Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    SOooooo...I was not able to get a si6 workout work at 5:30, got the kids, home by 6:00, fixed dinner, cleaned the kitchen while the kids played outside:(, then headed off to a Moonlight Easter Egg Hunt!!! The run for eggs was 6 minutes of lung crushing full speed running and grabbing eggs at 8:00...then waiting around for the prize distribution til starving when we got home cuz they played and played with the babysitter at the park while I ran around like a mad man...and here it is 10:30 and I'm pooped. Nothing like a pocket full of excuses!
    The si6 workout...the upside...I had tons of fun and my legs and butt and abs and arms and shoulders are sore from yesterday and today's running (if you can call it that!)...there's progress for ya...I only ate half of my huge plate of chicken fajitas, and only a handful of tortilla chips at our office lunch date and saved the rest for tomorrow. Karate tmw...sparring, yay!

    Man I talk to much!...or

    Oh yea, and I won the DVD Van Helsing, a 30$ gift card to a local pet store, and some DILLY bars from DQ...

    So...good day overall!

    Way to go Callie and Sweettart! Jilly, you are a fountain of information, thanks!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning Girls:smile:

    Jill Thank you for the links, I will check them out.

    jaimeblanks WELCOME to our group :flowerforyou: What better inspiration than that!

    Truhvn Sounds like loads of fun with the kids and the best way to burn cals. Congrats on the prizes!

    BBL after my w/o... Day 2 of RIU.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    RIU is done, I alternated the floor leg lifts and it went smoother.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Welcome Jamie!

    Callie: That is a good idea I think Ill be trying that tomorrow.

    Did RIU this morning for a calorie burn of 395. Then did 20mins on the elliptical and slim & limber for another burn of 305.

    700 calories gone so far. Its 75 degrees right now going to take the dog for a walk
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Went for my 30min walk with the dog and burned another 296 calories. We have a 1 mile track which is only a 5min walk away and I walk on the incline part of the track which keeps my heart rate a lot higher!!

    Todays total is 996 calories burned.

    Never know its really nice out might go for a bike ride tonight when my bf gets home.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    RIU is done, I alternated the floor leg lifts and it went smoother.
    Good thinking!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    Went for my 30min walk with the dog and burned another 296 calories. We have a 1 mile track which is only a 5min walk away and I walk on the incline part of the track which keeps my heart rate a lot higher!!

    Todays total is 996 calories burned.

    Never know its really nice out might go for a bike ride tonight when my bf gets home.
    That's a lot of calories. Great job!

    I did Firm It Up.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Had Karate tonight. We sparred for 1-2 minutes at a time, one time I even had two little boys on one with me! I'm not sure exactly how to measure my calorie burn for this class tonight, so I just gave it a good 30 minutes on the exercise meter for kickboxing (I may have underestimated, but I didn't want to over eat on exercise calories)

    I'd be interested to see how everyone else measures their calorie burn...monitors or body bugs or whatever they are called (I am a workout equiptment idiot!) that the easiest way to get an accurate count?

    Good working out everyone! Keep up the good work!

    My goal is to hit SIU good tmw and follow up with Slim and Limber. I've got a movie date, so I'm gonna work really hard on keeping the buttered popcorn at bay!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Truhvn: I have a Polar F6 HRM and LOVE IT!! It is the watch with the chest strap and couldnt imagine working out without it.

    Well I had no energy this morning and really didnt want to workout but pushed myself anyways! My body for some reason was hurting today but I kept pushing myself to finish and I did!

    Did slim & 6 pack and RIU for a calorie burn of 427. Its going to be 79 degrees today so will be bringing the dog for a walk too.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Callie: Forgot to tell you I did the alternating leg lifts today and it was SO much easier. Thanks for the little tip!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Truhvn: I have a Polar F6 HRM and LOVE IT!! It is the watch with the chest strap and couldnt imagine working out without it.

    Well I had no energy this morning and really didnt want to workout but pushed myself anyways! My body for some reason was hurting today but I kept pushing myself to finish and I did!

    Did slim & 6 pack and RIU for a calorie burn of 427. Its going to be 79 degrees today so will be bringing the dog for a walk too.

    sweettart Feeling the same here... I'm sore! So I decided to get my errands done 1st.. this am. So I'm home and off to RIU with Ms Debbie! Glad the alts leg lifts helped! :flowerforyou: WOW your doing a AWESOME job.. keep it up!!!! Your pushing me....THANKS! :flowerforyou:

    Truhvn Have fun on your date night!! :smile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Ok I got errr done! I tried 3 lbs weight unstead of the bands.. It seemed easier except on the ticeps, which I am having trouble with on my form using the bands. The Biceps and the 1st crossed with the bands (row?) needs 5 lb weights for sure! I am feeling better STRONGER after almost 2 weeks in, but till have a long ways to master RIU! But I AM GAME:happy:

    Have a good W/E and HAPPY EASTER everyone :flowerforyou:
  • ank5
    ank5 Posts: 12
    I am doing Slim in 6 Burn it up....does anyone have any idea how many calories are burned during this? I have been keeping track of my exercise on here and I just put it under "general aerobics". Does that sound about right to you? Also I was wondering when doing the Slim in 6Pack, what category would you put it under when keeping track of exercise on here?
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Glad to read everyone is pushing play!

