

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Good evening ladies - there is so much heartfelt discussion on this thread---I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of you. And in that spirit I felt I should have something to say at the close of this year. I am so glad to be here. Last year I'd not heard of MFP, I didn't believe I could go anything to try to change my path. I did not believe I could lose any weight or feel better but now, I've experienced so many changes I cannot even list them all.

    I am so happy to have lost 30% of my body weight since May and reduced my BMI from morbidly obese to overweight. I would love to be normal---I would love to wear that elusive size 10 winter coat in my front closet (I swear it mocks me everytime I open the door), and I would love for this journey to be about happiness and health rather than feeling like I am inadequate to the task. Everything in its own time........HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

    Hugs to all. Onward----who's starting this veggie challenge? And of course :drinker: :drinker:


  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Just a quick post. I wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Have a fabulous 2013!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: This morning I sent four hats and a pair of mittens to "afghans for Afghans" i knit children size items from wool and they find people to take the items to children in Afghanistan. I've been doing this for about three years.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: we have an odd collection of events surrounding the welcoming of the new year......one from 5-7 this evening and another from 4-8 tomorrow morning so we'll have to figure out how to sleep quickly in between and get the dogs walked before we go out in the morning. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I will post the new thread for January within the next hour and post the link here, so you can all find it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: best wishes for a safe and fun celebration tonight and tomorrow, no matter what you do

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have posted the new thread for January

    Here is the link


    I hope I'll see all of you there before long :bigsmile:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I will not post to every individual I will just say I'm so appreciative of meeting the lot of you. I've only been here for a little better than a month i'm not losing weight in leap and bonds but about 6 lbs since I started and it's certainly not the best time to lose weight. So come the 2nd I will join you all in the throwing the lbs in the waste basket, universe whever they go I don't want them back.

    So now I will leave 2012 behing. Saying it's been a good year. Not much different in size. But hey I'm getting compliments on the little I have lost so it must be shifting. Sister who hadn't seen me in six months seen a difference. Made me feel good.

    Health wise good year. Wealth wise i'm still eating to much lol. Love he's still here so all is good.

    So now to see what I can muster for desert tomorrow.

    Rice pudding with chinese I should maybe I will lol.

    So to all a great new years eve. i'm staying home with my cough.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    I just want to drop in to say thank you all for being on this journey with me. You all inspire me, encourage me on towards the goal. I am grateful you are willing to share your journey with me.

    I think it was Lin who posted about a year ago finding mfp. I haven't been here a year but hard to believe where I was about 6 months ago. It wasn't a good place. I felt like I 'd never change no hope but from these 6 months I feel hope and that positive change is happening.

    Thank you

    Happy New Year!!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Deb A – google prayer shawls and you’ll get info on patterns, etc. Our church has a group called Yarn Angels that knit them.

    Try eating egg whites for good protein. Breakfast for me is usually a 3-egg white omelette with about 1 ½ cups spinach (nuked to reduce the volume) and a little bit of cheese, a low carb yogurt and coffee with 2% milk – approximately 30g protein. Lunch is typically another yogurt and lots of cut fruit for another 8-10 g, then whatever ends up for dinner. I seem to go over the MFP minimum each day.

    Worked until 7:30p tonight and should really work tomorrow, but I won’t. End of year / beginning of year renewals – ugh! I’m swamped and haven’t even started the invoicing. It will still be there Wednesday, though, and I’ll give it another go.

    I’ll be home tonight, but DH is going to a friend’s sushi restaurant as he does each year. Fine by me – I much prefer to be home on NYE.

    Home Depot was already closed when I left work, so I didn’t get the paint today. I suspect they’ll be open tomorrow, but maybe since it is just one day I’ll shampoo the carpets in those rooms tomorrow. That would be about right for available time.

    Off to fix something to eat – Happy New Year!
  • Just want to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I am so grateful I found this group of
    sensational ladies..may 2013 be your best year yet. :happy:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
  • mch1956
    mch1956 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone. Hope to see less of you next year! (I think I stole that from a long ago WW leader)
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    To all the great ladies on MFP 50+
    THANK YOU for making 2012 a very good year and looking forward to sharing 2013 with all of you. You really are special and I appreciate you being here and your wonderful, non-judgmental support.

    Viv – welcome back to the fold and many of us are feeling a little heavier (not Linda Sundance – she’s laughing!!!).

    JB – what a wonderful night with friends you had (and I haven’t seen a corningware coffee pot for 20 years – lol)

    Meg – I also love birds and bird feeders – I put out the nyger feeders for the finches but none have come by yet – I think I might be early. I hope you have a wonderful NYE and dance your little feet off and if the shoe doesn’t fit, dance without them.
    (and welcome to reality for your DD1 – lol) MFP edits the D Clark name because you
    have to pay to use it – it’s copywrited.

