Red bull yes or no?

ICarla Posts: 200 Member
I'm exhausted need to hit the gym A friend of mine suggested a red bull. According to him it gives you so much energy you'll burn off more than the 120 calories in it plus more. I just don't want to crash afterward. Anyone have any Red Bull advice?


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm exhausted need to hit the gym A friend of mine suggested a red bull. According to him it gives you so much energy you'll burn off more than the 120 calories in it plus more. I just don't want to crash afterward. Anyone have any Red Bull advice?
    Drink coffee? You will crash afterwards.
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member
    I hate coffee. lol
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Eeeew. No.

    I personally think it tastes nasty. I had it once and saw zero effect energy-wise. Drink coffee or go to the gym to get an energy boost
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    Sugar free red bull, no calories, or just get a 5 hour energy. Whatever gets you through. I have one in my desk for after work myself. :drinker:
  • There's always sugar free red bull - personally I can't stand the taste of those energy drinks at all - why not try eating an apple? Apples help give you energy, the natural way!
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    Nope dont like the taste of red bull and its not healthy!
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I personally love Red Bull, I do not experience a crash, but everyone is different. I drink the sugar free one so there are fewer calories. I do not have any sensetivities to sugar substitutes, but if you did then the regular one may be better.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    When I need something to wake up (so I don't trip over a machine sleepwalking), I'll do a red bull zero, or a 5 hr energy.

    edit: redbull zero is not the same as sugar free! I like it better. :smile:
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I don't see too much wrong with it, if you're not too hung up on eating clean (there are a lot of chemicals in it) I always have the sugar free. It tastes worse (not that the original tastes good to begin with) but it's less calories.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Your friend thinks that you will inherently burn more calories because you have more energy and therefore you should stop taking your friend's advice

    I say "no" but I guess people like it. My SO swears by it but he's also 30 and relatively intolerant to any drugs. It has too much caffeine for me.

    Just being active will boost your energy levels temporarily
  • B12 and get some vitamins to take daily i used to have the same problem
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Sugar free red bull, no calories, or just get a 5 hour energy. Whatever gets you through. I have one in my desk for after work myself. :drinker:
    The sugar free don't work.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I love red bull
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I used to drink it all the time. You get used to the taste. If you are gonna do it, try the Total Zero (yummy new flavor- 0 calorie) or sugar free, that way you don't have to worry about burning off the excess calories.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    If i'm lethargic and need a boost, yes I'll down one. The worst workout will be the one you didn't do or barely turned up for!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I drink monster - but I am immune to it now. I just love the taste

    Energy drinks don't do it for me anymore, I usually dodge traffic on the way to the gym to get my adrenaline up, drain my blood, then drink it.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    How about a preworkout drink like Assault or jack3d or something like that? I'd stay away from Red Bull (personally I don't get much reaction from them).
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Sugar free red bull, no calories, or just get a 5 hour energy. Whatever gets you through. I have one in my desk for after work myself. :drinker:
    The sugar free don't work.

    Its like coke without the cain. Doesnt work!
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member
    B12 and get some vitamins to take daily i used to have the same problem

    I have no idea what vitamin to take.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    Be careful with energy drinks....even gatorade has some of the same ingrediants that car wax has....possibly research work out supplements? when i'm desperate i do a vitamin b12 shot (similiar to 5hour energy)....i've also started drinking half a whey drink before and after my workouts which has really helped.