The Last 10

gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss

This will be a support group for those of us struggling with the last 10 lbs to lose. We will give each other support and motivation to not give up and keep going. Lets have weekly weight in starting this Monday 4-12-10 (to keep us accountable for the weekend).

Our first challenge will be to get at least ONE good sweat session this weekend. Im going to be doing my YOGA Meltdown DVD today, saturday and sunday morning and hopefully attempting a spnning class for the first time tomorrow.



  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I've got eight pounds to go! My weekend starts today (don't work Fridays) so I think I'm going to plug in a video and get in a good workout right now!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I've found that the trick that worked for me when I had those last few pounds to shed, was to UP the cardio, stength train only 3 days a week, and cut my carbs..good luck girls, you can do it!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Count me in. I have a regular support group that I check in with on Wednesday's, but having to answer to this one on Mondays may help me get back on track. I have 12 lbs to go...

    My plan for getting the last 12 off is to get in 30 minutes of cardio EVERY day, and eat only my BMR (right now I have myself set on maintenance - it has been a bad month). I am going to give that a couple of weeks. If the scale doesn't move I will have to re-evaluate my plan.
  • maliyshka
    maliyshka Posts: 10 Member
    In on this!

    I've been slacking a bit the last week, not too bad, but I know if I want to get that last ten off I'm gonna have to work much harder. At least with my workouts.

    Gonna do hot power yoga sat & sunday and a long run with the bestie sunday evening :)
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Getting the last ten pounds off sucks. I have been stuck at this weight for almost 4 weeks. My clothes are getting losser but so frustrating. To top it off TOM is visiting and I was so nauseous working out this am .We can do this !!!!!
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in. I do a 3.5 miles at least 5 times a week. I'm going to take myself off maintenance and see if I can lose those last two pounds.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I'd like to join! About 6 to go for me and I'm having a hard time with snacking and regular exercise. I'll be weighing on Monday. (after the weekend :grumble: ??) I have been between 138 and 135 for awhile and am aiming for 132! See you then. Be checking on this group in between!
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    I'd love to join this group, in my case, these last 7 pounds are like impossible to lose, but I'm sure upping the cardio will help, and accountability group are KEY. My wedding is in exactly 6 weeks, and although my dress fits (it's actually getting loose actually), my wedding ceremony is in mexico, so I have to be swimsuit ready. Good luck everyone! I'll try to fit in some of my fiance's P90X for some good home cardio this weekend!
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome eveyone! So glad to have people follow this thread. With you all the best of luck this weekend. Be sure to check back in during the weekend for additional support. Otherwise, see you all back on Monday after our first visit with our sometimes BFF the scale :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm in. I've got about 5 lbs until my goal, but I might move the goal down another 5 lbs depending upon how things look and feel. (I would really like to have some well-defined muscles even when I am NOT striking a pose!)

    On Sunday, I'm starting a 6 week kettlebell class that meets once a week. So, that will definitely be a good sweat workout. Besides this, I started back up with the Couch 2 5K program. I had to put it on hold a few weeks ago because I must've strained a groin muscle. Things feel better now, so I'll be able to get in some running and that will help up my cardio every week.

    I think I also need to look into scaling back on the carbs. Gymrat, how few carbs did you eat? Do you know what your ratios were? Ideally, I am for 40/30/30, but I've been going over on carbs a lot recently.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I'm in. I've got about 5 lbs until my goal, but I might move the goal down another 5 lbs depending upon how things look and feel. (I would really like to have some well-defined muscles even when I am NOT striking a pose!)

    On Sunday, I'm starting a 6 week kettlebell class that meets once a week. So, that will definitely be a good sweat workout. Besides this, I started back up with the Couch 2 5K program. I had to put it on hold a few weeks ago because I must've strained a groin muscle. Things feel better now, so I'll be able to get in some running and that will help up my cardio every week.

    I think I also need to look into scaling back on the carbs. Gymrat, how few carbs did you eat? Do you know what your ratios were? Ideally, I am for 40/30/30, but I've been going over on carbs a lot recently.

