1200-1500 calorie eaters...serious question...



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Well congratulations then, you ALMOST became the first person in history to start a thread about low-calorie diets without any arguments whatsoever.

    So close...
  • I personally think the OP is being very ignorant.
    Some people bodies work just fine on 1500 under calories, yours may not and thats fine thats how your body works. Im not sitting here trying to understand how you can eat so much.

    MFP set my calorie intake to 1200 and yet i get slack all the time for it.
    Just because someone is eating a smaller amount of calories then you are doesnt mean they are starving or hungry all the time.

    Ignorant? Really? In asking a question? I didn't say OTHER PEOPLE are starving or hungry all the time--I asked if they were. Big difference. Try actually reading the post.

    Yes i find you ignorant.

    I read the post and i've been reading what you have also been replying to people who are eating under 1500.

    As i said before- if you can't eat under 1500 then good for you. Stop trying to understand why other people can.

    Your not asking a question, your trying to find people who will justify what they are doing so you can go give your two cents on how you just don't understand how people are not starving from it or how you'd go crazy if you ate so little.

    I find you ignorant becasue you don't even know how to use your, you're or then, than correctly.

    i could really care less for grammer right now. If it bothers you then don't read it.:laugh:

    Lol, she is ignorant for asking a question but you aren't because you have a 3rd grade writing level? By the way, you spelled grammar wrong, so it's obvious it doesn't mean a lot to you.

    One more thing, the correct expression is "I couldn't care less."

    Like i said she's not asking a question, she’s trying to find people who will justify their reasoning’s for eating "low calories".

    I could care less for grammAR while im on the forums as im not here to impress anyone :happy:

    and I guess you KNOW what I'm trying to do because you're in my head right? I addressed what you alleged and you didn't respond. Clearly you're the one trying to incite an argument. Please grow up.

    No im not in your head but MFP forums are full of ignorant people like yourself who think that they know everything, and somehow know whats best for everyone.

    Such a typical situation on MFP.

    As for not responding to what you said.....I said what i did because i've seen your posts before on other topics and the message you have on your profile saying "2. If you NET less than 1200 calories I will likely gently nudge and then delete without further warning. (unless you are rather tiny and/or logging in a way that makes this make sense)"
    Yet again your body doe not function the way others may so what may make sense to them doesn't to you and because of that you will just go and delete someone after "gently nudging" them?

    ignorant ignorant ignorant:laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, ignorant to have friends with like minded goals and approaches? No, I'd say it's ignorant to do the reverse. If I have a limited number of resources (i.e. time) to devote to my friends then why would I want to spend it on someone who doesn't even have common beliefs?
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I'm 5'5" 125lbs my goal right now is 1400 (I just recently bumped it up 100 working my way up to maintenance). As long as most of my foods are home-cooked with the least amount of processed foods I'm fine (If I eat a lot of junk I feel starved). I also eat all my exercise calories so I'm unsure if this still counts. Some days I reach to about 1900cal but still NET'ing 1300 (or now will be 1400). And if anyone winds up digging through my food diary the majority of my time on MFP I was at 1200 but was still eating my exercise calories back.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    look, im a 1200 calorie a day eater, and i dont give a rats *kitten* what anyone thinks about it. who cares if shes asking the question? its not anything to get in an arguement about... all 3 of you involved in this little spat are making yourself look silly and reducing the level of seriousness and / or respect any of us other posters may or may not have for you... its a forum, talk, debate... but cyber fight? c'mon...
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I personally think the OP is being very ignorant.
    Some people bodies work just fine on 1500 under calories, yours may not and thats fine thats how your body works. Im not sitting here trying to understand how you can eat so much.

    MFP set my calorie intake to 1200 and yet i get slack all the time for it.
    Just because someone is eating a smaller amount of calories then you are doesnt mean they are starving or hungry all the time.

    Ignorant? Really? In asking a question? I didn't say OTHER PEOPLE are starving or hungry all the time--I asked if they were. Big difference. Try actually reading the post.

    Yes i find you ignorant.

    I read the post and i've been reading what you have also been replying to people who are eating under 1500.

    As i said before- if you can't eat under 1500 then good for you. Stop trying to understand why other people can.

