Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    oh nice, thanks pjilly. I just made mine public.
  • c0jlw1
    c0jlw1 Posts: 2 Member
    I have the SIS at home also. I never tried the diet program. Just exercised on and off with the first 25 minute exercise. How do you work the program?
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Ladies thanks for making me not feel so bad for not finishing my workout yesterday.

    Just got done RIU for a calorie burn of 373. Its raining here so will prob do the elliptical a little later.

    Hope everyone has great workouts!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,021 Member
    I have the SIS at home also. I never tried the diet program. Just exercised on and off with the first 25 minute exercise. How do you work the program?
    The easiest way is to enter your start date on the WOWY calendar at Beachbody, and it will fill in your workout schedule for you. If you're not signed up there, you can do so at this link:

    I don't use the SI6 nutrition plan. I find all the tools I need for eating right here on MFP.

    Let us know if you decide to start doing the program with us!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey Girls :smile:

    Just stopped to say NO RIU for me today... been a L_O_N_G one cleaning out my kichen cabinets! But I'll be back at it tomorrow and will catch up here also!

    Hope everyone is well:flowerforyou:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone! :smile:
    Knees felt a bit better so I did Firm it Up this evening. Thank goodness that one at least doesn't have any lunges - yay! :tongue:
    Feeling guilty though that my diet has been ALL over the place lately. :embarassed: Finally made it to the grocery store to stock up on fruits & veggies and healthy stuff - and WHAT did I have for dinner??? A Lean Cuisine. :ohwell: Yeah, that's how I roll. :grumble: Will work harder on diet tomorrow.
    Have a wonderful night all! :flowerforyou:
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    Started burn it up tonight. OMG it is no joke, I nearly passed out. Have to take it at a slower pace from the start. Burned almost 600 calories from that whopper, no wonder its called burn it up lol.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Just a quick drive by...had 60 minutes of Tae Kwon Do, about 15 minutes of form work that I stuck under "stretching" for a total burn of around least thats what MFP says...I'll get the HRM someday! Sigh :noway: I weighed and it said I gained .4 lbs. I'm not stressing over the gain...that could be anything (I'm hoping the whole I'm building muscle thing), so better luck next time for me. I'm off to eat some hummus and crackers to help out with some of those calories I burned up. I'm hitting SIU again tomorrow.

    I feel more toned and healthy ANYWAY!!!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,021 Member
    Started burn it up tonight. OMG it is no joke, I nearly passed out. Have to take it at a slower pace from the start. Burned almost 600 calories from that whopper, no wonder its called burn it up lol.
    Did you curse at Debbie? I will never forget the first time I did BIU. When she said, "Get focused," I replied, "Get f***ed." I'm sure you can fill in the blank. LOL

    Truhvn, nice job on the working out and calorie burn yesterday!

    My weight has been up slightly the last few days. I'm feeling a little bloated and just "thick" if that makes sense. It will feel good to move today after my rest day yesterday. I'll be doing S&6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and S&Limber.

    I made the decision yesterday that I'll be starting a round of P90X Monday, April 26.

    Happy Hump Day, everybody!
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    I didn't quite curse, but I did say to myself, you've got to be kidding me lol. It is quite a jump in intensity from ramp it up.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,021 Member
    Yes it is. It's not just 11 minutes longer, but it's a considerably faster pace, which makes it more intense, but I found it got easier fairly quickly. Have fun!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Ok, I just have to vent... I'm in a bathroom stall at a conference an hour and a half away from home typing this! What is the deal with food at these things? Brkfst was cinnamon bundt bread or store bought muffins with cream cheese, snacks are goldfish crackers, cookies, and chocolTe on the tables, and lunch was huge pork chops greasy green beans and smothered potatoes au gratin, with a small side salad and no low fat dressing . Oh and huge delicious looking rolls. Where are the fruits and veggies and nuts?! Sigh! I did well... I at no cookies or chocolate, I had half a muffin and a very small serving of lunch with my lovely salad. I wish I was home so I could make healthy snack choices cuz DANG this girl is needing it!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Girls:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:

    Gosh wish I had more time to chat... I'll try again tomorrow:frown:

    I just got done w/ RIU <-> the stretch and yoga phase, it doesnt do much for me, and then did S & L... now thats more like it!! :love:

    I miss yacking with you all here!! :cry:
  • paulksh
    paulksh Posts: 11 Member
    Hey guys, I will be joining kind of late. I have the Slim in 6 program sitting in my entertainment system collecting dust. I have tried it a few times but gave up after a few days. Will be attempting it tomorrow! Wish me luck!