    50/30/20...Increasing your protein makes you burn more calories during digestion and it suppresses your appetite leading to faster weight loss. Never go lower than 30-to-40% for complex carbs because that'll make you crave for more carbs (it's the bad carbs that make you gain weight) and because that may lead to fatigue, irritably, and muscle loss all which will make it harder for you to lose weight and easier for you to gain weight. If you do a lot of high intensity fat loss workouts because more carbs will give you more energy to workout longer & harder at a higher intensity which will make you burn more fat when you exercise so if your weight loss plan includes a lot of high intensity fat loss workouts, you may want to increase your carbs to 50-to-60% while keeping your protein at 30% and lowering your fat to 10% for a carb, protein, fat ratio of 60/30/10 but. Never go over 60% for complex carbs because that may cause you to store extra fat and/or excess water but you need to see what ratio of carbs, proteins and fats works best for you so even though your friend lost a lot of weight on a carb, protein, and fat ratio of 50/30/20 - You may need a carb, protein, fat ratio of 35/45/20 to see weight loss results but before you start changing up the amounts of proteins, carbs and fats you eat. Make sure you're eating the right amount of calories to lose weight and..That you're eating the right foods and.that you're exercising all before you mess with the amounts of carbs proteins and fats you eat so..a good starting point for you or anyone else trying to lose weight would be to start off eating all of your proteins, carbs and fats at a 50%/30%/20% ratio and then just go from there to see what works best, play with the numbers. I'm a true beleiver that not just "any" cardio will work, especially when you have the few pounds to go, interval training is a fantastic way to go, there are so many variations, that's it's hard to not find something you can enjoy.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i'm def in on this but ive got a big fear im gonna be adding another 10 to lose once i get to my goal of 160. Friends are telling me i look thin now but i still feel quite big. it stinks! I cant wait for my mind to catch up with my body
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm a true beleiver that not just "any" cardio will work, especially when you have the few pounds to go, interval training is a fantastic way to go, there are so many variations, that's it's hard to not find something you can enjoy.

    Thanks for the detailed answer about the ratios. I am also thinking similarly about the cardio. Luckily, I get super board with "long, slow, steady-state" cardio so interval training is better for me. Actually, so far I've been mostly doing exclusively high intensity circuit training and now I will be mixing in some more running. I just LOVE circuit training so much more than slower lifting sessions or "plain" cardio. The workouts I tend to put together are pretty killer (they leave my boyfriend thinking I am a crazy lady since I make him do the workouts with me). They are short and always different but super intense.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I'm in! Thanks for starting the group!
  • annagray17
    annagray17 Posts: 1 Member
    i'm going to join too- stuck on the last 8lbs.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    The last 5-10 are truly the hardest!! They require diligent effort, lots of exercise and no cheating! Even a little can throw you off from your goal.

    Good luck!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    The last 5-10 are truly the hardest!! They require diligent effort, lots of exercise and no cheating! Even a little can throw you off from your goal.

    Good luck!

    I don't agree with you. "cheating" is essential part of healthy eating, if you continually deny your body, be it sugar, starch or carb that it may require, it's almost a guarantee that you'll set yourself for failure, and then what happens after you lose the last 10. I think it's great if you can eat clean 100 percent of the time. Chances are though most people are going to want to include a few cheat items in their diet once in awhile..I'm queen of the clean eats, but I still indulge even when prepping for competition. It's a must, not only does your body crave, it also alters your state of mind. You can absolutely lose the last 10 pounds and still on occasion enjoy the odd pizza, cookie or snack that isn't so healthy.. Once you begin to deprive, that's it, game over. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but damn near close to it. I see it day in and day out, people come through as clients, hell bound on cutting out everything they think isn't good, and don't realize that a healthy diet can include the occasional indulgence, even when you are actively trying to lose, these clients usually end up giving up because they just cannot adapt to such drastic changes, you have to be realistic to what your lifestyle is, and to yourself as well. Hell i'd love to look like Lenda Murray..(google her..she's sick..former Ms. Olympia) but I don't have THAT much dedication, and you know she celebrated her win with chicken wings :wink:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I am up about 2.5 lbs since my weigh in last friday. Definately a result of slacking :angry: I would sure like to find what normal eating and exercise is. I have gotten lazy on both counts, and it shows. I may as well not try to fool anyone that this has happened while I have done all the right things, i just don't feel like I have done enough wrong thing to deserve the presentation of 2.5 pounds!! :frown:

    The best revenge is doing what's right and then I suppose I can really complain if I don't see results! So keepin' on and I'll be be checkin' back in with what I hope will be a good report on my behavior and the outcome!! Monday might not be soon enough to see a down trend but at least I expect to not be over 138.1 !!!
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    I know exactly what you mean hoosiermamma, I'm up 2.5 lbs from my last weigh in a week and a half ago, it's soooo depressing. I've been under my calorie goals and trying to exercise.... So I really hope it's just water retention from eating out and form car food. But instead of just sitting and feeling sorry for myself I guess all I can do is try better this week and get in the gym more!!
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    I'm in for sure. I have about 8 to go - I was down to within 6 last week and then came EASTER. . . :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Here's what I don't get - why is it that you can be on a roll, then do bad for 1 or 2 days and actually GAIN a pound or 2!!!! What the heck! I KNOW I didn't eat 3500 calories extra! ARGH!

    Anyway, I will weigh in tomorrow, but I just found this group Sunday night so we will see. . . .

    Thanks for setting this up.:flowerforyou:
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