Have you lost close to or over 100lbs?



  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    I've lost 93 pounds. All I can say is: don't give up! Keep pushing yourself and believing in yourself. This is SO important, so never forget that.

    Definitely find support from others going through this (like you are doing) and focus on your end goal.

    Something I did, at the beginning of my journey, which was very helpful, was to make a list of reasons. I wrote down every reason I wanted to lose the weight, no matter how "small" of a reason. I think my list was about 100 long. Every time I felt my motivation waning, I didn't feel like working out, or I wanted to eat that extra cookie, I would would read my list and it would put everything into perspective for me.

    You can do this!!!!
  • WarriorWomanMaxine
    WarriorWomanMaxine Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all i have losed 24lbs so far i need to lose about 100 lbs in total please feel free to add me for support iam on here daily :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Nearing 200 lbs. lost. Moving more, eating less, eating healthy 75% of the time. I don't do anything special with my diet other than I abstain from soda pop completely. I still eat bad, pizza, burgers, that sorta thing but in moderation. I stay active 30 mins to 2hrs 4-5x a week. I lift weights, swim, walk, occasionally jog and Zumba. In 2012 the weight loss has slowed down significantly. I've gone from 335-305. My main focus has never been weight loss but to get healthy and continue staying off all the meds I was taking before in the past.

    I don't get sad and give up because the scale stops moving. I also have plateau before. My longest streak of being on a plateau was 3½ months. I mainly focus on my body fat %. I check that every month and as long as it's going down, eff the scale and whatever stupid number it says. I'm 6'3, large frame size so my goal is 200-220 lbs range.
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    I've lost 130lbs. And so can you!
  • trumpeter26
    trumpeter26 Posts: 9 Member
    In March 2012 I was considering surgery. Then I found communities of people to help me educate myself on eating and training healthy. I've lost 148 pounds so far. It's completely possible without surgery.

    "The secret to weight loss and improved health and fitness isn't paleo/low carb/plant based/low fat/crossfit/yoga/pilates/raw/isagenix/shakeology/protein/etc.

    The secret to weight loss and improved health and fitness is:

    Good habits, practiced consistently, over time." --Facebook - Go Kaleo
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Was interested in the thread. Key word is was...I have had gastric bypass. No complications, no troubles, best decision I ever made. Sorry you see it otherwise. :(
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Was interested in the thread. Key word is was...I have had gastric bypass. No complications, no troubles, best decision I ever made. Sorry you see it otherwise. :(

    I'm puzzled by this post. The thread has made no negative comments abut your choices. It simply acknowledges they aren't choices everyone wishes to make. Why the glum face and rather negative air?
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    yep and I've done it by eating low and exercise and logging on MFP. I don't consider my eating habits unhealthy. I eat fruit, yogurt, veggies and protien everyday. I've eat less than 1000 a day since I started in January 2012. Almost a year now and I'm still going strong and love it.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I lost over 90 pounds by walking (increasing amounts over time) and changing my diet to focus on long-term nutrition rather instant gratification. I eliminated the soft drinks, learned to love veggies, taught myself sensible portion sizes, and over the past few years transformed from a couch potato into a daily jogger. I've become very conscious of the calories and nutrition in what I eat, and know when I can splurge and when it's not a good choice. It was a series of gradual changes over time but so worth it because I'm now much healthier and happier at 50 years old than I was 5 years ago.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I am 56 years old, and have lost 171 pounds since August of 2011. I did this through major lifestyle changes, aimed at recovery from cancer and improving my immune system. I set out to get healthy, and the weight just poured off, as a by-product!

    That is IMPRESSIVE!!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I've lost 123 lbs with 7 more to go. No Surgery at all, very little loose skin but still have a little that I notice, but seems like no one else sees it on me which I'm ok with. I have thought about afterwards if I can't get my stomach flat with proper diet and exercise within 2 year's after losing the last 7 pounds then I will most likely get a tummy tuck.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Was interested in the thread. Key word is was...I have had gastric bypass. No complications, no troubles, best decision I ever made. Sorry you see it otherwise. :(

    I'm puzzled by this post. The thread has made no negative comments abut your choices. It simply acknowledges they aren't choices everyone wishes to make. Why the glum face and rather negative air?

