
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I decided to change my picture for the holidays. This is Rosemary, our Christmas "tree." Rosemary usually lives in my garden and sometimes provides just the right addition to a dish. I did a little trimming to shape her up and the trimmed ends were terrific on the pork roast last night. At the end of the holidays I'll need to carefully transition her back outside. When the kids are coming we get a full sized cut tree, but we're on our own this year.

    We've been washing all our dishes by hand the past few days. We returned home to a dishwasher that isn't working. I wonder what happened to it while we were gone. The repairman is scheduled for 11 am.

    I'm up early and have been watching weather news. It looks like some of you will be getting snow in the next few days. I hope this is the beginning of the end of the drought that has been plaguing so many states.

    Have a good day today.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Katla, I love your Rosemary tree! It has been snowing here too. It is a week early, I'd say. This should be Christmas:happy:

    Meanwhile, I do not enjoy driving through it, so hoping the roads will have been plowed. I've become a sissy in my old age. :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I like what your mom said. Your company comes for you, not your house, so try not to stress too much.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, "the Happiness Project" what a great thing!

    Well, the 9 bean vegetarian ragout I made on the weekend lasted through yesterday lunch. It was delicious. The recipe is on the Costco Kirkland container for the 9 bean mix, if anyone is interested. It has tons of fiber.

    Off to work.

    Be safe and have a happy day my friends!
    :heart: Rebel
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, my fabulous friends! I’m on my own this week, so you’re my company. DH headed to Flagstaff, AZ on Monday for the week – gets home on Thursday night or Friday morning, then we’re celebrating with the kids, then we head our separate ways for a bit. Through it all I will be working – we have an implementation going live on 1/1 so no holiday for some of us.

    I woke up fairly early today (with the cat), so I started on my next round of workouts – a kickboxing-style 60 day cardio thing. I actually began it last night – I had decided to treat myself to some cookies in celebration of finishing the second round of P90X but by last night I was feeling guilty :frown:. Anyway, last night was an easy 30 minute routine with the boxing and kicking. Today was HIIT – that was a little harder (ahem). Again, only 30 minutes – I’m feeling a little lost since I normally work out for more than 60 minutes most days, and then I walk for another 60 minutes. Anyway, we’ll see how it goes – I did that then went out straight away for my walk because I have meetings scheduled pretty much for the rest of the day. Busy! Fortunately tonight my sister and I have scheduled a ladies’ night with shopping and dinner. Yay!

    I’m going backwards, we’ll see how far I get:

    Katla, I LOVE the tree! I’m trying to think of a way to find a small tree for our condo in Tahoe – something they can use after we leave, I suppose. I love that idea. When our dishwasher is on the fritz I always find I’d almost rather hand-wash the dishes. However, my nails don’t like it much (they split and crack a lot), so it’s best if my hands aren’t in the water all the time. Of course you lost weight on your trip – didn’t you start it out with the stomach-flu diet? :laugh: See, we can laugh about it now, but I’m sure then it was awful!

    DeeDee, yes, hopefully you don’t have the kinds of “friends” who will be looking in your closets and under your beds. I always shove my “junk pile” into the hall closet and then have to put the guests’ coats on the sofa so they can’t see the closet :laugh:. I hope the party is a smashing success! I see your note about big presents – I’m just the opposite this year, but mainly I don’t have to wrap anything. It’s kind of nice. I suspect you may have to cook that roast for a longer time because it’s very dense – be sure you have a good meat thermometer.

    Deb A: I love the idea of going to the pet store for pictures with Santa – how cute! I hope you find some time to move – it helps with that oh so elusive “relaxing” thing :smile:.

    Amanda, I am forever more going to picture you all decked out in sparkly things! I can understand the impulse to buy once you can fit into smaller sizes – but I agree there are probably only so many sequined outfits one needs :laugh:. Have fun shopping the closet – it sounds like you may have stocked up for a good bit!

    Lila, I love bowling so long as it’s not serious – I too am very bad at it lol. Wow on the snow! We haven’t seen a single flake so far – but we’re supposed to get possibly a little on Friday, then wind on Saturday (of course, my travel day). I’m giggling at the picture of you with your broom and shovel – that’s so something I would do too! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that the weather holds off for your drive.

    Barbie, your dancing performances sound fun – how great that you’re bringing joy to the lives of people who might otherwise be a little lonely and down at this time of year.

    Liz, I hope those butterscotch squares were good – they sound like it! I love the sound of your Christmas Eve and Christmas day dinners – simple and intimate. Enjoy!

