Looking for some real answers from a variety of sources



  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I think sweetener usage is a personal choice and is ultimately determined by what your end goal is. If your end goal is to eat unprocessed food then your choice of sweetener will be different than one whose goal is to lose weight.

    You said you can have fruit sugar right? And you're not worried about weight loss? My advice is to look into Agave Nectar, it's 90% fructose (fruit sugar) and only 10% glucose. Also date sugar may also be an option for you.

    Personally I use splenda when I need to sweeten something. I drink my coffee and tea without cream or sugar so I use very little sweetener.
  • A quick google search of Kix and Cheerios (the two on your list that I looked up) both list Sugar as the third ingredient. I understand that it may be hard for you to completely eliminate sweetners, but before you say that you will have a heart attack and die if you eat sugar, you should make sure that you're actually not eating any sugar.

    Well the answer to that is that these were two of the lower sugar varieties that were mentioned by the dietitian I had to consult with when I first found out about said health problems. If there is less than 10 grams per serving I believe I was told that it was okay. But I am mostly talking about for coffee, and in order for my coffee to be sweetened to a level that is acceptable to me, it would take at least 2 spoonfuls of regular sugar which is too much, that and the fact that straight sugar out of the bowl is what is deemed to be a problem from what I understood from my doctor, and the fact that straight sugar tastes nasty to me now as I've kept it mostly out of my diet for the past 10 years. Just sayin'

    You said you can have fruit sugar right? And you're not worried about weight loss?
    Very limited amounts, like it is okay for me to eat fruit even though it has sugar in it, but like fruit juice with high concentrations of that sugar is not recommended. And weight loss is my goal. That is something that goes hand in hand with my health problems is losing some excess weight.
  • We use Splenda in my household, as my husband is a Type 2 Diabetic. No aspartame is allowed as I get terrible headaches (plus, it tastes like crap in my opinion). I've tried Stevia and I didn't like the bitter aftertaste, but I hear the liquid Stevia is better than the powder. I haven't tried Truvia - it isn't as readily available here in Canada as Splenda or Stevia is.

    I really don't know if agave syrup will be better for you than honey as it's also on the 'no-no' list of sweet things my husband's diabetic nutritionist gave.

    So we stick with Splenda as it's the most palatable for us. You'll just have to figure out what's best for you as every person is different here.
  • We use Splenda in my household, as my husband is a Type 2 Diabetic. No aspartame is allowed as I get terrible headaches (plus, it tastes like crap in my opinion). I've tried Stevia and I didn't like the bitter aftertaste, but I hear the liquid Stevia is better than the powder. I haven't tried Truvia - it isn't as readily available here in Canada as Splenda or Stevia is.

    I really don't know if agave syrup will be better for you than honey as it's also on the 'no-no' list of sweet things my husband's diabetic nutritionist gave.

    So we stick with Splenda as it's the most palatable for us. You'll just have to figure out what's best for you as every person is different here.

    Thank you, my dietary needs are very similar to that of a person with diabetes so I know the honey is not really a good choice and it sounds like the agave syrup must not be much better. Matter of fact, the doctor/dietician is really who recommended splenda to me in the first place, which adds to my confusion, but this was around 10 years ago and I know a lot more research can happen in that amount of time.

    EDIT: Also I must add as a side note, that the response I've received from some and the snarky attitude displayed along with judgements on me and quickness to have an attack approach when I've kindly asked for some genuine unbiased information and thoughts has almost made me regret the decision to start posting, and depending on how things continue to go on the forums, I may have to go back to just tracking my food and keeping to myself and just do some google searches or forum searches and keep my mouth shut when I want more information about something to keep myself from being judged and made to feel badly.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    My only opinion is I don't eat/drink anything with Aspartame, it (in my opinion) has an awful after taste and it makes me nauseous.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Try a couple different companies for your stevia. Also, you should only use 1/4 the stevia as you would sugar/sweetener as it has a much sweeter effect. But to put to much stevia causes a different, more bitter taste. That may have been your problem with stevia. It is worth trying out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have high triglycerides as well (along with high cholesterol) and is one of the reasons I completely changed my diet. Did you doctor really tell you absolutely no sugar? I would personally get a 2nd opinion on that. I'm definitely supposed to watch my overall carb intake as well as my saturated fats, but my doctor didn't tell me I had to completely cut anything out of my diet. Could it possibly be that you misunderstood or possibly just going a bit overboard?

