down from my start weight of 200.8), bang on five feet tall. Would love to get down to 100lbs.