5"11 and 1200 calories!



  • kimier
    i agree with coachjake83.This app has been helpful. I like it because it shows me how much calories but also carbs... protein.... and total fat i consume. I have not been on this app long but I have lost a total of 44lbs and 21 more to go ! Thanks to "My Fitness Pal" I spend less money on paper and reading labels is down to a minimum !
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I would encourage you to eat more then that.

    I'm 5'10, 207lbs and currently eating around 1800-2000 cals a day. I also work out for an hour a day so at the END of the day, minus exercise cals, I'm netting 1300-1500 cals a day. I never feel hungry. :) It's the perfect setup for me.

    Anyway, for your current weight I'd guess 1600-1800 would be perfect. And try to get in as much physical activity as you can. It'll help you FEEL better, even if you don't lose the weight right away.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    You have already posted a topic about this..

    Maybe wait to carry on getting lots of replies on the first topic?

    Here is your first topic post maybe 1 hour ago....

    Hi everyone,

    I only recently joined this website and downloaded the app (and it's amazing!) I am 5"11 and 195 lbs. I am looking to go down to 145 lbs. The app is telling me to intake 1200 calories a day. I did this today (I have about 160 calories left) and I am already starving.

    My only concern is - how will I maintain this weight? I go to the gym everyday and run for about 30 mins, and do weight training for another 30. I worry about maintenance because I have seen many people lose weight and gain it back right away.

    Any advice would help.

    I appreciate all of it.


    never mind, I don't want a strike
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    I'm trying to get to 145 myself as well! Don't starve yourself. By exercising you will give yourself extra calories you can eat so you won't collapse from hunger. Eat lots of veggies and fruits.
  • _KATzMeow
    _KATzMeow Posts: 336 Member
    You have already posted a topic about this..

    Maybe wait to carry on getting lots of replies on the first topic?

    Here is your first topic post maybe 1 hour ago....

    Hi everyone,

    I only recently joined this website and downloaded the app (and it's amazing!) I am 5"11 and 195 lbs. I am looking to go down to 145 lbs. The app is telling me to intake 1200 calories a day. I did this today (I have about 160 calories left) and I am already starving.

    My only concern is - how will I maintain this weight? I go to the gym everyday and run for about 30 mins, and do weight training for another 30. I worry about maintenance because I have seen many people lose weight and gain it back right away.

    Any advice would help.

    I appreciate all of it.

    never mind, I don't want a strike

    why did this post again I didnt hit anything , LOL
  • simpsona5
    I'm 6'01" and 1400 calories. I don't think the 1400 calories allows for any exercise, so if you exercise you are given more calories (I do like food!!!!).
    I've managed to drop 6kgs in just under 6 weeks. I find the MFP tool great for helping me make the right food choices and it's easy to see where you blow out. I also find that if I’ve overdone my calories in any day it motivates me to do some exercise even if I'm not in the mood.

    Good luck with your goals, I'll be interested to see how we all go over Christmas and New Year. If I maintain my new weight I will be happy.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I think I will be bumping mine up too. Do your stats include exercise? I'm confused as to why 6 days of 45 min excercise would still leave me with 1200 calories..

    the app doesn't actually include the calories for you, you have to add them in later. I find it easier to just set my activity level higher and not log my exercise. also yeah, 1lb/week. Not 2. At the most. 1/2 lb would also be good.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I think you're way too tall to be trying to eat only 1200/day. It's not really sustainable, you'll find yourself slipping and/or always hungry. I'd up your calories by at least 400 or 500.
  • mfenn1957
    mfenn1957 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also 5'11" and a lot older than you and reached a high of 200lb in my forties. In my early fifties I was able to get down to a low of 139lb. I have hovered in the low 170's for the past 3 years. I took another desk job and went back up to 180. I am now on a 1400 calorie per day diet and I am exercising 30-45 minutes per day. This program allow you extra calories if you record your exercise.
    I have lost 8 pounds in the past 2 weeks without hunger. I would suggest 1400 to 1500 calories.
    I joined a hospital sponsored health club this week. They are to do a free nutrition assessment tomorrow I will report back on their recommendations.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I eat 1700 calories to lose weight, around 1900 to maintain. If i workout I eat back those calories. I am never hungry or grouchy and I feel strong and energetic every day and I lose weight when I want to!!

    Dont' do the 1200 just don't do itttt I've been there it's not worth it!

