Am i the only one who likes to work out alone



  • dawnms8
    dawnms8 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm the same way....too nervous I guess about how I look to exercise in front of anyone (children and spouse included). I'm also a super clutz so I guess that doesn't help =)
  • I love working out alone. That's why I hit the gym at 3/3:30am. Empty gym and non of my friends will go that early.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Nope, right there with you. I work out alone. I like to work alone too. And when I was in school I studied alone.

    Plenty of other fun stuff to do with a friend.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Same here. I don't need the distraction. If I want to socialize we can grab dinner or coffee!
  • No you are not alone....LEAVE ME ALONE. My work out time is just for me to concentrate on ME.
  • mrskchris
    mrskchris Posts: 28 Member
    I definitely prefer to workout alone. Every now and then my husband will go with me, but we only run together on the treadmill - no talking. Most of the time I am by myself. I don't even like to bring my children to the child care center because I don't want to hear my name on the loud speaker or be limited to a 2 hour time frame. It's my workout, and I like to be left alone.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    No, I cannot stand working out with other people. In college, my friends would always want to go together, so I agreed a few times. All they wanted to do was stand around, chat, and check out boys. Maybe if I were single it would've been more fun? And then they'd want to leave after about 20 minutes. It was ridiculous. I maybe joined them twice before learning my lesson. I like being accountable for me, just me.
  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    You're definitely NOT alone. I'm sure these points have already been mentioned but I don't like working out with others because I don't want to have to move to someone else's pace. I don't want to slow down or move faster for someone. Also I feel like I'm constantly judged by others when I work out with other people around . . . makes me feel like inadequate. :(
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Well I am definitely not the only one :laugh: Guess I don't need to feel guilty about it any more :bigsmile: many happy solo workouts to all! :drinker:
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I don't like it either. I hate going on "sweat" gym dates with people, I don't look pleasant when I workout and I'd rather just be alone at my house doing it. I just wanna do what I do best on my own. No distractions, no chatting, just getting my workout done. Then take a shower in my OWN bathroom afterwards. Yeah, perfect workout for me. (=
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nope, right there with you. I work out alone. I like to work alone too. And when I was in school I studied alone.

    Plenty of other fun stuff to do with a friend.

    100% *THIS*!! I love sharing fitness and nutrition tips with buddies, but workout time is ME time. Was the same way with studying in school. Probably came from being a latch-key kid from the age 6 forward. Even when I use work gym, I'm in my zone and choose to shower at home so no chit-chat (although one day I might test out that steam room... SOLO). Got a dedicated beach towel to sit on for drive home to keep driver seat sweat-free!