Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Friends....I have been doing the whole Christmas thing and have not been able to read posts since 12/21/12. I hope everyone had a great holiday.
    Truth is I ate so much junk that I gained 5lbs and I am not feeling very motivated to lose it.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    10 Habits of Effective Changemakers

    How does one make lasting, effective change? With the new year near, many people will attempt fitness and weight loss-related changes, yet will fail due to being ill-prepared. Don’t let that be you this year and read on below to learn the top 10 practices Life Time Weight Loss success stories do to make effective change, no matter what behavior they are trying to master!

    1. They assess their readiness.
    Changemakers know how ready they are to make a change before they even attempt it. They know there are several different stages of change and not to solely focus on the results they want (such as losing 50 pounds), but to also take the time to understand how ready they really are. Take the time and read Ready, Set, Change! to help learn where you are in that process, how confident you are at attempting change, and what to do instead if you are not ready.

    2. They take personal responsibility.
    Too many people play the blame-game approach when it comes to explaining their current health. Instead of blaming the convenience of fast food or your coworkers who bring treats to work, take ownership when it comes to your health. Don’t think you have to do it alone, because you don’t, but acknowledge that you are the only one to actively change your behavior.

    3. They take small bites.
    Changemakes don’t make the mistake of breaking off more than they can chew! They know no goal is ever too small and that the small changes are what lead to big results. If their goal is to get on a regular exercise routine, they won’t hit the floor running and trying to achieve getting to the gym every day. Instead, they might make a goal of going to the gym 3 days a week and practice that until they are comfortable to up the frequency.

    4. They celebrate small successes.
    With the small-bite approach comes the importance of celebrating those little successes! Changemakers know that positive reinforcement helps keep them on track and serves as a reminder of the journey they are on to making change. Spend the time to explore a reward system for yourself, it could be as simple as writing down your milestones in a journal or buying new workout clothes or shoes.

    5. They assess their environment and change it if they have to.
    Changemakers don’t underestimate the importance of environment. They know it can hold stimulus’ that can take them off path in a quick second. Take the time to assess your environment and address if anything will get in your way of finding success. Create new stimulus’ if need be, such as laying out your workout clothes every night so when you wake up, there is now excuse not to workout.

    6. They focus on good behaviors to master, not what bad behaviors to stop.
    Start the journey off right by keeping a positive mindset. Instead of telling yourself you really need to stop eating fast food for lunch, focus more on planning and packing lunches instead. The mindset is suttle, but the payoff to the approach is huge.

    7. They don’t solely rely on motivation.
    As the saying goes, “motivation is what gets you started, but habits are what keep you going.” Changemakers know that forming habits are the key to long term success and that making change takes work and time.

    8. They know their triggers and take them seriously.
    Take the time to identify what triggers would get in the way of your success. This might be a certain food, or even a certain person, that leads you down a destructive path. Changemakers avoid the triggers at all cost until they build the confidence to stand against them.

    9. They find the right support.
    Support is huge. Tell the people you trust and that can help provide the best support.

    10. They learn “how”.
    Most people know what they need to do but often road block themselves to success because they never take the time to learn how. For example, you might want to eat healthier and that you should be eating more vegetables, but if you don’t know doable strategies to help you eat more vegetables, your success is limited. Research or hire a coach to help you learn the how.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I wanted to post the above article, as given we are about to start a new challenge and a new year I thought we might all get something out of the article. It was published by the director of nutrition and weight management at the gym I belong too - he along with several other weight loss coaches publish blogs weekly and I usually find them both informative and helpful. I wanted to share this one. I'm not sure if anyone can access them if you don't belong to my gym, so did a copy and paste.

    @Susan~You have a really healthy attitude, I know that 2013 is going to be our year to get the rest of this excess weight off!

    @Holly~Its sometimes hard to find your way back when you've had several days (or even weeks) of temptations and unhealthy choices. You CAN do this, just take it one day at a time (or one meal at a time).

    Thursday Truth~I haven't made the wisest choices the last several days either, I tried but know I could have done a lot better. I woke up this morning and got back to my healthy eating habits. Today is a new day! Oh, and this kitten is seconds from losing her life!!! I have tried to post this 3 times, but she has this attraction to my laptop! She is a complete spaz! She is lucky she is so darn cute. :laugh:

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your congratulations; I did really enjoy reading your messages. My new Tuesday goal for yesterday is to *still* be in ONEderland next week.

    In the end I did log everything I could remember eating yesterday, primarily for interest rather than accountability. After a hefty allowance for cooking and clearing up, I went 2012 calories over. Nom nom nom as they say.

