Pregnancy 2010 - Week 13



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    I've heard prenatals are important in the first trimester and less important towards the end. My friend took them religiously with her son, but barley at all with her daughter and they are both fine. I would try to remember to take them (after dinner is when I do, on a full tummy) as often as you can.

    So, today around 10 am I went pee and notice a little pink on the tp. Around 11ish I started seeing actual blood. I called the dr office and the dr wasn't in today and they told me to go to the ER if i filled up a pad. It's been slow, only one or two drops in the pad, but I've been peeing every hour at least (the drops were from 2 hours I was laying down trying to take a nap). I'm totally freaked out, pretty much assuming it's a miscarriage, but not sure. I won't go in until Monday and i want to know what's going on. There are little blood flakes in the toilet when I go pee and when I wipe but not a lot. With my last miscarriage I was fully bleeding within an hour of the first sign. I'm not sure what to think. I'm assuming I should rest and try not to be up and moving a lot. Hard to do with a 2 year old. Any advice, insight, anything? I don't want to tell anyone yet because I hate that blank stare when people don't know what to say or what to do. I can already hear my mom and my bff saying, "I'm so sorry sweetie" and not know what to do. My poor two year old has seen mommy cry more today then ever and kept asking me what was wrong. Then would tell me "you have friends, you don't need to cry" (I guess that's what they tell her at school). Easter is going to suck since my hubby has to work all day so I will be on my own with my family and not wanting to be anywhere. Anyhow, I'm hoping this is a false alarm, but really thinking it's not. I'll keep you posted!
    Thanks for letting me vent!

    I've been there a couple of times. I know it's hard to stay calm, but that's really all you can do. Is there anyone you can call to come stay with you for the weekend and take care of the little one? May I ask how far along you are? Could it be implantation bleeding?

  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Monday I will be 7 weeks. I guess I figured I wouldn't have a mc this time since I had one last time. So far there really are not any clots or anything just those little flakes (not this time I just went pee). I did some reading and found some stuff to calm myself. I haven't started any heavy bleeding which I think is probably a good sign. I may have my mom take my daughter for a bit in the afternoon. My husband is home until about an hour before her nap and I usually lay down with her, so there are only a few hours in the day where I will be alone. If it comes down to it I can turn on Mary Poppens or something. We don't watch a lot of TV so it's always a special treat and that may be the case tomorrow.
    Thank you for your post. I guess I feel better just knowing someone hears me. I just hope things stay like this until Monday and I find out it's left over blood or something like that. No cramping is a good sign too, I guess. I know my mom had her period (or so she thought) for the first 3 months with my sister. She actually went to the dr to find out why she couldn't get pregnant just to find out she was. I hope that's the case. I think I'm past implantation bleeding though.
    I'm glad you are recovering well. I remember with my c-section having to lift my tummy to clean under it. That was HUGE motivation for my lifestyle change.
    Thank you for your support.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member has been 11 years since my last child was born and I have been blessed to have both pregnancies go well. I don't know why I read the pregnancy links, just curious and happy for everyone I guess. Anyway, don't assume the worst, stay off of the internet trying to figure out whats going on, do what you can to rest and get your feet up. From what I remember and from experiences my friends have had in recent years light spotting is not uncommon in a healthy pregnancy in the early stages. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and think positive that Monday you will find out all is well. Best wishes.....:flowerforyou:
  • Vinbelle
    Vinbelle Posts: 12
    Hey ladies.....late on the weigh in part for me but I am down 2 lbs. I ment to post it but I have been insanly busy lately. My birthday is Easter sunday and we have my best friends daughters first bday party today. So we have to drive 2 1/2 hours to get there. My friends better to the same for me when we have little one. So Dr. appointment went well as could be. Have to do some blood test for my FSH and progesterone. Waiting for some lab stuff to come back from my pap.......hoping that comes back fine. But the bleeding wasnt from my cervix it was coming from inside. So I will keep you all updated......hope everyone is doing alright.
  • Vinbelle
    Vinbelle Posts: 12
    Erin....I am so sorry that Dr. was a douch!!! Sorry but that just makes me mad!! Are you going to switch Dr. or just hope that you never have that one. I dont think that I would have been to nice after I got my pants up. I would have probably had a fit on his *kitten* when I got dressed!!!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I've heard prenatals are important in the first trimester and less important towards the end. My friend took them religiously with her son, but barley at all with her daughter and they are both fine. I would try to remember to take them (after dinner is when I do, on a full tummy) as often as you can.

    So, today around 10 am I went pee and notice a little pink on the tp. Around 11ish I started seeing actual blood. I called the dr office and the dr wasn't in today and they told me to go to the ER if i filled up a pad. It's been slow, only one or two drops in the pad, but I've been peeing every hour at least (the drops were from 2 hours I was laying down trying to take a nap). I'm totally freaked out, pretty much assuming it's a miscarriage, but not sure. I won't go in until Monday and i want to know what's going on. There are little blood flakes in the toilet when I go pee and when I wipe but not a lot. With my last miscarriage I was fully bleeding within an hour of the first sign. I'm not sure what to think. I'm assuming I should rest and try not to be up and moving a lot. Hard to do with a 2 year old. Any advice, insight, anything? I don't want to tell anyone yet because I hate that blank stare when people don't know what to say or what to do. I can already hear my mom and my bff saying, "I'm so sorry sweetie" and not know what to do. My poor two year old has seen mommy cry more today then ever and kept asking me what was wrong. Then would tell me "you have friends, you don't need to cry" (I guess that's what they tell her at school). Easter is going to suck since my hubby has to work all day so I will be on my own with my family and not wanting to be anywhere. Anyhow, I'm hoping this is a false alarm, but really thinking it's not. I'll keep you posted!
    Thanks for letting me vent!

    Eh this just happened to us on Sunday, except it was a lot all at once. They said that if it doesn't continue it's most likely a polyp which if you're only spotting is a high possibility and there's not risk to polyps. They told me to take it easy, no sex for a few weeks, and to take it easy with exercises so I have just been walking. Try to rest and give yourself some down time. Praying that everything is ok with you and the little one!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Thank you all for your support. I also decided to call my friend (I remember her saying she was bleeding during most of her first trimester) and she put my mind at ease. the flow has not increased at all so that makes me feel better. Why does this stuff happen on the weekends????? My biggest problems is that I can't find a definition of "spotting". How much is "spotting"? It's still not in the pad at all so I guess that is enough of a definition.
    Thank you all again, it means a lot to me. Happy Easter to those who celebrate!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Kiffy - I'm glad to hear you aren't panicking, but trying to stay calm. Will you be able to see your doc early in the week? I think the movie treat sounds like a good idea - rest for both of you.

    Angela - how are you feeling?
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I called the on call dr after passing a rather large clot. I REALLY don't want to end up in the ER so she gave me clear directions as to when I do and don't need to go, which is nice. She also made me feel better when I asked if I should consider this a nonviable pregnancy and she said she has had patients bleed through most of their first trimester and still deliver happy and healthy babies. I'm pretty sure we won't be one of them, but I'm not letting go just yet. I have an appointment Monday at 4 and they said they would move me earlier if needed.
    Movie night was fun. I'm not sure if I've actually seen all of Mary Poopens before or not. Not really a great movie, i hate to say.
    How is everyone else doing? Any exciting Easter plans?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey Kiffy,

    It's good of them to make an appointment for you. Please keep us posted on what happens. I'm thinking of you.
    Bed-knobs and Broomsticks is much better than Mary Poppins!

  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Jalara - Thanks for asking, I'm feeling pertty good. I rarely feel nauseas, but stil vomit every once in awhile in the morning. I won't even feel sick, it's kind of strange. I'll eat breakfast and will get up and do a couple of things and then will gag ... and then vomit. haha, pregnancy is so weird. I'm glad to be feeling better though. After last Sunday I keep getting scared over every little pain. Yesterday we went to the Sounders soccer game and on the way I was having really bad pains and I couldn't remember if it was the same as the cramping I felt when I bled. I ended up being a little constipated and it was fine, but I was really scared! *sigh, I haven't felt the baby move since that one time too, so I'll feel better once I feel that little body moving and stretching and kicking. :-)

    Randy and I are working on our finances which has proven to up my stress level as well. :-( That and school is enough for me to try and figure some way to relax my body. We have about $20,000 in debt which is about a third of our annual income, so it's a big deal. Two of our three debts have interest rates of over 27% and 18%!!! So we really really really need to get those paid off since we're drowning in interest. Has anyone read the bood "Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey"? It's incredible, super motivational and totally practical. We're going to start doing Dave Ramsey's method again, but it still feels overwhelming trying to plan for a baby at the same time. I feel like there's so much to spend on baby! Anyway all that just happened yesterday so we'll see how our first week goes.
  • Zekesmom
    Zekesmom Posts: 64
    Happy Easter to all:)
    Been pretty busy this week so I haven't had much time to come on here and post. I'm down 2.8lbs for the week and hoping next week is this good too. We're having mexican food for supper which I think will be better for food than ham.
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    I LOVED FPU. We managed to pay off my credit cards and now just have the house and 2 car payments. The hardest part is sticking with it (we bought a new truck last Monday.) You can do it though once you get the debt snowball going you breathe much easier.

