Pepsi addict! Help!!

I have been addicted to Pepsi, and sometimes other soda for a long time now, but with my new resolution to lose weight also comes an attempt to quit drinking soda. Has anyone else had to do this, and how did you do it? I am seriously addicted to the caffeine, and although i've had one can today I am already getting a headache, but I don't want to have another one. Please share your experience with quitting soda! Thanks! :) Today is my first day cutting down, and I've only had 1 can, compared to my normal 6-8.


  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    I find that the more I have it, the more I crave it. Not having it in the house has been a tremendous help for me. I would go through a few cans in a row when it was around. I have not totally removed it from my diet though, I might have it once weekly. I have just replaced it with water. For this to happen it took me getting it away from me and not readily available.

    As for the caffine, that might prove harder than giving up the soda itself. I have found a decent "energy" drink called Celsius. It gives me the kick I need with out all the sugar and calories. They are usually sold at Vitamin Shoppe, and other "supplement" stores. They even have a cola flavor, which is not too bad. My favorite is the Sparkling Orange.

    I hope this helps.
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Pepsi Max (I think) doesn't taste like diet soda. While I've been a Pepsi guy for a long time (not a fan of Coke), I have recently tried both PepsiMax adn CokeZero . I now have Coke Zero in the fridge for when I'm craving soda, and its actually a very good replacement without the "diet taste". I know that soda in general is a bad thing, even something like CokeZero. However, I"m no saint, and besides, I don't drink more than one or two cans a day for the most part. Maybe a good starting point for you?
  • Kimbrlee715
    Kimbrlee715 Posts: 17 Member
    Diet. Stick with Diet pepsi for a month, you won't even like the taste of regular pepsi.
    Either that or make sure you drink your 8 glasses or water BEFORE you even allow yourself a sip of cola. :) You won't be as thirsty and it will make you want to drink your water faster.
  • Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
  • Clemsonlkg
    Clemsonlkg Posts: 66 Member
    I try to get my water in before drinking any soda, and I limit myself to one diet soda per day. It is my afternoon treat!
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    Before my diet which turned into a lifestyle change. I was addicted to Dr. Pepper and Root Beer. I gave up all sodas last February and have not gone back since. Soda is one of the worst drinks you could possibly consume. I no longer have the temptation to drink one. I do however drink Monster Absolutely Zero it contains 0 cals and 0 sugar. The only drawback is it's pretty darn expensive to drink on a regular basis and your supposed to limit to 3. (Sometimes I have 4)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    If you cut out too many things at once- just for a NY resolution, you'll fall off the goal without change. I gave up sodas almost 20 yrs ago. My dr made me- it wasn't Pepsi it was Coke- but same addiction nonetheless. I'd take it down to as few as possible- do you drink coffee? Much better for you (as far as natural) than soda. Unless you calorie it up with extras. I wouldn't switch to diet- if you can work towards removing sodas completely- or limiting how many per day.

    Hope it goes well!!
  • mlk8604
    mlk8604 Posts: 56 Member
    Pepsi Max (I think) doesn't taste like diet soda. While I've been a Pepsi guy for a long time (not a fan of Coke), I have recently tried both PepsiMax adn CokeZero . I now have Coke Zero in the fridge for when I'm craving soda, and its actually a very good replacement without the "diet taste". I know that soda in general is a bad thing, even something like CokeZero. However, I"m no saint, and besides, I don't drink more than one or two cans a day for the most part. Maybe a good starting point for you?

    This. I struggled and struggled with giving up Pepsi. I try not to drink as much soda, but when I do, it's Diet Coke or Pepsi Max. It still has the same amount of caffeine, just no calories. I would agree that it's best to give it up completely, but when those cravings hit (and oh boy they will) it's best to have low calorie/no calorie alternative. I was a Pepsi addict until this past year. Now I think it's too sweet. (I'll still drink it, but I don't love it like I once did) I wish you luck and hope that eventually you will feel the same!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.

    "LIKE"!! Great advice- don't trade one vice for another- the whole point of MFP wanting us to log our water is we don't get enough. We need clean hydration- and its the cheapest form out there.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I was that way with Dr. Pepper years ago. Part of what helped me quit was not working anymore (sodas were too easy to get when I was working near a deli counter with a soda fountain!!). At home, I had cut down to just drinking a can a day, and then decided to just quit buying them. If there aren't any in the house, I can't drink them!