    I remember from when I was in the US that the holidays are over on December 26. Here we talk about the 12 days of Christmas, and people mostly keep partying now till the New Year. We won't be properly back to normal till the kids go back to school on 7 January. So I have a few more tricky days.

    ah, there's always a good time for more cookies i guess :laugh: great work on the Onederland. fingers crossed the continued party doesn't drag down your efforts!
    The party continues. The car part won't be here until Friday. The girls have been really good sports, and a little planning by family got them some gifts to open on Christmas day. They are out sledding with their cousins this afternoon. The food challenges are still very real, but I am managing to stay under goal. I'm not saying all of the choices are the best, but I am under.
    My Wed. wish is that the kids can get home safely when the car is fixed, have fun with the Christmas that is there waiting for them, and have happy memories of the Christmas they got stranded. Have a great day. Enjoy your celebrations, Alison. Kaye

    I'm sure they're having a great time. when we were at that funeral up in utah the kids were looking for any excuse to stay longer with their cousins. good luck to them getting it all fixed.
    We actually don't have seasons here. We're well below average temps right now - but seasons here tend to be hot or cold. :wink: Snow is definitely a rare occurrence.

    we're the same. and if it does snow it literally pretty much melts before it hits the ground. sigh.
    My Wednesday wish is a quite selfish twofold wish---1) to feel better VERY soon; 2) to lose 50 lbs in 2013. Later my friends........

    those sound like good wishes to me.
    Wednesday wish - to finally make it to Onederland.. *sigh*... or, I'd settle for winning the lottery....

    me too. we should go in together on a ticket ;)
  • Wish Wednesday...I wish I could eat like my husband and gain weight as slowly as he does.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm leaving tomorrow for a long driving trip with my BF through Wyoming to Salt Lake City to celebrate his Aunt's 93rd birthday on Jan. 1, then to Denver to watch his grand-daughter compete in college -level gymnastics then finally home on Jan. 8. So lots of driving but the forecast appears to be just cold and no snow. I'm nervous about travelling through the Rockies this time of year - so will pack all kinds of emergency supplies, food, blankets, candles, long-johns, etc. Will be taking my lap-top so if motels have wi-fi will check in from time to time.

    I missed my wish yesterday so my wish is that we all have a great start to the New Year with great commitments to losing weight. I personally want to get off this maintenance wagon I've been on and get back to losing several pounds a week. I am going to display my weight ticker again to make myself accountable and show progress on a weekly basis. I hope all of us start showing a weekly weight loss!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Wednesday wish - to finally make it to Onederland.. *sigh*... or, I'd settle for winning the lottery....

    Still trying to stay on track... hope everyone's week is tranquil...

    I agree 100%!!!! I'm going to work as hard as I can to get to Onederland in 2013.

    Meanwhile, I did just win $100 on a Lottery scratch ticket AND a couple of weeks ago they called to tell me I won a full home entertainment system in a second chance drawing (suppose to be delivered tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to having a Blu-Ray player!!). Huge TV and home theater system too.

    I suppose asking for a Powerball win is over-the-top???


  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm struggling with making good choices this week because there are too many treats just sitting around waiting for me to nibble on them. When the kids leave tomorrow, they are all going to disappear.
    So many of you are doing so well with the holiday. I hope we can all continue. Here's to more successes in the coming year. If I can keep up this pace (or close to it), I should be in ONEderland by mid-year.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I'm leaving tomorrow for a long driving trip with my BF through Wyoming to Salt Lake City to celebrate his Aunt's 93rd birthday on Jan. 1, then to Denver to watch his grand-daughter compete in college -level gymnastics then finally home on Jan. 8. So lots of driving but the forecast appears to be just cold and no snow. I'm nervous about travelling through the Rockies this time of year - so will pack all kinds of emergency supplies, food, blankets, candles, long-johns, etc. Will be taking my lap-top so if motels have wi-fi will check in from time to time.

    good luck to all those driving over the next few days. drive safely
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Kelley- loved the article - thank you for sharing - Have you read The Power of Habit? (Charles Duhigg)... I'm thinking I need to give it another read. One of the points he brings up is to become more aware of our habit to repeat the same behavior, based on the trigger activity that precedes it. If we eliminate or change the trigger behavior, we can break the cycle.

    Susan- I like to think that I am beginning where I left off. Yes, I will have to re-establish some habits and probably do some detox of the stuff I've eaten the last couple of months, but I am still further up the mountain than I was in June of this year. You are too!

    Once school starts, I am taking two classes again, which is a lot of work on top of my already packed schedule. I am on the waitlist for an English Honors class, which will mean adjustment of my work schedule as well. Thursday truth... I am holding my breath... I am scared that I am going to keep falling away from the actions that will help me reach my goals. I want to be healthy. I need to be healthy. Unhealthy is really so much easier for me... especially with my guy's white flour, potato and oily way of cooking and fast food requiring so much less thought than pre-prep of foods. I am scared, but investing in things that scare me usually has a great payout.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member

    @Susan~You have a really healthy attitude, I know that 2013 is going to be our year to get the rest of this excess weight off!