    Lin, I hope you enjoyed your company. How wonderful that your little helper was there – it sounds so sweet! I used to love baking with my grandmother, and I most definitely got my love of cooking from her. It passes on somehow.

    Carolyn, I agree, I find the “ME” attitude is an issue with some of the younger set. It’s so odd, because they all start out so sweet and loving of everyone. It would be great if we could bottle the generosity of spirit of our youngsters.

    Cheryl, welcome back lol :drinker:.

    Meg, I hope you enjoy the break between classes and get lots of work done on the book! Tamales . . . I LOVE homemade tamales. We used to stop at a little whistle-stop on the way to Buena Vista and pick them up – so tasty! I hope your builder has good plans for the garage for you. We generally make the stocking stuffers small things too – but occasionally we’ve put their “big” gift in there, like an iPod or something if it’s small. That’s fun too.

    JaneH, welcome back (again). I’m so sorry to hear about your DD’s friend – how terrible for someone so young! I’m glad they caught it – aneurisms are nothing to mess with.

    LindaSun, baby steps with those hands, right? I read that as “20wph” at first – then realized it’s a limit of time per hour. I hope your work will take you back soon – or that the restrictions are lifted. It sounds like you’re anxious to get back to doing something.

    Annie, I love the image of you delivering gifts – a little early Santa. Enjoy the season and get back to eating healthy and wise as soon as you can.

    JaneM, What a nice Christmas at your church. Your church community sounds fantastic!

    Jen, isn’t it funny how the division of labor gets to be so one-sided? :laugh: I’m always happy when I can get DH to do ANYTHING that I’ll promise the moon, sun and stars if he’ll just do one little thing. Currently the one single present he bought that needs to be wrapped (for his son) is under a towel. I fully expect that’s how it will be given on Christmas. Sigh. For sure, don’t beat yourself up. Do what you can, if you find yourself with a moment do a few squats or lunges, and when you have the time make a schedule you can work with. It’s fine. Cutting carbs from your meals will make SUCH a huge difference! I am always amazed at how clearly I think, and when I do have carbs (sugar) how quickly my blood spikes and crashes! So glad your DS is getting home!

    Rebel, isn’t it something, what sugar does? I’ll be joining you on the fruit and veggie Saturdays – just let me know the details!

    Michele, you’re really sweet to care about what each member of your family prefers and tailor your baking for them. And good that you’re making something you’re not tempted by. Oh, I’m glad you said that about your hair appt: I have one on Friday and have been trying to think what to do. I always give my hair stylist a big tip at Christmas and a card, but I’ll take in some cookies for the salon too. I made five batches on Sunday so I certainly have plenty lol. In the future, I would wait to roll the bourbon balls until you’re ready to ship them, and then put them in a bowl with plastic wrap loose over the top.

    OK, I think I’m sort of caught up. I hope the rush isn’t getting to anyone right now. I encourage you all to try to find a few minutes to do some exercising – you’ll be glad you did, both from a guilt perspective and a “doing something good for your body and mind” perspective. A quick 10 minute walk around the block, a few squats and lunges, some yoga – anything to give you motivation to stick with this journey. It all begins and ends with keeping your body healthy, right?

    OK, Cheers –

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good wonderful Tuesday Morning this December!

    It is damp, raining, and grey, not at all the white snow we have expected for so long....ah, the green Christmas has hit SWO, Again!
    I always feel like the folks in White Christmas, wishing for some white stuff.....on that day!

    Just a note to hope everyone is fine, I am slammed by a big project due tomorrow, and then marking of final exams!

    Tree is in garage, nothing done in house...thank god we are only having 2 for breakfast....there will be a marathon wrapping session in my future!

    great day to all, and love the rosemary tree! I always buy one, and it always dies on me inside the house!