    I'm not trying to be snarky here...I actually went way overboard when I got that news from my doctor. Everything was suddenly no fat/low fat and I avoided anything sugary and seriously reduced my carb intake...I was scared I'd die if I even looked at a steak or something. What I ultimately found after a couple of weeks was that I felt like absolute crap...I didn't have any energy and was getting headaches and dizziness and my nerves were completely on edge. I went back to my doctor and brought along copies of my diary so he could take a look...he basically shook his head and told me I was on the right track but my headaches and dizziness could very well be attributable to not having enough fat in my diet and my lack of energy stemmed from getting very few carbs. We looked at my macros and adjusted those and he simply went over a few things that I should avoid in my day to day, but I didn't need to cut out entirely. He basically told me that the best possible thing I could do is eat at a deficit and lose some weight and start exercising along with having a reasonable macro balance.

    This is what I've been doing and my numbers are on the decline and my blood pressure issues are coming under control as well. My macros are 40 carb/30 protein/30 healthy fats and it's working really well for me. I'm eating at a Lb per week deficit and I'm not miserable. I have my energy back and the headaches and dizziness are gone as well. I would suggest having another conversation with you doctor and/or getting a 2nd opinion. I would also suggest taking a look at your macros overall...not just sugars...but your overall carbs as you may need to just reduce these in general. Before I started all of this, my diet was about 80% carbs
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    My only opinion is I don't eat/drink anything with Aspartame, it (in my opinion) has an awful after taste and it makes me nauseous.
    I also get an awful aftertaste. Those of us that get that aftertaste actually have more taste buds than other people going down the back of our tongues. Learned that in culinary school :p
  • hdjjones
    hdjjones Posts: 130 Member
    I use splenda but only on unsweetened cereal. I heard years ago that aspertame was bad for you because it put little holes in your brain, but I have not researched it. I know it is in most diet soda, so I avoid diet soda with aspertame in it.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    My only opinion is I don't eat/drink anything with Aspartame, it (in my opinion) has an awful after taste and it makes me nauseous.
    I also get an awful aftertaste. Those of us that get that aftertaste actually have more taste buds than other people going down the back of our tongues. Learned that in culinary school :p

    hmm...more taste buds in the back of my tongue..good to know :happy:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I use splenda but only on unsweetened cereal. I heard years ago that aspertame was bad for you because it put little holes in your brain, but I have not researched it. I know it is in most diet soda, so I avoid diet soda with aspertame in it.

    Aspartame is composed of phenylalanine and aspartic acid. These are amino acids that are found in normal food items (look up the content of the above amino acids in chicken breast and bananas for example). Methanol is a digestive byproduct of aspartame and methanol is converted to formaldehyde in the liver. Formaldehyde is either used or converted into formic acid.

    People with PKU cannot properly metabolize phenylalanine and should therefore avoid it.

    Beyond that, I really wouldn't worry about aspartame consumption if it doesn't make you feel bad and you're not consuming stupid amounts of it.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Try Truvia...good stuff.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    EDIT: Also I must add as a side note, that the response I've received from some and the snarky attitude displayed along with judgements on me and quickness to have an attack approach when I've kindly asked for some genuine unbiased information and thoughts ...

    Just ignore the haters and focus on the posts you find useful. Chalk it up to nothing personal and they need a snack. It's hard to tell online and in writing what their true intention is... sometimes things come out harshly. Please don't be dissuaded from asking for help... just pick 'n choose the responses you spend any time on. :-)
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    I like Fruisana. It is granular fruit sugar. use 1/3 as much as you would normal sugar.
    no aftertaste.

    wolfman sounds like he's on the money though, and I don't have the same medical issue so I can't comment on that bit.
  • I have high triglycerides as well (along with high cholesterol) and is one of the reasons I completely changed my diet. Did you doctor really tell you absolutely no sugar? I would personally get a 2nd opinion on that. I'm definitely supposed to watch my overall carb intake as well as my saturated fats, but my doctor didn't tell me I had to completely cut anything out of my diet. Could it possibly be that you misunderstood or possibly just going a bit overboard?

