Anyone here over 50?



  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    I am 54 and recently post-menopausal. I haven't found a lot of difference yet peri and post menopause but I am finding that I am losing weight a lot slower than I did 15 years ago but it is coming off. I am back down to what I was at 29 years old (144) when I got pregnant with my daughter although I can't blame any weight gain on that because a week after having her, I was back down to my normal weight. I was even back in my jeans two days after getting home. Right now, I am working at going to where I remember really liking my body but that was in my mid 20s before all of my infertility woes. One thing that I need to note is that to do this, I am eating a whole lot less than I used to eat in my twenties. So with perseverance and effort, it is possible to lose the weight in spite of changes in metabolism.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    53. It is harder but doable. I now feel better than I did 10 years ago (20 years ago was the last time I was in relatively decent shape)... Really, I am in better shape now than I was 20 years ago with a year of weight loss and strength training behind me; looking forward to the next year of fitness.
  • deb231
    deb231 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 50+1 years old and I'm in the same boat. My doc suggested getting my thyroid checked as it is common for it to become unbalanced during menopause (I have my appt next week).

    I have also purchased The Hormone Diet & The Metabolism Miracle Cookbook to obtain some more information. The one thing I'm finding is, carbs are not a girls best friend, I limit myself to 5 net carbs per meal and cut all carbs out at 2pm (as well as fruit).

    I just purchased Les Mills Body Combat (love kickboxing) to get my exercise in until the weather gets nice and then I'll focus more on walking / hiking etc.

    I do know one thing, I can eat as healthy as I can but unless I add exercise to the mix, I'm stuck in these fat clothes. Sigh.......
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Yep, definitely a much slower process needing more focus on food intake. I'm over 55 and I can't jump around and kill myself at the gym to create the calorie deficit needed to drop weight quickly. I recently started low carb, which really just means I gave up grains, starchy vegetables and junk food. I was able to break a plateau doing that; I also feel a bit more energy, too (although the first few days were really low energy). The message I am getting from health professionals is that I'll never be the slim person I was in my youth, so I should plan to be 15-20 pounds heavier than I was when I was a "kid" of 22. That part makes me scowl. Best of luck!
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    I'm 51 and I am doing just fine!! Good luck to you!!
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    I'm over 55+ and find it very hard to lose weight. I am not able to do it with just eating correctly. I have to add exercise to lose weight. I currently workout for at least 1 hour a day, 6 days a week and eat 1200 calories a day. It has taken me more than 6 months to lose what I have so far. I am working with my doctor to make sure I am doing it the healthy way. Now my workouts are simple like treadclimber, elliptical, bike and walking. I have bad arthritis in both knees makes it hard to do much of anything else. I also do some weights to help tone.

    I can say that I am at a weight now that I have not seen in more than 27 years. I have another 15 to 20 pounds to go but am very happy with my progress. I can say it has a lot to do with the support and people on this site. Thank you
  • China37
    China37 Posts: 17 Member
    52 here :smile: and it is definitely harder for me. As I read a lot of the post before me I saw myself in many of them. What I can offer, is to tell you that besides motivation and determination, boards like this are the best thing for me. Being able to chat with people that have the same agenda and mind set. So if it's okay I'm sending out a friend request.
  • hallene
    hallene Posts: 79 Member
    Hi there, I am 65 and currently at my best. I gained 30+ lbs. during my pre & menapausal period. The body changes with age, for me not in a positive way. I had to take control, eat less and move more.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    FPer said
    Yes, it's a little bit harder, but don't let that cloud your mind ....... I'm 61 & managed to lose 45# without too much of a struggle ..... mostly by eating less junk, by enjoying reasonable-sized portions of healthy food ...... and by getting up off the couch & moving more ....... now I'm working on the next 10-15 lbs ......