    I am super excited yesterday my DH decided that we don't need to wait until August to start trying!! I found the closest dumpster and chucked my remaining pills in there before he could change his mind. When I got pregnant with my daughter my sister had just found out she was pregnant (they were born 25 days apart.) My sister is now 7 weeks pregnant but is bleeding and having cramps like mentioned in this thread. She goes in today to see if she is still pregnant. I am so emotionally torn right now excited, worried, hopeful. I just hold on to God's promise in Romans 8:28 that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose"
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    Kiffypooh- me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years now and I've had 3 miscarriages and possibly a 4th that wasnt confirmed. But I do know that some bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy is normal. Sometimes its old blood (like from implantation). Some cramping is also normal as long as it isnt in your lower back and as long as it isnt constant nagging pains. But if at any time you feel nervous and uncertain, go to the doctor. Lots of changes are happening right now and every pregnancy is different so there is no telling what symptoms you will have if any. Congrats on being pregnant and for the time being relax and enjoy the fact that you have concieved and had almost made it to 7 weeks so far. It's a blessing so enjoy every single minute :) I hope I helped ease your mind :)
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I LOVED FPU. We managed to pay off my credit cards and now just have the house and 2 car payments. The hardest part is sticking with it (we bought a new truck last Monday.) You can do it though once you get the debt snowball going you breathe much easier.

    I am super excited yesterday my DH decided that we don't need to wait until August to start trying!! I found the closest dumpster and chucked my remaining pills in there before he could change his mind. When I got pregnant with my daughter my sister had just found out she was pregnant (they were born 25 days apart.) My sister is now 7 weeks pregnant but is bleeding and having cramps like mentioned in this thread. She goes in today to see if she is still pregnant. I am so emotionally torn right now excited, worried, hopeful. I just hold on to God's promise in Romans 8:28 that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose"

    That is so exciting!!!! I'm sending baby dust your way.

    Will you post what happens at your sisters appointment today. My dr called and she is out sick today so they had to move my appointment to 2:45 tomorrow. This has been the longest weekend ever and I want to scream, but what can I do? I asked if there was anyone in the office today that could help me find out what's going on, but no one is in there. I'm trying to relax and although I had cramping and some blood clots yesterday I feel much better today. It's nothing like my normal period or even remotely close to my last miscarriage, so there's a little glimmer of hope left. 2:45 tomorrow can not come fast enough. Best of luck to your sister!!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Kiffypooh- me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for almost 3 years now and I've had 3 miscarriages and possibly a 4th that wasnt confirmed. But I do know that some bleeding and spotting in early pregnancy is normal. Sometimes its old blood (like from implantation). Some cramping is also normal as long as it isnt in your lower back and as long as it isnt constant nagging pains. But if at any time you feel nervous and uncertain, go to the doctor. Lots of changes are happening right now and every pregnancy is different so there is no telling what symptoms you will have if any. Congrats on being pregnant and for the time being relax and enjoy the fact that you have concieved and had almost made it to 7 weeks so far. It's a blessing so enjoy every single minute :) I hope I helped ease your mind :)

    I'm sorry for your struggles, it's so frustrating when it comes so easily to so many other people. I am truly blessed with my amazing daughter and will always be thankful for her. I want to grow my family, but I would always be happy if it were just her, me and my hubby (our dog too). Thank you for the support. I just want my appointment to get here so I know where I'm at.
    Best of luck to you!!!! and it does ease my mind a little. Thank you!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm so frustrated right now, sometimes I swear I feel like I can't do anything right. If I do what will make my coworkers happy than it's not necessarily the best for the patients or docs, and if I do what makes the docs happy my coworkers are pissed ... etc etc etc. I'm so sick of work place drama! Grow the F up!
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    Kiffypooh-apparently she lost the baby last night. The doctor confirmed it today. She told me that she knew that she lost it before she went. She had sharp pains Friday, Cramps and spotting Saturday, and physically lost it Sunday night. The doctor told her on Saturday that it's not abnormal to bleed a little but I think she knew what was happening was beyond normal.(This was going to be her 4th baby) I feel just aweful for her. She is my bestfriend. I am going to wait to tell her we are trying because I don't want to hurt her. UGGHH!

    Sorry I don't mean to make the mood so heavy in here. I am excited to officailly be trying and my prayers go out to all the Mommies and soon to be Mommies in the group!

    Edited to add- Sis called from the doc apparently this was implantation bleeding and she is not 7 weeks but 4 weeks. She must have tested positive 2-3 days after conception and has high hormones....maybe twins
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Angela - Sorry to hear work sucks. Sounds like a frustrating situation, I hope it gets better.

    Adegonia - So did she or didn't she? I'm confused by your update.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Angela - I am sorry to hear about your work. I am in a similar situation with several people who think that acting like 14 year olds is acceptable. It is so very frustrating.

    Jalara - Are you able to start working out again yet? How are you feeling? Did the absess go away, or do you have to go in again?

    So I think I am officially stuck. I really haven't gained or lossed anything in over a month now (bouncing between 194-196). This is what happened last year. The minute I hit 194, I got stuck. I gave up last year, and I am really worried that I am going to give up again. I was really set on being 170 before starting to TTC. But I am nowhere close, and now I am less than 3 months away from trying, and I haven't made much progress. I am really trying to stick with it though. I am working out more than ever, and I am staying within my calories, eatting my exercise calories.....I just don't know what to do. I have read a lot of the posts on plateus, and have tried a couple of the suggustions, but it is so frustrating not seeing any progress when I am working so hard! Anyone have any advice, or have been in my position?
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