    Your not asking a question, your trying to find people who will justify what they are doing so you can go give your two cents on how you just don't understand how people are not starving from it or how you'd go crazy if you ate so little.

    I find you ignorant becasue you don't even know how to use your, you're or then, than correctly.

    i could really care less for grammer right now. If it bothers you then don't read it.:laugh:

    Lol, she is ignorant for asking a question but you aren't because you have a 3rd grade writing level? By the way, you spelled grammar wrong, so it's obvious it doesn't mean a lot to you.

    One more thing, the correct expression is "I couldn't care less."

    Like i said she's not asking a question, she’s trying to find people who will justify their reasoning’s for eating "low calories".

    I could care less for grammAR while im on the forums as im not here to impress anyone :happy:

    and I guess you KNOW what I'm trying to do because you're in my head right? I addressed what you alleged and you didn't respond. Clearly you're the one trying to incite an argument. Please grow up.

    No im not in your head but MFP forums are full of ignorant people like yourself who think that they know everything, and somehow know whats best for everyone.

    Such a typical situation on MFP.

    As for not responding to what you said.....I said what i did because i've seen your posts before on other topics and the message you have on your profile saying "2. If you NET less than 1200 calories I will likely gently nudge and then delete without further warning. (unless you are rather tiny and/or logging in a way that makes this make sense)"
    Yet again your body doe not function the way others may so what may make sense to them doesn't to you and because of that you will just go and delete someone after "gently nudging" them?

    ignorant ignorant ignorant:laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, ignorant to have friends with like minded goals and approaches? No, I'd say it's ignorant to do the reverse. If I have a limited number of resources (i.e. time) to devote to my friends then why would I want to spend it on someone who doesn't even have common beliefs?

    With having over 8900 posts on forums you clearly have way more time then you think :huh:
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    What the HELL did we DO for entertainment, before the ol interwebs came along..?!?!
  • Hi! I'm 4'11" as well. I'm 143 lbs right now, but aiming for 125. i'm at a 1200 calorie diet a day, but don't feel like death. I eat 5 times a day at about 240 calories each time. I'm not the best with my choices of meals (i.e., burritos and such), but I try to balance it out with a protein smoothie after my workouts to make sure I get my nutrition in. Hope this helps! Good luck, plus feeling like death and starving sucks!
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    1. What's your height/ weight?

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    1. Right now I'm 235 (started at almost 250), 5'11, wide frame
    2. I used to when I started counting calories. I think it was just my body adjusting to fewer calories. I eat about 1500 now and feel alright, but sometimes I get major cravings at night.
    3. For breakfast I have steel cut oats with sliced strawberries, blueberries, cinnamon, and a tbs of semi sweet chocolate chips. Lunch is usually a salad, smoothie, or protein shake. Dinner is whatever is made, usually it's gluten free or vegan.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    What the HELL did we DO for entertainment, before the ol interwebs came along..?!?!

  • Hi! I'm 4'11" as well. I'm 143 lbs right now, but aiming for 125. i'm at a 1200 calorie diet a day, but don't feel like death. I eat 5 times a day at about 240 calories each time. I'm not the best with my choices of meals (i.e., burritos and such), but I try to balance it out with a protein smoothie after my workouts to make sure I get my nutrition in. Hope this helps! Good luck, plus feeling like death and starving sucks!

    woo hoo. another shortie! love it.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I read page one and page ten. Wow. Some stuff really escalated in those other eight pages, huh?

    How is this thread still alive? This isn't usually how MFP forum works.

    So anyhow, could someone please give me a brief summary of how we ended up here?
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    lol what the crapping hell went wrong on this thread?
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have a few questions for you...

    1. What's your height/ weight?

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period?

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)?

    That is all. It's always puzzled me that at only 4'11 and pretty petite I feel like DEATH if I eat under 1800 calories (to lose weight). I just cannot understand how people adhere to less than that and not cave after 12-16 hours. I think I'd become a binge eater overnight (and I'm being 100% serious). Maybe it's just that I don't have that kind of will power--or maybe it's an adjustment that's hard for everyone in the beginning stages.

    In any case, my main point in posting this is that I'm really curious if you are actually HUNGRY and you just resist or if you're fine with your intake.

