Plus Size Barbies - Week 1



  • 30by30girl
    Today has been good for me so far, I only have around 300 calories left for dinenr though. It is almost 6 here. I am making the kids spaghetti since I have nothing planned. They don't want to eat the things I am eating and my husband wants to eat what I am eating but also the stuff the kids are eating. I want to go walk but it is pouring here and has been all day, and I am crampy and grouchy! So we will see how tonight goes!
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Please dont feel bad, you can do it! Trust me, ask EVERYONE about my anxiety to post a full body shot. I literally was having an anxiety attack about it. I will tell you this , everyone is so supportive, and we all are here for each other. IT's a scary thing! I was sooo nervous to put my darn weight on here for all to see, but I feel so much better about it now because we are all here for the same reason. :flowerforyou:
  • BridgetE
    BridgetE Posts: 10
    So I know today is the first day, but I just joined MFP about 1/2 hour ago and found this group. If it's not too late, I'd like to join.

    My name is Bridget and I live in Maryland. I've struggled with my weight all my life, up and down all the time. Mostly up. I'm 41 with 5 kids, two are step. I usualy do really great for a few weeks and then fall off the wagon. This time I'm really hoping to keep it up and ge this weight off!

    Just to feel better about myself. To have more energy and to be able to keep up with my 5 year old. Exercise at least 4 times a week.

    Things to change:
    Just about everything. Get rid of the mindless snacking, stop with the soda and go back to water.

    Have no idea how to do this. Will try and figure it out this week.

    Pants 20
    Shirt XL

    Highest ever: 326
    Now 222.4
    Goal 150
    WK 1 goal 219

    Challenge: My eyes are the bomb!

    I would love to be friends with you....cuz I'm new and basiclly friendless....:smile:
  • CreativeRedhead
    Today was great. My only exercise though was gardening and cleaning the whole house, laundry. :) And yeah girl don't beat yourself up over not wanting to post those pics. I so didn't want to post mine but I did anyways. It's soo hard looking at yourself when you've let yourself go, at least it was for me and still is. I think I'm going to take pics regularly so that I can see the changes for myself because the scale doesn't always tell the changes that are being made. :)
  • Jparadise72
    Day one was great for me too!! I actually planned out what meals I was going to eat and what time I could eat them at. It helped me so much. I also went to gym and did 30 min circuit training along w 40 min cardio!! Im so proud of my self :bigsmile:
    Tomorrow is my yoga class, I think I will try and get some cardio in to. I'm so excited about this group, I actually feel accountable for my actions, I don't want to let my fellow P.S. Barbies down!!! :heart: Jessica
  • joyfulmom4him
    Hi Barbies, sorry I am late posting but here is my intro:
    My name is Veronica and I am married with 6 wonderful children. My children are 12, 9, 6, 4, 2, newborn(2-11-10). I also am a homeshooling mommy, so I am very busy. I have been trying to lose weight every since my first baby. I used to be in the Reserve so I had to stay active. When the babies started coming so close together, I never got a chance to get back to my fit self. I wanted to join this group because I love the name and I need the support. After being home and taking care of everyone else, I had put myself on the back burner. That has started to change. I am making time for me again like painting my nails and putting on my make-up everday. This makes me feel pretty! My weight reached an all time high with this last pregnancy. I started the pregnancy very overweight and reached 298lbs. Seeing that number on the scale was enough to make me want to get serious about my health.

    Things I want to change: To be able to play with my children and not get out of breath, to run a 5k next year, to knock my hubby's socks off when he looks at me! to set a good example for my family and others

    I posted my full body shot in my profile. It would be fun to post maybe monthly. I would love to document my progress.
    Challenge: I am an encourager and I love my family.

    My Goal long term goal is to be around 170-180. I am 5'9, so that is comfortable with me.
    My first Big goal is to be 200 (I have about 49lbs to go)

    My goal size would be 14/16
    My current size is 18/20 pants, shirts 2x

    HWever 298
    PSB-CW 249
    GW 180

    Week 1 goal 245

    Lets go PSBs we can do this. Can I get a woot! woot!?
  • joyfulmom4him
    Now that I posted my info. I had a great day. I used up all of my calories but went over in the protein dept. It was only slightly and it is probably good for me and baby. I completed Walk Away the Pounds 2mile Brisk walk with the children. They make it so much fun. It is cute to see them run and get their shoes when they see me heading for the DVD player. I am waiting for a new video to arrive and I am excited to get started. I wish everyone a great day tomorrow.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    . I'm so excited about this group, I actually feel accountable for my actions, I don't want to let my fellow P.S. Barbies down!!! :heart: Jessica

    Me too Jessica! glad you had a good day :happy:

    So my PSB's i sucked it up am put my pics up...ugh terrible but hey last time i will look like that, right!? anyway today was good i did cardio and weights. I was under my cal goals and im all planned (meals/snacks) for tomorrow up until dinner, haven't decided what im making yet! Good night Barbies, see you all in the am!! :heart: :heart: Evie
  • 30by30girl
    I went and burned some calories on the exercise equipment we have at work that I can use. Felt so good! I only did 8 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on the treadmill. But it was more that I have done in ages. And amazingly enough it helped with the grouchiness and the crampiness! Hooray! So excited about another day down!

    Let's go Barbies! Woot Woot!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Not a very great Day 1 for me. It was a hard weekend for dieting, spent it all on a roadtrip with my best friend. Basically no exercise, not enough food/ crappy food. And today was my first day of classes for the new term at the college. Basically went a little bit over all of my food categories. Not feeling too good. :P
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Hey all Barbies.
    Yesterday was my Birthday but I didn't do bad. I passed up the cherry cheese cake cupcakes. I only did 30 minutes at the gym instead of my usual hour plus. Today I have my session with my trainer and I have a feeling it is going to be all about legs. Good job everyone just by staying accountable.