  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Shannon! Wishing you much success with SI6! :flowerforyou:

    Callie - Hope you have more time to chat soon. :tongue: You sound BUSY!

    Natasha - Congrats for not caving in and eating the junk! Yikes - what kind of food options are those??? :grumble:

    Jill - You go girl! P90X?! In my dreams! :wink: I would LOVE to try either P90X or Insanity. With all my joint issues, I don't think either are an option anymore. :frown: A few years ago - for sure! I can't wait to hear your details!!!

    RadianWear - You're a better woman than I. Yes, I cussed. Several times in fact when I first started BIU. :laugh: And I STILL love that one, and STILL swear, sometimes. :tongue:

    Ok, no exercise today. :grumble: My knee is considerably worse from yesterday's Firm it Up even without lunges. I am really trying to stay positive, but it's hard. I was going to at least do the bike today, but used my sore throat & sniffles as an excuse to watch TV instead. :wink:

    So, I had to be real careful with calories today for sure. But it's ok, we all have our issues in life I suppose. But it just SUCKS because I really do LOVE to exercise!!!! Well, at least 90% of the time. :tongue:

    And it's not the first time I've been through this. The second time I reached goal weight, I had to give up exercise for awhile because of my knees so I had to do it through careful dieting. I gave Eat to Live (Joel Fuhrman's) book a try, and the pounds literally fell off, but it was just so hard to keep doing. So strict. Almost all fruits, veggies, beans, and seeds. A miniscule amount of grains, no dairy or animal products (mostly), etc. Obviously VERY healthy - just difficult for the average Joe who enjoys processed foods, meat and dairy lol. Man, the first week was like detox! Dizzy & lightheadedness, headache - where's my sugar??!! :sad: Anyway, it looks like I may have to give that another whirl...or something similar anyway.

    Anyway, hope everyone's doing well! See u all tomorrow!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,021 Member
    Natasha (Truhvn) – Vent away! It's so frustrating when you're in a situation where the are no good, healthy choices for things to eat. That's why I try to pack my own food in a little cooler when I'm going into unknown situations, but you can't always do that. You did the best anyone could have done in that situation. Good job!

    Callie – Congrats on getting your workout in even if you weren't really into it. Some days are just like that, but the people who do what they're supposed to even when they don't feel like it are the ones who get results.

    Shannon – So glad you're dusting off your Slim in 6 DVDs. Let us know how it goes!

    Scoobees – I am so sorry your knees are giving you problems. Tell them to knock it off! I had some joint issues last time I did P90X, which is why I didn't do the Plyometrics (they give you the option of substituting Cardio X). I am hoping I'll be able to do that workout now that I have less weight on me, but I know there's always a Plan B if I can't!

    So I'll be doing Firm It Up today, mostly a lower-body workout. Yay, squats!

    Have a great Thursday, everybody!
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    Just to clarify scoobee, Im a male lol. I was going to do p90x but there was no way I was passing the fitness test. I want something more begginer level and found this program was a good build up into something more intense and had great reviews so I went with it. Most men jump right into p90x, but my whole purpose with diet and excerices is to prevent a heart attack not cause one lol.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Woo hoo Radian Wear...glad to see we have a man in our ranks. You will have to excuse all the normal women banter and bi%**#&ing, as long as you add yours we should all get along great! It's actually nice to hear from a guy's perspective on this whole journey. In the end its health and fitness that most of us crave; that transcends gender! Keep us posted.

    BTW, I called yesterday a rest day. It may be an excuse to make me feel better, but I do know that I enjoy kicking back and watching a movie with my kiddos and so I didn't feel guilty. I know I've got TKD class tonight and I plan on kicking it up a notch.

    I'm still trying to find that target calorie range for my eating, and since I don't really know EXACTLy how many calories I burn at TKD class or doing SI6 I'm just estimating, but I feel like I need to figure it out soon so I can feed my body the right amount of fuel for two days Im in class. I'm saving up for a hrm that calculates calories...until then, any suggestions? My friend told me I should jump on one of the gym treadmills to find out my HR before and after work out. ANyone!?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Just stopped in to say HI! :smile: :smile: :smile: Gotta say its a piling up on me the last few days.. hope to see a end... might be Monday before I get back to SI6! :noway:

    HUGS :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hello:flowerforyou: Hope everone is doing well... keeping up with DS... like I'm not.

    Monday is back to fulll swing!!

    BTW I picked up Cool It Off at Amazon for next to nothing... wanted to see a SS!
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