    I'm not trying to be snarky here...I actually went way overboard when I got that news from my doctor. Everything was suddenly no fat/low fat and I avoided anything sugary and seriously reduced my carb intake...I was scared I'd die if I even looked at a steak or something. What I ultimately found after a couple of weeks was that I felt like absolute crap...I didn't have any energy and was getting headaches and dizziness and my nerves were completely on edge. I went back to my doctor and brought along copies of my diary so he could take a look...he basically shook his head and told me I was on the right track but my headaches and dizziness could very well be attributable to not having enough fat in my diet and my lack of energy stemmed from getting very few carbs. We looked at my macros and adjusted those and he simply went over a few things that I should avoid in my day to day, but I didn't need to cut out entirely. He basically told me that the best possible thing I could do is eat at a deficit and lose some weight and start exercising along with having a reasonable macro balance.

    This is what I've been doing and my numbers are on the decline and my blood pressure issues are coming under control as well. My macros are 40 carb/30 protein/30 healthy fats and it's working really well for me. I'm eating at a Lb per week deficit and I'm not miserable. I have my energy back and the headaches and dizziness are gone as well. I would suggest having another conversation with you doctor and/or getting a 2nd opinion. I would also suggest taking a look at your macros overall...not just sugars...but your overall carbs as you may need to just reduce these in general. Before I started all of this, my diet was about 80% carbs

    I feel like maybe I'm not making myself clear, I'm not supposed to not have any sugar at all period like a diabetic exactly, but it should be very limited, like what I mentioned about the cereal, like if it has 10 grams or less that's fine. And just straight white sugar was not recommended, they did mention splenda to me, again this was about 10 years ago, I was still right out of high school, I could be mis-remembering some of the details, I won't say that's out of the question.

    But I am trying to make it clear though that I don't care for the way regular sugar tastes in coffee, it is gross to me now as I've only used artificial sweeteners over 10 years. I would like to see conclusive research findings from a reputable site that splenda or aspartame are really bad for you to consume and so far no one has yet to provide this even though they've practically pointed fingers at the main alternative sugar brands and branded them as spawn of satan so to speak.

    I just want something to put on my cereal and in my coffee that won't add calories and preferably keeps me away from the regular sugar because imo there is more bad things about regular sugar than there is about any of the alternatives. Though I'm sure I'll get ripped a new one for that statement as well. I am also looking for something easy to find (I live in a small town, something at walmart or county market would work) and inexpensive. I don't usually care for liquid sweeteners in coffee that I've tried. But I haven't tried them all, most are a little more expensive than I'd prefer.

    Multiple reasons why I've stuck with aspartame or splenda. I don't care about eating all natural, You can go out and eat a poisonous berry and it's natural...but not necessarily good for you.

    And as far as aspartame (what my family usually uses) check this out: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asp
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    We use Splenda in my household, as my husband is a Type 2 Diabetic. No aspartame is allowed as I get terrible headaches (plus, it tastes like crap in my opinion). I've tried Stevia and I didn't like the bitter aftertaste, but I hear the liquid Stevia is better than the powder. I haven't tried Truvia - it isn't as readily available here in Canada as Splenda or Stevia is.

    I really don't know if agave syrup will be better for you than honey as it's also on the 'no-no' list of sweet things my husband's diabetic nutritionist gave.

    So we stick with Splenda as it's the most palatable for us. You'll just have to figure out what's best for you as every person is different here.

    Interesting thread! I'm pretty sure Truvia is just a brand-name stevia product.
  • frog8381
    frog8381 Posts: 24 Member
    I have high triglycerides as well (along with high cholesterol) and is one of the reasons I completely changed my diet. Did you doctor really tell you absolutely no sugar? I would personally get a 2nd opinion on that. I'm definitely supposed to watch my overall carb intake as well as my saturated fats, but my doctor didn't tell me I had to completely cut anything out of my diet. Could it possibly be that you misunderstood or possibly just going a bit overboard?

