Black Team Week 14!!!!



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay, yeah, I know-- I said I wanted to get productive and yet here I am--

    Just popped in to say my first training session with my trainer is complete--

    Three sets of ten each of the following--

    Lat pull downs
    Bench press
    Quadricep thingies
    Bicep curls
    Tricep thingies
    Standing bent row thingies
    Push ups-- yes, push ups-- however, I pooped out 1/2 way through my last set

    Love that I don't have to get the free weights-- he gets 'em for me-- tells me what to do. Counts for me. Encourages me.

    Love that I don't have to set the weights on the universal thingie-- he sets it--

    Not really concentrating on the legs. They're the least of my problems-- plus they get enough work from the running and dancing stuff-- however, I will want some butt work-- however, it's a little creepy to tell your 14 year old son that you want a sexy booty-- so, I'll handle that on my own.

    I'm also doing my own ab work-- such that it is. I still have zero, zip ab strength-- after all this time, I can still barely get my shoulders off the ground-- but the running and other stuff has helped more than anything else.

    So far, so good--
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    tell you guys here cause I wrote something on FB but I can't say for sure until monday. But it looks like my hubs is getting fired over something he didn't do. No write up no warning just fired. I hope he can get some kind of unemployment and that they don't fight him on it. I hate that he got fired but glad that he is done with that place. The only thing is that now we don't have insureance for our kids.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    tell you guys here cause I wrote something on FB but I can't say for sure until monday. But it looks like my hubs is getting fired over something he didn't do. No write up no warning just fired. I hope he can get some kind of unemployment and that they don't fight him on it. I hate that he got fired but glad that he is done with that place. The only thing is that now we don't have insureance for our kids.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member


    Just thought this needed to be posted again!! :blushing: :blushing: :love:

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hey Black Team!

    Happy friday everyone.

    Marla- Glad the pain is better. I think it is so wonderful that your son is working with you.

    Lori-I know how you feel about projects. I have something that I am working on for work and as much as I am dying to work on it tonight I know I have to go to the gym. But its a struggle to leave anything unfinished.

    Sam- I am so sorry about that Sam! What does your husband do? If his employer is that unfair it may turn out for the best that he is leaving. You'll be in my prayers until he finds something else.

    Everyone else- No apoligies for the lack of weigh ins last week. It's not really a requirement. I just didnt want to update the spreadsheet until I have more.

    TGIF people. My body is very happy with me as of late and the scale is marching steadily in the right direction. My name ain't stella but I definately got my groove back. Feeling good about it.

    It's been a great week. Got some news at work (Financial stuff). Apparently the numbers are showing that I am pretty good at my job so I am looking at a pretty good bonus this year. Lord knows we could use it. Right into savings for a downpayment on a house.

    Gonna get the kids ready for bed and head out for a workout. Talk to you all later!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey-- bad news on the golf course today--

    Sarah shot four over par, and is in 132nd place-- lovely stuff. So much for the power of prayer-- story of our lives here in Brownville.

    We'll be canceling her appointment with the sports management guy on Monday-- she had to play well this weekend to have him show even a hint of interest-- and he all but told my husband that. Said in the lack of a "stellar junior resume" he had to be sold on her future-- which, obviously won't look good when she's shooting four over par.

    The girl has both hands tied behind her back-- poor parents, and living in the north-- we have no money to get her into events, no money to get her south to play-- and her coach, my husband, simply can't work with her and go out with her on the course as much as she needs him to to stay on top of swing flaws, et cetera.

    The girl's been practicing and working out like a dog-- but having to be her own swing coach is the death of her game.

    This is sad-- nobody's gonna send this kid money to play--

    Oh well-- it's an answer, anyway-- sometimes God says no. Maybe this avenue isn't the one he wanted us down all this time. Sure wish either He'd have made it abundantly clear sooner, or he (lower case h) would have heeded this earlier.

    I won't throw stones-- say any I told you so's-- I'm the one that fails to dream. Hubs is the dreamer. Dreaming isn't bad. I'm the one who simply tries to be content with the status quo. It's the dreamers that achieve big things--

    So, while I think this message shoulda, coulda been gleaned years ago, it is what it is-- I think this journey may be coming to an end.

    Whaddyagonnado? :cry:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hey Team!

    Lori FL- The deck is looking great! And your brother is a hottie!

    Sam- Sorry to hear what's going on with your hubs.

    Marla- Glad your pain is getting better, that's awesome to have your in-house personal trainer, and sorry to hear about Sarah.

    Everyone else- Hello!