    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.
  • orchidmother
    orchidmother Posts: 15 Member
    I know you probably dont want to hear this. Everyone has an opinion. like you, I was terrified of the surgery. Back then I weighed 298 and I was going nowhere fast. I had considered the surgery several years back, but family issues took precedence for a while. Just a short year ago, my husband asked me if I still wanted to consider it. Wowser, now I had to make a choice!

    As I deliberated, the fear of the future after surgery weighed heavily on my mind. A relative had had some complications and I was afraid of what might happen to me. And I kept hearing how this lifestyle change would force me to make better choices. (I am not one that likes to be forced to do anything!) I resisted the idea until I asked myself this question: What woudl happen if I did not have the surgery?

    I already knew the answer to that question. My history of losing weight over and over and over showed me the pattern. I needed a long-term, permanent solution. My current path was unacceptable. I have serious back issues that slowly took over and my weight kept going up and up. I was going downhill fast and everyone around me but me could see it... until now. I had to make a choice. I was getting older, and unhealthier by the minute.

    In my mind, there really was no other option. I needed a change and I needed my life back.

    What I found once I inched toward the choice for surgery was a team of caring individuals that are as vested in my wellbeing as I should have been all along. They helped me through every step and encouraged me all along the way. They were amazing. My surgery went well. My surgeon is excellent and I had no complications of any kind. All the things I feared woudl happen, never did. As a matter of fact, there were several little scares along the way regarding other health issues but as I went along, all of those issues dissappeared. I even managed to sidestep a case of shingles just prior to surgery!

    Today, 83 lbs closer to my goal... I feel as if I have it all! I have seen my future success. I visualize it every day. I have built in motivators that remind me gently that I need to stay on track. I have a tiny stomach that tells me immediately when it is full. And I have been able to tolerate just about everything.

    I have finally found my new "normal." This is what i wanted. I wanted a means to carry on a life that I could live with. I wanted freedom. And not the kind of freedom you might imagine. I have this freedom now. Not the freedom to eat anything and everything I want... No. Now I have the freedom FROM HAVING TO EAT everything and anything. When someone asked me recently about my addiction to food, I replied that I had fallen out of love with food and back in love with my husband.

    For me, surgery was the perfect solution. I am happier, healthier and well on my way back to a life I deserve. If you or anyone has the chance, I would heartily recommend it. It is not something to be feared... it is a gift.
  • orchidmother
    orchidmother Posts: 15 Member
    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    I heartily understand. But each of us has to go our own route. I believe in what I have done as you do in your choices... And some people choose differently.

    Comgratulations on your success! It is amazing. And congratulations to you for having the courage to do something for yourself. You deserve it. :flowerforyou: However we get there... we need to celebrate our accomplishments! No way is easy.... and every bit of progress is worthy of praise. :laugh: YOU GO GIRL!
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I know you probably dont want to hear this. Everyone has an opinion. like you, I was terrified of the surgery. Back then I weighed 298 and I was going nowhere fast. I had considered the surgery several years back, but family issues took precedence for a while. Just a short year ago, my husband asked me if I still wanted to consider it. Wowser, now I had to make a choice!

    As I deliberated, the fear of the future after surgery weighed heavily on my mind. A relative had had some complications and I was afraid of what might happen to me. And I kept hearing how this lifestyle change would force me to make better choices. (I am not one that likes to be forced to do anything!) I resisted the idea until I asked myself this question: What woudl happen if I did not have the surgery?

    I already knew the answer to that question. My history of losing weight over and over and over showed me the pattern. I needed a long-term, permanent solution. My current path was unacceptable. I have serious back issues that slowly took over and my weight kept going up and up. I was going downhill fast and everyone around me but me could see it... until now. I had to make a choice. I was getting older, and unhealthier by the minute.

    In my mind, there really was no other option. I needed a change and I needed my life back.