    ***I'm not attempting a 1200-1500 calorie diet...I am just curious.***

    1. I'm 27, Female, 5'3", 185 I eat 1500 a day (minimum of 1200, sometimes I eat exercise cals, sometimes not)
    2 Sometimes. I have a few super hungry days a month (this just goes along with being a woman). The rest of the time, nope, not hungry. Wasn't really an adjustment period either.
    3. If I'm hungry I eat all my exercise calories, but most times I'm not hungry. My BMR is around 1450 (last time I checked, but that was at 20pounds lighter so it could be higher than that). I try drinking lots of water though, but really I'm not typically hungry(just a few days a month so I work out more to earn more food or I just cave and go over).
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • I read page one and page ten. Wow. Some stuff really escalated in those other eight pages, huh?

    How is this thread still alive? This isn't usually how MFP forum works.

    So anyhow, could someone please give me a brief summary of how we ended up here?

    someone called me ignorant and alleged that I'm trying to induce people to justify their 1200 calorie diet so that I can insert my opinion about it.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I read page one and page ten. Wow. Some stuff really escalated in those other eight pages, huh?

    How is this thread still alive? This isn't usually how MFP forum works.

    So anyhow, could someone please give me a brief summary of how we ended up here?

    well it was fine for a long while... then the sillyness began...
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    5'-5.5", 37 years old, Currently at 170, have lost 20 lbs so far doing the 1200 daily goal + whatever I earn with exercise.

    YES! There were days at first when I felt like I was STARVING! I've really had to look at what I was eating to last me longer. Maybe my stomach shrunk (like mentioned above) but I also teaked my diet - low carb pita bread instead of low carb tortilla shell, a lettuce wrap instead of the sub sandwich, Chipotle salad instead of chipotle Burrito. I found that once I focused staying under my carb goal, it was easier (mentally & physically) to land under my calorie goal.

    I've learned from MFP that everyone is different, so keep at it and don't stop trying, learn from every failure. I have found lots of protein works for me - about 40% of each meal is protein. I also get protein in as a mid-morn and mid-afternoon snack.

    For when I have a snack attack, I always keep yogurt around my house as well as grapes & radishes. Drink lots of water throughout the day.

    I don't always "win" every day. But I log everyday! And I keep trying. Good Luck!
  • 5'-5.5", 37 years old, Currently at 170, have lost 20 lbs so far doing the 1200 daily goal + whatever I earn with exercise.

    YES! There were days at first when I felt like I was STARVING! I've really had to look at what I was eating to last me longer. Maybe my stomach shrunk (like mentioned above) but I also teaked my diet - low carb pita bread instead of low carb tortilla shell, a lettuce wrap instead of the sub sandwich, Chipotle salad instead of chipotle Burrito. I found that once I focused staying under my carb goal, it was easier (mentally & physically) to land under my calorie goal.

    I've learned from MFP that everyone is different, so keep at it and don't stop trying, learn from every failure. I have found lots of protein works for me - about 40% of each meal is protein. I also get protein in as a mid-morn and mid-afternoon snack.

    For when I have a snack attack, I always keep yogurt around my house as well as grapes & radishes. Drink lots of water throughout the day.

    I don't always "win" every day. But I log everyday! And I keep trying. Good Luck!

    You have a great attitude. Don't lose that.
  • c0ffee_l0ver
    c0ffee_l0ver Posts: 23 Member
    1. 5' 8" 160(ish)

    2. I used to but then did a "sugar cleanse". Essentially I just cut out the crap: chips, white breads, sodas, etc. After about 3 days to a week I stopped being so hungry. I drink a lot of water, eat a lot of vegetables and have protein with EVERY meal, including snacks. So I'm eating about every 3ish hours and sticking to a 1200-1500 calorie diet. Also, if I'm hungry I eat. I don't starve myself-- If its late in the evening I try to avoid salty snacks and stick to veggies and maybe some roasted red pepper hummus. YUM.

    Hope this helps a little!
  • 1. What's your height/ weight? im 19, 5'8, & 152lbs

    2. Do you get REALLY REALLY hungry during the day? If not, was there an adjustment period? i used to but then it went away because i was hungry for sooo long.

    3. What do you eat to prevent feeling like death (if you answered that you're not hungry)? i just keep drinking water and sometimes i exercise and it makes the hunger go away :)