    Thursday Truth~I haven't made the wisest choices the last several days either, I tried but know I could have done a lot better. I woke up this morning and got back to my healthy eating habits. Today is a new day! Oh, and this kitten is seconds from losing her life!!! I have tried to post this 3 times, but she has this attraction to my laptop! She is a complete spaz! She is lucky she is so darn cute :laugh:


    Kelley - This was exactly what I needed. When I get a chance, I'm going to copy this and definitely keep it close. Every single one of those 10 points I could relate too and felt they were directed at me. Wow! I know in the past this little hiccup and gain would have totally derailed me, but you're right. I have a much healthier attitude and I know what I need to do. I'm so excited to keep going on this journey. January 1st is just another day. Like you today is a new day. I'm refocused and glad to get back on track. Thank you my friend.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I hope everyone had as great a Christmas as we did (only without falling off the wagon and gaining 9 pounds :ohwell: ) We had the family gathered at our home for Christmas Eve and it was a particularly enjoyable evening, we had friends from far away and four generations of the family all laughing and talking around our tiny living room. Bestest kind of holiday.

    Christmas was really good, but like you I gained 9 lbs too. I'm refocused and today is the day. You've already lost so much and learned even more. You'll have those 9 off in no time and be right back on track. Keep enjoying your holiday and we'll be back in full force.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone. Remember how I was feeling a bit queasy last night? Well, it turned into full-blown stomach flu. :sick: DH is down for the count as well, so I don't even have someone to pamper me. Top it off with a dog who doesn't understand why we've both spent the entire day in bed, and it hasn't been a fun 24 hours.

    The good news is I don't have to worry about doing that cleanse I was considering...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Hope you feel better soon and the flu is gone. I had it a few weeks ago and it was not fun.

    Kelley- The article was great and it included many great reminders of how to make this change effective.

    Truth- I have over indulged in treats the last few days but need to get back on track. The scale was up higher this morning than I would have liked. However I have tried hard to eat more protein today and reduce the amount of carbs. Tomorrow will be a very busy morning starting with a 7:30 am workout, followed by a 9:30 appointment to take my car in to the shop. Sadly, I need to drive at least 30 minutes to get to the dealership. So this will mean Breakfast on the go or at the dinner that is up the street from this dealership. Tomorrow night- I will be rock climbing again. Busy day so I will do my best to eat healthy.
  • New to the thread but I like what I"m reading!
  • @karen - hope you feel better soon!
    @laurie - enjoy the gym and climbing!!
    @robin - perhaps we will pass each other on the road in Colorado... Safe travels!!
    @alison - I hope you can stay in ONEderland through the rest of the holidays, but even more, I hope you enjoy the time with friends and family!

    @everyone who is up a few pounds - no worries, I'm sure you can and will get back on track!! Those pounds will come off in the new year!

    I'm headed to ski country tomorrow -- hoping my knee will feel strong enough and my cold will dissipate so I can get out on the slopes. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to just soak in the hot tub! :happy: I will be logging my food while I'm away and trying to keep up with the posts, but I'm not sure how often I'll write. In case I don't drop in before then, Happy New Year to all!!!! :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Susan- I like to think that I am beginning where I left off. Yes, I will have to re-establish some habits and probably do some detox of the stuff I've eaten the last couple of months, but I am still further up the mountain than I was in June of this year. You are too!

    Once school starts, I am taking two classes again, which is a lot of work on top of my already packed schedule. I am on the waitlist for an English Honors class, which will mean adjustment of my work schedule as well. Thursday truth... I am holding my breath... I am scared that I am going to keep falling away from the actions that will help me reach my goals. I want to be healthy. I need to be healthy. Unhealthy is really so much easier for me... especially with my guy's white flour, potato and oily way of cooking and fast food requiring so much less thought than pre-prep of foods. I am scared, but investing in things that scare me usually has a great payout.

    I was glad to see your post the other day and welcome back!! I was wondering if you were still with the BF and it sounds like things are going well. Have you chatted with him about your lifestyle change? Of course, you have to be encouraging and tell him how much you appreciate he cooks, BUT there has to be a balance. Perhaps this is something you can do together and find healthy recipes to try together. You've worked too hard and I know you want to make this change for good. As far as your classes, I know you'll do great no matter how much is on your plate. Your strong and I know you can do it!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    New to the thread but I like what I"m reading!

    Welcome Jumpy!! This is an amazing group of people. I've been on MFP since August and this is the only thread I follow. Very supportive group with no negativity. They'll encourage, but give a gentle nudge if I need it too. If you go to the first thread, Robin posts the basics about the thread. Each day we have a topic. We may use that or just share whatever we need to share. Welcome to the thread and enjoy the journey!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @everyone who is up a few pounds - no worries, I'm sure you can and will get back on track!! Those pounds will come off in the new year!

    I'm headed to ski country tomorrow -- hoping my knee will feel strong enough and my cold will dissipate so I can get out on the slopes. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to just soak in the hot tub! :happy: I will be logging my food while I'm away and trying to keep up with the posts, but I'm not sure how often I'll write. In case I don't drop in before then, Happy New Year to all!!!! :drinker:

    I'm one of those up a few pounds, but no worries. I'm going to take those off and keep on going. Safe travels to ski country. Enjoy yourself, but be carefull too. Skiing doesn't work definitely enjoy that hot tub. Good job tracking while traveling too. Good for you!!! We'll be here when you get back. Happy New Year!!!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    sounds cool! :)