How did you select your goal weight?



  • I used this site:

    You'll first have to determine your frame size per their guidelines - there's a link to do so on the same site.
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I originally set out to lose 20 pounds which would put me at 148. But I remember being very happy at 140 and maintained that for several years before I had more kids. So I'm aiming for 140-145. In high school I was about 135, I don't know if I could go that low again since that was about 20 years ago. but if I'm not happy at 140ish I will re-*kitten* my goals. I'm 5'6" tall.
  • rose_turtle
    rose_turtle Posts: 20 Member
    My husband and I have a picture we use as motivation from our first trip together. He was working out like crazy at the time, and I was just a tad over where I'm comfortable, so we both picked 10lbs less than that pic. That will allow for him to thinner without as much muscle bulk as he had and for me to wear size 10-12. For me it also puts me just under the BMI range for my height, so it works. Once I get there, I may decide to drop more, but for now, that's my goal.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    Based on a weight that I was happy at and I felt looked good on my frame in the past.
  • jayhawkfan51
    jayhawkfan51 Posts: 78 Member
    I chose my goal weight based on a chart as well. Then changed it 3x. At 5'9" and currently at 150 (original ultimate goal) I have decided to shoot for 140, to see if I am happy there.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 720 Member
    My doctor advised me I needed to lose weight to get to a normal BMI- My initial weight was 176lbs. She advised 150lbs. My lowest weight in my 20s was 130lbs. I set the goal to be 135lbs- Now I am not so focused on the number but, improving my body composition. Looking for leaner body mass.
  • .jpg


  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    My goal weight is my weight in college...before I gained the freshman 15, or 30.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    My mother, who is one inch shorter than I am and has the same skeletal frame, said she was happiest and was able to maintain best at 135. I added 5 lbs for the extra inch and decided on 140. At 5'9" - 140 will be good for me.
  • For my height 5'2" I should not weigh over like 130 or something like that, but I have always had a lot of hip and boobs so for me I don't think I want to be under 140.. I looked pretty darn good at about 150 so maybe between the 140 and 150... Geesh, do I even make sense... haha..
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I picked 160 as a start. I've been 147 but at 5'10 everyone said I looked sickly. My collar bone really stuck out and everything. I didn't try to get that size but I was super active. So I am aiming for 160...maybe 155 if possible. Although once I fit into my goal pants i will be happy regardless of what the scale says.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    20 sided die rolled a few times and added up
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I set mine based on a weight I could keep to easily, I found when I was 7 lighter than this weight (previously) I not only looked too thin but found it harder work to maintain it. It is now set towards the mid BMI weight .
  • I like to go by size instead of weight. I am very happy when I'm in a size 10 but would love to be a size 8 again. That has not happened in 20 years.
  • The weight I was playing lacrosse in college.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Forget about weight and BMI and focus on a body fat percentage.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    Interesting responses!

    I did the Dukan Diet calculator that a PP recommended and it said 180lbs (for comparison purposes this would be considered roughly 6lbs overweight by the BMI charts).

    Whenever I calculate my LBM it comes out around 130lbs but I'm not sure how accurate those calculators are (tried several and they are all within 2lbs of each other). When I do the math for 25% body fat, which I believe is the highest healthy % for women (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) it works out to 173.5lbs (173.8lbs is the top of the BMI chart for my height).

    So it seems that all of this confirms that I'm on the higher end of the BMI chart and my original goal of 173 is probably fine for me. I may still aim for the range 165-173lbs. But the lowest I want to go is definitely 165lbs. I think once I get to 173lbs I will just set my calories to maintainence for 165lbs and if my body wants to go there it will.

    Just for info purposes, I don't "lift heavy" so for me the BMI is probably fairly accurate. I respect all you ladies who do, it is just not something that I have any interest in and would not be something I would do "long term". I am not looking to be a fitness model, just to be a "normal" weight and healthier than I used to be. So i will be quite happy at 25% body fat (which is so much better than the 56% I used to be!).

    After a year on here, I still hate exercise but do it because it keeps my heart healthy. I do an arm workout with 10lbs dumbbells to help with the bingo wings (it's working, slowly but surely!) and rely on the incline on my treadmill for my leg muscles (also working!). My waist is where I lost the bulk of my weight (purely genetics) so I'm not worried about that area. So I'm very happy with the changes in my body. I don't want a "perfect" body (it's way too much of a time commitment for me). So I feel my goal is achievable and realistic for me.

    Thanks for sharing how you picked a goal weight!
  • kaceelawlor
    kaceelawlor Posts: 184 Member
    I did the BMI/BF% thing too. Although, currently (and at my heaviest of 137), I was considered in the "healthy" range for BMI (albiet it was on the far side towards overweight), and for BF% I also fell in the "healthy" range, I knew I could still lose some weight and be within those ranges, but more towards the middle. I weighed 120-125 in high school, and decided that's where I wanted to be. I've heard to lose 5lbs more than what you want to for some "wiggle room" so that's how I came up with the 115. If I get there, awesome, but if I hit 120-125, I'll still be super happy.

    EDIT: just went to the site, and it said my "true weight" is 117. Guess my goal of 115 wasn't far off!
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    Having not been below 12 stone (168lbs) in 15 years I was not too sure where I should be aiming at. So I pulled up a few online tests and picked a healthy middle range for my height (5ft 4, medium boned). Between 126 -138lbs is where I'm aiming to get to while holding onto my lean body mass if possible. I would rather be lean and firm (though I admit that's Very hard to imagine right now) while weighing a bit more then still jiggle-wibble-wobble while weighing less if that makes sense. :smile:
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I got an email from the Dukan Diet calculator which explained how it came up at 180lbs. It said my perfect BMI is 24 given family history and bone structure, but then added 2lbs per pregnancy, and 2lbs per decade over the age of 18 (for a total of 8 additional pounds over my "perfect BMI"). Just incase anyone was interested in how it comes up with it's numbers. Which still leads me to believe my goals are fine for me!