2013 Challenge - NO BINGEING ! - whos with me ?



  • Saiava
    Saiava Posts: 68 Member
    i will do anything to stop it too !

    Ok to everyone who is on this challenge,

    Lets all check in every monday ?

    1. Number of binges (hopefully none)
    2. Triggers which set us off
    3. Naughty foods we have enjoyed in moderation
    4. Things that helped us through the week
    5. A general statement of how your going with your weight. No specific values though please.

    Monday, got it! I'll remember to check in. ^^
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm downnnn
  • paredesm95
    I'm in!

    I binge when I'm stressed, and I've been stressed a lot lately.

    So do we just post on this thread to check-in?
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    Its Monday Guys

    1. Number of binges (hopefully none)
    2. Triggers which set us off
    3. Naughty foods we have enjoyed in moderation
    4. Things that helped us through the week
    5. A general statement of how your going with your weight. No specific values though please.

    I have had a shocking 5 days - since our pledge. I am so ashamed.
    Today will be my first good day out of the whole lot.
    But tomorrow is the official start of our HUGE challenge and i am determined not to let myself down

    Here is my update

    1. 4 binges
    2. Being so hungry ! Then being so angry with myself that i just gave in to everything !
    3. Not in moderation ...
    4. N/A
    5. Gained a lot.

    *REMEMBER* We are not going on a restrictive diet ! We are wanting to include these 'bad binge foods' that we seem to cave into - but in MODERATION !

    Let the official 2013 - No bingeing challenge begin. GOOD LUCK and keep checking in every monday

  • Chrisplayer136
    Chrisplayer136 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in, night time snacking is my downfall. I always start strong in the mornings, but about the time 8:30pm rolls around, cravings start.
  • fiercekindness
    fiercekindness Posts: 31 Member
    Count me in!!!
  • gems93
    gems93 Posts: 39 Member
    Sounds Good Guys

    Feel free to check in for the week today - as its monday.

    there are 5 points to answer :)
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I'm definitely in!! :wink:
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    1. Zero - last binge was 20th Dec (and it was mega!!)
    2. Triggers - hunger! Emotions - anger, frustration, sadness. Tiredness. Boredom
    3. 'Naughty foods' - my recipe date and nut 'bliss balls' on Xmas day and my whole egg mayo potato salad on Boxing day. Both tracked, both definitely not diet foods - but in moderation are ok!
    4. Being on holiday and therefore having more time to prepare healthy foods. Remembering that I am worth the effort. Checking in here to remind myself I am not alone. Time with understanding friends and family.
    5. Have been stable for an infuriating 9 days (excepting an excess salt blip upwards the day after boxing day) but at least I haven't gained.

    Hope you are all well :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hey. I just want to say that I'm really proud to see this post from you. It's really neat to see you working on developing a positive relationship with food and yourself.
  • cjspawn120
    I have a horrible habit of starting to eat something, like a cookie, and spitting it out. Its pretty gross and I want to stop as my new ! :):flowerforyou: years resolution too!! We can do this1
  • cdspark
    cdspark Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in.

    Maybe if I have to report it, it may make me slow down, worth a shot anyway.

    I have had one binge in the past week: christmas cookies, usually it is not sweets though its usually kettle chips, bagels, pizza, cheese

    Triggers; lonliness, stress, boredom

    I have had bagels this week, but they werent the good kind so its easy not to eat alot

    I have had a cold and I don't seem to crave things when I am sick.

    I am very unhappy with my weight currently, have been going to the gym for months and have seen no results.

    I hope everyone has a great new year and I will try to be more mindful of what I eat.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I'm in! :smile:
  • TumblingSuperhero
    TumblingSuperhero Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in! :-) My weakness changes from time to time, right now it's white chocolate and doughnuts (weird, I didn't even liked them earlier!). Trigger is sadness, self-hate, anger, stress, so it's highly emotional. But we all gonna beat binging, I'm positive! :-)
  • Zimziwi
    Zimziwi Posts: 5 Member
    This is some just saw your thread. I binge and overeat. Start and stop and fail and binge. it's s new year and I want to make life changing choices. Sick of doing what I am doing
  • calisunrise
    i'm in! i've had problems with binging since childhood and i want to stop it forever. if i binge today, which is very possible, i'm going to make sure it's the last binge ever for me :)
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    My body is ready.
  • alysia9531
    Count me in! This will be great seeing as I just started!
    My weeknesses are - potato chips and anything salty!
    I am loving this board so far! So many supportive people!
  • Davidea76
    Davidea76 Posts: 16 Member
    I am with you on this challenge. I want you to remember though that there are still going to be bad days where you fall off the wagon but the best thing you can do for yourself is to remember that you are human and humans make mistakes. With that said get back up on the track you were on and keep going with a new day. Eventually you will not even think about the fact that you failed that one time. You will do it. I have faith in you! I am here for you so if you want someone to talk to you can always email me and I will help you through the day. Best thing to do is DO NOT ever starve yourself. It is actually the worst way to lose weight. They say it every where that when you starve your body even for a day then it goes into shock and instead of burning fat it stores it. You do not want that so make sure you are eating 3 small meals and 3 small snacks a day. This way you are always eating and keep moving.
    I became disabled this year and so I cannot stand for long periods of time so it's hard for me to find exercises to do sitting down. But I recently got a set of bike peddles that I can sit in a chair and do and even use them for my arms normally too and let me tell you this has been the answer that I needed. I also started taking the Green Coffee bean pills that Dr. Oz has spoke about. I lost 4 pounds last week and trust me being a diabetic and in a hospital I do not ever starve myself. I do not eat very healthy foods either. Granted I say hospital but it's a nursing home that does not serve super healthy foods. I watch my calories and burn a lot when I can. I do get binges though and they usually come when I am bored and have nothing to do. I am a cookie freak. I love Oreos and anything that is peanut butter. The worst part is that they are not diabetic friendly. When I splurge my sugar goes sky high and the nurses know right away that I have done something I shouldn't have. lol Still with the exercise I can lower my blood sugar and sneak what I want. I have to learn to stop binging though so I am learning to love exercise. I turn on Pandora and just ride my bike to far away places. I imagine the things that I want to do and it makes me go farther and longer. It's all about your mind. Also I wrote some inspirational quotes and hung them on the wall so that I look at them everyday when I get up. It keeps me motivated to stay on the right track. never mind the fact that when you see the scale drop you get this huge smile of success. Remember take it one day at a time and live life with no regrets.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Bingeing is nothing to do with food and everything to do with your head. If you can't help yourself, there's nothing wrong with seeking help from a professional.