5'9" ladies!!!!



  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I'm 5' 9", started at 190 size 16-14 pants pants, XL tops
    Currently 175 size 12 comfortable although I have a pair of size 10 jeans on today!! Yay
    still Lg to Xlg in tops though my boobs are noticeably smaller.

    ultimate goal weight 140, hopefully a comfortable size 6

    I'm a bit taller than you but we have the same stats (started at 190 in a 14 (should have been a 16 but I got vain, XL tops). I got in a 6 at 150lbs, and I'm wearing small tops. I'm smaller than I've ever been and oddly enough I find it pretty easy to maintain 148. You might find that you are actually a 4 at 140...Good luck with your goal. I can tell you right now it's SOOO worth the work!

    So strange how different bodies can be. I am a size 12 at 200 lbs and 5'9".
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I think you're doing great! 165 is a good goal. I'm 44, 5'10," large framed, and was 170 at my highest. I lost 43lbs a couple of years ago, and no one would believe me. "From where?" was the typical response, because my weight was dispersed evenly about my frame. Over the last couple of years I've slowly worked back up to 160, and am now trying to get back down (150, but trying for 145)

    I find this funny because it was the same response I had. I lost 45 (gained 4 back, but that's fine) and all of my friends that have known me for years couldn't see a difference, until they pulled out pics from 2 years ago...my weight came off everywhere pretty evenly, so nothing got dramatically smaller quickly. I had a friend say "yeah I can see it in your face" and I said "why thanks, that exactly why I got on the elliptical for 45 minutes 4 days a week, so you could see it in my face". I tell them that I started out at 190 and a size 16 and they pretty much fall over. I'm 148 and a 4/6 now and they really can't see much of a difference...
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    5'9" and started at 240lbs. currently at 211lbs. i don't have a final goal weight b/c i don't know what will work for me yet. i do have 2 mini goals, to get below 200lbs, then down to 180lbs. i don't know after that, so those are my goals right now, but i will continue to evaluate as needed.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    I'm 5' 9", started at 190 size 16-14 pants pants, XL tops
    Currently 175 size 12 comfortable although I have a pair of size 10 jeans on today!! Yay
    still Lg to Xlg in tops though my boobs are noticeably smaller.

    ultimate goal weight 140, hopefully a comfortable size 6

    I'm a bit taller than you but we have the same stats (started at 190 in a 14 (should have been a 16 but I got vain, XL tops). I got in a 6 at 150lbs, and I'm wearing small tops. I'm smaller than I've ever been and oddly enough I find it pretty easy to maintain 148. You might find that you are actually a 4 at 140...Good luck with your goal. I can tell you right now it's SOOO worth the work!

    So strange how different bodies can be. I am a size 12 at 200 lbs and 5'9".

    Honestly, it depends on where you gain it. I have a friend on my page that is 5'11, 26 and she's 158, 10 pounds heavier than I am and she looks a boatload smaller. It's all in how we are shaped...
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I'm 5'9". Started at 215, currently at 195. I'd be perfectly happy at 160.... really happy at 150... and ecstatic at 140! I have always had larger hips and thighs and have Hashimoto's which is why I'm trying to give myself realistic achievement goals. I wont STOP at 160... but I know I'll be happy with myself if I can at least get there.
  • es2189
    es2189 Posts: 142 Member
    I'm 5'10.5 and my goal weight was 137. I'm currently at 140 and not really focused on losing more - mostly just building muscle, getting stronger, etc. My highest weight was about 180 a couple years ago, but this time I started at 162 in June (the before pictures below are from around 157).

  • I'm 5'8 and I weigh around 145 but want to get down to about 125 like I used to be before college :)
  • nkayyy
    nkayyy Posts: 46
    I'm 5'9", small-boned, and currently weigh about 133. I feel my best around 128-130.
  • I'm 5'8 and I'm aiming for 170. It's at the higher end of my heights weight range, but it'll still be half my current weight and the lowest I can ever remember being. We can do this! :D
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I'm 5' 9" and I weigh 135-137lbs
  • I'm 5'9 and currently weigh 214 lbs. My original weight was 230 lbs before MFP and I started here at 220. My first goal is to get to 175 lbs...and then after that, ideally sit around 165 lbs.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    It's crazy to see the differences in weight and goal weights. Right now I am 28 yo, 5'9.5", 185 pounds, 27% body fat, size 12, with DD boobs which are not going to get any smaller. I also have a very muscular build, and always will thanks to genetics. I am an endurance athlete so for this year I am aiming for 20% body fat, which would give me a goal weight of about 168-170. It is going to be a struggle to get to 170 and I'm not sure my body would really like it if I weighed any less than that. I have been trying for a year to get to 170, so far I've managed to lose a size and turn a lot of fat in to a whole lot of muscle, especially in the legs (biking). I could not imagine weighing less than 150 (This would be about 15% body fat, which I think is on the low end of a normal weight for a young-ish person who is 5'9"). My roommate is about 5'4" and weighs about 130 and I could not fathom EVER weighing that little, unless I was withering away on my death bed. A 6% body fat would be about 145 pounds, and that % is on the low side for athlete.
  • I'm 5'9" and I have a really big frame, in high school I weighed between 165-185 i am currently 195-200. I would like to get to 150 a weight that I haven't seen in years, but I'm not sure it is possible. The heighest I have been is arond 230.
    NWSAVE Posts: 25 Member
    I am 5'8 and a half! I currently weigh 185. My goal is 150. I have been there before and felt great!! Good luck to you girl!
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I'm 5'8" and currently 165 lbs, aiming for somewhere between 130 - 140.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    Hello, 5'9 1/2 current weight is 180 .. I would like to weigh 160-170..
    Feel free to add me
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    My hight is 180 cm... that is about 5'9'' or 5'10''?

    SW: 216 lbs
    CW: 157 lbs
    GW: 150 lbs

    I feel very good at the moment because I'm in good shape already, Thanks to Insanity!
  • How did you lose so much weight in a short amount of time?
  • freedomis
    freedomis Posts: 55 Member
    Hope yall are still here! I'm 5'9 133.4 lbs looking to tone up and be around 125-130

    I'm interested in starting a 5'9 group! reply/add/ message me if youre interested
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    Almost 5 ft 9" just a shade under). I want to be 145 or so. Any less is not sustainable for me. Interesting to see the range on here.