5'4 girls... "perfect" weight?



  • preslyann50
    preslyann50 Posts: 114 Member
    I have a big frame and hips. I also have a big chest. I think I look good at 145. When I was less I looked disproportional
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    I'm barely 5'5" - Was a scrawny 118 with little to no muscle definition about seven months ago.
    Now I'm sort of freaked out that I'm weighing in at 137 - but I'm still a size zero/small.
    Carry most weight in my hips, thighs, and backside.
    I'm definitely stronger and more toned than before, but I still struggle with that damn number.

    Any suggestions on how to get back down to 120-125 without losing too much muscle?
    All the fat in my body needs to go to my boobs or just GTFO.
  • skngn
    skngn Posts: 19 Member
    wel said.. !! :-)
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    My goal is 150 at 5'3. I just want to end up with some muscles! But my ideal body image is different than most so that's my personal goal!
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2 and weigh 135. I use to weigh about 120-125 in high school and felt like I looked pretty healthy. I one time weighed 115 and looked terribly slim. So I think the average for a woman of 5'4 would be 130lbs-155lbs :)
  • IWantToo
    IWantToo Posts: 162
    I'm 5'3 or 5'4 and honestly think 150 will be too small for me I have a large frame... I want to get down to 160-170... I have a lot of weight to lose I'm currently 259 :(
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my "perfect" weight for me is about 130-135. If I get any thinner than 130 than I start to look gross. I lose my chest completely. My current weight loss goal is to get to 130.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 117. I have a small frame, so 117 on me is not that thin (see profile pic). I have no thigh gap and wear size 2-6 depending on the brand. 115 is my "perfect weight" for my build, IMO. I'm worried more about my BF% though rather than weight, I have stubborn back fat/muffin top left over from pregnancy that I can't seem to get rid of.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    im 5'4, 140. ive weighed 125 but was skinny. im aiming for 130, more muscle.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've weighed anywhere from 115 to 181 (that was during pregnancy, a day before giving birth). I look my best at 130-140. I look too bony at 115-120. I have a medium frame. If I get down to 115 my face is too gaunt and people start commenting about how I look too thin.
  • read:wink:
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm wondering about this too. I have a medium-large frame but when I got down to my goal weight (135) I still wanted to lose a little more. I'm hovering in the 130-132 range right now. I do worry that I'm going to get too skinny without realizing it, so I am starting to strength train and focus on building muscle instead of losing weight.

    This...I'm 5'5 so I'm a bit taller but I weigh 135-ish pounds and wear a size 4 pants (American Eagle sizes). I'm currently on maintenance but am still interested in dropping my body fat % to see where I feel most comfortable. To be honest, I always saw myself as a size 6 at 135 lbs but because I'm leaner and stronger then I've been in the past, I'm also smaller at this weight. In addition to my lbs and size goal, I also make measurement goals as well to keep me motivated and ensure that I'm not too stuck on the number on the scale. I'm probably small-medium build but you can check my post to see my before and after pictures to get an idea of how my shape changed.

  • KL124
    KL124 Posts: 44 Member
    I would say my "happy" weight is 115. I have a really small frame, and any excess weight that I carry shows on my face and stomach. That said, one of my best friends looks awesome at 135. She just carries more muscle than I do. One time I made her get on a scale because I didn't believe that she weighed more than 120 :)
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weigh 190.5. My goal weight is 140 which may be high still but I'll see when I get there. At age 20 on my wedding day I was 120 and a size 6 so I think I have a medium/large frame. At 19 I dropped to 100 and my boyfriend (now hubby) said I looked ill. I'm 44 years old now so figure a little extra weight wouldn't be too bad. Like I said, I will see how I feel at 140. Personally, I'd rather be 140 and toned than 120 and flabby.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    I have a big frame and hips. I also have a big chest. I think I look good at 145. When I was less I looked disproportional

    omg your profile pic <33333
  • NightPerson
    NightPerson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 123 pounds and I still look fluffy. It's all about frame size. I have a small/med frame so my goal weight is 115.
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm 5'3 currently 136 and would love to be around 120
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    All these people talking about weighing in at 110.
    um ahem. that will never ever happen. to me anyway.
    the last time I weighed that
    I was in 6th grade and no. I wasn't fat.
    that was before I even went to junior high,
    maybe even pre-puperty.

    I f I start making goals for myself that i should be 120 lbs or whatever
    because some insurance company made up some numbers based on
    data from people that died, and has been proven to be completely inaccurrate, the bmi,
    then I would drive myself completely insane with multiple ED's too.
    I wouldn't be healthy, I would be a walking skeleton.

    these conversations are fine and all, but with everyone posting about how they want to be a 4 and oh I wish I fit in my 6's, which I'll never fit in, and is unrealistic for the majority of women out there especially after kids,
    it's just....not right. sure some of the people feel comfortable at 120, 130, 150, whatever.
    what about everyone else? we are not all built to be size 8 and below.
    If you're healthy,lots of energy, great blood work and all that at 180, 190, 210,
    then we shouldn't feel ashamed for saying so.
  • kochou
    kochou Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'4" small boned, but muscular and lean. I box (not girls boxing class either), I lift weights and I weigh in at 114lbs. I was 145lbs before my doctor asked me to lose weight because of my high blood pressure and minor stroke back in 2011. I think I look good in the weight range of 110 - 125 lbs. Any skinnier and I would be too waif like even now I'm a size zero or size 25 in most denim brands.