200+ Pound Twenties (New Group)



  • jocelynk084
    So I weighed in today at 205.5. Down 2.5 lbs from last week. I`m pretty sure I didn`t lose that much because last Monday I weighed myself later in the day. I`m going to try checking in every Monday morning. It still is pretty exciting to see the numbers go down! :) And even though I went over my calories on the holiday weekend, I ate much better than I would have before MFP!! Great job everyone, and I really hope we can stick with it and stay motivated so we can reach our long term goals :D
  • hodakhon
    hodakhon Posts: 17 Member
    im so sad :((
    im fix on 220 and no change
    in this week i was so so hungry i dont know why ?!!! and i have no activity

    :(( :(( :((
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i'm down 4lbs to 194.8

    not sure how i've managed that.

    congrats to everyone who's managed to lose :)
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Previous weight=238
    Current weight=231

    7 pounds in a week! Not really sure how I did that much, but I'm not complaining. I guess I cheated less and its finally nice here (aka finally above freezing) so I've been walking more. Yay! Congrats and/or good luck to everyone!
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    Previous weight: 241.2
    Current weight: 238

    YAY! I made into the 30s...I am so excited. I am wearing pants that fit snuggly when I weighed more and today they are super loose.

    Congrats to everyone who managed to lose!

    @hodakhon: Maybe you need to increase your calorie allowance. But don't give up..your body might just be getting used to things.
  • riri0301
    riri0301 Posts: 49 Member
    count me in im 22 and currently 239
  • AlisonLS
    AlisonLS Posts: 25 Member
    Current weight: 220
    Down 2.7lbs.

    Congrats on everyone's weight loss.
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    Ack!! My scale is crazy!! I first stepped on it and it said 219 (5 lbs lost!) Then about 2 minutes later (after I had already logged in my weight) it said 221. Either way the trend is still good.

    It's amazing how a little bit of weight loss goes a long way. I've lost 9-11 pounds and my clothes fit so much better now!

    hodakhon: I noticed you said you felt hungry and didn't exercise. I agree with Steffi, as long as you are making healthy food choices, I'd eat a little more- and from personal experience I am less hungry on days that I exercise. Don't give up!
  • hodakhon
    hodakhon Posts: 17 Member
    thank you stefi and tenniserf for your advise
    i do my best for next week ;)
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    So I gained a pound, up to 232. Not too concerned as this was a very migraine filled week, so my exercise and eating have suffered for that, but still. Pain in the butt. I will have to buckle down this week!
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    Previous weight: 238
    Current weight: 237.8

    That makes a loss of only .2 lbs. I am super disappointed about that, but maybe it was from be feeling stressed or not eating enough of my calories. I dunno...I will definitely keep at it though!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i'm down to 193.2, i think that's like 1.8 pounds. not as big as last weeks, but i'm still happy.

    it's still a loss steffi :) love your count down ticker by the way! i totally LOVE totoro!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    LW 208.3
    CW 208.1

    I'm with you with only a 0.2 lose but I'm trying to pump myself up and know that it's still down! Next week will be better.
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    So I weighed myself this morning since I was curious and was at 237.2. So that would take me down .8 lbs! Close to 1 is good for me. Also I think I lost 3 pounds last week so I would still be on target with my 2 lbs a week goal.

    @ spikess: Totoro is so cute! Congrats on your loss!

    @jenn: Yeah I think I had a poor week last week. I still ate within my calories but some days I ate below 1200 cals which wasn't good. It is weird that now I am finding it hard to eat all my calories where as before I would eat tons of stuff.
  • hodakhon
    hodakhon Posts: 17 Member
    cw: 218.8

    grate its finaly worked
    sorry i should posted 2 days befor but im so busy
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    Hey Everyone...whew it's been a busy week. Same weight as last week, but it didn't really put too much effort into exercise and I haven't been drinking enough water. So glad it's spring weather finally. it's almost 70 degrees today in NW Oregon!!!
  • NOLA_Meg
    NOLA_Meg Posts: 194 Member
    Hi again!
    I am about the same as I have been around 196 for the past couple weeks. It has been a bit frustrating since I have been working out consistently and meeting my calorie goals, but I think (I know) I just need to give it time. I have so many things coming up in the next few months that I hope I can see some results. I'm going on a cruise in June and I'm turning 25 in August to name a few...guess we'll see how things look when those things come around. I guess if I saw it come off too fast I might worry that it wasn't healthy loss, right? Anyway, way to go everyone! I guess we always talk about eating and exercising, but forget about the time period. I guess its like a garden (very cheesy, I know, but it just popped into my head)- we go buy equipment and seeds, we work preparing the soil, we plant, we water, and then we wait while still taking of something we can't even see yet but know will be beautiful. Awww.
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Somehow I managed to gain 6 pounds in a week. Haven't been good, but its a kick in the butt to get backon the wagon. That puts me at 237.
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    That Scale!!! I can't remember how many times I stepped on it today just to be sure I was getting the right weight. The first time was 216.5, then I put deoderant on and gained 2 lbs! Then I brushed my teeth and gained another half pound. ARGHHH! Well this afternoon I got 218.5 twice, so that's what I'm going with.
  • men7al
    men7al Posts: 3
    Good to know we are not alone out here.I am 201 lbs and this is the biggest I've been.I began at 150 than I got preggo
    and I gain rapidly weight.I am due may 7 2010...I am excited to have this baby and get back into shape ASAP.I am looking
    for breastfeeding programs that I can do while feeding a newborn.So,no quick fixes or pills here.

    I did try few pills in the past and only one that worked was x3 xandrax 3 and I was at my skinny ever 105 lbs..That lasted for one year.
    than I let go and stopped working out and ate normally and got back to the real world...and preggo to add to it all.I am looking to get support and hope to support others in this journey we all call..

    HELL..because is HELL if you do it alone.