Cardio vs weights??!! Which do you do & WHY?



  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I do both.
    Cardio is like weight lifting for your heart and lungs.
    Weight lifting is like weight lifting for your muscles.
    The more muscle you pack on your body, the more calories your body burns every day.

  • Both.

    3 days of weight training.
    3 days of cardio.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm one that does both. I really don't love lifting though. In fact, part of me hates it- it is uncomfortable, boring, and often leaves me hobbling around like an old lady. I'm working on my negative attitude and having a great community at my gym really helps keep me doing it. It never hurts to be stronger and lifting gives my body shape that I otherwise would not have. BUT cardio does so much more for me- most importantly, it clears my head, helps relieve stress and makes me a happier person. How it makes my body look isn't even a part of it.

    I get how you feel. I'm completely opposite. Cardio is so boring to me, unless I'm on a bike ride in a fun trail or running somewhere where the run is fun and the scenery is changing. But lifting is different in that it's different stuff most of the time. Different routines, different auxilliaries, mulitple exercises. Always something to change before it get's stale. When I'm on the elliptical or the treadmill, I'm just waiting to be done.
  • TriciaAnnette
    TriciaAnnette Posts: 3 Member
    I do both as well...cardio is for fat burn and endurance. Weights for tone and definition, but also the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism stays through out the day...allowing for more fuel (food). Weights are also good for preserving bone denistiy and just functional fitness.
  • es2189
    es2189 Posts: 142 Member
    Here's what I don't get. Evolutionarily, why would it make sense that weight lifting would be important to overall health? What did our early ancestors do that would resemble this kind of training? What do other animals do that resemble this kind of training? Running or walking just seems so much more natural...obviously the body would need to be able to do that, for survival's sake. But why lifting enormous amounts of weight over your head 5 times? It seems so strange and unnatural.

    That isn't to say that I'm against weight training. i believe the science and I dutifully do my lifting twice a week (heavy). I'm just wondering about the why.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Here's what I don't get. Evolutionarily, why would it make sense that weight lifting would be important to overall health? What did our early ancestors do that would resemble this kind of training? What do other animals do that resemble this kind of training? Running or walking just seems so much more natural...obviously the body would need to be able to do that, for survival's sake. But why lifting enormous amounts of weight over your head 5 times? It seems so strange and unnatural.

    That isn't to say that I'm against weight training. i believe the science and I dutifully do my lifting twice a week (heavy). I'm just wondering about the why.

    Interesting question. There are lots of things in evolution that dont have to do with health. Example:Bird plumage to attract mates.

    The strong get the food. The strong get the mates. The strong survive the elements and the conflicts. Sometimes taking food is less energy than gathering it yourself and so on.
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I can't lift weights due to a back injury. So I stick to Cycling and walking. Keeps me happy, self paced and It isn't an effort to do.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    I've done a combo of things in the past, such as The Firm videos, which combine lifting and cardio. I now do Zumba for Wii, and absolutely love it, its probably because I love to dance anyway, so its perfect for me. I also think that for me, cardio is best, because I already have a good muscle mass, and when I lost 20 lbs in the past, it was due to walking and eating healthier, and I was very toned, and lean.

    I think what works best will depend on each person's body. Some have very little muscle mass, and need to lift to build muscle while they lose weight. Others may already have a good muscle mass and just need to burn excess fat, and the natural muscle tone is already there, just hiding under the fat!
  • I Do Both.

    Run a mile for warm up, Do my weight routine and then stationary bike for 15mins as a cooldown.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Both. Lift first then 20 minutes of HIIT cardio to finish burning out the glycogen stores and burn fat. On off days I do 40 minutes of HIIT cardio split between Treadmill, Arc-Trainer, reclined bike. I lift on a 2 on 1 off split.

    Weight training keeps your body from utilizing muscle tissue for energy. Your body has a hierarchy of what it uses for energy and fat is last on the list. Gotta protect that lean muscle folks.
  • interesting post
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Here's what I don't get. Evolutionarily, why would it make sense that weight lifting would be important to overall health? What did our early ancestors do that would resemble this kind of training?
    Early Cardio: Chasing the animal (the hunt) or running from the animal.
    Early Heavy lifting: Carrying the meat from the hunt back to the village. Carrying water in large ceramic jugs. Lifting logs or stones to build shelters.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Didn't read, but I am sure there are about 90 people saying DO BOTH and I agree.