    I finally exercised today; rest week was bugging me...6 days was ENOUGH. :tongue: I was going to start again with Slim Series, but am afraid to try lunges/squats yet. The knees are not hurting per se, but the normal cracking/popping in my right one is somehow different right now. In fact, this morning it felt numb, which must mean it's swelling again. Who knows lol. So, I went to the gym instead. The ellipticals there (Precor EFX and the Lifestyler) have never aggravated them ever, so I did 30 min on each for a total of an hour. :drinker: Felt great! I know I should have started back a bit more slowly... but it just felt so great to move again. If the weather holds out for tomorrow, I just may take it outside for a good, long walk in the sunshine. :smile: Then see how everything is going and hopefully start back with SS. I miss Debbie!!! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful weekend friends - and a blessed Easter!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    ank5, I always put Slim in 6 under general aerobics, including the minutes I spent on 6-Pack. I counted Slim & Limber as stretching. Doing that and setting my weight-loss goal at 1 pound/week had me averaging about a pound a week, so those numbers worked well for me. I'd recommend trying that for a while and seeing what you think.

    Scoobees, glad you got back to working out. Those rest weeks can drive you nuts, can't they? I think I'm due for one soon, but I don't wanna!

    I did 6-Pack and Mix It Up today. It was good. :)

    Happy Easter, everybody!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    Callie, I prefer the weights to the bands as well. You might want to get some 5-pounders if the 3's are too easy. For Slim Series, I use both weights and bands, but so does Debbie.
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    I am late to the party but count me in. I am starting week number 3 on monday. Will see how much I weigh on monday morning after getting through easter weekend with two italian families lol.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    ank5:Welcome. I agree wilth Jill putting it under general aerobics. I have a HRM so I know how many calories I burned

    Scoobees: I would be like you and be going crazy not being able to workout! I hope your knees feel better. I would go to your dr and maybe they will send you to a physio to strenghten your knees.

    Radian: Welcome. You are right on track with me I am starting week 3 again on monday. I also agree with you what my weight will be mon. I have easter brunch tomorrow morning and then easter dinner!

    Well week 2 done!

    I did RIU for a calorie burn of 398.

    Have a great w/o and bunny day!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hello :smile:

    ank5 I dont know on the cals burned. How do you like BIU?

    Scoobees I am glad you were able to work out! I know how irritating it is, I have had knee issues in the past. I bought a book through Amazon, for next to nothing- The Knee Crisis Handbook by Brian Halpern. He recommends "RICE " for patients with knee pain, Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation. When my pain was at its worst, I finally gave in A WHOLE SUNDAY and riced my knee and it made all the difference. :heart: :heart: I have done Plilates & Yoga for a bit and I beleive its helped strenghten them majorly. Maybe it might help you? I am still waiting for them to flare now, with all the squats and SI6. So far so good. :smile: Take care!!

    Jill Yes I really prefer the free weights over the bands. Glad you can use both in BIU! Do you know the BB band color loads opposed to free weights. The bright pink came with SI6. Does that make sense?

    RadianWear WELCOME to our group:flowerforyou: I am going into week 3 also.

    Sweettart Your kicking it!! :smile: :smile:

    I am taking a rest day from RIU today.Were working out in the yard.. for most of the day. I 'll do my stationary bike and S & L later!

    Happy Sat everyone :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    Callie, I'm not sure what the weight equivalent of the bands is, but the bright pink one is the easiest one, and the next one up is the purple one. (They call it purple, but it's more of a maroon color.) The easiest one is strong enough for me for almost everything. The only time I use the purple one is for triceps, and I could use the pink one for that if I'd step farther away from the handle.

    You can use just weights for BIU (I used 5-pounders. It's the Slim Series workouts that you need both for.

    Hope that helps!

    I have a HRM too, but I still use the MFP estimates for my calories burned. For Slim Series, I record the workouts (except for stretching) as low-impact aerobics because they're less cardio-intensive than the original SI6 workouts in my opinion. Even at that, the calories burned is slightly higher than what my HRM said, but I'm not sure I trust that. Really, it's all just educated guessing. I think as long as you track carefully and consistently, you can figure out whether you need to adjust up or down to get the best results while still feeling your best.

    Have great workouts today! I'm doing Tone It Up. It's the one I love to hate!