    Have a gentle day, BJ
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Texas Gal~ i LOVE your Christmas Card post of the Wise Men! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Just bumping in to mark my spot.....I absolutely cannot keep up this month!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: A few years ago Jake and I did yoga faithfully every morning…..that was before the long dog walks----now I struggle to include yoga in my day (months have gone by with no yoga at all) I know that it’s a good thing to do and for several months I put in on my monthly resolution list and still didn’t do it. Yesterday Jake went to physical therapy in the morning and I did yoga while he was gone. This morning Jake went out to do errands and I did yoga again…..two days in a row. I have been reflecting on why I haven’t been doing it and several things come to mind. First, I have to lay down a mat, take off socks and shoes, and lie down (ugh). Then I don’t get “credit” for it like I do for other things……walking counts on my step counter and weight training and riding the exercise bike burn a lot of calories but yoga does neither. Its benefits are great but more subtle. So I’ll be looking for some way to give myself credit or gold stars for it and maybe I will do it more often.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for December (with middle of the month comments)
    • Have a strategy for each holiday food event (not many events, but good strategies)
    • Weight training three times a week (more like once or twice a week)
    • Act the way I want to feel (super)
    • Don’t expect praise or recognition (almost super
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Barbie, in the credit category, I read the other day on the internet (because you know that's the source of truth these days lol) that the key to long life is being able to stand up from a sitting position on the ground without using your hands. Don't ask me how that is THE key, but I will say that yoga will give you that ability. It is also super at giving you the ability to actually have eyes in the back of your head: I can almost turn my head around like Linda Blair without being possessed.

    So: Yoga = extra life credits
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Life credits; hmmm....I like that thought!

    Barbie, I think you are probably the most exercise-active woman on this thread. My work is sedentary some days so I really applaud myself for those days its not. Keep up the good work - yoga which I have not tried and all!

    Glenda, it is a hectic pace; I am getting ready to grab a few more items for Christmas then it's more wrapping time.

    Thank you, JNHeff I so enjoy all the scenery and thoughts of the holiday season especially Christ-centered.

    Here's a picture of the MAN tree which I didn't put up this year - too many activities & I barely have my tabletop up :bigsmile:

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Barbie, in the credit category, I read the other day on the internet (because you know that's the source of truth these days lol) that the key to long life is being able to stand up from a sitting position on the ground without using your hands. Don't ask me how that is THE key, but I will say that yoga will give you that ability. It is also super at giving you the ability to actually have eyes in the back of your head: I can almost turn my head around like Linda Blair without being possessed.

    So: Yoga = extra life credits

    Alright, so of course I had to get down on the floor in my office and try to get up again without my hands. Fortunately no one walked by!
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Phew, just finished reading. I am realising that I need to read every day in order to keep up. I love my daily Vitamin F!

    Katla - I love the idea of a rosemary tree. does it scent the room as well? I do like the smell of rosemary

    Sasha - 8" of snow - wow. We don't ever see that much in my part of the UK.

    Well, I have delivered all the rest of my cards now, walked them all round this morning. Only OH's pressies to wrap, and the last of the food to buy and I'm done. I am never this prepared - wonder what I have forgotten? Oh well, its only one day!

    Feel happy today as I have lost 1.8lbs this week.. I have no idea how because the weekend was a bit of a food fest, but I will accept it with grace and try hard to loose again next week too. The walking helped my exercise total for the week and I'm going to try to keep that up for the rest of the week. I have been lazy lately.

    Night, night everyone. Catch you tomorrow.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well, I was so far behind reading my laptop almost used all its battery! You girls are awesome and I don't want to miss a thing. We were gone all weekend and unfortunately I wasn't very faithful with tracking my food. A MFP friend once said, post it, the good the bad and the ugly. it seems like I just got overwhelmed.
    This week is less hectic and I feel more in control. I also posted on Saturday with lots of comments and it went whoosh into neverland.
    I WILL be back tomorrow and plan to stay current with the posts. There isn't a more inspirational group of women anywhere and I Appreciate all of you.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Day didn`t start so well.Hubby and another driver backed into each other.Praise God we were ok.Violet was with us.Turns out we had gone to the wrong store.We were suppose to be in another town.
    Got a few gifts done.
    Had a box of ripe bananas donated,so made 90+ banana muffins.
    Hope everyone is ok.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my special friends. It was a cool and pretty day, but tomorrow we are supposed to get a winter storm starting in the afternoon and may get up to 10” of snow. I hope it’s not that much because Thursday I have a couple of appointments AND I’m doing all my grocery shopping for the next week. Everyone will be in the stores tomorrow, buying all my food,:laugh: thinking we will get snowed in. It’s crazy when it gets like this. :smokin:

    I resisted going to my holiday party at work and it was hard. The corporate chefs always do a fabulous job and the smell of food was wonderful. Then I went to my boss’s holiday party and only had one small spoonful of nuts and some fruit. So I think I managed pretty well today!:happy:

    Kathy: I understand taking a breather. This is hard work but don’t lose sight of all your accomplishments!:flowerforyou:

    Janehadji: I think the key to whatever success I have had as a parent is that I don’t make decisions based on what the other person will think. That sounds mean maybe, but I have seen too many people both at work and at home who don’t make tough decisions because “he won’t like me” or “she’ll be mad”. That never even enters my mind. Maybe it should more, but it does help since I don’t wrestle with that!!! The worst boss I ever had was so concerned about what everyone thought and who would be mad that she could never make a decision and working for her was chaos. Thanks for your kind words. I often second guess myself (but they never know it LOL:bigsmile: ).

