200+ (Week 24) Shrinking into Summer

Another week ends, another weigh-in happens, a new week begins!

Good luck all my superheroes! :heart:


  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    weighing in @ 208.4 lbs ( with clothes on lol )
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter wkend
  • spfraser
    spfraser Posts: 17
    Ya'll are an inspiration!!! Looking at what everyone's already lost and knowing ya'll are right there with me really helps. Good luck to everyone getting on the scale tomorrow... I'm really nervous!

    I had a great day today- took a class at work and got out early, so I took our dog and son for a walk at the park. I am super impressed with you guys that are doing the C25K plan- I've been trying to do it, but haven't been consistant about it. I am signed up to do a 5K next weekend with a friend, but I'll be walking most of it. I'll get there eventually...:smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well dern...posted on the other after AKA said not to. Boo.
    So this is a cut and paste...

    Jadegem - Good luck on your tests! You can do it!
    I went to college at the age of 25....and had to take the placement test. OMG. I knew I sucked major at math. Want to know how bad? I had to start out in Math 20!!! I can remember telling my geometry teacher my sophomore year in highschool in front of the whole class that I didn't care if I got it because I wasn't going to college, "just give me a D so I can stop taking math!" I think is what I said. I ended up going clear through Math 225 or something... There is something to be said for WANTING to learn. Then you actually "get it" you know? You will do just fine!
    Anyways, I ended up with a BA in Art History and a BA in Religious Studies and never looked back. College was amazing and I wish that I was really well off because all I would do is keep going to college and keep learning. Those 400 level classes are amazing. Super hard work, but amazing! I miss it each and every single day, and I graduated three years ago this June.
    (And that last year I had a newborn, so it can be done! You will be fine.)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Made myself go to the gym. Decided that being there and moving was better than nothing and I wasn't going to get all *****y at myself if I didn't keep my heart rate up in the high range on my HRM..so I burned 400 cals in 47 minutes. Not my best but again, I DID it.

    I weighed at 206, so I've maintained. Hoping tomorrow maybe 205?? Crossing fingers.
    (since I always weigh after work, I wonder what I'd weigh in the morning before I ate...but then again I am not about to go to the gym that early in the morning on an empty stomach, ha!)
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    well i didnt get to go to the park today but i did go to the gym with my mom. it was great. even though i have only had about 1 hour of sleep since 9am yesterday morning ( it is now 10pm) i feel energized yet worn completely out at the same time. i might go to the park tomorrow when i drop the bf off at work. we will see. good luck every on on their weigh ins and i hope you all have a super hero day tomorrow!

  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Hey all! days are getting busier as the days grow closer to moving. anyhow......

    Lacey....right there with you w/ the mommy guilt. it is so hard seeing our little people get treated badly. some boy at the park the other day told my son, 'Your a baby...go away" and he is still talking about it. I, of couse, wanted to go smack the other boy...but that is mommy bear kicking in! hang in there..

    emj..not completely sure about what is going on but i get the gist that your going to school and everything is getting overwhelming. it can be, but you can do it. i finished my BA while working full time, and then got my teaching credential while pregnant and then w/ a newborn. rely on friends and family and do your best. you can do it.

    everyone else, i'm too pooped to think. those were just the posts that stuck in my brain.

    good luck tomorra!!!
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Well dern...posted on the other after AKA said not to. Boo.
    So this is a cut and paste...

    Jadegem - Good luck on your tests! You can do it!
    I went to college at the age of 25....and had to take the placement test. OMG. I knew I sucked major at math. Want to know how bad? I had to start out in Math 20!!! I can remember telling my geometry teacher my sophomore year in highschool in front of the whole class that I didn't care if I got it because I wasn't going to college, "just give me a D so I can stop taking math!" I think is what I said. I ended up going clear through Math 225 or something... There is something to be said for WANTING to learn. Then you actually "get it" you know? You will do just fine!
    Anyways, I ended up with a BA in Art History and a BA in Religious Studies and never looked back. College was amazing and I wish that I was really well off because all I would do is keep going to college and keep learning. Those 400 level classes are amazing. Super hard work, but amazing! I miss it each and every single day, and I graduated three years ago this June.
    (And that last year I had a newborn, so it can be done! You will be fine.)

