The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Stehanie-everyone is different and moves to the next phase at different times. I just moved to 3/4 this week and I did 1/2 for an entire month. I still felt the burn though. If it is too easy for you feel free to go ahead and move up. One might be different on where they are on the sculpt video versus the cardio. You can move up on one before the other as well. You can try moving up and if you realize you shouldn't have that soon you can always go back to 1/2. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm soorrry dreamer! I actually did miss it i'm sorry!! I'm glad u had fun on your birthday and is it the inside of ur foot that hurts? almost like a crampy feeling? I know thats how my right foot gets..but it hasnt flared up yet? but if the doctor says its normal and that eventually itll go away after a few weeks, maybe just go light on the workouts and try to do as much as u can without injuring urself?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    this is going to seem like a bad idea to most, but my new goal is losing 7lbs in 18 days... I know from past experiences that my metabolism can be very fast if I eat strictly correct and work out perfectly without a miss...I know I can do this I just have to stick with my regimen.......well here goes my all!
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Hey guys, a couple P90 related questions for ya:

    1. With the sculpt circuit I recently upped the weights to the points where I struggle between 10 - 12 reps and by the end I'm beat (like I need sugar to get up kinda beat). I'm finding that the next day my muscles are sore and even the next day where I'm due for another round of sculpt, my muscles are still a little bit sore. So the question is, I know when I'd lift at the gym I'd weight for my muscles to fully recover (roughly 3-4 days) before revisiting that muscle group, so what's the deal with the every other day thing? Should I be doing that sculpt routine while I'm still sore from the previous one, or should I be going lower with the weight so that I don't get sore to begin with?

    2. I've been missing a few days here and there and wondering what do you guys do when you miss? Do you start back at where you left off or just do the exercise you were supposed to do for that day. Example, yesterday missed sweat, should I do sweat today or do the sculpt that's on the schedule for today?

    3. Lastly, I'm more or less at my goal weight, however I've got too much body fat and not enough muscle. My fat % is at 18% and I'd love to be at least at 13%, so I've got to somehow lose 8 lbs of fat and gain 8 lbs of muscle to be where I'd like to be. For very obvious reasons it's pretty hard to do both at the same time b/c gaining requires excess calories, while losing requires a caloric deficit, so I've been torn goal-wise between focusing on bulking or losing and I've been eating at a caloric deficit been doing some cardio and been lifting and gradually lowering reps and putting higher weights on. B/c of this I'll try to spend a couple days a week in the gym lifting higher weights but resting a minute between sets because I just can't put such weights with the p90 circuit (just way too exhausting given the lack of a rest period between exercises). So the question is, well, I'm a bit schizo here, any advice?
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    oh yeah, and on the voting as to most torturous p90 exercises:

    1. Run lunges - %@#% wtf, these things kill me, I'm sure I must be doing these wrong or something b/c they're impossible to keep going for more than 20 seconds.

    2. X Cross Hops - "hoppin around like a bunny rabbit," can't keep this one up long but it's nowhere near as bad as the run lunges, at least you can cheat in this one by doing that alt move.

    3. Ab ripper more specifically the bicycles and the full body crunch - really it's the bicycles that are killer, basically after that I'm like a limp rag so my full body crunch attempts are just pathetic at that point. I always start Ab ripper with energy thinking, "yeah this ain't bad I'm gonna get through this one" and then the bicycles kill me.
  • frankjack
    frankjack Posts: 18
    Just started p90 after a full 30day round of 10 min trainer. Currently on day 10 of p90 and loving it I'm doing the sweat 1-2 in my sauna suit and boy does it make you sweat lol, but good luck to everyone and see you in 90 days!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    whyflysouth are you alternating the sculp and cardio each day instead of doing them both in a day?...I think the whole process of not letting your muscles rest is the "muscle confusion" that tony is talking about...your muscles want rest but they arent sure whats going on and it makes them speed up in a sense....almost like the reverse starvation mode of exercise i'd like to call it... and 10-12 reps is fine for just starting out...he says in it that anywhere from 8-15 is good so long as you feel the burn...Don't over strain yourself tho, i think soreness is normal the first few days/weeks depending on your body and what its used far as missing days go I have the fat burner dvd...(dont know if u received that with your package) but I do that and then do the sculpt can pretty much go about it anyway you want tho...we're all human and arent perfect so I think missing a day or two here so long as it isnt a complete habit is far as gaining mass muscle I can't help you with that one =/ I just know the last time I was pretty "ripped" in a female sense I was actually doing work outs just like power90 except I had my cardio 7 days a week (almost same moves that he shows) I would run in place trying to hit my knees on my chest then do inside kicks followed by outside kicks and running outside...then the next day would be my weight lifting day where I would target every muscle that I could think of with the weights....(I'd do this every other day aside from the 50 pushups a day)...thats about all I can help you with as far as muscle growth guys...but its alot diff for guys than it is girls id imagine...