    Been doing pretty well lately, managed to stay off the sweets...but I did have a diet soda with my lunch because I was in dire need of caffeine. Got in late last night...went to Richmond with my mom, aunt and cousin to see my sister's New Members Show for her sorority. She knew the others were going, but I surprised her because I hadn't originally planned on it. I was so glad to see her. :smooched: I made it home and in bed by 1, but was up again for work at 5:30. Long, long, long and stressful I was super proud of myself for not reaching for the junk. So, now I'm relaxing at home and loading up the iPod for my 12 miles tomorrow. Good times.

    And oh yeah, I am forcing myself to eat bananas since they are so good for exercise. I ate one for the first time in YEARS yesterday. Didn't love it, but I think some peanut butter might make it tolerable. Night kids!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Will catch up tomorrow, up early for my long 2.5 hours work out running and hitting gym, paid for my trainer today...yippee
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Shuntae-- proud of you for not reaching for the junk--

    I didn't do quite as well myself-- reached for every junk there was to stay away from the sweets-- finally decided that was silly-- I was going to keep eating until I satisfied what I bottom line wanted. So I had some ice cream.

    I'll live with the shame tonight-- crappy day-- I wanted it--

  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone!--

    Hey Janie - I definitely share that peep addiction. I went into CVS tonight to pick up some things for my trip tomorrow. There they were STILL on the shelf!!! The were suppose to be gone by now....Yellow peeps! and 50% off! How could you not? Bought 3 boxes and yep....they didn't even make it home! God help me! Now I am drinking water like mad to flush them out. Don't know if that actually does anything but I have to make sure I'm very hydrated for my race on Sunday anyway, so it will make me feel better.

    Lori- Deck looks great! and your bro? oh my.....

    Sam- Sorry to hear about hubs. That's terrible! Sounds like he wasn't happy there? I hope it works out.

    Tanya - DD is home from your homeland! She had the time of her life and wants to go and live there! what????? maybe I will have to come over to your side of the pond to meet you when I visit her!

    Marla- I'm so sorry to hear about Sarah. It is so hard to be living up here...certainly not to her advantage. I just went out twice with DS15 to the driving range. Getting the bug to get out there. Can't imagine if I actually had any talent what it must be like not to constantly out there hitting a ball.

    I'm worried i will not hit my 100 days of logging on next week! I won't be back home until Monday night. I'll log in tomorrow morning but Sunday I might not have any access to a computer......I'll figure it out!

    Have a great weekend everyone! Wish me luck!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Marla- been there done that. I've found just eating what you really want is better than eating everything else in sight. Sometimes, you just have to.

    Donna- best wishes with your race

    Tamara- have fun with your trainer

    Shuntae- no bananas for that long? Peanut butter on anything is dreamy..... apples, bananas, bread, graham crackers, ice cream, pancakes, a spoon...... the list goes on forever.

    I am beyond tired. I also feel about half sick from smelling stain fumes all day long. I went out after dinner and picked up the paint brush and the smell made me phyisically feel terrible.

    I realized later as I was thinking about some Pepto, that I dont have any. 50 pounds ago I ate Tums by the handful and drank Pepto from the bottle. I don't have either one in the house anymore. No need for them.

    I also realized how nice it was yesterday to get dressed in normal clothes and go shopping. For over a month I put on gym clothes, come home and change into work outside clothes then PJ's. On the weekends, it's just work outside clothes for the entire day. A person can only wear so many elastic waist pants before it starts to get kinda old!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Hello from the UK,

    Had quite a good day yesterday (except for the maryland cookies but I logged them and still came in under calories :tongue: ). I started to rearrange the leanto, to make it look bigger - its nice having the bike out there so I can use it when ever I want but when I moved the bike into the house the other moring the leanto looked so much bigger :laugh: , played with the kids in the garden, and once I'd seen Thomas off onto his first Sea Cadet camp (my inlaws took him, so that I didn't have to take the little ones out for approx 3 to 4 hours in the car) and the minded had gone home, I did 35 minuteson the bike - stopped to put the little men to bed and then did another 25 minutes on the bike and my hip/back doesn't ache or hurt:laugh:

    Marla - sorry to hear about Sarah, and that you ate everything in sight. Good to hear about your trainer :wink: , what age did he start working out? My eldest Sam is interested in the weight training stuff in the leanto but not sure if he's old enough yet!

    Lori - the deck looks amazing and I agree that wearing the same clothing all the time or not getting a chance to get dressed up does get to you. I wear the same work jeans most of the time - easier to change nappies, get on the floor etc in jeans, but do like to get dressed up occassionally.

