Should I date a man with kids?

Hi. I wasn't sure if this was the right category to put this in, but oh well. I'm currently just starting to see a guy I met on POF. He's a sweet guy, treats me like a queen, a teacher, has a house, all put together, very opposite of my last ex who was still married and didn't have time for me. I see MAJOR potential, and being 33 Im looking to settle down soon. However.....he has 2 kids. One is 12, he lives with his ex wife, and the other is a teenage girl, 14, and lives with him. I love children, I want to be a teacher myself. however, I am scared to take on that much responsiblity. Luckily, his ex wife is responsible and has a well-paying job, but still......what about our privacy? Also, I require a lot of attention, and will I grow angry if he doesn't give me enough?

But thing is, now days if I want to meet a man in his 30's or 40's without kids it's nearly impossible. I don't have kids, and I am a very rare breed. Any advice? Should I still give this guy a chance because he seems like a real good catch??

Thank you.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Slow down. You're not moving in with this guy...give it some time to see if you two are even compatible. You. Just. Met. Him.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    No guarantee that another train will come down that track
  • Aleph13
    Aleph13 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't really understand this..if you like being with someone, be with them... shouldn't matter whether they have a house, kids, a car or two heads...

    Also, they're not exactly kids, they'll be grown soon and sounds like they have a mum of their own so I don't think they are gonna weigh too heavy on you responsibilty wise... yeah they will be part of your life but if you wanna be part of his then you will have to deal with that gladly

    This isn't really a question you are gonna find the answer to on here... you need to look into your own self and decide what's important to you
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    I think you answered your own question "he seems like a real good catch". But honestly if he has given you all of those things now why would his affection for you change? I guess the question is more so, how will you handle the responsibility if there is any. Seeing that they are pretty much grown. It's not like they are babies and you're changing diapers every 5 seconds. I mean you aren't marrying him right away either, it's just dating. He hasn't proven otherwise besides his "attachments" being his kids. If he's sane, responsible and treats you the way you want/need to be treated then he deserves a chance. one here can make that decision for you either. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hi. I wasn't sure if this was the right category to put this in, but oh well. I'm currently just starting to see a guy I met on POF. He's a sweet guy, treats me like a queen, a teacher, has a house, all put together, very opposite of my last ex who was still married and didn't have time for me. I see MAJOR potential, and being 33 Im looking to settle down soon. However.....he has 2 kids. One is 12, he lives with his ex wife, and the other is a teenage girl, 14, and lives with him. I love children, I want to be a teacher myself. however, I am scared to take on that much responsiblity. Luckily, his ex wife is responsible and has a well-paying job, but still......what about our privacy? Also, I require a lot of attention, and will I grow angry if he doesn't give me enough?

    But thing is, now days if I want to meet a man in his 30's or 40's without kids it's nearly impossible. I don't have kids, and I am a very rare breed. Any advice? Should I still give this guy a chance because he seems like a real good catch??

    Thank you. just have to realize that there are certain things that come with that. If you can't handle those things, you should bale. Regardless, his kids are going to take priority...they do in every relationship, even if you're married...the kids are a priority and everything else is secondary. If you're going to get angry with him because he needs to do x, y, & z with the kids and your not getting enough "me" time, then you should probably bail. It's definitely a whole different ball game where kids are concerned.
  • RekindledRose
    RekindledRose Posts: 523 Member
    You dated a MARRIED MAN who didn't have enough time for you, and now you're concerned that this new guy has kids who will need his attention?

    Do him a favor; don't date him.

    It sounds like you need either a SINGLE guy with no kids or one with grown kids. And no pets. Because they'll need time from him too. Make sure you put "no kids or other commitments that will detract from me" on your dating profile request sheet too. You'll be much, much happier with the guys you find.
  • calliandrea
    Hi. I wasn't sure if this was the right category to put this in, but oh well. I'm currently just starting to see a guy I met on POF. He's a sweet guy, treats me like a queen, a teacher, has a house, all put together, very opposite of my last ex who was still married and didn't have time for me. I see MAJOR potential, and being 33 Im looking to settle down soon. However.....he has 2 kids. One is 12, he lives with his ex wife, and the other is a teenage girl, 14, and lives with him. I love children, I want to be a teacher myself. however, I am scared to take on that much responsiblity. Luckily, his ex wife is responsible and has a well-paying job, but still......what about our privacy? Also, I require a lot of attention, and will I grow angry if he doesn't give me enough?