    Best of luck to you :drinker:

    ^^^This. Is it harder to lose weight as we get older? Sure. But harder isn't impossible. I didn't let cerebral palsy, arthritis, or menopause keep me from obtaining my goal size and weight. If I encountered an obstacle I mowed it down. Because I fundamentally believe what a wise MFPer once said: "You can have excuses or results, but not both."
  • My name is Donna. I'm 50 yrs old. I've struggled with weight problem my whole life, going up and down. I'm going through menapause. I also have high blood pressure. I really want to get healhly. I'm great @ I'll start tomorrow. My Hubby is 8 yrs younger then me and would really like me to stay around. So I'm trying to stick with this fittness pal.:smile:
  • healthynani
    healthynani Posts: 1 Member
    I am 59 and it is incredibly easy to gain and incredibly hard to lose. I'm looking forward to being at least 25 pounds lighter on my 60th birthday10 months from now! I joined in 2011 and never went forward with it.. This year will be different!
  • I am 60 and working hard!
  • myndsi
    myndsi Posts: 6 Member
    Like others have mentioned -- I joined this site a couple of years ago but just didn't stick with it. I'm 57 & carrying an extra 70 lbs. I think I succumbed to the discouragement when I couldn't break past a 15 lb weight loss & of course it came back.

    So, this is the year I surrender & accept it's going to take longer to lose but it is going to come off. I'm so good at keeping my commitments to everyone else but myself. Well, no more self-sabotage. I'm done. This is the year I stay on track to lose.

    I've added meditation to the tools to help me get through it and find I want to do more of it. Maybe it will be the key to get me past the difficult moments.

    Wishing all of us much success this year ---

  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 50, feel free to add me. :smile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
  • Judee21
    Judee21 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I'm 64. Started MFP about 10 months ago. It took six months but I lost the 18 pounds I wanted to lose.

    This program really works BUT you must record every single bite that goes into your mouth. That's hard at first, but soon will be second nature.
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    Age should not be a limitation to living healthy and exercise on a regular basis. I started at the age of 50, and have got accomplished since then at least a lot accomplished in my book. (First 100 mile bike ride at 50, first half marathon, at 52, first marathon at 54, and first half ironman at 57, and first ultramarathon (50k) at 58.
  • pswyd61
    pswyd61 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm 51, and will be 52 in July of this year. I definitely feel it's harder to lose weight now than it was when I was younger. I'm sure
    hormones and long term habits have their role in this, but it's always been hard for me to lose. Otherwise I would have spent
    my whole life thin rather than fat. LOL

    I've always been an optimist, though, and really feel that a healthy weight is just a matter of determination and perseverance.

  • melodys_attic
    melodys_attic Posts: 114 Member
    oh wow! Clearly there are a lot of us here who are over 50! I'm 51. There, I said it. It is harder to lose weight now. I'm more prone to injuries, aches and pains. But I am also wiser and more patient. I am figuring this out. The weight has started to creep down again now that I record what I put in my mouth. I also do the 30 Day Shred, but I do it every second day. On the off day I walk for an hour or do an aquacise class. I also do a lot of epsom salts baths and stretching. Without exercise I don't lose. These bodies need to keep moving. I just read that it can help to have a smoothie at breakfast and a big salad later in the day and that these two cornerstones will help us manage the other stuff we pass through ourselves. Check out the perfect smoothie formula at I'd been told about this before, and tried it, but rediscovered it again today when i was surfing around looking for reasons why people lose motivation to exercise. haha. I go pretty well for about 2 weeks, then things lag, but I've gone longer this time. Yay!! Now I'm going to try adding these smoothies and the big salad and see how that goes. I also heard that there are four great foods for weight loss, coconut (oil), avacado, lemon and ginger. So I'll cook with those a lot and see how it goes. I'm full of ideas today. Good luck all! :smile:
  • marafish
    marafish Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I just joined this site and I, as others have commented here, am pleased to see this is not a gathering of '20 somethings'. I am 65+ and as many women have found, it is much more difficult to lose post-menopause.