Internet dating- applicants are too fat



  • RegalSeagull
    Interesting that all the people calling this guy a troll are the ones trolling.
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    If you feel the need, add in that you are looking for someone who leads a healthy active lifestyle and cares about their physical appearance.

    ^ This. My dating site profile used to say something similar to this. At least up until I got fat and unhealthy. Heh.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Thats not Right at all and its mean to say,, Who are you to judge someone els,
    They probley already know its a problem its their choice to do something about it not yours,
  • xeanx
    xeanx Posts: 69
    Just rude
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have to admit, I am still perplexed as to why you chose to come here and vent about the obese/morbidly people messaging you. Was the intent to make you feel better about yourself? I see a lot of judgement in the statements you have made, which is really rather sad. I get there needs to be a physical connection, but all I can say is WOW.

    I have dated heavy, and thin and everything in between. Guess maybe my mother raised me right to appreciate people for WHO they are, not WHAT they look like.

    Stepping out now SMH...
  • DavidBMack
    DavidBMack Posts: 10 Member
    And honestly, what was the need for this topic; To get a rise out of people? It's a simple concept when someone messages you and you are not interested, simply don't reply. That person that messages you has nothing to lose by you not responding. I was on a dating site for a while and I messaged a lot of people that I thought were attractive. I got responses from some and not from others. Did I care if I didn't get a response back? No! I never knew that person and a simple question "Would you like to chat" and no answer was my answer. So they didn't want to, so what? Next please
    What is the need for any topic - This guy is obviously being insensitive with his language and provocative to a certain extent but it is surprising the hate he has had catapulted at him.
    I think the interesting issue here is that we live in a superficial society - most people on here are using this site because of that - yet we also live in a P.C. society so you get all these people saying it is what is on the inside that counts and it is so awful you could be so judgmental yet dieting & working out like crazy and only dating people they find attractive (which weight is a big part of) - so hypocritical.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    "Beauty is only skin deep" is something that ugly people say.
  • wolfpack77
  • DavidBMack
    DavidBMack Posts: 10 Member
    "Beauty is only skin deep" is something that ugly people say.
    Seriously - I think it is said more often by the beautiful people - some of whom are politically correct hypocrites.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member

    So I joined an internet dating thingo a few days ago

    I've not bothered messaging anyone, but have received a few messages from girls

    Thing is they're all pretty obese / morbidly obese. Is it even worth telling them I'm not interested because of that? Will they rage, or take it to heart and do something about it?

    I feel bad for them because honestly no one is going to give them a date unless they're a chubby chaser. They might be unaware or in blissful denial. I'm not interested in being their PT.

    Not saying I'm an adonis by any stretch but these girls need to do something not for my sake but for their own health and happyness. Atleast to get themselves laid once in a while cause at the moment I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be happening.

    Don't be so picky. Next time you're in jail I'm sure the guys in the shower won't be picky as long as you make that wet *kitten* clap for them.
  • Star0007
    This post made me sad. Dude, beauty is ONLY skin deep. Maybe one of these women would be your perfect match. Yes there must be attraction, but you just utterly right them off due to their weight? My momma always said if you look you can find the beauty in everyone. I think that is mainly true (Hitler being the exception, dang Hitler!). We all get older and parts of us sag, we get wrinkly, etc. Personality pretty much always stays the same!

    I agree with this gentleman.... great answer.
  • amishabbie17
    Very insensitive. Your obviously not going to like everyone that likes you and not every woman you like is going to like you back. Just because you can see their flaws and your shallowness is less obvious until you speak/type. You and these women are online dating for your own reasons, so first you need to realize that You and these so called "too fat applicants" are both online looking for someone. So you do have SOMETHING in common.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    "Beauty is only skin deep" is something that ugly people say.
    Seriously - I think it is said more often by the beautiful people - some of whom are politically correct hypocrites.
    I'd suggest it's more like "most of whom".

    And I phrased that incorrectly. It's something people say to ugly people.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    The way i see it, just dont respond to them, they are already aware of their weight hence its their lives, and all you would be doing is crushing them. "If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all."

    The way i see it though, I am not skinny at all, BUT i perfer men who are built or skinny, and i normally get what i want and thats called having a prefrence. My current boyfriend though is shorter than me, and weighs about 40-50lbs less than me and normally dates skinny girls and it has opened my eyes a little bit more to being more open minded because he always tells me personality matters more, as long as there is attraction as well, which we both have so we make it work, and if i'm going to lose weight i'm going to do it for myself not him, so if you were to tell these bigger girls they need to lose weight and be healthier all your going to get is a lot of mean responses, because they already know they are big and if they are going to lose weight they aren't going to do it for some stranger on the internet...just sayin!
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member

    Lmao...I need this gif specifically for forums like this
  • CigsNBeer
    This dude is clearly looking for attention. Someone who looks the way he looks has a lot of nerve being picky.
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    a)It would have been just two ladies raging at you . . . but you chose to post this question on a weight-loss site and as a result have quite a few people raging at you.

    b)It's always better to just come clean and tell people you are not interested in early on . . saves them grief and saves you drama later on
  • keithmustloseweight
    But no, I wouldn't feel the need to tell someone who messaged me on a dating site that I wouldn't be interested because of their weight, any more than I'd tell someone that I don't fancy them because their boobs / manly bits (depending on gender) were too small, or their nose was too big, or their skin was awful. Not saying that would necessarily be the case - my tastes in people are pretty broad - but even if it were, I wouldn't say it. Some things don't need to be said.

    Most of those things are traits people are born with, it's not a choice what size nose you have
    I am still perplexed as to why you chose to come here and vent about the obese/morbidly people messaging you.

    Pretty far from venting, it was a legit question, would people want to know why you arn't interested?
    My SO loved me at 300 pounds and still loves me at closer to 200 pounds and will love me at 150 pounds. Its nothing to do with my weight.

    As for your dating profile, just be straight up and say you want a slim chick.

    Cool glad you guys are happy.
    Also I never said I wanted a slim chick specifically, that your assumption
    If you feel the need, add in that you are looking for someone who leads a healthy active lifestyle and cares about their physical appearance.

    Yeah think I'll add something like a semi-active lifestyle. Good idea.
    Interesting that all the people calling this guy a troll are the ones trolling.

    Haha yeah I noticed that too

    Also to all the personal attackers, u mad?
  • opticpoet
    opticpoet Posts: 29 Member

  • Cherie7575
    This post made me sad. Dude, beauty is ONLY skin deep. Maybe one of these women would be your perfect match. Yes there must be attraction, but you just utterly right them off due to their weight? My momma always said if you look you can find the beauty in everyone. I think that is mainly true (Hitler being the exception, dang Hitler!). We all get older and parts of us sag, we get wrinkly, etc. Personality pretty much always stays the same!

    I love this! =)
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