    But thing is, now days if I want to meet a man in his 30's or 40's without kids it's nearly impossible. I don't have kids, and I am a very rare breed. Any advice? Should I still give this guy a chance because he seems like a real good catch??

    Thank you. just have to realize that there are certain things that come with that. If you can't handle those things, you should bale. Regardless, his kids are going to take priority...they do in every relationship, even if you're married...the kids are a priority and everything else is secondary. If you're going to get angry with him because he needs to do x, y, & z with the kids and your not getting enough "me" time, then you should probably bail. It's definitely a whole different ball game where kids are concerned.

    This. I married a man with two kids that he has custody of. Kids come first, your marriage second. If you can't understand that, then bail before the kids get used to you. A father will always put his kids first, just like a mom should too.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You said you demand a lot of attention. Look at it this way. You may become good friends down the road with the 14 year old daughter and you'll have a gal pal to shop with. I love my teenage daughter to death. She is a joy to be around. We have great conversations and she loves to go with me shopping and helps me pick out clothes etc. Take things one day at a time one date at a time just like you would with any other man. If it works out then great. If not then move on. As for the privacy aspect? Most teenagers have a radio blaring in their rooms and wouldn't even hear a bomb drop. Or if your house is like mine and the kids are in the living room directly below, you don't want to be doing anything. We got teased about that a couple of times already. Once we were asked if we were moving the furniture lol
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    First, don't settle or don't rush things. I married someone with a child (now my ex) and you have to understand if you end up living together that child living with you (girls that age are in a hormne raging drama filled life ) is a full time responsibiity part of your family. You will be responsible for driving them everywhere, acting like their parent, actively involved in all aspects of their lives. It sounds like you eventually want to be together (married?) so you have be be prepared to accept that responsibility. If you're not....honestly it sounds doubtful that you are.......keep looking & don't be desparate. Fifty percent + end in divorce and believe me that isn't pretty. It really sounds like you are wanting a more one on one relationship and don't want to share your man. Privacy is an issue. Your special moments are limited to behind those closed doors at night and you still will be concerned that there is a child in the house if you get what I mean.

    If you can accept having the responsibility & sharing the attention of this guy it sounds great. Good Luck
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You're seriously worried about your "privacy"? Have you ever met a 14 year old girl? They can't get far enough away from the 'rents.

    You require a lot of attention? That's your euphemism for "I'm high maintenance"? The dude already has 2 kids, probably isn't looking to pick up a third. My guess is this will all be a moot point quickly unless you chill out and just find out if you enjoy being with the man (and he with you).
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Run for the hills, honey. I was in a similar situations several years ago, and unfortunately any man with kids will always put them first, irrespective of whether their needs are actually greater in the given situation, and who will always take their word over yours even if they're talking rubbish and you're the rational, reasonable one. If, at your own admission, you are someone who needs a lot of attention, choosing someone who is already destined to put you second (or third, as there are 2 kids!) is maybe not the best idea.

    Sorry if this sounds negative - but I would have saved myself several years of heartache if someone had given me this advice a long time ago!
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Men who put their kids first = good.

    Let me repeat that.

    Men who put their kids first = good.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    It reallllllly depends on the guy. I did and his daughter's mother died and I became a sudden FT Stepmom to a pre teen. She also is mentally ill. He did not know this before, though I saw signs of it when she was young. It has been 2 tough years since her mother died. My bf was in NO way ready to actually parent a child. That is why I say it depends on the guy. Some are great daddies but ineffective parents. Yes, there is a difference. One red flag that I will never ignore again is when the guy never seems irritated by his kids. Like he puts them on a pedestal and they can do no wrong. RED FLAG! I thought he was just a nice guy. For almost 2yrs I have been basically single with him. Every moment is dedicated to his child. As it should be. We cannot travel or make plans as she needs to be near a hospital. Of course this example is extreme. But then again, I never thought this would be my life.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you're 33. get used to the idea that many age appropriate single guys from now on will have children.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Men who put their kids first = good.

    Let me repeat that.

    Men who put their kids first = good.

    Thank You!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    It depends. How big is his junk?
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Men who put their kids first = good.

    Let me repeat that.

    Men who put their kids first = good.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    I wouldn't from my past experiences.I'm just not a kid person and don't want to deal with the hassles. It is good he puts his kids first, that shows he is a decent dad, unlike a lot of deadbeat ones. But thats just my rules, do what you feel is best for you.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Men who put their kids first = good.

    Let me repeat that.

    Men who put their kids first = good.

    I second this
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    It depends. How big is his junk?

    ^^^^^ HAHAHAHAHAHA :drinker: