Do You Feel Sale?



  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I live in a suburb of Dallas and I feel safe. But then, I don't do stupid things that would lead to my being in an unsafe situation.

    I don't think anyone could have predicted the situation today. Normal town in Connecticut on a normal day. It's just bizarre. There is no pattern to be worked out, in my mind. It's random and senseless.

    I also teach at a public school and I have a hard time seeing how this could happen at my campus. The doors lock from the outside and people cannot get in unless they are buzzed in through the office. If you cannot provide ID, you are not allowed in the halls, period. We also have lockdown procedures in place that everyone knows. They've locked down the whole school before for unidentified people walking the perimeter of the school, even if they were not obviously threatening, so I feel like they keep close tabs on it. We also have an armed police officer on campus at all times. But you just never know.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    And to all the armed people...who carry /conceal...all the training in the world wont make you ready that tme when you get jumped....

    Class and real life don't even compare in training.
    I think you might be thinking that people who carry cannot defend themselfs without a weapon.

    That is not always the case...

    And it is not always about "being jumped". The mall shooting is a perfect example of where an armed citizen could have helped out and saved lives.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    And to all the armed people...who carry /conceal...all the training in the world wont make you ready that tme when you get jumped....

    Class and real life don't even compare in training.

    And it is not always about "being jumped". The mall shooting is a perfect example of where an armed citizen could have helped out and saved lives.

    Exactly, or the theater shooting in CO.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Daytime I will walk wherever I want and feel safe enough. I'm pretty paranoid so I never really feel safe. I'm extremely scared of poisonous and deadly desert critters, which are a very real threat in the edges of the city where I live.

    People with guns and mental issues? They're going to show up everywhere. I deal with that as a fact of life and don't let it bother my day-to-day.

    I'm way more afraid of things I imagine are moving in my room at night in the dark than I am of other people.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    And to all the armed people...who carry /conceal...all the training in the world wont make you ready that tme when you get jumped....

    Class and real life don't even compare in training.

    And it is not always about "being jumped". The mall shooting is a perfect example of where an armed citizen could have helped out and saved lives.

    Exactly, or the theater shooting in CO.
    The only reason I will disagree with you about the theater shooting is the details of the environment.
    It was dark, loud, and many people running in a panic.

    In that instance, even a highly trained shooter would have had a very difficult time identifying and engaging the target.
  • Dymatized
    Overall yes. I do have a CCW and only carry when I may be out late or in a so so area. In today's crazy world I do recommend all "sane and responsible" citizens to carry and conceal. Guns don't kill people..people kill people. A gun is just a tool like a knife, drill, saw, vehicle etc. It's the abusers and psychos that make the rest of us responsible owners look bad.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I grew up in Chicago. Now I live just outside of the city. I actually do feel safe. I avoid obviously dangerous situations. But what can you do when some maniac decides to shoot up a school, mall or movie theater?
    Who would be carrying a gun in those situations? I can't imagine a life where you are constantly on edge ready for an attack.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I live in Skokie, IL., which my family used to compare to the fictional and almost crime-free Mayberry from "The Andy Griffith Show." I feel very safe in Skokie -- but I'm not stupid, either; no town is crazy-proof or creep-proof. We've had rounds fired on the intersection of two of our busiest streets during the day, armed robberies on the street (usually between midnight and 2:00 am), and recently some kids got into a fight in a park and a 17-year-old got stabbed. I walked to the park one afternoon when I was 17 and was followed by a man in a pickup truck. This was shortly after I got my first cell phone, and if not for that incident, I wouldn't care about having a (cell) phone at all. I feel safe walking around at all hours, but slightly less so after dark/later in the evening. Accidents happen, too; no matter how safe I feel, someone could have a medical issue behind the wheel and plow right into me in my car, on the sidewalk, wherever. Heck, my house is probably about as dangerous as anything in Skokie; the darn thing could easily come down on us, the way it looks. Skokie is near Chicago and Evanston, which have some bad neighborhoods and violent groups, but for the most part, Skokie is just a cute little 'burb with a few scattered losers, and a whole lot of wonderful people.

    By the way, I was home schooled, and was by no means separated from society. I had more friends -- and closer friends -- home schooled than I ever did when I went to public school.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I feel safe, but I am armed. They just put locked doors at my kids school so that intruders cannot get in.
  • pinky_pie
    I feel very safe in my city and province here in Canada. I have the luxury of feeling safe, and far more than a woman or child would feel in many other countries overseas.
  • 5stringjeff
    5stringjeff Posts: 790 Member
    I live in the metro-Atlanta area.

    I never feel safe.

    I don't walk alone. I carry mace on me. My husband and I are working on buying and safely learning to use a gun.

    Such is life.

    I live in metro-Atlanta too. South metro, even... and I have been known to go out jogging at 10pm at night.

    Maybe you live in a rough neighborhood, but I think some people are just paranoid. Random acts of violence can occur anytime, anywhere, and there is absolutely no way to prevent it or prepare for it.

    I live just outside of South metro Atlanta (Fayetteville). I feel safe walking around my neighborhood, or the shopping areas of our town. I would *never* walk around after dark in Atlanta unless I was in a crowd (like the parking lots at a Braves game), CCP or not.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
  • FightingforFit82
    In my area, I do feel fairly safe. However my Husband ALWAYS carries a gun. I just got a 9mm last week for my Birthday :). I will be carrying that with me everywhere. No matter how safe you may feel, you NEVER know how those around you are.
  • Beckycm1971
    Beckycm1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Being someone who shops at the mall from a few days ago, and being a parent, and an instructional assistant working with mostly kindergarten, and having my kids highschool on lock down this year cause a student pulled a gun out in class, yes my first reaction is to hide away from the world out there. It's very overwhelming thinking about the fear and the risk. But I think it's really important as a family and community as well as country to take the steps necessary to make ourselves and others as safe as possible out there for the future. We can't just hide and not live.
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    I feel safe to walk on my road during the day, but not at night, mainly because there aren't any street lights and woods on both sides of the road, so I worry about bears and wild life.
    I would not walk about downtown late at night by my self.
    I do lock my doors when I am at home alone. Just a good habit.
    Central Virginia, U.S.A.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I feel safe in most places I'm at. I don't tend to let fear govern me. I will walk in my neighborhood day or night, and my doors are usually unlocked right up until I go to bed (so they're open all day and far into the late night).

    Even when I was in Germany earlier this year, I had to walk a significant distance at 2 in the morning to get to the train station in not just an unfamiliar city, but country, without any knowledge of the language AT ALL. And I felt safe, at no point feeling fearful, even as I walked by complete strangers, alone, in tight alleyways and avenues.

    HOWEVER, I am very observant and while I don't let people see fear in me, I'm always aware of my surroundings and make note of people and what they do.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I suppose it is worth pointing out that I am not scared of some thug attacking me. I have never had that problem.
    My bigger fear is the *kitten* coming into the resturant where I am eating with my family and just opening fire.
    Or coming into the mechanich shop while I am getting tires installed.

    Basically, I am not worried about the bullet with my name on it, I am worried about the one marked "To current resident".
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I never answer my door unless I know the person. Here most home invasions occur by the perp ringing doorbell and forcing their way in. I feel fine running though. There are definitely areas of Phoenix that I am more apt to be more aware.

    Overall I try to be pretty cautious and aware of my surroundings. And I was raised in a small, safe city.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Edited to remove stupid remark; was unaware of the tragic events in CT today until a few moments ago. My heart goes out to the poor families.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I feel less safe on the road, driving my car, with everyone texting and driving...than I do going to the