    The running lunges are by far the most difficult I think....and with enough time and practice they'll get easier where you'll look back and go ..."Wow 20 secs is a walk in the park" well that pretty much goes with all of those that u listed off

    Just keep your head up and do as best as you'll get there :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    p.s. I hope that helped some
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    oh yeah, and on the voting as to most torturous p90 exercises:

    1. Run lunges - %@#% wtf, these things kill me, I'm sure I must be doing these wrong or something b/c they're impossible to keep going for more than 20 seconds.

    2. X Cross Hops - "hoppin around like a bunny rabbit," can't keep this one up long but it's nowhere near as bad as the run lunges, at least you can cheat in this one by doing that alt move.

    3. Ab ripper more specifically the bicycles and the full body crunch - really it's the bicycles that are killer, basically after that I'm like a limp rag so my full body crunch attempts are just pathetic at that point. I always start Ab ripper with energy thinking, "yeah this ain't bad I'm gonna get through this one" and then the bicycles kill me.

    LOL I have to agree with you on all of those, but its now its a little easier for me, excluding the Ab ripper part! Those last two kill me still! But at least I can do them now with out stopping after every rep!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Day 16! I actually am feeling a difference in how my clothes are fitting me! It feels good to know I am actually losing inches. But I am not going to check for sure until the 30 days mark. I just have this fear of stepping on the scale and it saying that I either gained or stayed the same! :ohwell:
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Just checking in. I did sweat 3/4 today. I couldn't get through all of the ab ripper though. Probably did about 150 out of the 200. Am I the only one who can't keep up with them on the ab ripper 200? Did just fine with the 100 but dying on the 200. Oh well I will keep plugging along. Push play people!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Yea ab ripper 200 gets me at the ab bicycles. Then the full body crunch is nearly impossible for me. If I slow down and breathe more I find that I can do more. Almost trance like. I have tried different things to control my asthma and this seems to work best. Find those walls and knock em down people!!!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    awesome day 19! I am going to do the FBE for the next 6 days! I am sore already!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I've been doing power 90 here or there and been running mostly....But i'm down to 120lbs....only 10 more to go woohoo!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Day 21, I FREAKING MADE IT TO DAY 21!!!! Well I am super happy and super addicted to the p90 program and I am excited to start P90X when that time comes! Gosh it feels so awesome to be losing weight the healthy weight and feeling great about working out! Hope everyone else is doing just as great! Keep it up everyone!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Im on week 9 of the Power 90 program! Feeling great! I can now see alot of definition in my shoulders and arms as well as my legs! Doing great! Hope everyone else is doing the same!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Day 22 and feeling awesome, I am glad to see everyone is doing just as well. I have to admit that all of you help keep me going and I want to say thank you for keeping me committed. I am so super excited and sore from this damn FBE but I am sticking with it. Its day 4 on the FBE whooppeee!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Sorry must have missed it, but what is FBE?

    Doing great some more! Just tired from working too hard.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    well, i'm kind of off the p90 bandwagon right now! it's not because i don't love it, though. the weather got nice and i have started the couch to 5k - i'm just on week one, but it pretty much takes up my cardio time right now. there's no way i could get through that and the sweat 1-2 in the same day, so i'm doing the sculpt 1-2 on my off days and throwing in jillian michael's 30 day shred (which i highly recommend) when i feel up to it - it's intense, but only 20 minutes long, so it's easier to add into my day. i also still do the crunch routine, which i love. i can do bicycle crunches 'til kingdome come, but the full body, i'm still no good at it! to work up to the 200, i just started adding on extra crunch to every set. right now i'm doing 13 of each move, and next week i'll move up to 14. so far so good - except for the full body, of course, which is kind of my time to just flail around on the floor in misery! :tongue:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    OOOOOOooooo! 4 more weeks of Power 90! Then P90X!! Hooaah! Can't wait! I am brimming with self destructive energy! Thats the good stuff removing the bad! Sounds bad but thats what Im doing! Destroying my self to build myself new again. Stronger, faster, better. I challenge you all to do the same!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Any body out there?
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