    I'm not trying to be snarky here...I actually went way overboard when I got that news from my doctor. Everything was suddenly no fat/low fat and I avoided anything sugary and seriously reduced my carb intake...I was scared I'd die if I even looked at a steak or something. What I ultimately found after a couple of weeks was that I felt like absolute crap...I didn't have any energy and was getting headaches and dizziness and my nerves were completely on edge. I went back to my doctor and brought along copies of my diary so he could take a look...he basically shook his head and told me I was on the right track but my headaches and dizziness could very well be attributable to not having enough fat in my diet and my lack of energy stemmed from getting very few carbs. We looked at my macros and adjusted those and he simply went over a few things that I should avoid in my day to day, but I didn't need to cut out entirely. He basically told me that the best possible thing I could do is eat at a deficit and lose some weight and start exercising along with having a reasonable macro balance.

    This is what I've been doing and my numbers are on the decline and my blood pressure issues are coming under control as well. My macros are 40 carb/30 protein/30 healthy fats and it's working really well for me. I'm eating at a Lb per week deficit and I'm not miserable. I have my energy back and the headaches and dizziness are gone as well. I would suggest having another conversation with you doctor and/or getting a 2nd opinion. I would also suggest taking a look at your macros overall...not just sugars...but your overall carbs as you may need to just reduce these in general. Before I started all of this, my diet was about 80% carbs

    I feel like maybe I'm not making myself clear, I'm not supposed to not have any sugar at all period like a diabetic exactly, but it should be very limited, like what I mentioned about the cereal, like if it has 10 grams or less that's fine. And just straight white sugar was not recommended, they did mention splenda to me, again this was about 10 years ago, I was still right out of high school, I could be mis-remembering some of the details, I won't say that's out of the question.

    But I am trying to make it clear though that I don't care for the way regular sugar tastes in coffee, it is gross to me now as I've only used artificial sweeteners over 10 years. I would like to see conclusive research findings from a reputable site that splenda or aspartame are really bad for you to consume and so far no one has yet to provide this even though they've practically pointed fingers at the main alternative sugar brands and branded them as spawn of satan so to speak.

    I just want something to put on my cereal and in my coffee that won't add calories and preferably keeps me away from the regular sugar because imo there is more bad things about regular sugar than there is about any of the alternatives. Though I'm sure I'll get ripped a new one for that statement as well. I am also looking for something easy to find (I live in a small town, something at walmart or county market would work) and inexpensive. I don't usually care for liquid sweeteners in coffee that I've tried. But I haven't tried them all, most are a little more expensive than I'd prefer.

    Multiple reasons why I've stuck with aspartame or splenda. I don't care about eating all natural, You can go out and eat a poisonous berry and it's natural...but not necessarily good for you.

    And as far as aspartame (what my family usually uses) check this out: http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asp

    People have given you many options on what to use for sweeteners. I don't think it's you not being clear, but it seems you may not be reading the responses.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I would like to see conclusive research findings from a reputable site that splenda or aspartame are really bad for you to consume and so far no one has yet to provide this

    You will not find such studies on aspartame. If you DO see any, I bet they will involve rats and they will involve doses that are not even remotely applicable to human consumption (edit: There is a recent epidemiological study that observes a correlation but there's several issues with it aside from it being a correlative study). In some cases they may involve a large injected dose that is then not applicable because aspartame doesn't enter your bloodstream as aspartame, it is first broken down into it's constituent amino acids.

    And before anyone takes my posts wrong, I'm not some sort of aspartame advocate. If people have a food philosophy that tells them to avoid certain foods then go for it. I'm just against bullsh*t alarmism and there's a whole ton of it surrounding aspartame.

    If you're avoiding aspartame you may as well avoid chicken and citrus fruits when you look at the digestive products.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    i use splenda on my oatmeal and for baking...also buy drinks sweetened with it. My sister is a cancer survivor and her doctor told her it was ok to use splenda. They gave her a 5 year if you make it 5 years you'll be doing good......that was 11 years ago.

    all things in moderation is what I do.
  • d4ley1
    d4ley1 Posts: 73
    tuna is really good too!