Tips for Gym Newbies



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    All good stuff has been said already! Bump!
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    Your phone should only be used to play music, not to take phone calls. your there to work out, focus on that, after all its only about 1 hour of your day

    I was literally just about to post this. It's really annoying when you're trying to get in the zone and you can hear someone's conversation over your own headphones.

    Also, if your gym doesn't have a day care, please leave your children at home. If you absolutely HAVE to bring your kids with you, try to find a low traffic time of day and keep them occupied and off of the machines.
  • plattinum706
    plattinum706 Posts: 1 Member
    Light Weights and High Reps are good to do even for the Veterans

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • deb3690
    deb3690 Posts: 59 Member
    One thing I would say is don't be afraid to go easy for your first or second workout if its been a while. Don't let someone push you harder than you feel comfortable. Take time to get to know your tools...machines or barbells or where the balls are....and be sure to do something thats just for enjoyment during your workout too! I seem to like the balance equipment..its more of a game than anything!

    I get rebound headaches easily so I really have to go easy and work my body into it over time if I've taken a break.

    Stretching is important too!
  • Jason3589
    Dont expect to get any results after a few weeks. You will get sore, but it will get better
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Don't get attached to a particular cardio machine, like a treadmill or an elliptical on the end. They all work the same. And if you are interested in using one, people will help you. But most of the automatic cardio machines are self explanatory, just get on it and go.

    Not so much for the pilates thingys....
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Agreed- wipe it down and put it away!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    this has nothing to do with your strength sessions.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    If you're thinking about trying a Spinning Class and you aren't used to cycling, your bottom may be quite sore at first. For future rides, you may want to consider purchasing a padded seat cover or investing in some padded biker shorts. These make the world of difference, at least until that "area" gets used to the seat.

    the tip someone gave me that seemed to help was to focus on not sinking into my seat like when you normally sit, but think about keeping your diaphragm diaphragm lifted. this made a huge difference for me in the butt area
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Squat racks are best used for heavy weight exercises. There are usually other spots to do arm exercises ad chin ups.

    Thank you.... I was just about to say similar.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I truly hope some newbies like me read this! My plan is to get a gym membership after my work moves locations in Feb. I've been to the gym before with my dad but found out quickly that he knows maybe just a tad more than I, haha! The trainer is shortly to follow after the membership but it's nice to know some tricks from people working out now :)

    Thanks for the thread OP!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I hate to see people lifting weights that my 9-year old could lift. I KNOW you can lift more than that because you look bored and not at all like you're working. Stop wasting your time. You bought the membership, got dressed, and came to the gym. Go hard or go home!

    Hmm....I disagree with this. Learning good form is paramount- and new gym users should really practice good form with light weights before risking injury with heavy weights and mediocre-bad form.

    I also disagree with this. There are a multitude of reasons that someone might not be lifting as heavy as YOU think they should.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    1)Cardio will increase weight loss, slightly - a good diet will help more... its use is primarliy to increase your fitness levels and keep you healthy - there is no point training to be a maraton runner if all you want to do is loose weight.

    2)resistance training will give you the body that you think can be achieved with only weight loss - a newbie always thinks cardio will sort them out without getting bulky... WRONG... all yoll do is loose muscle as you get lighter - FLABBY

    3)Always get a workout plan from a professional, never be too embarrassed to ask for help - these people get paid for helpng you out....

    4)if you do a class, never ever think it is too hard for you without trying it at least three times - the first time will always be hard

    5)in group training/class you will notice different people regardless of size struggle with different exercises - this is called a human.. - its enlightening... if you struggle do not stress yourself out about it, look around on an exercise you find easier and see other struggle.. we all do it

    6)NEVER BE ASHAMED OF HOW MUCH YOU SWEAT.................. i have more respect for someone who is 300lbs dripping while cycling at 2mph than i do for Miss Mini dong 2mph on her phone..

    7) Hang your head high that you are attemping to follow a life changing direction and make sure you stick to it

    now wipe down that machine, get off your phone between reps and dont fart when doing burpees
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Do not hang on to the front or sides of the treadmill while you are walking on it. You're cheating yourself that way! If you have to hold on because you are walking too fast or have too high of an incline then dial it down a notch. Also if you are only doing a "0" incline then the machine is doing most of the work for you.

    But most of all pick something you enjoy and stick with it....and remember to have fun!
  • tmos512
    tmos512 Posts: 119 Member
    1)Cardio will increase weight loss, slightly - a good diet will help more... its use is primarliy to increase your fitness levels and keep you healthy - there is no point training to be a maraton runner if all you want to do is loose weight.

    2)resistance training will give you the body that you think can be achieved with only weight loss - a newbie always thinks cardio will sort them out without getting bulky... WRONG... all yoll do is loose muscle as you get lighter - FLABBY

    3)Always get a workout plan from a professional, never be too embarrassed to ask for help - these people get paid for helpng you out....

    4)if you do a class, never ever think it is too hard for you without trying it at least three times - the first time will always be hard

    5)in group training/class you will notice different people regardless of size struggle with different exercises - this is called a human.. - its enlightening... if you struggle do not stress yourself out about it, look around on an exercise you find easier and see other struggle.. we all do it

    6)NEVER BE ASHAMED OF HOW MUCH YOU SWEAT.................. i have more respect for someone who is 300lbs dripping while cycling at 2mph than i do for Miss Mini dong 2mph on her phone..

    7) Hang your head high that you are attemping to follow a life changing direction and make sure you stick to it

    now wipe down that machine, get off your phone between reps and dont fart when doing burpees

    Very insightful... And it made me laugh :-)
  • tiffd1000
    Don't slam the weights down... it makes you look like a douche not only that it is annoying!
    Don't wear heavy perfume or cologne.. I don't want to choke.
    Definitely wipe down the equipment you used.

    These are the only ones I can think of right now.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Please re-rack your weights when you're through! ;)
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    1)Cardio will increase weight loss, slightly - a good diet will help more... its use is primarliy to increase your fitness levels and keep you healthy - there is no point training to be a maraton runner if all you want to do is loose weight.

    2)resistance training will give you the body that you think can be achieved with only weight loss - a newbie always thinks cardio will sort them out without getting bulky... WRONG... all yoll do is loose muscle as you get lighter - FLABBY

    3)Always get a workout plan from a professional, never be too embarrassed to ask for help - these people get paid for helpng you out....

    4)if you do a class, never ever think it is too hard for you without trying it at least three times - the first time will always be hard

    5)in group training/class you will notice different people regardless of size struggle with different exercises - this is called a human.. - its enlightening... if you struggle do not stress yourself out about it, look around on an exercise you find easier and see other struggle.. we all do it

    6)NEVER BE ASHAMED OF HOW MUCH YOU SWEAT.................. i have more respect for someone who is 300lbs dripping while cycling at 2mph than i do for Miss Mini dong 2mph on her phone..

    7) Hang your head high that you are attemping to follow a life changing direction and make sure you stick to it

    now wipe down that machine, get off your phone between reps and dont fart when doing burpees

    Very insightful... And it made me laugh :-)

    oh and i might add this is all from experience.... if i thought like this other will too
  • tiffd1000
    Oo Yes... I almost forgot.. People talking on their phones and working out. That is annoying.