    yah i'm about to turn 26 this may. I wanted to go back to school after i came back from maternity leave but like a month after i came back they laid me off. Md. Anderson was a pretty laid back job and they had great benifits. I was so hoping to get money for school from them but not anymore. it sucks. But it's time to go back. I dont even care if i'm in a class teaching me high school math. I should have took my *kitten* to school along time ago instead of trying to party all the dam time. oh well.. You live and learn, right?
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh by the way. I post a lot bc i'm a SAHM and have nothing else better to do when my son is sleep. Well i do have things to do but yah.
    Anywho. i worked my *kitten* off today. i burned over 400 cal.s.

    ok had to go check. I burned a little over 500 cal.s yay for me.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yes - it is another glorious morning!!!! Mr. Scale and I are still having our affair - he loves me and shouted out 190.5 this morning:love::love: :love: I am down 1.5 pounds this week. DH is getting jealous and wants to do more with me. He has this grand idea to walk all 6 miles to my mom's house, spend an hour there and then walk back. I'll try anything so we may do it until he realizes that is 12 miles of walking!!! What else do we have to do on Saturday but house and yard work.

    I am jealous of all you stay at home mom's, well any of you moms. Kids just weren't in the cards for us. I have enjoyed playing with the kid (2 years old) my mom has been watching this week (*sighs*). I am looking forward to July when I am stealing my BFF oldest 2 for a week. I enjoy your stories of the kids.

    Good luck on your weigh-ins. I am off to get ready for my 1 client then a day of errands in the big city - bulk food and supply shopping, car to the shop, and more. If I get home in time, I hope to take a run. We are going for a 3 to 4 mile walk (DH called it the long walk) to our favorite restaurant for dinner. The short walk is 2 miles.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    weighing in @ 208.4 lbs ( with clothes on lol )
    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter wkend

  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    WOO HOO!!!

    Last Weeks Weight: 202.6
    Today's Weigh In: 198.6

    Total of 4lbs! Ok, So TOM was mean, but I am doing well.

    Pinbo - That is awesome. I am looking forward to being where you are!

    Laceylala - You are doing great!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Today's weight: 198.6 (+0.6 from last week) :grumble:

    Am I surprised by this? No, as I've been up all week, and only did real cardio (a short run) one day this workweek (did work out both days last weekend). Eating has been all right, but not spectacular, so this was sort of inevitable. I am frustrated though that it seems to be every other week or so I gain some. Argh!! I know overall I'm going down in weight, but it is frustrating. I just need to keep at it.

    On a much brighter note, I'm wearing a size 16 jeans skirt today to work. Woo! :drinker:

    Plan to get to the rec center after work today. I had hoped that I would just work a half-day today, but I've got a conference call at 2, so I'll leave after that I work out right afterwards. I need to go to the mall soon, as I really need to find some more pants that'll work for me. I think I'll try and hit up the bigger one a bit farther away, but am not down with the weekend traffic there, so we'll see. Don't know what their hours are on Easter...

    Anyone have any big plans for the holiday weekend? Mine will be like any other weekend: sleeping, reading, grocery shopping, exercising. This is my life.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    mrsmarvelous- nice work!!

    spfraser- nice job with the walking and yay for signing up for a 5K! You can totally be running it in no time!

    lacey- yeah, you will probably weigh less if you do it first thing in the morning, but the important thing is that you've been weighing yourself around the same time, so the downward trend will look similar

    victoria- you and your scale. haha. i'm starting to feel like a voyeur! It's amazing that you're almost out of the 190s! I'm so very proud of you! you've been such a motivation and inspiration to me!

    mish- what up to me 198.6lb twin!! Of course, mine wasn't a 4 pound loss- damn girl! congrats!

    good luck to all those still to weigh in today! :heart:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    weighing in at 210 today.. I have my period for the 2nd time in like 1.5 weeks... wtf? But I won't be arnd much, I dont have any hours at work and my internet is off for now, I should be up n running by next wed/thurs. Good jobs so far & good luck everyone else!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Weighed in at 232.4 today. Still up from last week, but its actually still going down from my highest this week.

