I'm so embarrassed



  • amberkkelley
    amberkkelley Posts: 6 Member
    Don't be embarrassed. I hate cooking and also have a Starbucks habit. I am sure to keep an Atkins protein bar in my purse and at my desk at work if I get hungry so I avoid vending machines. I also have switched to decaf sugar free drinks from starbucks. Avoiding caffeine can really help keep the hunger cravings under control.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I sent you a pm and a friend request. <3
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    word. i have lymes disease. it hurts like hell. i dgaf. i wanna be an awesome runner. i work fulltime school fulltime and im a fulltime mom of an awesome kid. vegetarian and im not saying its alot of work b/c it is. Honestly i get about 50% of my groceries all healthy from the dumpster. nothing wrong with them. look it up. the US throws half of the food it produces in the trash. I rescue it. cheap healthy food.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You just have to do it. I mean - people ask here all the time how to find "motivation" and how to make the right choices.

    The thing is, I can't want you to lose weight and I can't make your choices for you. It comes down to YOU and you have to decide why you want to do it. Then you have to just get off your *kitten* and do it.

    I don't allow myself to "have" to make bad food choices. I pre-plan my meals and I bring all my food with me when I leave for work in the morning. I cook all our dinners. And I plan trips to the gym or plan exercise routines at home and I just don't skip them. I do all this because there is a certain way I want to look and a way I want to feel, and I know that these choices I'm making are helping me to achieve that.

    It doesn't mean you can't ever eat at Denny's again. But you aren't going to get what you want by consistently making the wrong choices, especially when you KNOW they are wrong. No one here can fix that for you.
    I could not have said it better! Take responsibility for yourself and plan ahead.....
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    You just have to do it. I mean - people ask here all the time how to find "motivation" and how to make the right choices.

    The thing is, I can't want you to lose weight and I can't make your choices for you. It comes down to YOU and you have to decide why you want to do it. Then you have to just get off your *kitten* and do it.

    I don't allow myself to "have" to make bad food choices. I pre-plan my meals and I bring all my food with me when I leave for work in the morning. I cook all our dinners. And I plan trips to the gym or plan exercise routines at home and I just don't skip them. I do all this because there is a certain way I want to look and a way I want to feel, and I know that these choices I'm making are helping me to achieve that.

    It doesn't mean you can't ever eat at Denny's again. But you aren't going to get what you want by consistently making the wrong choices, especially when you KNOW they are wrong. No one here can fix that for you.
    I could not have said it better! Take responsibility for yourself and plan ahead.....

    exaclty its a new day. you know your going to be hungry. get ready for it. this isnt the first day on earth for any of us :)
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Read this story, posted today on the forums:


    You will find it very inspirational and it will make you think about how serious you really are to do this. It certainly made me realise that as well as I think I am doing up to now, I should be putting in nothing less than 100% at this to reach my goal.

    It is not easy, get yourself some straight talking pals who will be honest with you, but will also support and encourage you. Take control of your own life....you can do this
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    don't look at it as rewarding yourself with just food. yes it's food but it's good food not crap. personally i'd rather not spend my hard earned money on denny's and fast food sandwiches but instead save it so i can go to a nice restaurant and have a nice steak. the reward is in the quality of the food.

    don't beat yourself up over it either. we've all been there. i sued to say all the time i can't afford this i can't afford that then i realized i was pissing my money away on stuff like coffee twice a day and lunch out every other day. yet i had coffee at home and at work (good coffee too) and good food at home.

    if you want to loose weight and not spend money on unnecessary items then you will do it. it's how much you want it that will determine if you do it.
  • LaceyMorley
    Sounds like you need to see a therapist and not MFP. Good luck.

    See a therapist because she likes to eat out? That seems a little extreme.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    You just have to do it. I mean - people ask here all the time how to find "motivation" and how to make the right choices.

    The thing is, I can't want you to lose weight and I can't make your choices for you. It comes down to YOU and you have to decide why you want to do it. Then you have to just get off your *kitten* and do it.

    I don't allow myself to "have" to make bad food choices. I pre-plan my meals and I bring all my food with me when I leave for work in the morning. I cook all our dinners. And I plan trips to the gym or plan exercise routines at home and I just don't skip them. I do all this because there is a certain way I want to look and a way I want to feel, and I know that these choices I'm making are helping me to achieve that.

