Any 20 somethings out there?

This is not to exclude anyone older and wiser, I'm gracious to anyone who'll lend their support! But is anyone in the 20-30 age bracket?
I'm looking for friends that have similiar goals or lives like mine. Like people trying to lose the freshman ______, or who were active or lost weight due to adolescence/getting taller then put the weight back on etc etc.
Whatever the story, just wanted to know if any young people are out there ready to shed the pounds!


  • Hi there, I am 21 :) any topic to talk bout? weight losing, diet, etc?
  • 1knowright
    1knowright Posts: 18 Member
    Hi !

    Add me if you want :)

    I'm 22 years old and making 2013 mine!!! let's do it girl !!!
  • I'm 23... I need more friends also. I'm new here :-)
  • hushsoundislove
    hushsoundislove Posts: 4 Member
    I just turned 20. I have never really been a healthy weight and that's really my goal. I don't want to be the worlds idea of "perfect" I just wanna be content with my health. :)
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    23 here add me I you like.
  • Hi :) i'm 25. Add me if you want. I'm looking for people who are active and will keep me motivated :)
  • hreu213
    hreu213 Posts: 76
    Hi :)

    I'm 21!

    Weight life story:
    Amazing pre-baby body/weight
    Pregnant - gain 30kg
    Lose 25kg
    Gain 17kg

    Here to lose those once and for all!

    Feel free to add me - just send a msg with your request :)
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
  • 27 here.
    Feel free to add me.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
  • 20 years old here. I had been effortlessly thin all my life, up until mid-high school I gained ~20 lbs and grew only an inch. Even gained about 5 lbs in college (but being kinda short it was def. noticeable). Now I am trying to get back to my thin self!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • 23 && A Partier/Drinker/Smoker... ! New account, new year - New me. Anyone feel free to add me :):):)
  • Im 20!:bigsmile:
  • I'm 20! everyone feel free to add me! Let's CRUSH IT!!!
  • Rkudla
    Rkudla Posts: 1 Member
    Add me! I'm 27 and need some motivation to lose 20lbs!!
  • kvhmc
    kvhmc Posts: 33 Member
    21, anyone feel free to add me :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Does 19 make the cut? lol

    I used to be super athletic and got a really bad injury and packed on the weight from the injury & stress @ home.
  • phia44
    phia44 Posts: 3
    i'd love to get in on this!

    I am also trying to change my eating habits, too big portions is my main issue as i have a relatively healthy diet (christmas excluded!!) but i just eat way too much.

    also walking 30 mins powerwalk to the train station every day instead of getting the bus. (my work is too far to walk the whole way!)

    so badly want to wear the nice high street clothes my friends all wear.

    had trouble staying slim all my life. had a good phase around 18-20. but i'm now 25, work a desk job with long hours and contentedly sit on the sofa with my boyfriend and cook tasty food. Oh and i love the pub too which is a problem! NO MORE BEER!

    wishing you all the best of luck
  • AzaleaNicole38
    AzaleaNicole38 Posts: 102 Member
    For sure! Hahaha!
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    Hello there :) I'm turning 20 in a month so I suppose I'll count as a 20-something soon! feel free to add me. I've only got 7lbs left to lose, but I'm still going to be active on this site for longer than that because I want to decrease my body fat percentage and I'll still need help maintaining my weight when I get there. Plus I love my friends on here and supporting people :)