    My younger sister sent me a text message at 1:20am last night saying her boyfriend proposed and included a picture of the huge rock he gave her. I know I'm being incredibly selfish but I don't want to have to deal with her happiness about marriage when I'm still dealing with a divorce. She's the baby of me and my sisters and was always spoiled. Plus she was always the skinny one. Its probably just a big jealousy thing but whatever. I'm allowed to have emotions. :frown:

    Plus Joey sent me a long *kitten* text this morning....
    "I don't know what happened to the me I used to be and I know I can never get you back but I hope you can one day forgive me for being so horrible. I am truly sorry and I wish I never did anything to hurt you. I really hope you can at least forgive me some day. you are a wonderful person and I hope you find someone who treats you the way you deserve and I really am truly sorry"

    great...how about I just sit at my desk and cry a little bit this morning:frown:
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    So the scale and I are not getting along this week, and it is no ones fault but my own. I am up to 243 (which according to the work scale from Monday that's 2.5 pounds, and the scale from Saturday that's 4). I know why it has happened and I am making a vow to myself. I WILL BE IN THE GYM 5 DAYS A WEEK. I need some help keeping this going so any support would be great. I have never had that big of a gain in one week, and it's frustrating. I know why it happened, my eating sucked and I wasn't motivated. I will get back on track.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    So the weight issue sucked this week, BUT I got the job I applied for within my company!!! Starting 04/26 I will be an Account Representative!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Ok, so much to respond to!! but first things first.....friday weigh in.... Lost 1 pound.....down to 201. I'm happy :)

    Ejm-congrats on the job!!!!don't stress too much about not losing this week. it will come off
    kendall--yea, sisters are hard to deal with sometimes. your right, your completely allowed to have emotions, and dealing with wedding flurries and happiness doesn't sound fun to me for you right now. hopefully your sister can figure that out on her own.
    as for joey, can i find him and punch him in the face for you. sounds like someone just wants to clear his concious. screw that!
    and yes, you can sit and cry. does crying burn calories??
    pinot--Can i borrow your scale for a bit? Seriously, congrats!!! that is so amazing! Can't wait till i am there, but until then, you continue to be such an inspiration!!
    Lacey--i agree, keep using the same time frame. your getting there!
    spfraser--congrats on signing up for a 5K. i am still too scared.
    AKA--size 16's?!! Good for you!!

    I'm off for more moving madness, and on top of that I need to do some shopping for my Dad's birthday on Sunday. Also, have to make him a cake tomorrow...shouldn't be too bad. It contains nuts, and i can't eat them anyway. think i already said that.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The good news is my sister said they are thinking the wedding will be in over a year and a half (New Years Eve 2011, going into 2012) so that gives me lots of time to deal with my divorce and whatnot...plus it gives me a goal to actually work towards so I can lose weight and be a super hot bridesmaid. (assuming that I'm going to be asked, of course....I was in my older sister's wedding and they were both in mine so I don't see why I WOULDN'T be in my younger sister's wedding)

    Some neighbors down the street are having a yard sale today and tomorrow so I'm hoping people from the extra traffic will stop by and look at my house. I came to work and printed off 40 new flyers to go in my little information tube. I can't afford for them to be printed in color anymore (REALLY?? $.50 EACH??!) so screw people. I really should have just printed black and white to begin with cause I know the first 10-15 copies were taken by the neighbors.

    But this means I need to clean my house tonight....just in the off chance someone really does want to look inside. Its not that bad. I need to sweep the dog hair up in the kitchen, fold some sheets, put my shoes away (seriously, I have like, 6 pairs of shoes in the living room....how do they all end up there? lol), wipe down the kitchen counters and vaccuum.

    Plus I need to do another day of c25k. I'm so glad yall got me motivated to actually try this. I always thought big girls couldn't run but you have proven me so very wrong (and I really don't mean "big girls" in a bad way....most of yall are smaller than me). If I didn't get so dang sweaty while running, I would start working out during my lunch break again, but I would HAVE to wash my hair after that but wouldn't have enough time to dry it.

    I don't know what is up with me lately but I am hungry all day at work. It might be because I don't have much to do and feel really bored. But my stomach is seriously growling at me. GRRRRRR

    (yes, I just growled back at my stomach lol)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Kendall - just work through the emotions. They come and they go and just when you think you are done something else will hit. I hate to say the dumb thing, but it is all normal. Especially when you have someone close to you in your life getting married! That makes it that much harder.

    Ejm, it will get better, get that consistency going and you will start dropping pounds. (geez how's that for the kettle calling the pot black. I need to take my own advice!)

    Cds - moving sucks. BLeh. But at least you are doing what is right for you guys. And if you can't have nuts and make a cake with nuts you can't eat it! Yeay!

    I AM going to the gym tonight. I need to work off some steam and aggravation that has been building all week. It is so funny, I went about two full monts being stress free, granted I was so busy at work I couldn't think straight but literally no stress. And then it all hits at once. I hate that.
    And I will weigh then too.

    My goal for this weekend: track all my food and try to stay around 1600 cals or so. I have really got to start watching the weekends if I want to lose any weight.