    It doesn't mean you can't ever eat at Denny's again. But you aren't going to get what you want by consistently making the wrong choices, especially when you KNOW they are wrong. No one here can fix that for you.


    You just have to want it bad enough. If you knew going to Denny's was a bad choice, you would have chosen not to go there if you wanted to make the right choice badly enough. It takes hard work, dedication, and the desire for a lifestyle change. I'm pissed that Nike though of this before me, but JUST DO IT.
  • virginia65us
    virginia65us Posts: 106 Member
    Don't be embarrassed. It's hard to resist temptation and it can be hard to find healthy food options if you don't plan ahead. I also find that the more junk I eat, the more I crave it. Fortunately, the reverse is true -- once I've been eating better for a while, I star to crave the good stuff. Next time try to think about how awful you felt after eating badly. You can do this!
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    You can't afford things? Yeah, but you're spending a **** ton of money on EVERYTHING... That's pretty contradictory.

    I can't even help you. I wouldn't know where to start. A therapist. A financial planner.

    You need a wake up call.
  • tikkathyme
    tikkathyme Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds to me (given your sarcasm) that you know what it is that you need to do, and know that you already have all the resources you need, but are having a hard time actually *doing it* which is a problem that I think a lot of us (including myself) have. For me, it took finally stepping on the scale and calculating my BMI for me to go "well crap, guess the time is now." I hope you start now instead of waiting for one of those moments.
  • virginia65us
    virginia65us Posts: 106 Member
    One day I just decided to make myself a priority.

    There is so much to be said for this. It all falls into place once you start thinking about your health -- both physical and mental.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Eating healthy at home is a lot less expensive that eating badly at restaurants, even inexpensive restaurants.

    I log my spending the same way I log my calories. It gives me a lot more control over what I'm spending, and I make categories (just like MFP does) so I know what I'm spending money on. This has really helped me.

    I do understand that feeling of "I can't afford it", and it can make you feel that "what the heck i'll go to a restaurant". It's the same way overeating early in the day makes you think it doesn't matter to eat a whole pizza at night. I find when I am know exactlly what I'm eating (and exactly what I'm spending), I'm less likely to binge or overspend later.

    And walking is always free. Sounds like you have some beautiful walking right at your front door. Go enjoy it!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Well...obviously you already know you are being ridiculous, so there is no need to reiterate that. And really, the first step is knowing what you are doing and holding yourself accountable for it. You don't HAVE to eat crap. Take it one step at a time. You don't have to overwhelm yourself with making all the changes at once. Make smaller goals. Try only getting water when you eat out, not soda. Ordering grilled chicken. Or a salad. Etc. Eventually, you WILL see that making your own food at home is SO MUCH BETTER and cheaper and healthier. If you won't go to the gym, don't pay for it. BAM, money in your pocket. So find something else that you WILL do. Park farther away. Go up the stairs instead of the escalator. Stop. Making. Excuses. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • Quannicab
    You can't afford things? Yeah, but you're spending a **** ton of money on EVERYTHING... That's pretty contradictory.

    I can't even help you. I wouldn't know where to start. A therapist. A financial planner.

    You need a wake up call.

    You are RUDE!!! If you couldn't give a positive response/advice then you should not have commented.
  • AngelAngelAngel
    One thing that my trainer tells me it to stop making excuses and really just do it.

    Write out a meal plan ahead of time. If you have a trader joes near you shop there exclusively.

    Meal suggestions;

    Breakfast : TJ’s Greek yogurt $1 & vanilla protein shake with berries, almond milk and oatmeal (add spinach to it. You really cannot taste it and it very good for you)

    Snack: Apple

    Lunch: chicken breast or fish or lean meat with veggies (best are kale, spinach asparags)

    Snack: I hear baked sweet potatoes are suppose to be great (and very good for you) or raw almonds or berries

    Dinner: brown rice with veggies and a le4an meat

    Snack: cottage cheese (add greek yogurt for better taste if you need)
    All this comes from our Bootcamp owner and he is literally transforming lives and I hope it helps you. Get active (jump rope, push ups, sprints)
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    I try and make a goal of going an entire week without eating out. To achieve this goal I buy tons and tons of snack food that can easily go in my pocket. Such as <100 calorie: granola bars, gogurt, apples, diced fruit cups in water (not syrup!), baby carrots, celery, etc. I also buy low cal tv dinners such as smart ones and take those to work with me for my lunch. For dinner I keep a lean protein in the freezer and pan grill it along with some steamed vegetables.