    Wessecg: I saw an interview with that mom. She seems genuinely terrified of her son. Why aren’t there services for these kind of people who so obviously need help?

    Lentigogirl: great pic!:smile:

    Katla: I am so proud of you for being near enough to maintenance that you can think of it! I am way off from that spot!

    Linda: stunned look means “Oh crap, what did I sign up for?” :tongue: (it’s a 15-month accelerated BSN program)

    Annie: I agree; maintaining or at least being reasonable has to be the goal this time of year!

    Jane: sounds like you are enjoying the season and in the Christmas spirit. I’m so glad you all were ok after the car crash!:flowerforyou:

    Jen: so glad DS is coming home! We try to have 2 veggies and salad each night

    Texas: thank you for the reminder about the season.

    Rebel: what is your challenge? We do vegetarian once or twice a week. Do you mean all day? I try for that on veggie day, but hubby is not quite there yet.

    Michele: you can send me all your excess bourbon balls. I also love to make rum balls.:love: Can’t give them to the kids though….they aren’t cooked. Last year I put a couple of spoons of bourbon in my pecan pie and OHMY was it delic!

    Liz: you can add the butterscotch squares to my order for Michele’s bourbon balls! YUM!!!

    Barbie: I hope you don’t feel left out with all this Christmas talk! I remember you writing about some of the food you eat at Hanukkah. How else do you celebrate?

    Lila: sounds like I’m going to be right there with you and your snow!

    Amanda: wow your closet sounds like mine. I really don’t need 8 pairs of black high heels either! I just wish I could wear most of it. I also have 8 coats, and I gave some away last year. I have a weakness for clothing but almost hate shopping when I have to go to the fat ladies part of the store!:sad:

    DebA: pictures with the pets sounds like so much fun!

    Rebel: I think I need to join costco!

    M: your exercise routine is a great one!

    OK ladies, back to the grind. I nearly have another chapter done and ready to send in; I’d like to get it done tonight. Take care! Meg:drinker:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I did a brave thing tonight. I packed up all of my size 14s for Goodwill. All of them. I packed some of the 12s since they are too big also. I think it is still showing some lack of faith not to toss my 12s now. I do feel absolutely certain that I will never be a size 14 again - absolutely!!! But 12?? I am fitting in a 10 easily now but I am still really overweight considering the tiny frame I have so 10 should be the biggest I ever allow myself to get. So why can't I toss the 12s?

    My January goal will be to toss the 12s. And I haven't even set December goals :drinker:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I want to ask those who pray to send some prayers for my daughter's brother in law. Dan has been in the hospital for many days and had numerous surgeries due to blood clots in his legs. Apparently he needs yet another. Please pray for Dan's return to health, and for his whole family.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Katia-Sending my prayers for Dan. I just learned that Mom took Dad to the hospital this morning and he was admitted. It sounds like they are just observing him because he had some "stroke-like" symptoms. I only live 30 minutes away. Usually Mom would call me, but she didn't want to bother me at work. I wish she had called so I would have been able to get more details from the doctor. I have called in for tomorrow and will go to spend the day with them and get more info.

    Just finished my progress reports for my 90 students and lesson plans for tomorrow's classes. Wish I could get ahead! Another day down with no formal exercise. I tried to move as much as possible in school, but am not feeling great due to inactivity. I'll get in some long , fast walks tomorrow.

    It sounds like most of us are getting things together for the holidays. I'm not stressing about it. What gets done, gets done. We can have a great time with family without all of the extras.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Prayers for Dan!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was good one. Caught up on my work.projects. Today we went to our volunteer job. Good day there not ss much walking as normal but felt I could count a serious 45 minutes.

    I was under today in calories but still not best food choices.
    @Jane glad you are ok from the car crash
    @Lila your bowling sounds like fun.
    @wessecg. Wow that is brave.
    @Rebel I like your January challenge
    @Bourbon Balls yummy!

    @Meg I like your parenting approach.

    Tomorrow is our participant party they love it we play lots of games. Its fun but really busy.

    @Karla praying for your daughter's brother -in -law and his Family.

    Best Wishes to everyone!

  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    New to forum Bump!