    Good luck!
  • P314Life
    Hi!1 I just joined my fitness pal today ad I am in the same condition. 195 lbs and 5'"11 . . . I have learned to manage by juicing in the morningwith a piece of meat. . So far so good . . .I used to weight 159 (unhealthily, though) . . .but I would love o maintain a weight close to around 160 if it can be healthy)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you selected the option to lose 2lbs a week then the app most likely gave you a goal of 1200. That's too low for most of us. It's best to select 1lb a week or even 1/2. Weight loss will be slower but safer, healthy and more sustainable. I would be so grouchy on only 1200 calories a day!

    ^This. Think for yourself. 1200 does not make sense.

    Please, people, stop putting in a 2 pound per week weight loss goal! Only very obese people first starting out can achieve that for awhile. I have 20 pounds left to go and I am NOT going to try to do it on 1200 calories, unless I want my fat loss to slow even more. I don't listen to the MFP masses that believe we do not have a complex biological system and it's ONLY calories in/calories out, so eating less must always be better! Wrong.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I started off right around where you are now in Oct. 2010. I'm 34, and 5'11.

    Today I'm 148. I NEVER netted less than 1500 calories in the past 3 years. I'm losing .5-1lb now on 1600 + exercise calories and I only have 3lbs to go...

    I TRULY believe 1200/daily for women taller than 5'8 is just NOT ENOUGH.
  • mynewlife10
    Hi everyone,

    This is my second day on this program. I'm from Canada, so please feel free to add me if you'd like to share stories.

    I am 5"11 and 195 lbs. I used to be 145 lbs many, many years ago, but with work I definitely forgot what eating right is. My goal is to reach 145 lbs. So the app is telling me that I need to exercise 6 days a week for 45 min, and eat 1200 calories a day, which is nothing compared to what I used to eat. Does anyone else have something similar? :sad: But I'm motivated and know I can do it!

    I'm also worried about maintaining those calories when I do reach my goal! Is there an app for that too? :)

    I am on 1,200 calories a day. For me, it's all about the protein - it fills me up and keeps me going. I have already figured out that I need to take in my carbs early in the day and stay with protein as the day progresses.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I think I will be bumping mine up too. Do your stats include exercise? I'm confused as to why 6 days of 45 min excercise would still leave me with 1200 calories..

    Because the 6 days at 45 minutes isn't included in the MFP calculations. It's your goal to exercise at least that much every week. MFP uses the "Sedentary, moderate, heavy, etc" activities to determine how many calories you burn above your BMR. So if you work a job, say, waitressing, you'll burn more calories than a person with a desk job, but you're not necessarily exercising.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm 5'10 and have been doing the 1200 and lost 31 pounds. I don't find that I'm restricting myself. If I'm more hungry I'll eat more but as a rule stick to 1200. I also do about an hour of exercise (cardio and free weights) each day bar Sundays. If you're finding yourself hungry just up the calories to 1400 and see how you go. It's about finding what works for yourself. Best of luck :-) :flowerforyou:
  • ladyred316
    I'm 5'11'' as well. I also was given the guideline of 1200 calories, but I think its doable for me. I eat lots of small meals throughout the day, or more like snacks. Use your calorie count wisely. Choose healthy fruits and veggies, lean proteins. Stay away from carbs! And when you exercise the counter subtracts the calories you burn during exercise. So if you eat 1200, but exercise and burn 500, it will tell you that you eat 500 more calories.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Give yourself 1400 calories and start eating back your exercise calories. At 5'6.5'', I'm on 1300 as a minimum and always eat my exercise calories back.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    The app isn't telling you to eat 1200 calories. The app is telling you that for the aggressive weight loss pace you've selected, basic math says 1200 calories or less would get you there. Choose a more rational (i.e., slower) pace and you'll probably have a happier, healthier time of it with nicer-looking results -- and a much easier transition into maintenance with a better chance of making the weight loss permanent.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    I think I will be bumping mine up too. Do your stats include exercise? I'm confused as to why 6 days of 45 min excercise would still leave me with 1200 calories..

    That is 1200 net calories, so you eat 1200 cals on the day you sit on the couch
    and 1200 calories + all calories burned by exercise on days you workout/do physical stuff (For example, raking up 5 bags of leaves. Not a lot of steps, but I work up a sweat and feel it the next day).

    Example set at your weight:
    Running 6mph for 30 min = 447 cals
    Rope jumping, slow, for 15 minutes = 179 cals
    Total burn = 626 cals
    On this day you would eat 1826 cals (1200norm+626burn)

    Basically, your target each day is to eat 1000 cals fewer than you burn each day (TDEE) if you want to lose 2lbs per week.