    Not only does this end up being way way way way cheaper but it ensures I always have a snack to appease my hunger strikes, and that my meals are low cal.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Ok- can't afford new clothes? Last time I checked, I could get at least 2 pairs of pants, or 2 tops and and pair of pants for that price. If you are frugal and shop sales, you could probably get even more.

    This is the reality- nothing, nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. You see the things you need to work on, it can be overwhelming. I commend you for posting. Now its time to do something about it.

    I can't afford your lifestyle- my food costs me about $10-$15 a day- max! I can make it easily under that if I am planning my week and cooking ahead. Not only could I not afford it (and neither can you right?)- I can't afford the caloric intake for my body, or the hidden calories in foods that are in dining out. You felt like crap yesterday? Of course you did (and so have most of us before we started to make the changes we did)! You pumped your morning with caffiene and sugar, and no nutrition. The #1 thing you can do to make yourself successful each day is to eat breakfast every day (note you are breaking a fast of 8-10 hours- your body needs food-fuel-nutrition). This body is your machine- it carries you everywhere, it supports you and takes care of you, and you are treating it like crap.

    It also takes a while to make a mental adjustment that food is not to be used as a reward, its food. We need it, many of us love it, love to cook, but there are foods that we can't eat. Our bodies can't tolerate it.
    You hate being overweight? Wait til your weight creates a serious health scare! Wait for it, because if you do nothing, it will come, this diet and lifestyle will come back, it will be high BP, or a heart attack. Or maybe a cancer, or type 2 diabetes. The choices and buffet of health issues you are subjecting your body too are endless- but I assure you, one will find you. And you will have to choose between life, or food.

    We are all here to support each other, feel free to add me as a friend. But I won't sugar coat it, I'll be straight up. You can do this, if you want to. We can help, if you want to.

    Eating healthy is hard/exercise is hard. Being obese is hard/wearing XXXL + sized clothes is hard. Its all hard- time to choose which hard you are going to live with
  • lifetimelady02
    lifetimelady02 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, I used to eat "crap" all the time. More of an emotional eater and every night I would eat the entire package of Reese's peanut butter cups that I bought at the dollar store. I used to say eating healthy was expensive, but add up the junk and it's much more expensive. I am on a tight budget, but here are some of my usual staples that I normally find on sale, 0% greek yogurt, low cal bread, fruits, frozen veggies, crushed tomatoes, canned tuna, deli meats, low fat cheese, oatmeal. Breakfast normally is oatmeal with sliced banana, lunch I usually have a can of tuna on low cal bread open faced loaded with lettuce,tomatoes, cucumbers or just a veggie sandwich which believe it or not is delicious. Besides work functions, I do not eat out at lunch, I use the time to work out. For dinner sometimes I will take a bag of frozen veggies instead of fresh since there are only two of us at home veggies tend to go bad quick, but I will use the bag of frozen veggies to make soup for a week worth of lunches, add a can of crushed tomatoes, some low sodium no fat broth and you have low cal veggie soup. If i eat fast food, it would be a grilled chicken sandwich and yes, once in awhile when i go out i do have a cheat night, but the better choices have become more automatic than ever before. I am down a total of 131 pounds, went from a size 24/26 to a size 4/6 in jeans. Believe me, if i can do this, the queen of late night eaters, the queen of chocolate and fries and burgers, you can do it too. For the price of one meal from Wendy's or McD's you can get more than an entire box of Boca burgers that are much healthier, don't have the fat content and less in cals. Also, I love to make my own pizza on light flatbread, one slice of flatbread, a little tomato sauce, load up those veggies or chicken, some low fat skim mozzerella cheese and i can eat the whole thing. There are ways to make it work, i'm the proof, i'm not done yet, but it can be done. By the way, my grocery bill for my 21 year old son and myself for two weeks of groceries is less than $75 every two weeks. I have been off my bp meds and cholesterol meds for quite awhile now, my weight loss journey started in October 2010 and although not perfect, and lots of mistakes along the way, i feel so much better healthier. Good luck.
    Good luck.