    Donna - Glad that your daughter likes the UK. Hope you enjoyed the peeps and good luck with the race

    Shuntae - I don't like banana's either, but they make nice muffins :laugh:

    Sam - sorry to hear that abut your dh, but if his company is like that then he surely will be better off out. Thinking of you

    Tamara - good luck with your trainer, and have a good family day

    Andrew - Well done on doing so well at work, hope it works out for you all.

    Roni - hope that you are having a good time, and enjoying yourself

    Jeannie - hello, and well done on the weight lose

    To all that I have missed, hello and morning :flowerforyou:

    I am going to try to finish rearranging the leanto today, go for a walk, and chill out. Also going to try to sepnd some time with dh tonight as he flys out to Hong Kong on monday :frown:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Donna- Good luck! I hear that Cherry Blossom is an awesome race; can't wait to hear all about yours.

    LoriFL- I am enjoying some peanut butter on a banana as I type this and it's pretty good! I do agree that PB makes everything yummy. :laugh: Love the stuff. I just needed something to cut the banana taste a little. Used to love them when I was little, but stopped liking them as I got older. Now I guess we are calling a truce.

    Marla- We all have days like that; it usually is just better to eat whatever you are craving. *hugs*

    Tanya- What are Maryland cookies? Just curious because I live in the state of Maryland on this side of the pond. Now that I am trying to eat more bananas, maybe I will make some muffins or bread.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Shuntae - they are chocolate chip cookies. Maryland is the brand, from burton foods in the uk.

    Have rearranged the leanto, done 30 minutes on the bike and also done some weights. Now trying to figure out what to do next, clean under the sofas, sort out the toys........... get lunch :laugh:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone nothing new here just off to run my 5 miles and then hit the gym til 825 hope they have an empty machine today is the indoor triathlon...We shall see!!

    No peeps for me..bought a chocolate covered one and split it 7 ways a work so needless to say the pieces werent very big.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning all-- off to type a small file.

    Tanya-- he just started lifting this year, age 14. He played quarterback in football for the freshman team, and is tall and lanky-- 6' 3" -- and you could blow him over.

    Coaches told him he needed to lift to be competitive, and want him to lift with the team. Our high school eats, sleeps and breathes football and have the players lift all year long.

    However-- call me over protective-- I don't mind my kid practicing and playing with the team-- that's obviously necessary-- but he's not gonna spend every other waking second with them-- these are some rough, crappy, foul-mouthed kids-- not happening.

    So, he's doing it on his own. Really proud of how dedicated he is.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    Happy Saturday! Had a girl scout leader meeting last night. Just us, no kids. Cheeseburger, yummy fries, water and a bottle of Bud Light. Have to admit it was Heaven. Scale is up this a.m. Nothing I didn't expect. I know it'll come back down. No worries.

    I hope everyone has a great day! Kati
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Didja ever hear that line of crap..."this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you" prior to a spanking?

    Well, my friends, if the parent in question has severe arthritis in their hand and wrist-- it's NOT a line of crap.


    Just had to paddle Abby for profuse complaining about her chores this day-- it definitely hurt me more than her. Mommy.:cry:

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hello Black Team ! W5D3 is in the books and I am floating on air. Today was the 20 minute run or 2 miles. I did the 20 minutes easy but missed the 2 miles. I did do 1 1/2 miles though, YIPPEE !!!!! 221 calories are gone buh bye.

    Tanya...Keep up the good work. My stationary bike is down in my basement and when I ride all I do is think about how I could change things around.

    Marla - Hugs for you and Sarah. If its meant to be it will happen. God doesn't close a door without opening another.

    Lori - You have done some seriously hard work on your deck project and it looks great. I feel the same about clothes and love getting dressed up to go to church

    Donna - Good luck with your race. I would have lost the peep battle too.

    Shuntae - I LOVE bananas, peanut butter not so much. WTG on your run today.

    Sam - Oh so that was what the WTH???????? was for. Hoping everything turns out.

    Andrew and Beth - Hi there !

    Roni -Glad you enjoyed yourself .

    Kati- So good to get an evening out without kids, you you had the chance to enjoy yourself and relax.

    Jeannie - Hey there chick !

    Well, have to walk to the store. Should have done it before I came home but no where to keep money while running. :ohwell:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Didja ever hear that line of crap..."this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you" prior to a spanking?

    Well, my friends, if the parent in question has severe arthritis in their hand and wrist-- it's NOT a line of crap.


    Just had to paddle Abby for profuse complaining about her chores this day-- it definitely hurt me more than her. Mommy.:cry:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I can count the number of spankings I got on one hand, but my mom used to say that when she would yell at us about something.

    My response..."Mmmm Hmmm, sure."
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