    Eileen – you must be doing something right - how wonderful and Happy New Year and keep up the good work.

    JaneH – I also have a very quiet NYE, I wish I got the hype, but I never have really. Like you, I need to log the water or I just don’t drink enough. OMG, your rodent stories are scary – I’ve only ever had squirrels put nuts in my bed at my parents ski lodge (which was kind of gross actually), and picked up dead rats from my Fox Terriers (and that is the end of my rat/squirrel stories and I’m happy that it is).

    Ah JB – eloquent as usual – your blog says it all very well – thank you (and I for one am very happy your are here).

    Deb A – dance like no one’s watching – lol. Are you sure that squirrel wasn’t’ coached?

    JaneM – your making little cat blankets sums up your wonderful giving nature.

    SmilingRN – looking forward to sharing 2013 with you here on MFP and I hope you save your last post of 2012 to look back on in summer and next New Years. Really, you will be amazed! And blessings to you too.

    Linda S – hugs to you too and I am totally amazed at your journey so far and how you have changed and now embrace the exercise (veggies coming up).

    Jen – surprise – bigger isn’t always better!! Lol

    Lin – you will wear that size 10 coat this year (and then replace it with a new one for mocking you for so long – HA)

    Barbie – OK you’ve tweaked my interest about your 2013 welcoming events (what on earth are you going to be doing at 4 in the morning – lol). And thank you for setting up the January thread – it just wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t you setting it up!

    LinC - hope your cough goes away and don’t be surprised that others see the change you don’t yet see. We have this mental image of what we look like that takes forever to shift.

    Liz – I’m happy that you are part of my journey too.

    Well, it’s almost New Years for some of you – not yet for me being the last time zone (or is Hawaii after us? Hmmm, can’t remember). I’m making sushi tonight with the tools and ingredients I got for Christmas and these wonderful Japanese chopsticks (actually called hashi). Guess what kind – Salmon of course!!!!!

    Wishing you all a wonderful evening and looking back on 2012 – it was a pretty good year. 2013 is going to be a pretty wonderful year.


  • Happy New Year Everyone! Here's a toast I found online. After reading many of your posts I am excited to join the circle of MFP ladies!

    In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, but never in want.:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Here is the link to the new thread for January


    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • reba524
    reba524 Posts: 7 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Thank you for part 2 Barbie!

    I fixed chicken tacos for dinner last night and was up 1.5 pounds this morning despite exercising and being under my calorie goals. My hands are puffy, too. I guess the spice mix had a bit of salt...a LOT of salt. I suspect we'll do chicken tacos again in the future for treats, but find a way to reduce the salt. I did salt the chicken in the cooking process before I added spices. That won't happen again.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Good morning! I am the only one up yet sitting here listening to the winds blowing it sounds terrible out. I am hoping that the bark is worst than the bit when I do go outside. Today is a community day at work meaning no matter what's it like outside they will have us out in it. I sure miss the days of being an at home mom. Sign ... oh well need to be and I am.very grateful for employment, Sure helps keep the wolves at bay.

    So yesterday was a ok day as far as food and my workout. Planning on doing better today.

    I need to get going. Before I leave for work I need to have dinner in the crockpot so need to get that done.

    This winter I am sure getting my money worth out of that crockpot. I have been using it a lot but just this week I think I have use it daily. Its so worth whet ever extra planning involve to leave here at 6:30 am to come home at night 6:30/7 pm to a hot dinner.

    Wishing everyone well today. I will check in later tonight to reply to all.of the posts.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies, :flowerforyou:

    No time to read all the posts.:sad:

    Just wanted to check in and let you know that tomorrow I am getting my ergo desk and chair for my home work station. It is only 1 year late, but at least it is finally here!:bigsmile:

    I have been so very busy with children s school, soccer, homework etc that I have not had the time to keep up with the blog. :sad: Thursday I see the hand doctor and hopefully back to work soon!:smile:

    It has been so cold for Southern California that we are all freezing! Temp is 36 degrees now and tomorrow the high is only 57! :huh: This is cold! :noway:
    Learned that when I don't get enough sleep I am cranky and crave sweets all day.:yawn: Today, I slept until 12:30 pm and have not been hungry all day. Sleep it does a body good!:drinker: :drinker:

    I hope you are all taking good care of yourself and logging,exercising and drinking that water! :drinker:

    I pray that your journey is going well and that you are putting yourself in first place!:drinker: :drinker:

    Time for bed, as tomorrow is a long day. :yawn:

    Blessings LindaS, or Sundanceb :heart: