skinny fat?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i am the same way.. tiny but extra fat in belly area...... u need to maybe eat less... i eat 1200 calories or 1300....

    Did you even read the comment in the thread? Obviously not.
  • lilteeraw
    I feel weak when i eat 1200.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I feel weak when i eat 1200.

    That's because it's far too little for someone your age. You should probably be eating around 1700 calories a day, if not more.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I feel weak when i eat 1200.

    Ignore the suggestion to eat at that level. It was bad advice.
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    Look at the general consensus on the "men what bodytype do you prefer?" thread then put your picture next to it. You are not "too fat" -- in fact you look like the ecto-skinny woman on the far left in that photo. If you want to look "toned" or "ripped" understand that you reach a point of diminishing returns whereby continuing to "lose weight" in and of itself is not going to give you the results you are after. You are already beyond "lean". What you need (if your goal is a more toned appearance) is LBM (lean body mass). This is obtained by eating the right (not too much, not too little) amount of calories and doing some kind of resistance training. Starving yourself or increasing calorie restriction will not help you and may very well lead to some kind of eating disorder.
  • lilteeraw
    I dont want to gain weight at all though:/ ugh. Ive worked too hard to gain weight.
  • lilteeraw
    So what do i do with my calories?
  • 999RJ999

    I mean this in the kindest way. You absolutely should not lose more weight. The fact that you think you are fat or should lose weight makes it seem like you have body-image issues (which I remember from my own youth). Working out is fine, toning is fine, but losing weight, no. I do think you should talk to a doctor who can help you plan realistic goals for toning up while at the same time helping you to say that you pretty much have the perfect ideal of the American Body.
  • lilteeraw
    Understand i dont want to LOSE nor GAIN!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Everyone keeps on saying she has perception disorder. Maybe she doesn't. Maybe she just thinks when she can grab her skin she's fat. This can happen at any body fat level, maybe she doesn't know this.

    You guys sound like a bunch of psychologist. You go see one and you come out with more disorders than what you originally had.

    It's true that she does not need to think she has a serious disorder. Lots of young women can struggle with issues of thinking they have fat or something, The fact that she cares that she feels this way and does not want to go in a bad direction is a good thing. I think it is healthier just to deal with the issues without getting into a "disorder mindset" (I'm just going to call it that). Some people do have disorders, but lots of people can struggle with issues and not have it turn into a serious problem if they have the right guidance and support. I also at one time thought that when I sat down, relaxed my belly, scrunched over, and the skin on my belly could be pulled out a tiny bit, that it was fat. I went to a personal trainer and she said I did not have any fat on my belly, it was just me puling at the skin (she showed me that even she had that and she would compete as a fitness model). Sometimes young people just need to know that we are human and our bodies do not always look like the photographs of people that are standing, posing, in nice lighting, all done up, and a little photoshop as well.

    With all that said, most young girls think they have fat, and they do not. I wish it was not this way. So, I like to see girls realize they are not fat. When I was younger I thought my thighs were fat, but they were not at all (they were firm and smooth and did not jiggle and I had six pack abs), those were just my curves. Don't we all grow up and look back and realize we were so incredibly hard on ourselves. And probably when I am in my 50's I will think I am too hard on myself now in my 30's as well.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I dont want to gain weight at all though:/ ugh. Ive worked too hard to gain weight.
    Why does WEIGHT matter?

    Sure, I could understand not wanting to gain FAT, but why is WEIGHT an issue?

    If you don't want to gain or lose, eat at maintenance.

    If you want to build a bit of muscle, eat slightly above maintenance while doing resistance training.
  • lilteeraw
    i want to feel better in my body and confident, and i just want to feel happy for who i am.
    i want to feel pretty.. and i do.. but sometimes when i look in the mirror i just see fat.
    my tummy jiggles still and so do my legs and arms a little.
  • lilteeraw
    btw i just want to say thankyou to everyone who is giving me advice,
    i like having a bunch on answers to read so i can find what solution is best fit for me. c:
  • mhcoss
    mhcoss Posts: 220
    OP you are not fat at all. You need to increase caloric intake while lifting heavy for several months. You will gain some weight, the vast majority of it will be lean muscle! At your age you will develop lean muscle tissue so easily you will barely have to worry about fat. If you want to stay lean during the process I highly recommend you check out leangains, or in the woman's section. Then you can focus on cutting the excess fat you accumulated. Find a dietary program for muscle growth and a well rounded strength training program sufficient for your fitness level and follow it to the T.

    Also, don't be intimidated by 'bodybuilding''. You won't get bulky without a serious effort in that department. What you will do is build lean lady muscle and look good :D
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Understand i dont want to LOSE nor GAIN!

    As I suggested earlier - eat at maintenance, start a good progressive loading strength training program like Stronglifts 5 x 5 - take advantage of 'newbie gains'. After about 4 months, see where you are. By that time, you may be liking the changes in your body so much you will be in a better mindset to be comfortable with gaining a little to make better gains in the LBM department. There really is nothing to lose - you will see improvements because of neuromuscular adaptations and newbie gains. Whether those will be enough for your personal preference, only time will tell.
  • lilteeraw
    Okay.. so some days I will look in the mirror and feel like wow... i have a great body and i look good,
    and then other days ill look and just see fat.
    why do you think this happens?
    it confuses me, lol.
    but i am way happier with my body ever since ive lost weight.
    also my boyfriend constantly says im perfect in every way which is starting to help my confidence. so hopefully soon i can get over thinking that im fat -.-
  • lilteeraw
    -.- idk. when i reach up high.. thats when i see skinny.. cause when i reach up... i can see my ribs..
    but then when i slouch, i see fat. and ugh,
    also sometimes my spine hurts. like if im driving and i press my back against the seat it feels like my spine is bruised.
    it that indicating something?
    im so confused.
    i also get cold very easily. i am aways cold & i live in arizona.
    my fam says im cold cause i have no fat on me,,, but i just shake my head and say i do,
    cause i feel like my tummy is the only thing left with fat.
    the thing about my body i like the most is my wrists cause they are to petite, grrrrrrr
  • lilteeraw
    okay -.- i just find it hard to find time to lift weight.
    guess i have to make time
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    okay -.- i just find it hard to find time to lift weight.
    guess i have to make time

    Drop some of the hiking you do - that will free up the time.
  • lilteeraw
    but i love hiking so much, its so easy for me.
    its like an easy workout and its a workout that i actually enjoy doing.