    What I found once I inched toward the choice for surgery was a team of caring individuals that are as vested in my wellbeing as I should have been all along. They helped me through every step and encouraged me all along the way. They were amazing. My surgery went well. My surgeon is excellent and I had no complications of any kind. All the things I feared woudl happen, never did. As a matter of fact, there were several little scares along the way regarding other health issues but as I went along, all of those issues dissappeared. I even managed to sidestep a case of shingles just prior to surgery!

    Today, 83 lbs closer to my goal... I feel as if I have it all! I have seen my future success. I visualize it every day. I have built in motivators that remind me gently that I need to stay on track. I have a tiny stomach that tells me immediately when it is full. And I have been able to tolerate just about everything.

    I have finally found my new "normal." This is what i wanted. I wanted a means to carry on a life that I could live with. I wanted freedom. And not the kind of freedom you might imagine. I have this freedom now. Not the freedom to eat anything and everything I want... No. Now I have the freedom FROM HAVING TO EAT everything and anything. When someone asked me recently about my addiction to food, I replied that I had fallen out of love with food and back in love with my husband.

    For me, surgery was the perfect solution. I am happier, healthier and well on my way back to a life I deserve. If you or anyone has the chance, I would heartily recommend it. It is not something to be feared... it is a gift.

    Love the way you put it!! New normal. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have surgery. After a lifetime of being fat and nothing worked...long term, I now have more get up and go, doing more, cooking and cleaning without much pain. The diabetes and high blood pressure are history. My new normal is awesome.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    I heartily understand. But each of us has to go our own route. I believe in what I have done as you do in your choices... And some people choose differently.

    Cpmgratulations n your success! It is amazing. And congratulations of yoru courage to do something for yourself. You deserve it. :flowerforyou: However we get there... we need to celebrate our accomplishments! No way is easy.... and every bit of progress is worthy of praise. :laugh: YOU GO GIRL!

    Thanks. After all the negative stuff I have heard lately about my decision to have surgery, this is greatly appreicated.
  • tearose4
    tearose4 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi - I've lost about 110 lbs in the past two years. Slow and steady, but it can be done. Sometimes it seems slower than others! I still have another 100 to go.
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    Goal is 150 lbs lost total. Already lost 70. Still have about 80 to go.
    SW: 330
    CW: 260 (appox.)
    GW: 180

    Feel free to add me.. Good luck with your goals. It can be done. Slow and stead wins the race!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Because I tired of people's attitudes towards WLS. Do you know how many times I have heard people talk badly about what I have done? or tell me I took the 'easy way out'? Thursday I had a procedure on my back. The nurse asked me how I managed to loss 10 pounds since my last procedure (Dec 3). When I told her I had gastric bypass, she said well that's the easy way. What? So yea I do have an attitude when people put down what I have done. I have been heavy my entire life. I am now off diabetic and high blood pressure meds. Ain't nothing easy nor wrong with what I have done. And I do take offense to the original post.

    I heartily understand. But each of us has to go our own route. I believe in what I have done as you do in your choices... And some people choose differently.

    Cpmgratulations n your success! It is amazing. And congratulations of yoru courage to do something for yourself. You deserve it. :flowerforyou: However we get there... we need to celebrate our accomplishments! No way is easy.... and every bit of progress is worthy of praise. :laugh: YOU GO GIRL!

    Thanks. After all the negative stuff I have heard lately about my decision to have surgery, this is greatly appreicated.

    WLS is just a tool to use.....we all choose our own tools. The surgery will NOT work if you aren't willing to change your habits. While for me it would have been the easy way out (and probably why others say that, for them it's the easy way out) we choose our own way. Your way was surgery, my way isn't. In the end it's all about YOU and what YOU want and need. I thought of havinging surgery a few years ago and even went for the initial tests and counseltation, now I'm so glad my insurance said no. I'm more than thrilled with what I've done on my own with hard work and determination, but that in no way takes away from from what you've done with hard work and determination.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I'm almost there.

    Anyone can do it.

    Also, holy awesome tmauck4472, you're amazing! 150+lbs lost! Animal! :)