    To combat the caffeine withdrawals, I started making iced tea - always had a pitcher in the fridge, and drank it unsweetened. When I'd go to restaurants, unsweetened iced tea was the only thing I'd order.

    I've been off soda for years now, and drink tea and coffee at home, but usually only have water at restaurants, mostly just to save money now. :tongue: Water....or a margarita...but that interferes with the money-saving part. :laugh:
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    I've only recently managed to cut out coke (I used to be a pepsi fan) recently, and the only way I was able to do it with conviction was to feel the difference it made to my stomach having and not having it. I stopped having it for a one month challenge (and if you aren't having any other caffeine the effects can be horrible going cold turkey, but I think it is worth it) and then when I went back to drinking it my stomach immediately felt very irritated and I was burping a lot. Feeling such a stark difference made me never want to drink it any more, I also used to get a lot of trapped wind when exercising and I think coke was the main culprit. I LOVED the stuff but now if I even have one can it can be too much. Good luck!
  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    Wow do I know this one well!! I will never understand how people do drugs. I tried to come off Pepsi and I felt horrible. The headaches are crazy and somedays I felt like death on the couch. It's sound funny to say, but I haven't had Pepsi since before Thanksgiving. It's not easy by any means, but if I can do it so can you. I use the lipton green tea three times a day, 9 glasses of water, and crystal light ice tea. I wish I had better advise for you but I don't. Also, my family abuses me and drinks it right infront of me. I'm still tempted, but I can't do those headaches again. It wouldn't be worth it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Pepsi Max (I think) doesn't taste like diet soda. While I've been a Pepsi guy for a long time (not a fan of Coke), I have recently tried both PepsiMax adn CokeZero . I now have Coke Zero in the fridge for when I'm craving soda, and its actually a very good replacement without the "diet taste". I know that soda in general is a bad thing, even something like CokeZero. However, I"m no saint, and besides, I don't drink more than one or two cans a day for the most part. Maybe a good starting point for you?
    Yes, Pepsi Max is awesome. I always have Coke Zero or Pepsi MAx in the fridge.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Like you, I've been a Pepsi-holic for a long time. When I decided to try cutting down, I started off allowing myself to have soda on the weekends. After a whlie, I didn't even really want soda that much anymore after getting more used to drinking water, juice, and milk. I still have it sometimes, but a case of 24 cans of Pepsi will last 3-4 weeks in the house now as opposed to buying it every week to week and a half.

    As for kicking the caffine, we have Crystal Light energy type drinks at work. My co-worker who is also trying to cut down on soda and Red Bull really enjoys them.
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    I switched to diet soda.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Black tea with whichever zero-cal sweetener you prefer (to make an easier transition from super-sugary soda) can help with the caffeine jitters if you're not a coffee person and are used to 6 - 8 Pepsi's a day.
  • amarie878
    amarie878 Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you! Giving up the soda addiction is really hard.

    You have two options: cold turkey or a gradual reduction in consumption over several weeks.

    If you go cold turkey, you will probably have a miserable week or two as you adjust, trying to treat the caffeine headaches with extra water consumption, advil, or exercise (yes those thing can help headache symptoms).

    If you go the other route, then limit yourself to a specific number of sodas per day for one week. Then, each following week try to lower that thresh hold by one can. Make bargains with yourself - like you can't drink that soda until 12 pm or until you drink 32 oz of water, that kind of thing.

    You could always switch to diet (many don't like the artificial sweetners - they can increase sugar cravings in addition to other health concerns). Probably not the best idea unless you get yourself down to one can per day.

    I found flavored seltzer works best for me. I hated it at first but forced myself to try it since I didn't want to waste points on soda. Now, I buy several cases at a time.

    I will add, I have never been a coffee drinker so I don't really miss the caffeine that others mention. Not sure if that applies to you and I cannot say anything about energy drinks one way or the other. I, myself, do not like them and don't bother with them.

    Good luck!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I wonder if they make something like those pills for alcoholics where you get violently ill if you drink anything with alcohol, but for people with other addictions, like Pepsi.

  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Also, would like to add, that studies have shown that people who drink diet sodas end up gaining weight and it causes you to crave carbs. Also, studies have shown that it's even more addicting than regular sodas.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Diet drinks are worse for you when you are trying to lose weight than regular soda,, just quit all soda.
    Really? Where's the information of proof for that?

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