    Sweetie everyone is going to a hard weekend every once in awhile and the main thing is that you are conscuis of it and every day is a good day to start again. You have to be able to live your life.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey all Barbies.
    Yesterday was my Birthday but I didn't do bad. I passed up the cherry cheese cake cupcakes. I only did 30 minutes at the gym instead of my usual hour plus. Today I have my session with my trainer and I have a feeling it is going to be all about legs. Good job everyone just by staying accountable.

    :flowerforyou: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! omgness great will power i would have ate one lool.

    Keep it up everyone!! & have a great day:smile:
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    yes, happy belated bday! You have more willpower than me cause I wouldn't be able to pass up sweets on my birthday!

    I weighed in yesterday. Down 3 lbs since last Monday! :smile:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    So yesterday started out so good for me. Walked to my car from work so it was 1 1/2 mile and did it in 35 min. Was happy about that. Then ate a little too much for dinner. So got to def work on that So heres to a new day
  • MandyThomas
    I hope i am not to late to start with everyone!
    1. Introduction - I am a 31 year old (will be 32 May 8!) mother of two boys, age 10 and 6 and wife for 11 years on May 24!. I joined this group to stay motivated and accountable. I am currently doing the Slim In 6 Program though Beachbody and started last Monday! So i officially completed my first week. I am looking for motivation and accountable from the group. I have noticed that if I know that I have to log in and tell how the day was then I will more likely to stay on track through the process.

    2. Set Goals -
    mini Goal #1 - 195 by my birthday - May 8
    mini Goal #2 - 185 by July 8
    mini Goal #3 - 175 by September 8
    mini Goal #4 - 165 by November 8
    mini Goal #5 - 155 by January 8, 2011
    Final Goal #6 - 145 by March 8, 2011 - Goal Weight!!!!!!

    3. Things you wanna change
    I need to be more accountable and write everything down!

    4. Take Before Pictures (Take pictures hopefully you will take this this Monday, post them on your profile)
    Have not done this yet but will this week.

    5. Get starting sizes
    I currently wear a size 18 pant but could probably wear a size 16 but I hate my clothes to be tight
    I wear a size XL shirt
    And I weigh 206 lbs! yuck! 61 lbs to go!

    ***THIS WEEKS DAILY CHALLENGE: Find and post one postive thing about your self
    Everyone tells me I am someone who is easy to get a long with!
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    Morning Barbies! Today is going to be a good day =)

    Happy Birthday Ruth! Those cheesecake cupcakes sound SOO good! You are a strong lady =)

    Sweetie- Don't let the weekend get you down. Just start back up today and keep going!
    I hope everyone has a great day!

  • Jparadise72
    So yesterday was a great day for me, and this morning I was down 1.8 lbs!! Yesterday was also the first day that I DIDN'T eat my exercise calories.. Something to think about anyway.

    Hope you had a great B-day Ruth:flowerforyou:

    HAVE A GREAT DAY BARBIES :heart: Jessica
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Okay Barbies my pictures are up. They are sideways, because I am don't know how to fix that. Oh well they look awful anyway. can't wait to show some progress. I went to the gym yeaterday and had the trainer do a % body fat on me. 46%! Ouch. Doing the math ( cause thats the kind of girl I am) that means I have 110 lbs of fat on this body. I need to loose a person. What a wake up. But I did really well on my exercise and calorie intake so I am good.

    Happy Birthday sorry we all missed telling you on your actual day.

    PS. I am a financial advisor. I saw some of you want to get out of debt. I am happy to share some trade secrets if you want to send me a private message.

    Have a great Tues!
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Hey yall sorry I have been MIA but yesterday was a very bad day. It was my uncle's funeral (my dad's brother) and seeing my dad break down and cry like that and sitting there thinking that it could be my dad up there hit me hard. Anyways I also had a AVON meeting. So well with my busy day I didn't walk my 2 miles nor do my other exercise. But I'm not letting it get me down. Yesterday was my day one...postive thing about day one is I still have my daddy!!!

    Day Two: Postive thing - Got everything oraganzie that needed to be done!
    Well I have already did a mile and I'm really hoping to get another mile in tonight!

    I will be sure and catch up on what everyone has written so far this week!
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    Hey Ya'll! I know its Tuesday but I hope I can stil join! My name is Cindy and I am joining this group because I need all the motivation I can get to stick with it this time around! I hope to get the much needed support I crave and to lose the extra baby weight I have been carrying for 4 years! On my weight loss plan I am sticking as close as I can to my MFP calories of 1200 a day plus my exercise calories. I drink lots of water and walk 3.5 mph on a 10 incline on my 2 15 minute breaks a day and my 45 minute lunch. The incline is a huge calorie loss booster!
    My weight loss goals are to lose 2 pounds per week until I reach my current goal weight of 150. My long term goal weight is 135.
    The things I would like to change about me is the fact that I am co-dependent. I keep finding men that need me for some reason because they can't take care of themselves and I believe if I felt better about me, I could make this change som much easier. I would also like to go to the beach and even the pool with my kids without having to hide myself. I want to be healthy and live to see my kids become grand parents-way down the road!!! And some where down deep I want to be able to walk up to my ex who used to beat me on a daily basis and let him know that he didn't keep me down like he always wanted to.
    Before Pics are in the works
    Currently wear a 16 in pants or a 14/16 depending on the brand and a L to an XL in shirts.
    Something Positive.....I am an awesome mom!

    Weigh In: Highest Weight: 242
    Goal Weight: 145
    P.S.B Starting Weight: 215
    Week 1 Goal: 213